A lot of people are going to say that is Carol based on her recent runs but she USED to be good back in the black leotard days.
While characters like Gwenpool are just a blatant cash in, taking elements from Deadpool, Harley Quinn, Gwen Stacey and somehow creating a worse character!
I wouldn't really say Carol was "good" back in the day just, better. She was a solid secondary or "wingman" character.
Characters like Gwen, to me are the best of bad situations. She falls into the same box as X-23(laura) or Silk. A horrible concept that they managed to make pretty interesting. And whether you agree with their fans or not, at least they were able to build a fanbase.
Now Ironheart, and to be fair I gave up on anything with her in it so maybe there's been improvement. Especially since it's entirely possible that she's been written better once Bendis left. But with what I know about her and did read there is nothing interesting or endearing about her.
America has no redeeming Qualities Faith is such a back patting gimmick and Kamala was great in her first series, but Marvel shoehorning her into every series and inconsistency in how she is written makes reading her a chore
Zachary Turner
>obese chick from valian
OK, I was trying to think of a Marvel character named Faith and drawing a total blank.
Gavin Stewart
James Martin
>Which is the worst female Marvel character? Cassandra Nova.
>But Gwenpool is one of better things from recent years. Gwenpool started as edgy psycho "they are comic book characters so who gives a shit whether they live or die." Did she mellow out?
Jason Jackson
Based AF Gurihiru
Jonathan Edwards
Is it weird that I kind of like "physically incapable of making non-goofy faces" Squirrel Girl?
Nicholas Green
Pretty significantly, a few issues in, maybe like 2. But someone she made friends with dies and she fucks up some other stuff and realizes her actions have consequences. It was pretty good for a bit then they settled in to Gwen crossover adventure territory and the it really tanked. It wasn't until the cancellation announcement that they got back on track and finished the book fairly strongly. Which leads me to believe they didn't quite expect it to do so well and just had a shit load of filler issues in the middle to pad things out. And that somehow became a self fulfilling prophecy.
Joseph Campbell
>motivation is "I got raped", doesn't even get to punish her rapist >designed as a foil to Spider-Man, instead he enables her criminal activities >lies about dying to get Spider-Man to leave her alone >doesn't give a shit about Peter >called Peter a dicklet and sent him pity nudes
>America has no redeeming Qualities Allegedly America is "going commando" while superheroing.
Daniel Rodriguez
>she USED to be good back in the black leotard days.
Carol Danvers beat the shit out of Spider-Geril during Civil War. She was always fascist control freak. And since becoming Captain Marvel she lost all other personality traits.
Yeah, she had a series of revelations about how extras and minor characters are still kind of people with actual lives in-universe and some of them are people she cares about, and also that these days she’s no more ‘real’ then any of them are.
(Pic related from Superior Spider-Man, one of the few guest appearances which actually does her somewhat faithfully to her series characterization)
>one of the few guest appearances which actually does her somewhat faithfully to her series characterization Ironically she’s actually a lot better and in-character in that appearance than she was for pretty much all of the 10 issue train-wreck that was West-coast Avengers
Jaxson Cook
Like Gwen or hate her, she’s not the worst due to Gabby’s America Chavez existing
Eli Bennett
>It wasn't until the cancellation announcement that they got back on track and finished the book fairly strongly. Paradoxically, I think her trying-to-prevent/come-to-terms-with-her-own-series’-imminent-cancellation arc was one of the best parts of her run.
(Pic related of another example of her giving a shit about people who are minor characters)
I just want them to get together and do some merc work. Hell, help Sarah fight with ghost/fey/demons.
Mason Gonzalez
Kamala is great, stop parroting shit you have no idea about you fucking casual.
Kevin Nguyen
Ewing's series is good and only 8 issues so far. At least give it a read at least before writing her off.
Cooper Evans
You know I could see Terrible Eye doing Cameo stuff in the Spider-Gwen series in an entertaining way if the author decides to follow up on it. She quit villainy to go to NYU's school of sorcery and Gwen is joining NYU in one of the other programs for her new series.