Movie posters thread

Movie posters thread.

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You could have just started the thread by saying Mondo Movie Posters because they're usually the guys that make the not shit MCU posters.
But I appreciate it user

>tfw marvel always goes with the most generic posters imaginable as opposed to these

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Generic posters for generic people. Masses lap those up.

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Mondo have the most bitching posters. Shame they're only sold at small events and are artificially scarce and popular with scalpers.

Stitched this one together myself years ago from parts of closeups on their site, still imperfect in some places.

Attached: 47d12b80c476b187c73ca0c7733bca755e8c0892da9fafa3efdc3862fa3b1c75.jpg (1300x1951, 1.13M)

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those are official posters

I know.


You can't tell me this doesn't give you chills.

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Attached: boing.jpg (950x1244, 255K)

Attached: godzilla-poster-china-1172171.jpg (714x1024, 164K)

>Yoji Shinkawa
Why is he SO good and very recognizable?!

That one piece of wheat always makes me think the rabbit is wearing a sick chain.