Steven Universe and Dove

Seriously though?

Why does cartoon network push this shit on kids?

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gotta indoctrinate then young op

literally what
are, not? The wankiest part about it is that it's a CN show talking about sexual things, I thought diddling kids was wrong, now THE LIBTARDS are trying to legalize it

Because it's just how things are going to be. A stigmatized group of people will stop being stigmatized by society at large, only for a new one to pop up. Get over it, no point in bitching anymore


a very intelligence response, if I may say so

who gives a damn

Post your predictions for the movie so this shitty, reposted thread will be less shit.

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It's two people fused together, retard. It's the most "they" that ever existed. Drink your milk and go to bed already.

And fuck you OP for remaking the thread after the last one died. No (You) for you.

calm your moobs, milk some boobs
its not fusion, its the creation of another entity, as shown with the other gems, they're not peamethyst, they are opal.

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I'm not the same OP.

And Sugar is still a pedo.


Kid Buu gem will lose to the combined power of the world.

diamonds commercial when?

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Porn! On my Yea Forums? I don't think so!

How dare they teach tolerance?

they're trying to get their fanbase of fujo's and other weirdos to fucking shower and use soap and deoderant for once.

they might need to be more direct though

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First , a new thread of this?
Second , is just history itself , we need to respect the freak shows.

kids who aren't intersex won't care/ignore it, kids who are will see themself in a cartoon for the first time. kids really don't give a shit half as much as adults do.

But it's literally an intersex combination of a male and female

Because sometimes people don't fit into a binary. Whether genetically or by choice.

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or rather spoiler, because blue board and I don't like dicks with my breasts

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As I'm some kinda spirit bomb "give me your energy"? Or they awaken The Cluster to fight it.

Oh fuck you right. Oh well not much I can do now.

Well that's ONE way to get spam threads to go away.

There is a clear-cut sexual boundary, mate. You've either got a cock or a cunt, simple as. Sure, there's a teeny percentage of people who've got an intersex condition. But, they're a small minority.

It's all just kids who wanna be special. Huge reason you don't see too many old bastards spouting all this shit.

Binary, I mean. Fucking predictive typing.

Push what on to kids?
If we remove shit like this, we should also remove any and all violence from cartoons too.
Sont want to push that shit on kids, right?

Shut the fuck up, boomer.
Go ruin another country. Or Florida.

>PLEASE think of the children
Let's cut the bullshit and just say what you really want to say. 2016 marked the end of pretending. You don't have to pretend anymore.

yeah because those old bastards would've had their shit kicked in, not because they didn't exist.

Do you think there will be as many intersex people when China conquers all of us?

Wow that's a whole lot of horse shit that you don't have evidence for.

China will save us from the degenerates by sending them to death camps

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>think of the children
...but I don't want a boner right now.

Ah yes. Conquering the country upon which their entire economy practically revolves. That's smart.

yo dawg, they will send you to their "re-education camp" for some bollucks reason, like not sucking great leader Winni the Pooh's dick or other non-communist behaviour

can you do me a favor and report yourself to the FBI


Not a lotta old men lining up to identify themselves using made up terms.

Basic biological realities are not made up, no matter what your gender studies professor says.

You're right. I have learned the error of my ways. Gender neutral bathrooms and giving out hormones on the government dole will save the nation.

Cool I'd love to see the research that more kids transition than adult men.

Your brain must have some strong legs to take such huge leaps of logic.

There are kids who are disgusting faggots who want a cock up their ass. They have to learn that it is ok to have those feelings.

>Huge reason you don't see too many old bastards spouting all this shit
aren't most trannies ugly old men in a dress?

Okay, tried calling, but it doesn't actually lead anywhere. Are you sure you know what you're doing?

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gender deniers basically think you got an oversoul 'controlling' your brain and you can make it do what you want if you try, instead of it being a ridiculously complex biomachine that does what it fucking wants

also they're dicks, but being a dick is half the point of Yea Forums so that would be dumb to complain about it

Prove me wrong then, by all means.

I wouldn't have had an issue if it just said "intersex" because that is is legitimate medial diagnosis, but the non-binary part is just ridiculous nonsense.

Is it pushing considering it IS a fusion of a boy and a girl?

True post.

Generous estimates indicate that people born with an intersex condition only make up about 1.7% percent of the population. That means that someone has "ambiguous" genitalia, which is itself a very broad term. Dick to small? Intersex. Clit too big? Not to mention more out there instances like a woman being born with testes in place of ovaries. That one was neat.

A lot of these conditons are treated at birth with heavily varying levels of success.


Holy shit stop posting this shit like it is some kind of damning thing.
This character is one of the only characters in the history of fiction where this retarded Tumblr gender shit (The only other characters I can think of being Rebis and Baron Ashura) actually makes sense.

you had this thread yesterday you deranged shitter

I wasn't yesterday's OP. Also that thread got deleted

To be fair, I think its good for sexual things to be spoken with kids about. Often kids are shielded so much from such a topic that pedos can take advantage of them and teach them the wrong things about sex and consent, fucking up their views about it for life. Say what you will about Steven universe, but the topic about fusion and consent is a good one for them to learn.

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so will this one with any luck

>Sugar is teaching 9 year olds to have sex

>my PE teacher taught 10 year olds to fuck, bleed, and buy razors.
what is the world coming to?

>Teaches kids not to let comments on social media bother you
>Rather than teaching kids don't use social media at all

No lesson is being taught here. People will always be affected by mean comments no matter what some shitty PSA says. Only way not to get engaged is to not have social media presence to begin with.

You know that's not what's being said, right? Sex is a part of life, a big part of it from the way the rest of the world reacts to it. Them knowing early when to say no and how to deal with confronting feelings of guilt, basic desire, and being used (thanks Pearl) is something they are going to have to deal with and better it come from a cartoon than a 30 yr old uncle, priest or someone trying to convince you to get you in bed when you're uncomfortable.

>The Diamonds are shown in a huge bubble bath, lathering up each others bodies with Dove soap, all giggling playfully
>Yellow turns toward the viewer, and goes into a speech about objectification of women and blah, blah, blah...
>Steven pops up from the bubbles, between Blue's legs
>"And STEVEN! Why are you all naked??"

>posted over 3 in a half hours ago
what in the actual fuck

What, Soap?

no trannyism

Kids don't watch cartoons anymore. Cartoon Network's audience is SJW autists in their 20s and early 30s.

Why are you having this outrage now, it's been a month.

Post proof that gay people are pedos and why should I trust the church instead (that ironically enough is full of pedos)