
What do you think of Pearl?

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I mean, I guess she's nice??? the only drawback I have with her is that her voice whenever she heavily reacts really irritates me sometimes.

Greatly enjoy me some Poil.

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Poil is good.

I think she's a hard-working prostitute.

I like stoner Pearl

I can't belive Pearl was Sans Undertale all along

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She's great, even with all her flaws. At least when they're not focusing on her thousand year old unrequited crush.

Oh they've been past that for at least a season and a half at this point. I think it might be too full seasons if I'm remembering right.


She was cool until it was revealed her entire arc was bullshit.

Canonically hot.

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>It's another "user completely misreads the plot and inserts his own headcanon" episode

Pearl started thinking for herself as early as Rose and her fighting in the rebellion. She was always her own Pearl, so let me stop you before your retardation carries itself to its illogical conclusion. Don't even bother bringing up Mystery Girl as some sort of "SHE STILL LOVES ROSE XD" thing either. You're done either way, shut up and lurk from now on until you learn something you dumb motherfucker.

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a servant to murdercock jr.

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this could be a good pearl thread, but this OP image is fucking trash

It's non-ideal

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Fuck yeah, someone else who understands the very simple plot point that was explicitly detailed in the show.

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These images really lose their punch now that Pearl's essentially wearing a pastel version of that outfit.

i love her so much, made a dumb oc.

My favorite episode was Sword fighter.

I miss her weapon practicing and doing ballet,

S1+S2 is best pearl

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She really needs to get dicked by Greg. It would solve many of her problems.

I thought Pearl's new outfit was basically the only good one of the bunch, I don't think it takes away from these images. If anything it adds more to the show version.

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It takes away more than it adds. Part of the humor of "Bad Pearl" is her wearing something completely different from her standard outfit. Now she's just wearing normal clothes. It's boring.

I'm fond of Bad Pearl in a different light to that, so I guess that's why our opinions differ. Do you think the show's version is good-looking, though, even if it takes away from these images?

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Pearl is for deep dicking/womb kissing

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I hope ian and sugar are doing okay. That was fun when they drew with us....5 years ago?

>What do you think of Pearl?
She's best girl.