Been out of the cape shit game for a while, but Ive always loved X-men...

Been out of the cape shit game for a while, but Ive always loved X-men. I read House of X and thought it was pretty neat, but I feel like I'm missing a lot of context.

Anyone have a reading list or anything like that so I can catch up? I know it's based off of House of M or something like that?

Attached: house-of-x-powers-of-x-hickman-x-men.jpg (825x464, 138K)

don't bother with comics user. it's all the same sjw and feminist shit about "men bad, women good" over and over again these days

I mean the whole first issue of House of X is all about mutants being the master race. The last line is literally "You have new Gods now"

What X-Men comics have you read?
And not really, it's just the title so far. There's a lot of gaps in HoX that are getting filled in as we go.

Pretty much the last runs that mattered in regards to Hickman were Morrison and Carey. Everything else doesn't seem too important, aside from a passing line in a PoX info page which mentions Xavier and Lilandra's daughter who came up in Mr and Mrs X, the Rogue and Gambit book from last year

Remember to read Powers of X as well

Ah okay. Thanks user. I wasn't sure if the gaps in info were intentionally vague, or references from recent events.

I have powers of X at home! Once I'm done wageslaving I'll be getting in there! I've been out of cape shit since probably the mid 2000s besides reading some trades here and there.

Yeah don't worry too much then. What you may find interesting is that in the last run (don't read it, it's not worth it) like 27 named mutants died but are mysteriously alive in HoX so that's still to be explained though people theorize that's to do with Xavier and his cocoons in the opening pages.

I'm the same, though I've been pirating the last couple years, these are the floppies I've bought in a while.
If you're enjoying HoX and Pox I recommend some of Hickmans other stuff like The Black Monday Murders and East of West, as well as his other Marvel stuff like S.H.I.E.L.D, his Fantastic 4 and his Avengers

For House of X, all you need to read is the mini itself and Powers of X to get the full story of what happened during the 5 months.

Do you literally have nothing else to do other than whining about the same shit over and over again?

So do their deaths have to do with House of M like I'm assuming it does? Or was there some other big death event? I've been looking at East of West for a while. I mostly read non-marvel graphic novels now so it's been tempting
I don't spend much time on Yea Forums mostly on Yea Forums but I'm glad you guys over here actually shit on "muh sjw" posters over here. It's refreshing

House of M was 15 years ago. Very little that's going on right now has much to do with it.

>So do their deaths have to do with House of M like I'm assuming it does
As far as we know? Nah.
Their actual deaths in the last run were straight up getting merced from various sources like Sentinels etc. and there wasn't really an explanation as to how they'd come back or much time spent mourning

It's a bit late for this, Jonathan. You're due to start publishing soon.

Welcome to Yea Forums, user. Let's bring the love back to this board.

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OK, in this same vein, I've been bookstore reading trades for a decade, but I moved and haven't been able to for six months. All I know is that suddenly people are posting pics of Professor X walking, and this alternate? continuity thing, and can somebody elevator pitch this to me? The last I knew, the x-men were half living in the mansion in central park, and half dead/recovering from fighting the inhumans. And I never saw the bit with Emma doing an illusionary Cyclops, only read about it.

Yeaaaah, a bunch of shit has happened since then.

The current situation is this: Xavier got real tired of the humans bullshit, so with help from Cypher and Warlock, he turned Krakoa into a livable homeland for mutants. And he developed some super mutant drugs that he's handing out to any country that politically recognizes Krakoa. Of course, some humans completely lost their shit at this, so they made an organization called Orchis, traveled to the sun, where there is a super weapon space station, and they're building giant fuck off gundam Sentinels. Queue shenanigans. Thats the basic premise.

As for why Xavier can walk. He was dead, and then came back as an psychic entity on the astral plane. He convinced Fantomex to give up his body to Xavier. I also read that the current body Xavier has was created by Krakoa, but I don't know if thats true. Basically, Xavier is riding meat puppets like he's the Shadow King.

This is not an alternate reality story, btw. Hickman has said no time travel, no alternate reality. He's also known to be full of shit, because he doesn't like spoiling stories ahead of time. So take that as you will.

Hey thanks, man.

>This is not an alternate reality story, btw. Hickman has said no time travel, no alternate reality. He's also known to be full of shit, because he doesn't like spoiling stories ahead of time. So take that as you will.

Ok, what does that assertion even mean when the powers of x thing storytimed here included future segments? You can't predict the future and say it's set in stone in comics- the very premise is flawed when a year after your run, some other guy is going to be doing things with the same characters!

Also, Xavier was in heaven, and now he's back and angry; that makes no sense. I would rather believe that this xavier is the fragment of legion with xavier's face that escaped and possessed the psychic entity/ blindfold's brother guy.

That's some good wholesomeness user

>I would rather believe that this xavier is the fragment of legion with xavier's face that escaped and possessed the psychic entity/ blindfold's brother guy.
Yeah but he got absorbed by Legion at the end of Legacy, plus he didn't have telepathy he had precognition.

Wow. I just... that is probably the dumbest complaint yet.

Just stop reading serialized comics. You'll neck yourself if thats what you have a problem with that.

Not to mention, how fucking retarded are you that you are conflating flash-forwards with time travel? Jesus fuck, dude.

Imma tell you something user, when you read a comic book don't think about the "continuity" and enjoy the story.
>t. someone who has read multiple characters getting handled by multiple authors over a handful of years

Stop replying to that guy, it's always the same shit with him, posting it on every thread for easy bait.

The Xavier return stuff is from before this run though.

Read Asgard Wars and Supernovas

Asgardian Wars (not Asgard Wars)

Also Ultimate Hawkeyes and Ultimates for his ideas of Xorn/Zorn and transhumanism gone out of control.

Just a heads up: I wouldn't worry over reading order of these series (aside from the fact that it's pretty simple, HoX>PoX>HoX>PoX), because Marvel is publishing the two separate miniseries in a single volume called House of X on December 24th, 304 pages. No big deal.

I know we've moved on since then but I really hope we get a clean version of the Xorn/Zorn 616 stuff

>I don't spend much time on Yea Forums mostly on Yea Forums but I'm glad you guys over here actually shit on "muh sjw" posters over here. It's refreshing
get fucked yourself tranny, you're not fooling anyone

>tranny tranny tranny
Yawn, go dilate

Hickman does refer to these guys as Xorn and Zorn in the script so there's a clear distinction like in Ultimate, especially since Zorn is in his Ultimate costume. Seems like that PoX Xorn is a fusion of the 2 that looks like Ultimate Xorn

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So I know Yea Forums calls their local laughing stock "Eric." What do they call you over here on Yea Forums?

Absolutely NOBODY gives a shit about the X-Men anymore, especially here on Yea Forums. "Reimagining" the X-titles is an absolute waste of time and money, and if anyone at MarLEL had anything resembling brains they should just cancel the whole ordeal and let all mutants languish in limbo forever.

We don't have a name for that kind even though he's easily recognizable (just like the second post of this thread). But we do have a leotardfag, Ladderbro (full blown anti-DC pro-Marvel), Tommy (notoriously anti-Namor, pro-DC), "retard alert" anti-Ewing (just a sperg general) and Doomfag (anti-Hickman, sarcastically anti-Doom).

Wait, isn't tommy doomfag as well?

Ah okay. Thanks for the info. I'm actually interested in Tommy. Being Anti-Namor seems like such a weird hill to die on.

I mean, it overlaps...
>Being Anti-Namor seems like such a weird hill to die on.
The rumors of a possible appearance in the next Black Panther movie sent the poor guy into a frenzy.

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That's incredible. I love the lore. Also I'm guessing being a doomfag is like saying the industry is dying/dead and what not?

We mean "Doomfag" as in an unhealthy obsession with Doctor Doom. Tommy believes Marvelfags are retards that deserve to be murdered because they all believe that "Doom becoming omnipotent once a year is the apex of writing in all forms forever."

No it's much more mundane: being against Victor Von Doom and Hickman by default, and constantly accuse Marvel fans of being "okay with him as the most omnipotent character" alongside Valeria who's a gifted toddler. Always the same line of thinking.

The industry IS dying, and it deserves to die for no longer catering to white heterosexuals, but Tommy is just obsessed with Doom.

Distinguishing between the two is smart, so we don't end up in a "That's not Xorn. It's Xorn, Xorn's brother." situation.

X-men has been trash for awhile now. better of skimming a wiki imo. Remender's X-Force was alright though.
Hickman is marching to the beat of his own drum. He's already disregarding the previous author's bodycount.

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>the cape shit game
the ol' capeshit game eh? I know the ol' capeshit game dun it meself 50 years man and boy.

>the industry IS dying

In addition to the notable personages already mentioned I would also add the deconnick cuck corps to the hall of infamy.

Autist Yea Forumsrps at least keep themselves relatively contained in one thread. Tommy spams his threads whenever he feels like it, and other spergs enter nearly every single thread

Tommy I don't mind so much truth be told I find it quite amusing, Brie Larson white knighting is fucking obnoxious.

Just filter all Carol related threads, I find keywords work well. Tommy however tends to tweak his wording here and there which makes his shit harder to avoid, and the “anti-sjw” spergs tend to go everywhere and derail everything, which to be fair is not entirely their fault

>Carol related threads
Carol threads would be okay if it weren't for the insufferable cunts that contribute to them.

You could simply not go to these threads, because they keep contained in them. Seems like your problem is their existence altogether.

Are you implying that things I hate should be allowed to exist?
Go back to wherever you came from with that retardation.

Pretty sure its been shit since at least the hope stuff including hope. So this is a great time to get back into it if this new shit works out.

>"You have new Gods now"

This pretty much guarantees its only going to end in failure.

>that's guy
Honestly I assume you're the same person in every thread calling everyone one guy.

We already know it does and desnt thanks to PoX

>he’s already disregarding the previous author’s bodycount
And thank god for that.

>This pretty much guarantees its only going to end in failure.

Nah. Humans are kept as zoo animals 1000 years in the future. Mutantkind has won. They have essentially become gods and passed judgement on humanity.

Attached: humanity.png (806x612, 772K)

Oh you're that guy telling people not to generalize the guys using the same arguments over and over.

Nimrod isn't human though, we don't even know if it's a mutant either, and AI clearly prevailed. So both got fucked.

Not to excuse Rosenburgs shitty writing but it's pretty clear now the deaths were always intended to set up the mystery of HiX-Men. Rosenburg was hired after Hickman and given a mission statement of "fuck up who ever, how ever and get Scott/Jean back together" because they knew Hickman planned to bring back older dead X-Men.

Again, not defending but he's clearly been told to set that up, not just so Hickman ignores it

Is Xavier Nimrod and the Blue "librarian" guy?

No, they're the biggest power influences the mutants have in each X period of time.

I guess I'm just an idiot. The page showing the faces in each time period all read to me that it was Xavier in some shape or form.

Nah there are very few people who speak to the board as if it's one person. You seem to misunderstand the very nature of posting anonymously.

Why come here and focus on "that guy" rather than engaging with each user as a new person? Note, this doesn't require believing you're never speaking to the same person twice.

If you knew anything you'd know ladderbro is generally called Tommy ladderbro. And it's what shills call anyone who dislikes DC.

You know the saying “oh, you’re THAT guy”? Same logic, don’t go full autist

>Stop replying to that guy, it's always the same shit with him, posting it on every thread for easy bait.
No that's clearly very specific. You can read, right?

What about barneyfag?

Please go outside and interact with people.

Don't know that one, sorry.