Comics that really speak to you

Comics that really speak to you

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Other urls found in this thread:

Disease spell makes it sound like she's a massive whore with a bunch of V.D


dude...the cake is a lie

What kind of fucking animal would go to a bar and order plain tomato juice?

The girl with the glasses has LOW standards.

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Her night went horribly wrong.

Maybe she is.

RPG references? They should have been making pokemon creature references!

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The fat guy seems to be the artist's self insert.

Real talk; are there people who wear their glasses during normal sex, and not a "quicky in the bathroom stall" setting?

that one is actually funny compared to the other ones from this guy

Literally me.

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>not being with a CHAD means she have low standards
And you wonder why incels are here and why they are mad. Even in fucking comics they can't have what they want without some normie chad complaining.

You do know that something like a middle ground exist, right? Like the barkeeper, he is neither a fat nerdy fuck nor is he a chad, just a regular guy with a gay ear piercing

So what? A fat nerdy loser don't deserve anything? Jesus christ. You normies disgust me. Stop being a bigot.

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No one said he doesn't deserve a girl with low standards. But the thought that a girl is something you "deserve" is how we can tell you're an incel.

Have sex

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Maybe her dad was fat

What do you mean bigot? If he manage to get that girl to have sex with him, he "deserve" to have sex with her. What word should people use?

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Was he a good dad?

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This, but unironically.


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I kinda want to see an event go out of its way to be as inclusive as physically possible just to see how absurd the complains would get. Also this comic is exclusionary to cops.

I don't actually know how daddy issues work, so maybe.

>Cops are bad
>But Nigger/Spic music talking about gunning down Innocents or drugs is good

Can anyone tell me what he is saying in the last two panels or where can I find the original ?

You should have won gold for all the mental gymnastics you just did.

>A fat nerdy loser don't deserve anything?

Explanation? I know the stories are intertwined

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Isn't that the opposite of "being yourself"?

Or maybe he is STD ridden but wants to go bareback.

>not harboring a self-image that supersedes biology
Its 2019 bro get with the times

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>No crummy pail of water reference
Shut up boomer

Is someone greeting ladies and gentelemen in a female restroom?


Wow, I didn't know these guys could actually make funny comics. Why don't they make fun of autists more often?

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What a fucking masterpiece


They do.
All the time.

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Yeah, he should be ordering a glass of water!

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This one is a goodie. I just LOVE how nothing is getting done because everyone, literally everyone, needs to establish their own safe space and it HAS to be broadcast. I wish this was congress just so we can finally get invaded once and for all.

Cops in uniform gets me every time.

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Like them being in plain clothes while armed would make them feel better.

Maybe he reminds her of her dad.

"Faggot memes" would be having that stupid text at the bottom.

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now I'm getting invested in this saga

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Fat people only deserve a choice between eating less and eating a bullet.

Sometimes it feels like that was the fucking plan, yeah.

>Nobody said you don't deserve thing
>But you don't deserve thing
Well which is it you tard?

I mean the person is fucking obsessed with appearances, so I guess?

Bad dad = daddy issues. So no, he wasn't a good dad.

Ever notice how threads featuring "comics" in general always turn into /pol/tard hives?
I've figured it out: you need a specific comic to talk about because /pol/tards don't read actual comics, they just read webcomics they see in their libtard hate threads.


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>/col/: webcomic outrage

I think the best part of this post is the complete lack of self awareness; whatever he considers to be "/pol/" is actively contributing on-topic to the thread, while he makes off-topic shitposts during his dilation session.

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That literally doesn't explain shit. Being a "bad" parent can happen a multitude of ways in and out of the parent's control... and criticism always comes in hindsight and usually from people who don't bear the burden.

>comics that speak to you
>haha hey guys look at this tranny webcomic you've seen hundreds of times
>libtards btfo!!!!
Fuck off, retard.

Gangsta rap and reggaetton are complete shit.

The second one isnt even popular in LatAm unless you live in a shithole of a neighboorhood or in Puerto Rico. Fuck Puerto Rico.

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can we stop pretending like /pol/ is some alien species, eldritch horror, or incomprehensible bogeyman... it's just other posters, other people, the overwhelming majority of whom originate from and main other boards - including Yea Forums

These threads are for posting strange, disagreeable, offensive, or pathetic comics. The OP is being sarcastic, get with the program.

>thread starts with bad gamer comic
>last image is a cringe alt-right comic
cope harder.

Did the fact that the OP is a terribly unfuny gamer comic tip you off that this thread was for bad comics?

Thank you for yet another valuable contribution to this thread, you retarded tranny. We're all rolling over laughing over the comic that you didn't post.

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Every comic in this thread is cringe, its a cringe comic thread, dummy

>we're just like you 4channers!!
>ignore that most /pol/tards actually came from redit during 2016 and have since flooded out of their containment
>yeah, there's proof of this, but we're just like you!!! I'm an oldfag too!!!!
Kill yourself.

I don't even know why you would even try bullshitting this hard.
We know you're full of shit.
You know you're full of shit.
So what was even the point?

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I really want the author of this to kill "her"self already

Le ebin nerd culture XDD

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>implying that this isn't still hot

I've been on Yea Forums since '08, suck my dick.

That policeman is so happy.

If you didn't want to attract the negative stigma of being King Piss of the piss ocean you shouldn't have floated to the top in the first place. Come on. This is how things have worked since people used Yea Forums years ago.

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Damn you're so convincing, politics-loving newfag. You said it so it must be true.
You don't belong here.

>Yea Forums
>negative stigma
Go dilate.
Yea Forums literally WAS Yea Forums until it became nothing but porn.
Now /pol/ is literally Yea Forums.

Not him, but you really are spazzy and inconsolable. Again, this is a cringe comic thread, people have posted both stonetoss and AM to mock, did you honestly think the OP image was supposed to be posted as a funny comic?

you sound like some phone-posting newfag who only discovered the site through reddit - go eat a bag of dicks

You have to understand the SJW mindset.
They think that anything merely existing is enough to brainwash people into a certain way of thinking.
This is why they're obsessed with censorship, and constantly ruin franchises by putting out the lowest effort propaganda, because "hey, my message is out there, mission accomplished".

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They're not entirely wrong about everything having an influence, but the amateurs sure can't help ruin their case by acting like authoritarians

The only reason you would be upset with someone posting from their phone is because you're a bitchboy who impotently whines for mods to save him.
Posting from my phone right now lol, changing IPs in 60s.

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Can anyone remind me the name of the webcomic about a girl shark being a self-loathing piece of shit in shark society.

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>Why am I here? I'm owned by Fox!
well that didn't age well

i know a bar that does this
fucking cringe man

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I like the Puerto Rico countryside. People in San Juan can go fuck off though

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>I don't even know why you try
Because it obviously struck a nerve with you.
Fuck off or kill yourself

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>I'm totally an oldfag, guiz
>trust me, I'm just like you.
Fuck off back to redit

>Guy bumps into girl.
>The guy is a MGTOW who beats it to traps.
>The girl is a radical feminist.
>She uses the feminist courts to have him sentenced to "reeducation" where he is lobotomized and beaten.
>He escapes the institution, and finds the girl backstage after becoming famous for aforementioned court case.
>He then rapes and kills her.

It struck a nerve about as much as if you screaming "Water is dry!"
We're all looking at you uncomfortably wondering what is wrong with you.

you can always tells whose a newfag by their need to defend their pride at being called a newfag.

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Based justice

This post just seeps redditscum.
>looking at you uncomfortably
cringe and seethe


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Ty, user.


>There's no way to tell who's trans or not without them telling you.

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Yea Forums objectively got worse once phoneposting took off a few years ago

I want to say, the guy getting pissy because Assigned Male was posted in a cringe thread, is a nervous simpleton who seems to be bargaining over a completely unimportant guess that anyone who would cringe a such a comic must be 2016 newbie. Its just not true, and what does it matter to you? You're really trying to assert anonymous seniority on others, to police this board? What a retard tactic. I am also from at least 2009 and am happy to cringe at Assigned Male, if it matters

Fuck off newfag

>being this much of a passive agressive pussy that he doesn't even quote the person he's referring to
>because they called you a newfag
holy shit, he's right, you're a redditfag at your core.

Nah, man. They're their very own, specific breed or retards.

Youre just a triggered loudmouth impotently playing a turf war while shitting up a thread you never understood because youve got a political anxiety that supersedes your basic functions. Pull yourself together dumbass

Have sex

You really think I was trying to hide my post? Dude you gotta relax

>cringe thread turns into a thread filled with cringe

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Since you're new here, I'll let you know that downvotes aren't a thing here, so your post won't get hidden, even if it's retarded, sweaty.

>when you kill a cringe thread by calling a reddittard a newfag

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I mean I guess its fair I'm being trolled, its a relief in a way but also still retarded

>Comics that really speak to you
>Entire thread is redditfags accusing each other of being redditfags.
Remember when this board used to be about comics and cartoons?

>autism is who i am
What an abysmal mentally ill narcissistic comic

It was always a cringe thread

I mean a lot of women are.

The real cringe thread was the cringe we made along the way

>you cannot separate me from my autism
>it has fused with my critical organs like some kind of alien parasite
>we are one with the Sperg now

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Doesn't autism actually shape how a person turns out though? So "removing" it would actually change who they are, wouldn't it?

That is a cute Sandy Cheeks.

Pretty much, yeah. It's why that Reed Richards line is so fucking dumb.

This is literally me

Self-image and identity are quite literally memes, being afraid to change behaviors at risk of being unable to recognjze yourself is retarded egotism

autism is just a label, boys. you can label someone an autist, but it won't change who they are

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I don't watch anime, what's this about?


It's okay user, we'll still be here for you when you're ready to accept your diagnosis.

if that comic is beyond your comprehension you're an actual brainlet


Is this an edit? It's actually pretty funny.

The user that called out the redditors really scared them off, huh? I'll have to remember that.

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here’s the original

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She has on a dress, where the fuck was she keeping that DS?

in the vadge

Yes, and it the outcome would be better

Are you saying that there's some kind of conspiracy that pushes an agenda by disguising itself as something innocuous, then slowly changes itself/escalates to become more radical, until it has become too late to stop it?

Nah, couldn't be, amirite?

Guys literally notging /pol/ even happened. Like what are you talking about? People included assigned male in a cringe thread and then two parties argued if that meant invasion. Thats it. Nobody even posted politics

Absolute CLASSIC


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What's with that face

what face lol

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I will give you austism with the power of my Stand:


Is there a second part?

>Want mainstream acceptance
>Angry that cops are allowed in now

We're going to see a lot more shit like this once gay culture realizes they sold out for mainstream acceptance.

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I underatand Assigned Male is also mocked on /pol/, but there are literally zero political or anti-trans posts in this thread. Nothing about this thread is political except that one of the cringe series posted has an author who seems like they'd be liberal. Nobody fucking targeted them or made any statements, so whats the nig idea? Assigned Male's comic is poor cope even to other transsexuals, that's why its cringe, its Dobson-tier confusion that doesn't even line up with transexual canon

But we had fewer women as soldiers and in the workforce when we maintained gender roles.

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Now post the real version

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What the fuck could the original even be about?

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haha baesed n redpill


Nope original

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>Oh Jesus it's you

So men don't deserve anything, only women do?

Nah, more like no one "deserves" or is "owed" anything when it comes to love and relationships. Not men, nor women. Not anyone.

I feel like everyone deserves to experience love, but they aren't owed it, if that makes sense

I'm curious now. What's the opposite of "How do you do, fellow kids?"


Are you trying to be ironic or do you lack awareness? Did you miss all the threads we get about how cartoons are brainwashing kids into becoming homos?

Some cutting age slang when greeting old people?

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Why not just leave?

Is modern rap even about that anymore?

She was driven there.

>ugh this [some boomer rock song from the 80s, literally any song] is so much better than today's music, i was born in the wrong generation


Its the current year you bigot!

"Yes if I saw the creator of this I would be completely attracted to them & never once would I suspect they were trans."

Said nobody

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It’s funny you think that

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You can feel love, it's just not guaranteed to be returned or reciprocated

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Is ronnie Yea Forums lord and savior?

>Giving nazis shit taste
Wait when did stonetoss go left?

'El Goblino'

Then they fuck and fall in love

Every time i see his face i imagine he talks like sloth from the goonies

This image speaks to me on a cosmic level


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I laughed.

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...I have to say, this picture is a bit contradictory.
For one, Islamist ideology tends to suppress public entertainment and lavish events. So this is already a massive deviation from that line.
And then the guy is wearing traditional Bavarian Lederhosen, so he's making an effort to culturally integrate.
With the cringiest segment of the population, but still.
Also, Germany is actually very fond of its high quality natural mineral waters, which are enjoyed in great quantities.
So... the most egregious imposition on the existing landscape there would be the ugly "I'm an Afghan farmer" hat.

user, that's an edit for a meme

Was about to link this. I don't understand how anyone could think of this type of behavior as a good thing. Sometimes you're going to be annoyed/offended by something, and that's okay. Forcing people to conform to YOUR exact specifications when you're one in a crowd of many is literally fucking impossible because everybody has their own views and preferences. So just accepting our differences and realizing when we need to leave the room if the noise is too much is just the way you have to do things and it isn't a bad thing.

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Come on user!, are you trying to sell us "gamer girl water"?

I know.
But it is an unaltered part of an existing comic.

Jesus fuck

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I don't get it

Choose a year between 1975 and 1999 and a month (pic related)

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January 1984

my sides

It may not brainwash people, but it will still promote a message. If there's a Nazi propaganda movie that's so blatant no one can take it at face value, this movie is harmless. It won't brainwash anyone. But it doesn't change the fact that said movie still promotes bad messages.

Ah yes, Bill Wenzel, the original 2d porn artist

Vroom vroom indeed.

March 1999

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Man, when it comes to celebrities becoming Republican presidents, the more things don't change, the more they don't change.

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Story of my god damn life in this one right here

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All these 80's political cartoons have ruined this thread. They provide nothing of value, and I frankly feel bad for the person that would find, save, and repost them here. So many more worthwhile things they could do. I imagine their reality to be frighteningly lonely.

Gay people don't hate cops unless they're bigotted towards them. Also, most gays don't actually like blacks or hispanics.

Can that stupid tranny bitch ever just relax and enjoy life? I'd swear that comic was parody if there wasn't so much evidence it's completely serious

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These "geek"/"nerd" comics always make me cringe. Things got so much worse when being into niche nerd stuff became mainstream it feels like...

This guy watches too much anime

>jpg crust

Speaking of Ellory...

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Children are being kept in prisons, asshat

I can't believe it's not StoneToss

Now THIS speaks to me!

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I dont get it


So... which part did you relate to?

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>your home environment isn't good enough for you

i've gotta say. this is epically Baseded

Yeah but he has a condom from the jeans


i thought that one was onions. Damn

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this would be true if they were actually deporting spics instead of wasting taxpayer money on keeping them in detention centres

Valjean, at last! We see each other plain!

>the second one isnt popular
nigger its literally the obly thing played in discos and parties alobgside latin trap music.
stop listening to incel metal music and proyecting your taste in the rest of latam population

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Relate to this, you casuals.

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These stink

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Stop posting political cartoons nobody wants to read, asstard. There's a thread for those.

You stink

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Holy shit

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No, you stink!

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No, you stink!

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Is there a place where all these comics are? I really like this persons comics but never really found them all.

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Not really twitter and tumblr and stuff keep banning them even though they’re the least offensive of the Wormwood/Stonetoss/Hehesilly gang

There's not really much point to them.

you're retarded. your whole post is just baseless nonsense.

Reminds me of the court case from a while back where a girl was raped. She said he had a small dick when she was on the stand and made the rapist cry. Hilarious shit.

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My megalomaniac streak loves this comic so much.

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Iunno about you guys, but I'd go to this party. Easy lays all around, and people I share interests with.

Deathbulge is a treasure.

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A crummy glass of water? He should have been ordering pokemon creatures!

>only thinks it's funny when it's not making fun of him
kill yourself

... What was the gendered language used? Comrade...?

The grandson saw what the country degraded into. What had to be done.

who's that

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>how to rotate text in mspaint

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guys and dude are essentially gender neutral nowadays.

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To give credit where credit is due, racecar Johnny was the best from the start. The author did good.

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This artist is Elixirmy. I used to follow her on DA in 2010. I think she works at cartoon network now

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I think Zach Snyder used this comic to create his version of Batman

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Oh fuck I get it.

autism is a fucking mental illness, so yes, this is accurate.

>his self insert is a fat neckbeard

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pretty cute desu but I'm pretty sure now I'm autistic

No newspaper would ever run a legitimate piece on white genocide so this edit doesn't work

>scoot the moot
dangit i miss old Yea Forums

If you ever read more then far left SJW comics, you'll find that not all comics require a self-insert

my ancestors :)

Better than most comic writers self-inserting their ugly asses as incredibly attractive.

Fill me in?

these reek of the same level of assmad as many modern political cartoons this guy was a real visionary like that

Shut up faggots


There's a 2nd part

That was pathetic

t. conservacuck

>a Stonetoss comic that's actually funny
Something something even a broken clock.

>in STEM at university for my EE undergrad
>a total of five women in the courses I took over the years
>three of them were Asian and probably left the country after graduation
Normally generalization comics are dumb but this one's far from wrong.

>posting Deathbulge
Fucking cheater.

"Monsieur Le Mayor", you'll wear a different chain!

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What's a punt?

I shouldn't be laughing at this kind of stupid shit.

Based Ennis back at it again.

Is the yellow one supposed to be Linkara?

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That's sad to hear, I think they are cute and funny.

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t. Seething lefty

a big black cock will cheer her up

>reading it all on Tom Kenny's voice.


this stupid ass joke always gets laugh outta me

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took me a second

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decent joke but it's incorrect.
Yes if you ignore province specific local laws, japanes age of consent is 13 but because every province makes the age either 16 or 18 the federal law is actually a non-factor.
In fact in parts of japan you have to be 20 in order to get married without parental permission.

The idea that japan's age of consent is much lower is a huge misconception.

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That end there, 10 stars

It's always funny that whever someone says they hate cops without any qualifier it's someone who would be utterly helpless in a society without them.
Literally only hear it from fat guys in super hero shirts.

Also the police force is pro-LGBT, not just as a fascade but because they have LGBT hiring policies as well.
A portion of the force is LGBT, so it would be retarded to exclude these officers from pride just because of their careers.

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>yo Danny phantom was just 14

Who the fuck is Toney


>the moot

Trying to be logical on Yea Forums will only give you a bad time. It ain't worth it.

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/pol/ is like Trump.
It breaks people from within, whatever the reason.

Before you say another word, Javert
Before you chain me up like a slave again
Listen to me! there is something I must do
This woman leaves behind a suffering child
There is none, but me who can intercede
In mercy's name, three days are all I need
Then I'll return, I pledge my word
Then I'll return

Wow they're both fucking terrible. I hate being a "centrist" in terms of comedy cause I'm pretty far left, but why the fuck can't either side make a proper joke. What the fuck niggas.

Oh you crafty fucker.

It's harder to laugh at a joke when it feels like the joke is trying to manipulate you, which the humor in both kinds of comics feel a lot like.

He still got laid and you didnt

Butch is right about autismos like this. She is not in the right.

>402 posts
>only 158 images

step it up, bros.

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Best version

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that mom is thicc

Is this there a reason for this or just for the lulz?

Yeah, not a NAZI at all

>tfw this sort of happened to me
granted, I never clocked somebody in the face, but before I started exercising I was going after women with absolutely no success and now I just kind of do my own thing and don't actively pursue them despite actually grabbing the attention of women around my age nowadays

It's a weird feel

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white women

There are a few nautical puns in this comic.


Mexican immigrants aren't used to having reliable plumbing, and even in the US somehow manage to find themselves in shithole apartment complexes where you literally can't flush toilet paper. It is beyond disgusting

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what a twist

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funny, people are more attracted to attractive people and not ugly slobs.

Defending an adult woman offering sex to a teen in a anime because Japan has lower age of consent laws.

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That's not reality either. Trans actually have brains of the opposite gender.

Do you have the 100% anal rape? This one seems to be lost on the internet.

>literally me

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From what I've heard it's more about the face than the body, but I never received nearly as much attention before I starting exercising despite my face staying the same.

I assume it's because I became more outgoing and assertive in my social attitude thanks to becoming more confident in my body. Chicks dig confidence

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>I have a small white penis

Cowboy Henk comics speak to me on a spiritual level.

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This should not be attractive to me

White girls fuck dogs

But WWII veterans are all racist white supremacists.

There are tons of articles about whites being replaced and about how future America will be non-white and the subject is treated with glee. They also release tons of articles about how white replacement doesn't exist, because doublethink is easy with these people and they think everyone is as much of an useful idiot as themselves.

Not that it matters what the media reports because anyone can look at the data and understand the trends. Hell in most of the country you don't even need census data, you can see the change just by driving around your own city.

>girl gamer
>Always Nintendo

Look, I don't like these stereotypes anymore than you do, ladies but if you want to buck the status quo you really need to make some effort.

I think the worst part about it is that the same utter retards who said "it's not that many people, you're freaking out over nothing" over the caravan photos are now going "okay, it actually was that many people, our detention centers are above maximum capacity, which is also our fault."