I legitimately don't get it
Well it's simple on one side you have an LOL and then the next panel is another LOL
Antifastonetoss is just as funny as stonetoss, which is to say not at all. Spinning a shitty political comic to make the exact same argument but for your side instead doesn't make it stop being a shitty political comic.
Now Stonetoss edits that forego politics for inserting jokes and memes are where it's at.
Its just someone wineing about other people wineing.
Also OP, the politics are the least of that games fucking problems.
I mean it's pretty obvious
Or do you not get it because your precious stonetoss has never made fun of your side before?
About which games because both suck. The story being shitty is the cherry on top. Which sucks because the last Wolfenstein game was pretty good. I never liked battlefield so them being completely retarded about it was just hilarious.
I don't get it because it doesn't make sense since BFV went out of their way to claim historical accuracy and Wolfenstein clearly didn't
I know this is an edit of that one reddit comic but I genuinely don't get it, what's the point trying to be made here? I think the right panel is supposed to be making fun of dumb normie gamers but what the fuck is the left panel saying
>BFV went out of their way to claim historical accuracy
You got a source for that because the only time I ever saw "historical accuracy" mentioned was when you were crying about it because there were black people and women with robot arms
What's the original?
>then bf5. released 2018.
>now wolf 2. released 2017.
that's not how this works
>I think the right panel is supposed to be making fun of dumb normie gamers
It's not
>but what the fuck is the left panel saying
The exact same thing as the right
So have you faggots realized that boulderthrow is Shmorky yet?
The New Colossus was shit regardless of the pandering.
Antifastonetoss does realize that in order to have a joke, there needs to be a punchline, right?
good morning stonetossfag
i'm here to remind you that your comics are shit and go back to /pol/
You clearly don't even play games or you would remember the giant shitstorm about a cyborg woman being on the cover and DICE being "on the right side of history"
Great comeback, shame you didnt address his point but still way to go you :)
Will they shut down 2xchan? Cloudflare is already making nigga juice and cutting hosting services
I already said I did remember you retards throwing your tantrums I asked for a source of the developers saying the game with Black Nazis and cyborg women was historically accurate
Hopefully they shut it all down
I'm pretty sure they used the term immersive experience which a bunch of people took to mean 100% historically, Which was really stupid of them, That and the older battlefields were sold on the idea of being more accurate but i think they ditched that concept round about the bad company era.
His homogeneous artstyle makes this too easy.
That's a good point
>Women were clearly in ww2 everyone knows this
>i want to be on the right side of history
how does it feel to have the memory of a an autistic retard.
At this point I think you can just make a gay communist manga just with the assets he made.
I always thought stonetoss was one of those artist that went through a name change, but I couldn't remember their old work. Thanks user.
also for