Yea Forums talks Tom and Jerry, Looney Tunes, classic Disney, but what do ya think of the Pink Panther?

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Capable of pretty competent 50's LT style scenarios, but really at it's best when going all out with the psychedelic qualities that no other classic cartoon did.
A soundtrack so good it's literally recycled in almost every short and yet I never grow tired of it, too.
The made for TV cartoons suck more often than not though (and I mean the 70's-80's shorts, let's not even bring shit like And Sons or the 90's one where he talked)

>old white guy paints a pillar blue
>pink panther comes and paints it pink
>pink panther wins at the end

I think it's an old case of gay = good and old and white = bad

I want a proper Blu-Ray set of the CLASSIC shorts, without the laugh track.

To think we went from a DVD package with the entire classic filmography to Blu Ray volumes with 20 shorts a pop (when a single of those discs can hold at least thrice as many!). At least those are entirely laugh track free. The DVD did have the odd short that kept it albeit most didn't.

So there IS such a release?

Not in a single package, but yes they've issued the classic shorts in HD without the laugh track and some DVD commentaries. Only downside I'm seeing from reviews is that apparently Volume 4 has DNR issues, will have to find out if the previous releases are affected albeit it doesn't seem so.

Pink Panther and Sons is one of the earliest cartoons I remember but I remember next to nothing about it other than it existed. Not if I liked it or if it was a show that I just watched it while waiting for something else or anything. It's just there, taking up brain space that could spent on something, anything else.

That and insulation are what I think of when I see that character. There was a billboard out town for decades with him on it for that


I took a glance at a couple And Sons episodes a few years ago and it's pretty much the usual low effort Hannah Barbera fare from its day with the Panther himself rarely playing a meaningful role. What's noteworthy is that in between the sons' segments they'd have these minute-long vignettes starring the Panther that were perfectly in sync with the original shorts in tone. It was such a tease seeing they could do justice to the original if they wanted but chose to push for these creatively bankrupted OCs instead.

All this said, the opening's rendition of the immortal main theme justifies the show's existence.

"Pink Plasma" has the best background art and music, and the Dracula's 'bleh bleh' never ceases to make me laugh.

The review guy says that the "coin episode" (The Pink Quarterback) has DNR issue when the supposed coin episode isn't even in volume 4. Did he mix up the coin episode with the tire episode?

Well, there is only 1 way to find out! Spend your money, and complain to the company when it's shit.

When you really think about it, this character was just born because someone decide to make a literal panther character in the intro of the original movie. It had nothing to do with the movie but they still did.

Reality is fun, eh?

Wonder how many people forgot about the actual movie and only know the character?

Well, I watched all the films (IMO despite the milking none of them are terrible), and loved them.

Music and ending is recycled from Pink Panic but yes better execution here.

Given the cartoons' humor transcends language whereas the movies appeal to a limited niche...

Pink pursued a lady panther in the Valentines special...Hell in his very first appearance in the movie's intros he lusts over the mere name of one of the female leads

There are people who think the cartoons came first.

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Even that with no Sellers?

Snagglepuss is the gay one, not Pink Panther.

The beloved show of youtube-watching autistic babies. Seriously, Pink Panther episodes get 25 million plus views, why do kids still care?

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>White guy
Nigga, his official name is Big Nose

Literally any in the planet can understand them no matter age or language spoken plus unlike...the entirety of other classic cartoons, these are all hosted in an official capacity.

Favorite has to be the one with the cuckoo bird. Has it all.

Also pretty tame violence for an old slapstick cartoon.

That too. Not necessarily to its detriment either, was a nice change of pace compared to what came before

Only the original 5.

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The Pink Panther was made in the 60s. It's the only thing from the Seven Arts-Looney Tunes, Depatie Era that still holds up visually and musically today.

Are these updates of the original cartoons? They look way too nice to be from the 60's.

It's a "dialogue-less" animated series from around 2009/2010 that aired on Cartoon Network. From what I recall the only segment that HAD dialogue was the one with the anteater and the ant (voiced by Kel Mitchell of all people).

Thanks. I'm looking to catch up on the Pink Panther cartoon since I have some vague memories as a kid. Is there an essential list of what to watch and what to avoid? I made a note of the Amazon link someone posted already.

Oh I know, but several of its plots were tackled by 50's era LT (who could still get crazy but toned down compared to the 40's)

This one is a close one for me. But there's no beating the one with the observatory.

I'd say you're more or less set with the first three volumes from those Amazon links. Some shorts are better than others but within those collections the average quality is pretty good. Fourth volume still has a handful of worthwhile ones, but it also starts with the shorts made for TV, which are a notorious step down.

If this thread is still up later I'll try and name specific ones. The whole series is up officially in Youtube.

Thank you


No matter who wins, were stuck with awful threads.