*Literally states every reason why Raimi's films still shits on MCU's Spider-Man in every way imaginable*

>*Literally states every reason why Raimi's films still shits on MCU's Spider-Man in every way imaginable*


Attached: https_%2F%2Fhypebeast.com%2Fimage%2F2018%2F12%2Fmarvels-spider-man-video-game-raimi-suit-update-ps4- (800x533, 78K)

I'm not watching your vid bruh kill urself

Raimifags are delusional

I'm still not gonna watch it but I'm glad at least somebody is fighting against the torrent of UM THE RAIMI MOVIES ARE BAD ACTUALLY videos that keep getting recommended to me.

Stop shilling your vids here

MCU spider fags are delsuional enough to think their boring ass forgettable movies are good

MCU fans: “Tom Holland is the most comic accurate Spider-man!”

>explains why that statement is wrong

Also MCU fans: “B-But comic accuracy doesn’t matter!!!1!1!!”

Far From Home has 90% on Rotten Tomatoes and just made over a billion dollars

>follows endgame, biggest hype machine for MCU

Why are Raimifags so absolutely obsessed with MCU Spidey
Holland lives completely rent fucking free in their heads, it’s actually insane how ass mad they are

almost all of the transformer movies made close to billion dollars too before they started dying off.Are they top tier movies too?


I didn't like how it adapted Spider-Man No More.

Raimifag right here, user. Only Spider-man films I've seen past the third raimi film is the first Andrew Garfield one.

Attached: 1422358403103-1.jpg (2859x3000, 800K)

i dont care what's better than the other, this is just a sad thread ... like seriously pathetic. get over it, dude.

Tobey was shit because he didn't look like the real Peter Parker.

Attached: Spider-Peter.jpg (627x476, 54K)

I won’t deny MCU spider has problems, but far from home is a step in the right direction
>is irresponsible
>almost gets his friend killed and London almost demolished
>also gets his identity revealed
In 3 he could really struggle and I know for a fact uncle Ben will get mentioned at least once
Have hope anons

Spider-Man 1 is better.

I don't know why everyone sucks 2's cock so much

>40 minutes of some literally who cheering on a decade old movie
I love Spider-Man 2 and the Raimi trilogy as a whole but who in their right mind would watch all of this?


15 year old teenage boys don't look like that

Adjusted for inflation all the Raimi movies made well over a billion dollars too, faggot.

AND they sold more tickets.

>tfw can't shit on MCU Tiny Stark Jr. garbage without getting lumped in with Raimifags

How to spot a disney cocksucker 101.

no i agree i just hate shills

Okay thats fair.

I see a YouTube link I assume it's just a shill, didn't even click it.

MCU's women aren't all depressingly petty harpies, which helps.

Based and Raimipilled

Raimi? Who the fuck is that and why should I care?

>HiTop Films
kill yourself Raimicuck

I like his videos,it's nice seeing someone like something so much to do a 40 min video on why it's the best thing ever.
Better than those 1h videos on why x is shit and you're a idiot kid if you like it

Attached: begging.jpg (460x265, 23K)

Raimi's films aged horribly and Peter acts like a creepy nice guy toward MJ. MCU's Spiderman is shit too but is just more bland and forgettable than cringy.


Attached: raimi.jpg (487x750, 33K)

You're right. Considering TAS Spider-Man is in college though, what you've just said is irrelevant.