have you contributed to the downfall of the diamond ran comic industry by doing this and not picking up your pull list? be honest Yea Forums
Have you contributed to the downfall of the diamond ran comic industry by doing this and not picking up your pull list...
Yes by not giving a shit about comics in the first place lol.
Nah, ngl. I'm there every Wednesday to pick up my books. My LCS is great and the people that work there are awesome.
>lol I'm contributing to the death of a beloved hobby just to stick it to the SJWs
Never change Yea Forumsmblr
Or they could just take payment in advance.
that stack costs $800? wow fuck that
I go in and buy my shit. I don't have a fucking list. If my comic isn't there oh well.
I wait a few months before I pick up my comics. I'm not going every week just to grab one issue
This. Why wouldn't they do this? Any other subscription would just take an automatic withdrawal, or take pre-payment for the time period the subscription was purchased for.
My LCS is on the way to most places I go, so it's not an inconvenience to stop every Wednesday. However, my pull can vary depending on the week and I prefer reading my comics in larger chunks rather than one random issue at a time so sometimes I let my holds accumulate.
>bagged and boarded
yeah right
No. Diamond needs to go. Their monopoly has done far too much damage.
I only buy trades, so yea, I guess.
Comic fans are fickle and will drop titles the moment something they don't like happens. Seems easier to just sell them on an issue by issue basis.
It's probably all overpriced marvel garbage.
But that's exactly my point. Pre-payment would give the comic shop owners some insurance against fickle fanboy rage.
i feel bad for the shops but can't feel bad for diamond
some shops will do that weekly just as a means for organizing customers' pull lists
Comics are a dying medium that were only good when the internet/tv didn't exist.
Why would I buy comics when I can watch movies/shows from the comfort of my own home that are written infinitely better then flavor of the week, "SPIDER-MAN FIGHTS A THANOS FOR THE THOUSANDTH TIME" shit.
Tfw i dont remember if i ever made a pull list and i havent gone to an lcs in years
So fanboy pays for a years' worth of Batman in January, Bendis is put on the title in March and ruins it by June and demands his money back. How is that any easier than having him buy each individual issue and dropping it once he reaches his breaking point? It seems like less of a headache for the owner to not accept currency until the customer actually owns what he's buying.
have you contributed to the downfall of the diamond ran comic industry
Kind of, I've been trades only for years.
Yeah after one of the owners called me a whiny little faggot
People still have fucking pull lists for individual physical comics? Why?
It's 2019 not 1979. Use one if the twenty computers in your posession to download comics and buy trades
Vote with your wallet. I don't agree with anything Marvel or DC are doing to my hobby, so I won't buy their shit. Then they will realize the movies won't be popular forever and their base content is going away. Then it either dies or goes back to its original paying audience.
>that are written infinitely better
Anyways, fuck LCS and fuck diamond.
I don’t want it die, I just want diamond to and force the publishers to move away
were you being a whiny little faggot? be honest.
How long before they consider it abandoned? I got maybe once or twice a month.
I subscribe online to show the dumb ass publishers I want more of this and support the author. Buying physical floppies is dumb
Eat CAPITALISM, faggot.
why would someone buy comics they aren't interested in? what the hell are you saying?
With the whole comic medium dying thing, is it okay to just make a web comic and not care no one is gonna read it but you?
If that's what the store paid and the price of that stack is 1600+ then what do they expect.
If that's retail price then take that $400+ worth of comics and sell them for $200 and move on with your $200 loss.
I’ve only bought books I actually want. Like Batman Last Knight on Earth. Nothing but respect for the best writer in the game
we have 3 comic shops on the same street, nearly right next to each other
don't ask me why, I still have no idea. one is basically just used for tabletop games now but still has a few comics, the other two must be in direct competition
The normal price for a comic is 5 bucks. Marvel and DC minis can sell around 8-10.
Only retards who actually think the entire industry is dying would make a webcomic, so go on ahead
One Mahvel. One DC. One Indy.
chads RISE UP
Holy shit, that is one overcrowded marketplace. How many of those books in that entire pic are even worth reading? Three? Maybe four at the most?
well one is sorta indy, one has yellowjacket on the front sign and the other one is really catch-all
Capeshit comics need to die already. What a load of wank.
I’ve had five different LCS and every single one kept trying to add things to my pull list without my permission and would seem upset when I told them I didn’t want the issues and wouldn’t pay for them. That’s why I now use TFAW so that I can order and manage everything myself.
>You should keep buying the comics even when you don't like the way they've gone!
Fuck off corporate slave. European hard covers are a treasure trove with better art and stories anyway.
I would ejaculate inside her anus, not gonna lie bros.
How about you don't pre-order a product a year in advance? How about you just deal with whether the shop owner has decided to stock it or not based on number of purchases and if they run out you'll have to ask them to order more?
>o nooo paid products are bad, I prefer the unsold one on my shelves abloblobloooo
You have to pay beforehand for stores to save you comics in your "pull" list? there are no comic shops here so i don't know.
Depends on the store. One of the guys who runs Kevin Smith's comic store had this story where he had a "regular" customer who was also a drug addict, so he would regularly miss picking up his shit for something like months at a time, so the store guy would occasionally have to go to this dudes house and hand deliver him the comics and get the money directly because he was too much of a nice guy to just cut off the junkie completely.
But I think it's fairly regular thing for some people to come by just once a month to get their shit. You might not be cut off for a long time unless your list is so big that they notice quickly that you're not picking up your stacks.
My pull list isn't full of cape shit. In fact, it frequently has trade paperbacks or specific titles with inconsistent release dates, mainly so the comic store can get the money rather than Amazon. They're nice people and I don't see why I should be putting them out of business just because you suddenly have a hardon for a comic distributor.
Normally, they'll hold onto the comic and you pay for the comic when you come to pick it up. The negative part is that if they have to put the comic back on the shelves, then it is worth a lot less - potentially less than they paid to get it. People will pay $4 for a comic this week but not necessarily for a comic that came out two months ago. So it sits in inventory for years or gets sold for a quarter, generally both.
>be me
>order 1 each of the 500 lowest performing comics each month
>don't pick them up
>come back in a disguise the next month and do the same thing over and over
>comics store goes out of business
It's worth it to get people to stop wasting money on floppies. At least with a TPB you get a whole story. You will NEVER reopen Batfuck #2848 and read it again in your entire life and it will always be worth $0.0001 because no one with any common sense would buy an old floppy. You're just making a donation to the comic book store for nothing.
>lol I'm contributing to the death of a beloved hobby just to stick it to the capitalists
Da, camarada!
lol everyone just relax, they're just funny books. jesus
>I'm sad
>pictured is my sad face
I just buy trade paperbacks.
im a newfag what is diamond
Distribution monopoly on comics in the USA. Also the reason why manga is relatively expensive in the US and takes a fucking eternity to get out.
Why do some of you want to protect Diamond?
I used to feel bad about taking a while to pick up my pulls, but then my LCS owner told me about another guy who has a pull sitting worth several thousand dollars. Every couple of months he'll call the guy and tell him he needs to get some, so he'll swing by and take 1-2k worth of comics and leave the rest for later.
No one with a brain does, but Diamond's death will only come with the death of comic stores as well. It will mean basically everything is digital, which causes a bit of a problem for the big two since they've slowly warped the industry to be a collectors market
>years' worth
You're a faggot for assuming the contracts would need to be yearly.
They could FUCKING EASILY be monthly like so many other things in fucking life.
The problem is though, the way Diamond has things set up, you have to order months in advance.
>waahhhh I'm butthurt that Yea Forums is shit now so I want comics to die because I can't have fun online anymore
You never cared about Diamond until some schmucks online told you they were a problem. You're as much of sheep as the people you claim to be against.
Stay seething
there are actually plenty of comic shops that dont use diamond (and sell better comics than what marvel and dc shit out) and it would be great if they could get more market share
>Yea Forumsmblr used as an insult for people who hate SJWs
So it's just a buzzword for you then
I couldn't be assed to pick up my pull list after Loveness's Nova run was canned.
I still haven't gone back and finished Flintstones or Gwenpool.
But that's great, Satan, let those fucking dinosaurs die. Maybe someone with some talent will buy out their properties and do something good with them.
Based and redpilled
American comics deserve death
comic books are so expansive I don't buy it unless the artwork is so good I could hang it on my wall. Just keep pricing yourself out of the poor people market.
>the downfall of the diamond ran comic industry
i don't buy comics fag
>Manga is relatively expensive
>$11 for a 200 page volume
>When a marvel book is 5 for 25 pages
Diamond Distribution puts the comics in the comics stores. Their Previews catalog is what US comic shops have to use to order their Marvel and DC comics. The number of pre-orders a book gets via the catalog determines which books live and die.
Simonson, Steranko and Adams' art all got printed on newsprint and hand-separated pallets of only 49 colors.
Thanks to Diamond and the direct market, Liefeld got his comics printed on acid free glossy magazine stock with fully digital coloring wrapped in triple gatefold, laser embossed with holographic foil embellish. polybagged and boared to ensure that these works will outlive all of out collective lifespans.
All while completely gutting the small press comics industry in the process, pushing them all into the digital space... and interestingly enough, most of the comics sales as well.
yes but that's bad customer service
dont forget the ads
Are they paying for it? If so, how is that negatively impacting them?
The store has paid for it, the customers have not
the rudeness is part of the 25¢ underground sex shop/dungeon ambiance of most LCS. purchase your shitty rags and gtfo.
eh, my local place would add things to my pull list after a mini series ended, and get me things that were similar.
The other local store would get random issues in of stuff from my pull list and just miss issues.
It was my first time dealing wtih this sort of thing, so I just stopped.
I wanted to help out some local businesses, but I was new to buying comics this way, I felt terrible for not wanting to go back, but I can just see the shops were incompetent.
>He thinks doing this will affect the movies.
That's cute. At this point they only keep the comics around because it's where their legacy began, and maybe in a decade they can mine the current titles for new movie ideas. The people already voted with their wallets by flocking to the theaters to get their Marvel fix, not the shops.
Yes they will? Batman media has been making bank for like 80 years
It's time for capeshit to end.
If comics were not full of sjw shit maybe people would start picking them up again, just saying.
based liefeld
>hoes mad
best post in this entire thread
I haven't bought a comic in probably 5 years bruh
Direct Market stores by their comics from Diamond. Diamond will not list a comic title in it's catalog (Previews) without said title meeting a certain pre-order requirement. LCSs will not order books that aren't Spider-Man or Batman unless you (the customer) specifically request them to stock your favorite obscure comic title. The comic shop has to request a minimum number of copies per issue of the title per Diamond's policies. The shop has to foot the bill for this.
>4-6 months later (or several years, in some cases)
You favorite obscure book has finally arrived on the comic shelf and, unfortunately, it was shit.
- Buy the issue anyway, thus encouraging more shit issues.
- Don't buy the issue and risk the comic being cancelled, the comic shop shutting down, the collapse of the entire comics industry and all of western civilization along with it.
The choice is clear.
They chose their own end.
looks like faggot shit desu
>thread about how comic stores are dying
>it's a tweet
>has a picture of a woman in it
seems about alright
nah Troy is fun.
Saga Valta and Eagles of Rome also have beautiful art
me too. that's when the sjw and feminists rewriting of what an american comic can and can not feature really started.
>sjw and feminists rewriting of what an american comic can and can not feature really started.
never ever again :(
your efforts will fail and your wives will have beautiful brown children without you.
Sounds like he was spot on
LCS’ in my area never really do well. The closest one is like 20 minutes Out of the way. We never really recovered from the mid 90’s market crash +hella expensive rent and then all the stores started jumping on $$ trends (I.e. beanie babies, Yugioh, Pokémon, whatever was the current cash grab)
Stop projecting
It has always been a buzzword.
not that much of a comic-reader, but when I buy some comics, I rather want them now, than in a few months
>implying SJWs haven't killed it in the first place
I don't even have any comic shops near me.
And now that I'm older and know how to download comics I don't really care.
>muh fun
lmao confirmed 4 shit
Yeah, but it was used interchangeably with SJW. Now it's detached from any context and just "stuff I don't like".
California is a hell unto itself for business
Go dilate tranny, and learn to read while you're at it.
there was this asshole who I convinced I was going to pick up my books (I had a pull-list of over 40 books), but I "was away on holiday visiting family". 2 months into me not coming in he finally leaves a voicemail asking me when I'll be back
>I never came back
haa ha ha jokes on you where are you gonna get you nigger girl wolverine or tranny green lantern now fool
My LCS also rocks a bookclub on location so I always go twice a month to pickup the books and to go and review them.
Plus my LCS also keeps your contact info and card on record so if you don't show up within 2months they contact you or cancel your list and charge for what has arrived for you.
I don’t really buy floppies anymore, but I do get trades preordered trades from them which I pick up fairly normally
If comic book stores were smart they'd charge upfront but they aren't.
>Yea Forums hate SJW's
>Yea Forumsmblr
make up you damn mind.
Do poeple even re-read their floppies? I stopp buying them when I noticed they never leave thier bag and board
Go dilate
i try my best
I didn't even know that was a thing. Kinda sucks when I go to a store and all the issues have been sold out, but not actually because they're being held for someone who is never coming back.
Also, twitter screenshots are detrimental to actual discussion and I assume you're being somewhat if not entirely disingenuous when posting this.
>he unironically thinks quoting RLM makes him sound smart
lmao what a faggot
Same, I only buy digital now. fuck diamond
>a bookclub
>about comics
So, what, you just discuss random individual issues?
this, why isn't there a credit card on file, wtf
Trade size stuff. Store gives us a 20% discount too, so it'll be about a dozen+ people ordering two trades each month so even at sales price I'm sure the store loves the business.
>not diamond contributing to their own demise by constantly insulting there readers
yes be a good cuck and buy these garbage books, oh wait you don't do that either.
>he doesn't have a comeback because he's a dumb sheep
better than being retarded
East coast is the Beast coast
Marvel or DC dying is not a bad thing.
Isn't their state dying? So many fucking Californians are moving to Texas and it's really annoying, they preach the same shit that turned their state into a hell hole
Marvel Comics has a guaranteed future as a blockbuster movie IP farm.
DC has a future as a television IP farm.
Neither is going anywhere.
just their stranglehold on the comics industry
You say stranglehold like they get the numbers/attention through underhanded ways to keep comics from other companies down.
When it's really just being an unpopular medium so comics very few have heard of ever going to get attention.
jej, but I read that there's a "silent majority" that aligns with Texan values, based on exit polls. So I assume the tards are just really vocal, since otherwise they'd have to admit they're retarded.
its capeshit and endless capeshit, because thats all they produce so thats all everyone else produces.
People still enjoy capeshit, the movies show that much. The big 2 however are just making shitty comics
So all the current horror comics or fantasy comics don't count? Hell the adventure comics that weren't even focused on capes like Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye don't count?
My LCS has monthly board game day,so I pick up my comics then. No point coming in every week to pick up 1 issue.
You're actually cringe, retard
Wish you'd just stop posting
My lcs bags and boards all their floppies
to my unending shame
>cave carson
>not cape shit
user that analogy doesn't work because he is cape shit
How is Cave Carson capeshit? He doesn't have a superhero identity. He's an adventurer and scientist.
If he's capeshit than The Land Of The Lost was a cape tv show/movie.
Perhaps shops should stop holding onto books for months on end and maybe, idk, they should inact a policy that states "you have 1 week from release to pick up your books or they get put out into general population" or take a weekly pre-pay.
I mean, I suggested both of these options at the LCS I worked for, but the owner looked shocked that I thought reserving 5,000.00 a month in books was just the right thing to do.
>Kevin Smith's comic store
>"regular" customer who was also a drug addict
I wonder who could that be
That's also what SJW means nowadays, more or less.
I have never seen SJW used outside a specific context in reference to people who do shit like have gay stuff in children's cartoons
The fact that he appears in capeshit
Newfag to comics here, but why do LCSs use Diamond if they're such a pain in the ass? Why not use UPS or FedEx for comics they don't expect will sell well, and generic trucking companies for bulk orders from publishers?
So has Archie. Are Archie comics capeshit too now? Or Alien comics? Or The Looney Tunes or The Muppets?
Diamond is the only comic publisher in the United States. It's not that people don't want to use other companies, it's just that.. there are none. So Diamond gets to dictate everything.
Why isn't there any competing companies starting up? Is there some sort of legal issue?
I think those are more expensive options, or options that are not available because comic production companies have contracts with Diamond for all know.
I'm not expert but I've heard that Diamond is a bit of a double edged sword. Yes, they can be unreliable at times which makes them tough because they're your only option, but they're actually able to do it because honestly no other companies want to deliver bulk comics.
Probably because it's not a good business.
You're loading thousands of fully colored paper magazines that most are sold for $3-6 so you're not making much per unit at wholesale price,
and distributing them all over the country to few and far between locations. Gas and driving alone is probably a bitch that cuts into your profits.
And if you compete with diamond you both have to lose money trying to make yourself the cheaper bid.
They've all signed exclusive agreements, essentially. And without the Big 2+Smaller 3, you're SOL. Plus the logistics of setting up a printing and shipping business is a nightmare.
People whine about "sjw artstyle" or "sjw clothes" or even "sjw hair" for fuck's sake. Grown men on this board throw full blown teary eyed temper tantrums over a woman with a side cut because of its supposed association with lesbians or whatever.
sidecuts are UGLY
You can be wrong and that's ok, but it doesn't change that people haphazardly slap "SJW" on anything they don't like.
they really are. They look ugly on anyone irl, and ugly on character design. What a shitty fade
I'll never do it again because now I know better than to set up a pull list anywhere that sells boardgame crap
yeah i wanted to buy into my lcs as a 50 percent stake holder. the deal fell apart because i wanted to make the pull system for certain people pay upfront
man you are retarded. what it comes down to is that all those things
>"sjw artstyle" or "sjw clothes" or even "sjw hair
are purposefully made to desexulized female character so that they are no longer hot or even feminine looking.
the average female character nowadays dresses and looks like a butch lesbian with a buzz haircut. the fact that this has become the norm and that attractive or even just traditionell female character have become outlawed is what makes it sjws.
it's done to further punish all those "evil, racist incels" for "treating imaginary, drawn women like sex objects with their eyes"
>Grown men on this board throw full blown teary eyed temper tantrums over a woman with a side cut because of its supposed association with lesbians or whatever.
you mean like you are crying right now about the fact that people don't like looking at the same ugly female character design whenever they open a modern "woke" comic?
That makes sense, sjws have become the norm in comics. It's literally everywhere. Sjws are so fascist and easily triggered that they can't even allow 1 kids show or comic to not be about feminism, sexism, racism or general social justice propaganda. Everything has to be censored or changed to fit their close minded "progressive" world view.
>made to desexulized female character
there's nothing wrong with that. comics aren't just for big tits and revealing outfits.
I just buy Marvel Omnibuses now, mostly of their older works.
60's and 80's Marvel is amazing. Even most of their 00's were good.
Ignore most of their 70's, 90's, and 10's.
Why doesn't she have a time period.
If that's 800 quid of non pulled comics in one month then that shit has been building and after 2 months of someone not coming for their pull I'd stop it.
Also just bag story arcs together. Sell for a discount. Bang, got about 500 quid back.
>its capeshit and endless
Nah look at Image and the diversity of creator owned titles they have.
I stiffed my LCS with over a years worth of pulls after too often getting shorted on key issues that the owner felt he could make more cash selling on ebay. Fuck my LCS.
I no longer buy floppies.
I just read them 'digital' copies then some times buy the trades.
Fuck paying 3 quid (4.50 us) when I can wait and get 6 issues in one nice collected edition for 10 quid.
yes there is. it's feminist censorship. instead of creating new things entertainment old established entertainment is getting destroyed which alienates the long time fans. this alienation in the name of social justice and feminism is the main reason why sales are down and comics stores dying in the first place.
it's also really hypocritcal. while women these days all get drawn ugly, with small breasts and fully covered up, male characters nowadays get constantly drawn half naked.
Spider-Man, Captain America or Batman these days get drawn half naked at least once per month for no reason other then more feminist pandering.
>comics aren't just for big tits and revealing outfits.
it used to be a huge part of comics. now everything is just the same feminist censored boring trash. can an sjw like you explain to me why you guys never seem to be interested in creating new things and only care about destroying hobbies that white men like? why is it so important to you that a female character has big breasts and a revealing outfit? if this triggers you so much why not make a new comic instead of destroying one beloved character affter another? do you want comic stores to go out of business
So how come male character keep getting drawn half naked more then ever before?
Do you live in an autistic fantasy? Why do continuously do this in threads?
>there's nothing wrong with that.
Unless you want to make money apparently
ESL trifecta
I feel bad for LCS but then it's like game stores. Why am I paying full price when I can go online and get it cheaper and I dont even mean digitally, I can get comics for less than face value direct to my door.
Unlike you I don't spent every single second on Yea Forumsmblr so you will have to be more precise. I don't know what your retarded ass means
You're welcome.
Updates daily.
Just about everything under the sun can be found there.
Manga link at the top is a sister site that's the same, get all the comics you want in any genre for free.
>Want to help the LCS? Buy statues. Buy CCGs. Buy figures. Printed comics are worthless.
This is why every LCS has so much space for pop figures and liek half a shelf for trades.
Fuck you guy.
It sells and keeps your store in business, asshole. The comics don't sell, if the shops had any sense they'd stop carrying them, total waste of money.
Do they appear consistently? Or is it a one off
>paying for comics
lol no, I have people who scan them for me and others
They’re both shit no one pays those cheap garbage pop figures and there’s been no good books for near two decades
Thinking harder, isn't the "side cut" just another black haircut that white liberals stole?
>comic artists have patreons
>they post online, get a lot of money on patreon, and compile all the comics into issue volumes they can then sell for more on amazon/etc via print
>artist is financially stable and happy
Artists need to evolve who are stuck in the old 1990s ways of selling comics.
The only physical comcis I buy are 2000ad and JDM.
Both i can pick up in my local supermarket.
You forgot to call them incels, king of buzzwords
No its from the scots
What's the best app to buy comics for your tablet?
None, you don't own them.
2000ad lets you buy and own (even gives you a DRM free CBR file) but the resr like comixology you dont actually own the comic.
Like steam, if you use them you're a fucking goon. Why pay full price to rent something.
Probably one of those subscriptions like DCUniverse or MarvelUlimited.
Unless you're gonna pirate in which go for PerfectView very easy to organize if you put all your CBRs into only 2-3 folders on your phone/tablet.
Just give it 4 years.
I want to read a lot of different series from different publishsers and comiXology Unlimited's 5.99/mo sounds like a good deal for that.
They are hideous.
>Sell for a discount.
do they not have quarterbins out in the EU?
I can't believe someone on Yea Forums is so racist they're mocking brave ESL folk's lived experiences.
Like ugh yikes
>>Want to help the LCS? Buy statues. Buy CCGs. Buy figures. Printed comics are worthless.
>This is why every LCS has so much space for pop figures and liek half a shelf for trades.
>Fuck you guy.
>The comics don't sell, if the shops had any sense they'd stop carrying them, total waste of money.
>Artists need to evolve who are stuck in the old 1990s ways of selling comics.
You all need to evolve and stop being stuck in the 90's.
Comics are not a "collectable" anymore, they're a novelty item like sea monkeys and whoopie cushions. They were never meant to be sold for more than the price of a roll of toilet paper. Diamond and the speculators ruined your hobby and didn't even notice because you were all so stuck in your musty pamphlet pits to care.
If you want art that appreciates in value over time you'll need to commission that shit like all the other pretentious poofs and furry fucks have done all along.
Comics is for suckers and you're all fools.
>Comics is for suckers and you're all fools.
The next Yea Forums banner?
Comics are pretty much subscription services now. I only read most comics once and if I really like it I might buy the TPB. There's no limited supply nowadays so comics aren't valuable anymore.
Sorry your LCS sucks so badly that it gives subscribers loose floppies.
Relatively. Eurofagistani mangoes are a couple of bucks less.
I recall buying the Finnish edition of some mangoes for half the US price, Finland has half the population of Long Island.
With a sane distribution system I think the time to market would be 2-3 months, and the typical volume priced $5-7.
Gentlemen; how do we break the Diamond?
Kirkman saved Diamond from bankruptcy.
>unironically calling people "sheep"
lmao dude try stop sucking dicks for at, like, least 5 minutes
Is Eagles of Rome over?
>This is why every LCS has so much space for pop figures and liek half a shelf for trades.
nope that is entirely the fault of sjws ruining comics so much that not even hardcore fans bother buying them anymore
no, the guy is planning on making at least one more, but right now he is busy with other projects. he also did batman dark prince charming which is easily among the 10 best batman stories of all time
nope just like dreadlocks was invented by the spartans, the side cut was also invented by the military. black people are just really good at stealing things and then making white guilt cucks believe they invented it
They could probably make at least half of that selling some of those books to speculators on ebay. That issue of WCA can go for about $10.
you're not helping either niganon, they had to hire a security guard because of you
based comicmonger
Diamond being the fault of everything is a meme. The shops, Diamond and the publishers create an oroubouros. The reason they all hold each other back is because you can't remove any of them without causing the rest of the chain to starve, yet they're all affected by each other's retarded and scummy decisions.
this is probably just terrible bait
I want Rachel to give me a handjob
>Maybe someone with some talent will buy out their properties and do something good with them.
don't kid yourself user it'll just be more shekelgrubers and goldsteinbergs
Like, dude, just put it back on the shelf lol. Just let someone else buy it lmao.
>Isn't their state dying? So many fucking Californians are moving to Texas and it's really annoying, they preach the same shit that turned their state into a hell hole
California isn't dying. It's just that you need a six figure salary in order to survive.
Don't worry. They'll both die anyway from all those mass shootings
I stopped buying modern it is too expensive and the stories were either too decompressed or bland. I just go to the shop to pick up back issues out of the dollar box. If I search a while threw unorganized longboxes I can find 3 annuals for the price of one modern regular size or 6 double size issues for the price of a modern annual. While I end up buying a bunch of old back issues that come to more than what I was spending on modern I buy so much I don't have to go back to the shop for a month or two. Plus it is a good way to find stuff I never heard of before, I bought so many 80s indie black and white comics to fill two Essential trades.
shit is so uncommon that the news spends weeks to months on just 1 shooting.
but user I heard there are a thousand mass shooting each day.
I mean, that's only if you count gang violence instead of just nutters spree-killing but it totally counts.
Stopping gang violence would be racist.
That kind of sounds like dying
>when you realize all the blue state tards crying about how much everything costs are not only making above the national average but also they are actually in the upper-middle class but somehow think they're oppressed
But all the laws California passed made it a gun free utopia!
They'll still die in mass shootings!
I cant pick up my frog comic if they
don't carry it.
its just euthanasia
One offs but enough of them to warrant 2-3 large trades of DC/DarkHorse crossover paperbacks.
But that’s not how you boycott something.
The comic publishers are still making money. The only one this helps put out of business is the comic-shops.
Is this bait or are you genuinely an idiot?
Yeah, maybe if you're talking about the laws from the Reagan era when Republicans were scared of blacks getting guns.
Comic shops prop up diamond. Fuck diamond, hope it crashes so publishers finally feel a fire up their ass to change
Im not paying 4.99 for a floppy
Ill just pirate
Nigger, Diamond is a fucking blight upon the industry. More than half of its problems can be traced back to its stranglehold on distribution.
No user, I'm talking about the ones that voters in California passed in 2016 and earlier.
You can still do that with lootboxes.
Say you buy Spider-man #348 for 4$ on the app, you get the privilege to open some "True believer pack" or some shit, a cool animation plays and you get Stan Lee voiceclips praising your luck.
then either you get the regular cover and read it like a normie, or you buy 10 more until you get the mega-turbo Legendary cover with a gif of Spider-man dabbing.
Then the big 2 get all the following :
>children buying like crackheads, no issues with the gambling laws since vidya already set the precedent
>Fuckton of advertising thanks to all the retards and their unboxing videos
>criminal networks buying tons of comics with stolen credit cards in a money laundering scheme, but who gives a shit. You're Disney/AT&T, like the law applies to you.
we're not your bros, cuz.
>when you have no concept of the cost of living
move out and have sex
Stop moving to other states and voting for the same idiot policies which ruined California, you locust.
>when Republicans were scared of blacks getting guns.
smart move considering how all the mayor cities with big black populations turned out
GOOD i can't wait for the comic book collapse so Yea Forums can finally achieve its final form. /cm/ Manga and Cartoons
The story
If you make 6 figures you are upper middle class no matter what the cost of living is
this chicks cute i wanna shop at her store
yeah sure homoburger
diamond's comic shop only model keeps comics from reaching new fans
>if it doesn't make my pp tingle it's bad
Blame the companies and blame social media for giving attention to them for their story of the minute. Your blanket of sjw is covering far more than what's actually under it. The companies chose this.
Loads of punks had "side cuts" when they stopped buzzing parts of their hair. It wasn't so much of an intended style, but I was around plenty of people that looked like that in the 90s.
And that's how this place has turned into off topic, cross board, normie heaven
Wait, hold on, what's this? People ordering a comic then never picking it up? That's fucking dirty. If you don't want a comic, don't order it. No need to fuck over the store because of something Muhvel did, just cancel the order.
>The companies chose this.
nope, sjws wormed themselves into the company and are now forcing artists to censor themselves and only hire people who write woke garabage even if this leads to less and less sales. sjws are like suicide jihadists. only instead of their lives they keep destroying companies
I'm sorry, but don't you have any of these people's contact information? Why wouldn't you send a text or an e-mail to inform them the books have arrived and they have a certain amount of time to pick them up? Or better yet, why not have them pay upfront at a store discount so that when they feel like stopping by they can get them (and you already have their money)?
I never really had significant pull list but I thought that's what stores did anyway.
I feel a little bad, but I only buy trades or omnibuses, floppies contribute to my awful hoarding habits too much.
At least trades and omnibuses look nice on a bookshelf. I used to collect floppies, but stopped when I moved to my new place. They just take up too much space and don't display well.
It's part of the plan. They hate capitalism more than anything else. They weasel their way into industries, use them to spread their propaganda, then if the business collapses a lot of people will lose their jobs. Their plan is that if they can't get people to eat-up their propaganda, then drive as many people into poverty as possible, expecting they'll eventually beg for the government to use more Communism/Socialism/Leftism to solve all their problems.
They trick you into letting them inject you with poison, then when you beg for an antidote they give you more poison. And most do it out of stupidity.
I genuinely don't understand why floppies even exist. Anything that's not a trade paperback/omnibus should be one of two things:
>physical anthology book with about 10-12 different comics in it and sold as cheap as possible
Also, 2x4channers need to go down with their ship instead of fleeing here.
I haven't bought marvel/dc since 2013 when they cancelled all my favorite titles and went sjw
That plus the fact i don't have the time to go to a local shop every 3 days, and the fact that everything is done on phones and the internet now. Comixology and indiegogo to support good writers ftw
Nope, I don't buy overpriced floppies from comic stores. DCBS all the way baby.
Well deserved
>ratlike face
>prefers to lose money as long as it promotes SJW shit
>looks like he likes to clasp his hands together and rub them from time to time
I wonder what ethnic group this man's family background is
this but unironically
Red and Basedpilled
Based. Fuck mainstream comics. DCucks and Marvel Drones can suck it.
they hated him because he told the trutrh
I have to import them from the UK and it's not cheap.
I pick up my meager pull list weekly (assuming I'm getting books). Maybe if DC didn't go full retard, I'd be getting more books.
how does that make a difference, its pull box stuff.. the person had it specifically ordered for them
DC’s books are all $3.99 except annuals and specials and Marvel is the same after the first issue and with some
Exceptions when they randomly will make a book ten books and fill it with extras.
Comics aren't dying. Floppy sales are replaced by digital and tpb's, lcs are dying because they're awful and online retailers are cheaper and more convenient
I recently got back into buying comics and I fucking hate it, I spend to much on to little story, I initially wanted to hold out and buy the TPBs but they don't feel as nice in the hands as floppies but floppies rarely have enough story in them to justify the cover price. I have two spots I go to ones a LCS and the other is a chain store, I don't particularly going to either but the LCS has a decent selection of trades
just read older stuff then, most new comics suck ass
That's before innovations in selling variants and other unit estimate trickery happened
I know but I like supporting the titles I like
I have a pull list consisting exclusively of IDW's Sonic The Hedgehog so I have an excuse to leave my desk at least once a month and talk to a human being face to face.
my local comic shop doesn't support indie comics, zines or anything interesting that I regularly back on kickstarter, indiegogo or buy on gumroad or support on patreon
>the black women drawn so ugly the artist had to take to twitter to confirm that she was NOT tranny
I do as well but the only sane way to go about it unless you literally shit money is to pick your spots wisely..
I tend to go for 12 issue series or anything thats limited to a set amount, Image stuff (if it doesnt seem like its going to go on for fucking ever), but pulling shit like ASM (2 per month) or Batman for ex, that just goes on and on will just wreck your wallet, I had to cut myself off of ASM at #25 regardless of how much I want to support Spencer and Ottley
I am however pulling Jimmy Olsen because, Lieber.. and its both fuckawesome and only 12 issues long.
Unless it's an up to date monthly manga, I'd say weekly manga are as consistent as a Trade.
Amazing the short lived memories of this industry from the speculation bubble of the 90s. Cripes, had a front row seat on the east of metro Detriot watching shops holding longboxes for individual pulls, just to see them go belly up. If you do not have good customer relations (you know they arex good to pay) and inventory control (never order the bloody catalogue), you are going out of business, period.
I buy every Zenescope comic
Only do trades. and that consists of
>Usagi Yojimbo
>Archie Horror
>Judge Dredd
Nothing really out there that interests me.
I missed ASM26 and I just hit a point where I realized how little I care about spending money on it. I never bothered to set up a pull list through the place so it's my own fault but I just hit a point where I don't know what I want with it. Next time I go I'm going to dig through the long boxes and see what I like
I only get trades straight from 2000AD when they come to my local con. Importing them is not cheap.
Victoria, BC?
the comic bug?
>buying paper comics
don't blame us, blame technology. Paper is obsolete and no sad pretty white girl is going to change that.
>paying for digital Marvel comics
kek, no, don't blame us for the death of Marvel comics that really is because of SJWs. I was paying for a Marvel Unlimited subscription until they came out with shit like pic-related, then I cancelled it. Their death is their own fault.
>paying for digital DC comics
I will buy a DC Unlimited subscription as soon as they make one, but since they're too stubborn to make a digital subscription like Marvel Unlimited, I will stick to my free torrents. If it kills the industry so be it, some other non-SJW publisher who isn't afraid of online subscriptions will take their place.
DC has unlimited via other services.
doesnt matter if you just go down every week or have a pull set up, the latter is just easier for some people, and desu in cases like what we're talking about it can be worse because if i hadn't made a point of cancelling my sub to asm before 26 it would have been in my box whereas going in every week means you can just grab what you want.
basically the what was it, $8(usd)? issue (which is more here in leafland) made me just say fuckit and hit the eject button
having a simple concise collection is just one end of the spectrum and its the simple and respectable end, the other end is haphazard random books bought from flea markets and used book stores willy nilly where the "collector" basically doesn't even read anymore they spend all their time buying books they sometimes dont even care about.
are the digital version same price as floppies?
Yeah I feel you, it was a good issue but there was no reason that issue 826 had to be worth 8 dollars. I think I hurt my LCS feelings when I said it was way overpriced, the fucking other shop I go to has fucking stacks of both 826 and 800 because they cost way to much to buy. 8 bucks for 60 colored pages against the 10 for over 200 b/w is a big reason why I've switched to manga
And they're like $2 in Japan.
floppies are stories that are rarely, if ever, printed again. all the copies printed are all that will exist besides maybe a facsimile edition 20 years from then if it is considered incredibly important.
TPBs are the stories reprinted, but they don't open up properly without fucking up the spine. TPBs are what killed the full page spread as an artform.
There's this girl at my LCS who looks like an out-of-shape dark-haired Charlize Theron. I stopped going there because of her
A couple of years ago, I had to suddenly move due to problems with my family back home and shit going wrong with my apartment in the city. I called and canceled my pulls. I actually broke down in tears. Having to quit wasn't quite a major thing, I probably should have trimmed some of my pulls as it was. It was just emblematic of the bigger problems in my life and how off the rails it had gotten. I still haven't gotten any pulls at a shop. Most of my books are still in storage or even a storage unit while I help my family fix up their house.
TPBs are still arguably better than these unwieldy omnibus hardcovers.
omnis aren't unwieldy you poof
I confess I still have mine still sealed and away in storage boxes since I still haven't repainted my room and put up new shelves.
oh fug
>i wanted to buy into my lcs
of all the businesses you could invest in, why this one?
imagine having someone subscribe to a book, but not automatically charging them for the books every month
imagine a stack of new books that size costing over $800
imagine buying marvel
the only stores that stay in business around me sell minis, magic cards, and those retarded pop vinyl figurines
I hope every store goes under and the pretentious manchildren who run them have to get real jobs like the rest of us
>the only stores that stay in business around me sell minis, magic cards, and those retarded pop vinyl figurines
So they're basically like european rpg shops that sell comics. European market is a mix of these rpg shops and comics in big market chain magazine stalls and antiquarian shops. And Europe is a much bigger comic book market overall.
I don't subscribe personally but my local shop has people pay ahead of time to prevent this very thing. during the summer, they even have a delivery service for nearby houses so this one autistic kid can make some pocket money.
It's a lot like just imagining being incompetent.
Oh. I already have that shit through Amazon Prime. Had "borrowed" Battle Angel Alita through it because my books were still packed.
wait for real? Holy shit I never knew this. Article is from January 2019, did this just start recently then?
I'll go check that out as long as DC doesn't go full SJW like Marvel