You're doing it wrong, you have to take environment and world setting into account as well as how much fantasy elements such as advanced technology, magic, pseudo-magic, super-human feats being all too recurrent or not, gag-humor enhancements, was it all a dream? real world sucks! and last, but not least, the parents/guardians/caretakers - family.
My point is, 1 in the autismo scale of certain character's world can easily be a 4 in that of another, if compared to how it would fare in this world, which isn't a cartoon, then it would depend on which country/socio-culture, if that is, I assume, defaulted to america then, uuuh boy.
3 would be as autistic as 10 had it not been born with magic in its own show, there is a prototype concept comic of it somewhere, it's legit and it contains heavy doses of concentrated, distilled autism the likes would remind one of sponge fucking bob himself. Also looks like spongebob, somehow.
Like said, you're basing this on likeability, not on autistic measuring.
With an imagination such as hers, who needs magic I say, girl could be a haruhi suzumiya like sleeping reality warping godess and her show's world would become something in between castlevania and touhou.
>that episode in which she was guilt tripping during training fussion session due to having "HAAAII YAAA!" broken some kid in her school arm for no reason, or that one with fusion cringe dancing when the kevin was working his way between their legs.
Whenever magic fat rock boy isn't around, she defaults back.
>what happened to high guardian spice?
Much like thundercats sœy, it's currently keeping its head on the down low after the shitshow that was its presentation.
A show like that would've gone under the radar on that plataform since it's just up netflix's alley, it's something people would expect them to do.
On an anime hosting site though.
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