How does he manage to produce comics so fast?

How does he manage to produce comics so fast?
It seems like within 24 hours of anything happening, he has a full detailed comic published, along with a 6 paragraph blog explaining the issue in detail.

Compare this to newspaper artists, that can barely produce a squiggle before their deadline.

Attached: democratic_debate_august1.jpg (1800x1282, 916K)


it's easy when you recycle jokes and take the least clever route, like "oh there's a brown candidate, uhh, let's have them say 'RAYCIS!' that's good that's good, and draw sanders with the hammer and sickle. okay that's a day."

Attached: 1534571379371.jpg (1800x1376, 571K)

Drawing itself doesn't take much time if you're experienced and know what to do. The thing that takes the most time is figuring out what to draw and coming up with worthwhile ideas. Ben has a certain confidence in his cartoons/art that, along with his more conscientious personality typical of a conservative, allows him to produce developed ideas fast with decent quality. It also helps that he labels all his visual metaphors and figures, so he doesn't need to rely completely on symbolic imagery, which can really slow you down since it takes a lot more thought to say something without words than with words, especially political cartoons. Carlos Latuff is a good antithesis to Garrison, with a similar well-drawn style, but Latuff relies more heavily on impactful images rather than words and labels. I'm not as familiar with Latuff's output pace, however, or how fast he can draw a cartoon related to current events.

Because most of that image is pretty basic campaign position stuff so by breaking it down into six drawings put together he's able to have most of it already completed by the time the debates roll around. Not the lack of specifics to anything about the debate outside the speech bubbles.

It's significantly more complex than the sunday funnies.

Did he not think this one through or is he saying big pharma isn't an issue?


Attached: bengarrison.jpg (2040x1491, 1.56M)

Because he's not saying anything new. Sanders quote is literally the only thing that came up recently and he could've swapped it with literally any other talking point. I wouldn't be surprised if he made this after the first debate a month ago.

I remember Latuff, he drew that 'Israeli peep show' comic were some guy is jerking off to video of dead Palestinians.

i gotta say that the tranny crocodile looks cool
dude's an anti-vaxxer and a big pharma shill at the same time

Attached: DzP1R7AX4AUcOeK.jpg (1200x897, 309K)

so he's saying big pharma is evil, but he doesn't want it regulated because that's socialism, but it's still evil so we should cry about it, but not audibly to him?... wtf kind of retarded shit is this?

I am inclined to agree, that croc looks like it could be in Dr Seuss.

Garrison really doesn't know what the fuck he's doing, does he

what still amazes me that this shit isn't parody of bad rightwing cartoons

> wtf kind of retarded shit is this?
american conservatism.

>debt is bad
>police state is bad
>corporations are bad
>military-industrial complex is bad
>oh but capitalism good and socialism bad though

Fanatics of any group aren't interested in subtlety or are even aware poetic devices in art. They just want something that re-affirms their beliefs or stokes their hatred of the enemy.

Imagine a political cartoon of someone shoving a cactus up *some political figure*'s ass while they're dressed in a diaper. If you're some crazed political fanatic you'll find that picture either hilarious or incredibly offensive. In the meanwhile rational people supportive or opposed to that figure in the majority think it's a tasteless and effortless attack devoid of anything intellectual.

I'd not be a bit surprised is Garrison got his start as a caricature artist. You get one and only one take when you're a caricature artist. You have to be confident and decisive. So his stuff looks super generic and even corny but as op points out he can churn it out consistently and quickly.

And it's not like his audience of Fox news dumbasses can tell the difference between cartoons that are just competent versus something artful. And it's not like they care either.

>aborted fetal matter
everytime when I think he can't get any crazier he surprises me with a new insane thing

If we take the source of his inspiration, Tilting at Windmills, then what he is saying is Kent has lost his mind and thinks he is on a mission to stop an evil that isn't there. However he made the big Phrama look mean/angry so I'm really uncertain what the point is here.

I dunno, I imagine it's pretty easy to throw a load of bullshit on a screen.

The whole point of political cartoons is to be subtle with your imagery, with maybe a few labels if necessary. Garrison literally just throws multiple paragraphs of buzzwords and presents it as 'commentary' when in reality he's just throwing his ideas out there. Like, 'hey everyone who agrees with me, I'm YOUR political artist!'. The best pol cartoons appeal to mass numbers of people, left or right.

This is the weirdest Highlights Magazine hidden pictures game.

>there's an asshole on deviantart who's entire account is just re-uploading this idiot's "art"

Sounds based.

Stealing a republicunt's garbage 'art' is based? Fuck off back to /pol/.

note how marianne isn't even portrayed that negatively

You sound cucked.

Deviantart has tons of retards who don't get that the site is for art and just upload pictures from random shit. Don't worry about it.

Who the hell's Inslee?

For anyone who has ever criticized Dr. Garrison for ever trying to dumb things down enough to the lowest common denominator... please refer to this post.
And even then, you retards still can't even understand basic shit.

>The government is evil and trying to enslave us!
>Trump becomes POTUS
>Wtf I love the government now!

Why does every conspiracy theorist seem to have made this shift? You'd think at least some of them like Garrison wouldn't be so keen on a mainstream MSM-shilled candidate like Trump.


>Carlos Latuff
Well, that's a name I haven't heard in a while...

Attached: EBJis2QWsAENbud.png (482x636, 57K)

Nothing but the howling schizophrenic wind inside his skull ever will.

Ow. The reddit-tier 'insults' hurt.

It owns the libs, so it‘s OK.

Quit projecting your Pence/Trump/Putin fantasy onto other people, /pol/tard.

>Why does every conspiracy theorist seem to have made this shift? You'd think at least some of them like Garrison wouldn't be so keen on a mainstream MSM-shilled candidate like Trump.

Like Alex Jones.

Not really.

>it's a "Yea Forumsmblr shits on Garrison while simultaneously shilling for Kelly and fails to understand the irony behind that" episode

Honestly I would have preferred another pointless cumbrain thread but what can you do

Attached: hate.png (760x771, 1.45M)

Americas two party system encourages extreme mega-meme tribal politics where all that matters is attacking the "other side".

Yeah, but Garrison was a hyper-libertarian who believed both parties were run by global elite bankers. You'd think for such a deep-running delusion he wouldn't ditch it so easily for mainstream politics.

He took it down after posting it so yeah he realized he fucked up.

Is Garrison also a parody artist?

Pardon me, but does anyone know what episode of BTAS this gif originally came from?

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Communism is a form of government that forces all its victims to live as perpetual debtors slaves to it, while enforcing law via a police state. All the while this same state acts as an effective mega corp controling all aspects of life including military endeavours.
Communism can never create it's utopia, only a despotic failed capitalism, cause that's what it is in the first place.

>debtors slaves
We have those under capitalism too.

Rent free
Why don't you "boys" go dilate, it's on me.

Welcome to the two party system, it sends people completely insane.

Cause he didn't seem to be shilled at the time. Personally I don't think he was a plant, I think he's just genuinely very easily manipulated, if impulsive.

Communism =/ Socialism brainlet
Socialism is just capitalism with good social programs

He's an angry man lashing out because he is genuinely too retarded to think his philosophies through.

>believed both parties were run by global elite bankers
But this is what socialists and communists believe as well, and also true. Obviously Garrison is just an idiot

Communism is by definition a stateless society, /pol/tard. Thats why you morons think you can hit us with a "no true scotsman" fallacy, because you don't even know what communism is and fell for Stalinist tankie memes

I'll bet you anything he isn't a doctor from an accredited university.

Yeah but that's the point.
>Some people are debtor slaves
>Some people are under a pig police state
>Some people are under a corrupt government ruled by corporate Interests
But not all, well except maybe the last one at this point. Communism is like throwing in the towel and saying "well we're not going to be perfect so let's just embrace the misery." It's abandoning the possibility of a good life in return for an unconvincing illusion of security.

user, communism has a 100% track record of either disolving under pressure or becoming a despotic state. I know the stateless utopia is your goal, but communism is a proven terrible way to get it.

Burger just cause you retards keep mixing up meanings doesn't mean the words actually change. Socialism is the first intended step towards communist transition.

Fuck off back to R3ddit you stupid niggerfaggot poltard.

You know what, no no, not even that, it's the first step to state communism, aka everything I just said. It's not even buried under naive hopes about utopia it's just fully embracing the death of personal freedom.

>people still denying climate change
Is it just doubling down?


Can't go back to somewhere I never been before. Id tell you to go back to tumbler but... Well it looks like you ruined that place didntcha

You're a subhuman retard

Climate change isn't really a thing outside of a few areas. I live in Arizona and the climate has been hot, dry and mercilessly sunny for all my life

>few areas
Like the polar caps?


Name me 3

It's cause the only solution the world government seems to give to the mess we made is giving up all your freedoms and rights. At a point you really stop giving a shit and hope their beachside mansion sinks first.

>global average temps rising
>hurr it doesn't affect me where I live is already hot

you may be retarded

>gradually cutting back on using fossil fuels and switching over to renewable energy is "giving up all your freedoms and rights"

Don't forget
>We totally need clean water to drink and bathe in
>So fuck the Clean Water Act and allow coal power plants can dump all the shit they want
So no one learned anything from fucking DuPont and their bullshit for several decades of poisoning waterways for over 6 decades with the main ingredients in Teflon?

Yes, and liberal areas like the coast. It explains why liberals are such ardent believers in climate change while Middle Americans are not, the climate in NYC is constantly changing while climate in the Midwest is always tornado

Preventing corporations and the coal industry from destroying the environment would be destroying their freedoms.
Or something, I don't know.

Mate you need to read their proposals more closely.
>Expanding privlages of international courts
>Demanding an end to rural life in favor of less "impactful" urban mega centers
>Demanding open boarders for climate refugees
>Demanding land reform and seizure
>Demanding an end to reproductive freedom.

Mate you need to stop watching Stephen Crowder

>Climate change isn't really a thing outside of a few areas
Congrats on your retardation, user. Here's a (you).

>People rely on an industry for employment
>Lose said employment for a good cause
>People championing that good cause are massive bourgeoisie cunts who do nothing to help them and actively mock them
>Company they've worked for all these years starts saying they can go back to being ok if they just undo the good thing only the cunts seem to want
Oh wow, how could this have happened, it's not like this is all the left's fault or anything...

I *think* it's referring to stem cells but with Garrison he might actually believe aborted fetuses are ground up to make vaccines

>someone doesn't know one of the bajillion literally who Dem primary candidates

>c*mbrain isn't filtered on Yea Forums
maybe I should stick to Yea Forums

>It's okay if future generations have to inherit an uninhabitable planet so long as my life is inconvenienced
So the right is inhabited solely by selfish cunts?

didn't the Phoenix airport literally melt last summer

yes? is this news?

I live in Florida, and this place will be uninhabitable from the rising temperatures and cat 5 hurricanes within 2 or 3 decades.
Climate change is absolutely real, and we're already beyond fucked

>Have no money future or prospects
>Kids have no money future of prospects
>People that hate and despise us openly tell us we must suffer this for the greater good
>A greater good that remains abstract and distant
>Surprised when they start grasping for any other way
You're utter lack of empathy for peoples suffering that isn't on Instagram will be your downfall.

>Ruin the country with silicone valley and Hollywood
>Gets destroyed by the planet itself
I'm not normally one for revenge but this is a sweet feeling.

Retards are denying climate change. The debate moved on to whether it's man-made. As in can and should people be doing anything about it. I'm on the environmentalist side just because I like my air to be a gas and not a greasy emulsion. If china wants that industrial edge so much, let them have it and die from fucking cancer if they think it's worth it.

We've moved way past the point of being able to do anything about it. No amount of driving a Hybrid or trying to leave a smaller carbon foot print can stop the ice caps from melting or the hurricanes ravaging the east coast

>Get industrial edge
>Use world power status to muscle everyone else
>Now everyones a puppet colony forced to follow the same terrible standards
Great plan moron.

>life sucks
>so the only possible recourse is to deny basic scientific fact

>Accept that you and your children have to live in squalor
>No we aren't going to leave any other option on the table
>What do you mean you're leaving the table
user, really now, do you really hate them that much?

Just because it doesn't improve anything doesn't mean we shouldn't change.

You're missing the "We all die of cancer" part. Assuming, of course, that the nation isn't flooded to death.

I've been to Florida and it is already uninhabitable. Only alligators and methheads live there now

>implying they'll live to that point
You can literally make bricks out of their air. Google it.

Its going to get worse definitely but we just have the chance to lessen the impact so that were just kind of fucked and not turbo fucked.

I don't hate them. I just don't understand how wilful ignorance is helping them

So what you're hopeing the Chinese kill themselves before they take over the world? Why wouldn't they just get Military agressive instead before shit got too hot to handle.

I can wrestle a gator or get rid of a method. I can't live underwater when this state inevitably sinks.

The impact is already here. We're better off looking for ways to colonize the moon and Mars.

>Get jobs back
>Have money agian, are able to hope agian, are able to provide for kids agian
They have every insentive to remain ignorant in the name of helping the people most precious to them.
Agian really user what's being asked of them is to accept a fate as human waste, why do you think they'd care what needs to be done to save the world if they feel the world views them as disposable?

But regulation am bad! Corporations would never so anything sinister or harm anyone deliberately, it's bad for their profit margin! So what if the oil companies have been lying about climate change for half a century, and the tobacco companies lied about the harm of smoking for decades, corporations are benevolent entities with human rights and the inherent make money by screwing people over too, you know!

>Agian really user what's being asked of them is to accept a fate as human waste
But that's just propaganda bullshit. The only ones telling them that are the industry shills

Oh yeah? Well I done tussled a whale!

I don't know your stupid new fad insults. Is 'dilate' supposed to hurt my feelings the way the media makes Trump cry on twitter at 3am?

The green new deal would do things like put resources into reeducation for new job fields, as well as give people like coal miners basically early retirement money because everybody knows a fifty year old miner isn't going to be able to reinvent themselves as a coder or whatever at that age anymore, so the best next thing is simply to make sure they are economically compensated so they don't fall on nothing, which is happening now that coal companies are shutting down quicker than before the 2016 election, because coal is a rapidly dying industry with rest of the world trying to go green.

>/pol/tards still on Trump's stubby cock 4 duh lulz

>The debate moved on to whether it's man-made.
Climate change is not man-made, it was made by God to punish coastal liberals for their sins. that's why they're drowning but the inland Christians are not.

Motherfucker, do you know how many Flashfloods my very fucking inland midwest state just suffered?
If this is punishment from God, he's coming for your ass too, boyo.

>yfw /pol/ is now normalfag

Attached: 101.png (610x403, 216K)

Look at demographics. It's possible the future won't be us so who the fucking fuck cares?

Clearly God's punishment for you being on Yea Forums

Inland Christians are having a record amount of tornados and massive heatwaves.

What, is something not human taking over?

Not him but that tends to happen after extinction events. So yeah probably but who knows what.

tbf we only mock them when their being ignorant cunts about the whole thing.

>Bush Bay

It's going to be fun watching conservatives turn their knives on Trump when the new flavor comes along.

He's legit; he also got really pissy when he was uninvited from a White House event for some anti-Semitic cartoons.

That's total fucking nonsense. It's only hyperbole. I'm working class I'm just not a fucking moron. A slightly better 20 years for your family bargained for the cost of the end of your bloodline and that of those around you is a moronic position. You jackasses just dug yourself too deep and are too proud to admit it because of your previously referenced intellectual disability.

seethe harder incel

Is that supposed to mean something?

Because we can just always nuke them?

My hope is deep sea cephalopods. They'd have to stop being deep sea of course what for fire and basic 2d thinking.

>massive heatwaves
A lot of sexy barely clothed girls?

My bet is on dolphins, squids and octopi.

Yes, it's supposed to mean a couple of things, election-kun.

When the sun gets to bee too intense its better to cover up more actually. This prevents burns and skin cancer
Also its America so you'll mostly see nude ugly people

2/3rds of those are cephalopods

It's also completely possible that our planet could be rendered entirely uninhabitable in a few hundred years.

Wait so Highlander 2 was right?

Nah. When we say inhabitable we just mean evolved lifeforms. There's no way you get rid of invertebrates, let alone life.

Isn't ocean acidification really hard on mollusks in particular though?

Uninhabitable to current life probably but once all the humans are dead something new might dominate in a millennia or two.
cockroaches seem pretty hardy

I'd love a night-shield personally

>not evolved lifeforms

you poor uneducated soul

This is a fantasy. Life requires progression. If all but archaea are killed there is little guarantee that any but archaea will persist on our venus like world. It's over. We lost. The fucking mouthbreathers ended evolution. Ain't that swell.

Yeah scientists predict the death of most known aquatic life by 2050.

If we work hard we can wipe out republicans before then

Well, I meant in a human-centric view. My argument for their resilience alone shows my respect towards their evolutionary path.

Just don't go to doctors, it's that simple. They cause more problems than they fix.

>Venus like world

Say that to the future racoon overlords

Attached: dr1166B.png (1082x701, 403K)

Greenhouse effect causes feedback loop as the carbon sequestered is burned and evaporated into the atmosphere. The ice sheets melt, exposing more greenhouse gasses. Eventually things become unbelievably hot for any carbon based lifeform. Game over man, game over

They'll all be dead because of the ocean deoxygenization and acidification. It'll either be a land animal already adapted to heat or a wait for lower organisms to evolve.

>People championing that good cause are massive bourgeoisie cunts who do nothing to help them

I seem to remember that they offered to retrain these braindead coal mining fucks on the Federal governments dime but no, they'd rather ride an elevator deep down into the Earth's asshole every day and die of black lung like deddy and great grandeddy. I hope all those trashy rednecks overdose on fentanyl. Go lay down in those fucking mines you love you so much you redundant fucks so we can flood them with concrete and just forget about you.

But we're still way further from the sun than Venus. Seems like the wrong comparison.

Or nothing. Probably nothing. Execute republicans now.

OK, "planet of your choice too hot for carbon based life with an atmosphere filled with toxic gasses." like world

Lol just detonate some volcanoes bro

Someone needs to edit this with Waldo in it

T. writer of snowpiercer

Volcanoes temporarily lower temperatures only as long as the ash is up in the atmosphere bouncing sunrays away. The greenhouse gases emitted in the same eruption stays around for far longer than the ash coverage.

Too bad we spent so much money on cloudbursting technology and not on cloudseeding technology.

Why don't we call it Mustaphar? It's like Mustapha but nobody will be able to tell because we're being subtle.

because everything is going to die in a century and im not feeling jovial

Animal Crossing was a warning.

We can still try to fire reflective objects into the atmosphere or alternatively hunt down every capitalist and politician and put them to the rope before its too late.

Don't worry the children of the rich assholes that caused this mess will be living in an underground bunker paid for by their swaths of blood money

Oh not for long

>The whole point of political cartoons is to be subtle with your imagery,
you literally pulled this shit out of your ass dumbass.

Seems a bit geocentric, chief. Life will be fine, the universe will be fine, only all the humans and animals and plant and fungi and stuff on Earth, nbd as Amy Pascal would say.

here's the lists senpai

Attached: names-and-locations.png (4000x2191, 1.9M)

Man, the left really are bad at self-awareness.

>basically no racoons outside a few niches
Yeah and potentially my dick could penetrate vaginas.

>File no longer exists
Welp, 4channel bought and steered by the powers that be confirmed.

We have no proof nor even evidence of any life anywhere else. In the trillions of years of our universe's existence the evolution of DNA may be unique and without it or something similar complex life is unable to evolve. When we go it may be over. Forever.

the dark green areas are where they already are, you stupid ape

>So what if the oil companies have been lying about climate change for half a century, and the tobacco companies lied about the harm of smoking for decades,
The irony of this retarded tranny bitch when it comes to corporation propagating LGBT shit telling your children to cut your dick off and telling Marijuana is harmless.

Yeah, that was my thought, might as well start hanging dragon dildos and getting out the lube.

Neither of those things really matter. You are a five year old distracted by a shiny object.

user who do you think was fighting against marijuana legalization for so long

Are there any sci-fi stories out there dealing with a humanity exploring the stars and getting more and more frantic and depressed about not finding any other life? Sounds like it could be a good existential story base.

There are many, yes.

According to that there's racoons where I live, and there sure as fuck aren't any racoons where I live.


And so what? It's not like any of this had a point to begin with. Or like we could have transcended the heat death of the universe or the big crunch or whatever your preferred universal doomsday scenario is. It's an exercise in futility through and through, regardless of the outcome. If it's not "meant to be" then so not be it.

Where do you live?

>media makes Trump cry on twitter at 3am?
projection ain't facts user.

No those are "favorable". Learn to read and not to overreact to the most basic shit.

Name ten, then.

>green new deal
I know Yea Forumsmblr is the most retarded board on 4chin but I never thought it would be THIS retarded. Retards defending that pos deal never learn economics at all which is why even fucking Dems aren't supporting apart from the fringes.

The big crunch is a hopeful scenario. You believe that since you cannot conceive of a preferable scenario then its ok to roll over and die and take the rest of your species with you? What sort of subsentient sludge are you. We fight so we live. That's the way life works. It's worked so far and can still work but drastic violent action must be taken.

>not to overreact to the most basic shit.

Attached: Screenshot_142.png (644x644, 936K)

It's easy when you don't have any kind of a life to get in the way, like those two asswipes that make South Park

HaHa! no thermodynamics me must only learn economics!!

I dunno. I can't name them off the top of my head. They exist though. check out any hard scifi short story index

Coal are still useful because of its cost my braindead green friend. There's a reason why even Germany still utilize it

The sad thing is this place prides itself in being critical thinkers despite believing any shiny chart or graph. And yes I know I'm stating the obvious again.

You poor retarded monkey person

>the dark green areas are where they already are
>in Australia
Fuck you're stupid

Sunk cost fallacy.

fear, bootlicking and poor brain performance

The Green New Deal is simply a resolution to put money and effort into things like green energy, giving coal miners monetary help when their jobs become obsolete, improving energy efficiencies in houses, etc. Yes, it's going to cost money and take time, but such a great undertaking would also great new jobs in the process. And at least it's offering a direction to pursue, instead of doing fuck all beyond giving the rich more tax breaks and pretending everything is fine and nothing needs to change, or like the current administration says, let's just pollute even more because there's money in that in the short term and everybody benefiting from it is too old to be around for more than couple of decades anyway.

No I'm saying that whatever you do, even if you manage to expand Earth's life beyond Earth's very limited time, life is doomed. You can be as heroic and idealistic as you want on Yea Forums it's probably not going to change anything.
I understand life lives to live, and a pretty sad irony is that's most likely ultimately a losing battle.
Doesn't mean we can't lose gracefully though.

Money is worthless on a dead planet

But we aren't guaranteed to lose the battle unless we kill ourselves. Lie down like a dog on xanax if you want, I refuse to you miserable coward of a human being and traitor to all darwinian progress. I personally hate you. You rage against the dying of the light. You still will personally.

laying down and accepting death like a slug isn't dying gracefully, it's just giving up

hur hur stupid dems. "oh no I've never been to college how can you tell?"

You're right. The surest way to save the planet is to kill all humans
Nature tried with ebola but we're a bit too stubborn

Reminder that revolution is the only hope at this point, if it isn't already too late.

Yeah we are. We're pretty sure the universe is going to end regardless how far we extend human life and how hard you want to stroke yourself about being an ubermensch posting on 4channel.
Even without existence being finite, life as we know it (Darwinism) is built upon destroying itself.
If course I will rage as a selfish individual, that's not a quality, being angry about shit isn't good in and of itself.

There's a pretty big middle ground between that and futitlly trying to make your conception of life eternal like some shallow cartoon villain.
I find more solace in the incentive, poetically impotent ways we've tried to become immortal like sports or arts than our actual attempts.

I'm not even shitting on our attempts until now, or our future ones, just acknowledging their being most likely futile

Where do I imply I care about "the planet" being saved?

people are too lazy. You'll only get a revolution out of the current population when major infrastructure starts to collapse

The big crunch is a new singularity and thus may lead to a new universe, using the materials of the old.

Perhaps people should collapse them before its too late to deal with the rolling apocalypse

Sure, that was admittedly a pretty bad example. The hippie Buddhist excuse for death.