Hey Jim, do you wanna join antifa?

Hey Jim, do you wanna join antifa?

Attached: unknown.png (845x447, 253K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Uh, dude, it's Antifa.

That's what I said. Antifaschistische Aktion.

Attached: 1551039401367.png (725x670, 699K)


>It’s a Sheen browses /pol/ episode


Attached: fg65.png (771x447, 356K)

Chris' Carl impression was creepy good.

>It's a Jimmy's dad starts talking about crime and race statistics

Attached: isn't that just quacking crazy.jpg (900x894, 83K)

>Jimbo, join antifa and we can shoot up Dayton bars together

I don't know Mr. Krabs, that sounds a lot like human trafficking

Hugh would only say stuff that's woke or red pilling. Not race-bating, out of context stats

>out of context stats
Imagine being this in denial about crime in the usa and which demographic commits what.

Attached: 1548281508029.gif (400x265, 869K)

>being told the facts of life isn't red pilled
Try reddit

Attached: answer unclear.gif (181x222, 33K)

>out of context stats

Yeah, sometimes violent crime is good

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Are OneyNG, Psychicpebbles and crew all super liberals who think that Trump is the literal devil or are they just shooting the poop? Don't watch enough, can't really tell.

Center-left from my experience.

>not being able comprehend a joke
grow thicker skin

>hey jimbo, you wanna reenact the nightman play?


>The mouse clutches the wand. It clutches the wand and hisses, yes.

In the 48 hours 38 people may have died in alt-right fueled mass-shooting but over an average 48 hours:

500 people die to medical errors
300 to the flu
40 to non-mass shootings

You shouldn't let your emotions control you instead of the data.

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You know pointing to other issues doesn't make the issue go away.

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>violent crime.
>police beat you up and call it "resisting arrest" because they can.

hmmm.. I wouldn't trust those stats just given the record or police in most major cities., they're pretty shitty and corrupt and it's frankly no wonder that, with the population density, relative amount of poverty amongst those populations, and general plethora of austerity measures there's violent crime

The Dayton shooter was a self-proclaimed leftist and retweeted tons of left-wing twitter posts



Antifa can't handle the Neutron style.

are you talking about Antifa or what?

I mean Antifa hasn't actually killed anyone last I checked, at most you've got rumors about that guy in Dayton, but even that seems to be more "incel spergs out and guns down his sister", and less ideologically motivated than "le-manifesto"-posters.


did he post an ideological motivated explanation for shooting up a bar?

I mean I didn't hear anything about a manifesto, and that twitter profile basically has nothing but a guy who looks similar and lives in the dayton Ohio area to go off of, mostly it's just filled with "lol Depression ecks Dee" and twitter leftist stuff, which is hardly a pointer to ideological motivation,

the target? A bar with a bunch of people in it? His sister and her BF? What motivation was there? .. you need more to go off of for that

A person who's got a bunch of "jewish conspiracy" and "white supremacy"-related shit in their social media, and then goes out and does something like "shoots up a mosque" or "shoots up a synogogue"; or posts a manifesto explicitly saying that they think texas is being "invaded" by latinos despite texas being one of those states that's had historically a massive latin/hispanic population for a good part (if not all) of it's history.

>A person who's got a bunch of "jewish conspiracy" and "white supremacy"-related shit in their social media, and then goes out and does something like "shoots up a mosque" or "shoots up a synogogue"; or posts a manifesto explicitly saying that they think texas is being "invaded" by latinos despite texas being one of those states that's had historically a massive latin/hispanic population for a good part (if not all) of it's history.
nigga what

>A person who's got a bunch of "jewish conspiracy" and "white supremacy"-related shit in their social media, and then goes out and does something like "shoots up a mosque" or "shoots up a synogogue"; or posts a manifesto explicitly saying that they think texas is being "invaded" by latinos despite texas being one of those states that's had historically a massive latin/hispanic population for a good part (if not all) of it's history.

*is far more evident of an ideological motivated killing than just "he's got some political beliefs that are so and so"..

Hey hey hey,
Jimmy Neutron is gay.

I did not say that he shot up the bar for political reasons. It could be for any reason
I'm simply saying the facts: He was a self-proclaimed socialist and leftist and the shooting could not be a alt-right terrorist attack for this reason

Fuck off, Neil.

let's count down some of the mass shootings/terror attacks from the right in the past year.

you've got a Jewish Community center getting shot up by an antisemite, anotehr attempt on a synogogue by another antisemite; you've got the new Zealand Mosque massacre committed by a guy who's basically an ethnonationalist of some sort,, you've got the El-Paso, and Garlic-Festival shootings, both of which had some right-wing manifestos posted beforehand declaring their intentions.

now you've got a single shooting but there's no manifesto, or any real "link" to how it could be ideologically motivated to the attack.

the most you've got are the suspected shooters political opinions, but not how they directly relate or "explain" why he's attacking where or even if they're the motivations behind the attacks.

If anything they’re Centrist like the South Park crew is. But then again Centrists might as well be considered ultra libs to the right and alt right to leftists.

are we even sure that the twitter profile is the same guy?

I mean there wasn't anything "gun" related there, just like depression related, no vague violent threats or rants about "fucking sluts" or whatever.

Thats the biggest black pill of all

nah the "far left" would call them libs and stupid silicon valley soiboi centerists too, for entirely different reasons.

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Jimmy wouldn't do it. Jimmy is a chad, Catholic

They’re shitposters. Also they’ve talked about Trump in Sleepycast before and they basically acknowledge that it’s less a Trump win and more people on the left pushing people away. I think they’re Center Left but they’re aware of how cringy skeptics are and such.

>despite texas being one of those states that's had historically a massive latin/hispanic population for a good part (if not all) of it's history.

Texas hasn't had a Latin majority since 1820. By the time of Texan annexation, it had become less than 10 percent Mexican.

I don't really care about the politics of the guys making funny voices and wavy noodle doodles, I'm too focused on the humor. What I enjoy doesn't have to mesh with my beliefs.

tell that to the el-paso incel

litterally 90% of anons understanding of race stats is from fucking sourceless image macros.

its propaganda.

>shooting the poop?
I hope you're at least a Christian because if not you need to get the hell out.

>Centrist like the South Park crew is
i wish they were still centrists. they totally lost it after hillary lost and ultra raged at trump and tanked two whole seasons just to shit on him because they were just that mad
>no theyre just the same but you are alt right so you see it different
i dont see it different. i know they like to rip on people. they really, really fucking lost it at trump for winning

You can really tell some underage anons in thread, summer can't end enough.

trump is a fag, who cares.




Attached: redpilled sheen.png (1408x792, 646K)

Who would win in a fight, Black Pilled Carl Wheezer or Melvin, Brother of the Joker?