Thoughts on using 3d models in comics?

Thoughts on using 3d models in comics?

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no rules only tools
except they always look ugly

It can be a good way of getting interesting looking perspectives, but it nearly always looks like shit because they're stiff models being posed with limited expression

Pretty much always looks bad.

That Gantz author has been using them for years and he STILL can't make it work half the time.

never forgetti

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Using models as a visual aid for drawing poses is fine, actually using the models themselves or lazily tracing them always looks like trash


is pic related?

Current tech can make it possible but those artists good enough to use it well go into movies, TV and video games instead. It doesn't help that a lot of tech tends to be proprietary as well.

what about using models to make something like thread pic?

Why do 3d artists find that nostril crease thing attractive on women? I always thought it looked ugly.


Maybe because i never see good quality comics made with 3D model. Most of them look lazy, bad composition and uninspired especially pic related. If i ever come across 3D comic look like this i will ignore it immediately

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Isn't this porn?

Maybe not? It has 1653 pages and still running

Me on the right.

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Only looks good traced over in Gantz with heavy black inking to take some of the edge off, Janin kinda makes it work half the time with the right coloring. I don't like it, but it's not a cardinal sin.

Post example

Yeah his shit looks super weird. I give Gantz and Gigant a pass because I like reading them but it stands out a lot.
