Why does the animation industry hate Trump so much? Why do they hate that a racist, sexist, transphobic manbaby who cheated, has no political experience, boasts about grabbing women by the pussy, gets butthurt whenever SNL makes fun of him, violates the first amendment by stopping newspapers from printing stories that reflect poorly on him, and tears apart families and puts children in death camps is leader of our country and his cabinet consists of greedy, selfish jerks who accept bribes from gun and oil companies so they won't pass gun control or climate laws that will hurt their income and prevent the human race from going extinct, and are cutting funding for women's health and rights, endangered species protection, global warming prevention, clean water, and helping disabled children so the president can golf and build a giant wall to keep out a nonexistent threat that could easily be smashed, dug under, or climbed over, and is rendered completely useless if immigrants just travel by plane? Why do these SJWs hate America so much? They need to shut up and get over it, because celebrities should never have opinions. They should exist only to entertain me!
Why does the animation industry hate Trump so much? Why do they hate that a racist, sexist...
I agree with this 100% but shut up
You done?
Buzzword bait the post
Pretty much.
>and are cutting funding for women's health and rights
wtf i love trump now?
It's almost like people who go to college and major in the arts turn out almost exclusively liberal.
I wonder what it is about education and exposure to different ideas that causes people to dislike Republicans?
>endangered species protection
lol fuck endangered species. what do we need pandas for? go hug a tree you fucking hippie
Probably from getting molested by their jewish professors.
>major in the arts
oddly, seconding. The only thing worth doing at this point is just tell him "We forget you, Mab,"
Trump is America's last and only hope of survival.
Also, celebrities of any sort are prostitutes. Their opinions do not matter,.
Trump is target for easy views
Cause they're all hippies and think the worlds authority ends at our world leaders. They are living in a dream world and numb themselves on drugs and hatred
Not american so I don't care
Move on
Does anyone actually watch that garbage cartoon? Not even /pol/ gives it a second thought
Dilate your onions
Every time I see your trip there's some dogshit opinion below it
Dunno but everything that adds Trump even for 5 secs is always discussed
Again literally easy views
i like how his supposed 'transphobia' is up there with his supposed racism and sexism, as if transphobia is even remotely comparable to those two issues. how many trannies are there in the world? like 0.1% of the population?
why do people get so hung up on issues that affect such an insignificant minority of mentally ill people?
people have been making fun of Trump since the 80s.
>how many trannies are there in the world? like 0.1% of the population?
Much more. You don't even need to transition to be trans. You can be one just by saying I'm trans. And don't you dare question it
I wonder if Trump U students were molested by the Zognald
They also call him sexist and racist using low hanging fruit examples that they're purposely misinterpreting.
are they done with this plotline yet
user, Trump is a celebrity.
That being said, these parody shows don't work, because there's no glimmer of hope, there's no mundanity, there's no actual humor. Trump's a diseased obese syphilitic, the Republicans would tear up the constitution to appeal to their increasingly evangelical cultish fanbase, and he's still leading the country because voter turnout implies the presence of a hitherto unacknowledged spanish influenza outbreak, and the "left" in the country is closer to centre, centre right.
Why do you think the Thick of It stopped? How the fuck do you parody the entire the moronic Brexit schtick in a way that isn't so bleedingly obvious, it's eye rollingly boring?
Back on topic, is there a good current affairs cartoon? Anywhere? Closest I can think of is Spitting Image, I can still recall all the words to "Never met a nice South African"
Trannies are irrelevant and you know it.
Uh, no sis. Trans women are valid. Yas queen slay
Yeah I don't think Republicans are petitioning to ban all guns and to make upsetting speech illegal
I don't care because I know I am right. Trump wants a strong America, and strong America is not liberal. A liberal America is a disintegrating, whore-to-be-fucked America. No multiracial liberal society has ever survived contact with monoethnic, authoritarian societies and today these are China, Russia and Eastern Europe. Just like China in regards to the USA and all previously Anglo countries (Australia, NZ, Britain) us Slavs see Western Europe as a fat decrepit whore ripe for conquest and slavery.
Trump is trying to save you from being dismembered and raped, and you hate them for it, because you are weak and brown. My dick can only get so hard before ejaculating. I'm already contemplating human trafficking of Swedes to the Middle East, and knowing the world as I do others have already accomplished this goal. So please, do hate Trump. Harems and castrated negro slaves will always find a buyer, as in the old days.
A beautiful future is coming soon, and Americans and Western Europeans will be currency and fuckmeat. I intend to grow fat and rich on their flesh. Since they wanted this to occur I get no bad karma.
>much more
what, like 0.5%? it's not an issue on the scale of racism which actually has the potential to negatively affect every person on earth. transphobia is bad for AT MOST 1% of the population.
Creative people are usually liberal
There's no hope for reconciliation in America, is there? Everyone is either on your side or evil.
Give examples
This is because creative industries are very unlikely to create a self-sustaining industry, and individuals who lean right are more likely to go with something that is more viable then the insanely low chance of making it in a creative industry
Fun fact, there was actually a Trump cartoon pitched back in 2006
Online? No
In real life? Nowhere near as bad as people are making it. You almost see nothing about it
>some underpaid story boarder living on minimum wage in california
come on now
No. Liberals only steal and deform what right wing people have created. Leftists can't create, they don't have any authentic imagination.
They dropped it almost immediately because they thought it would be "Too easy to make fun of Trump".
>exposure to different ideas
thats what you are calling massive amounts of debt nowdays?
poor people just hate everyone, they hate the rich, they hate each other and they hate themselves. Thats why they are so self destructive
No wonder they vote democrat so much
>gun control = BAN ALL GUNS
No. It means additional background checks, insurance against straw and cross state purchases and, something very important here, psych support and infrastructure.
Try to not get your news from the NRA my good man. Also
>make upsetting speech illegal
Inciting hate crimes snidely is still inciting hate crimes. Making a crowd that is armed to the teeth, carrying placards, and just happens to be waiting outside the local town hall/mall/children's school is the actual step by step guide to prepare to riot, except it's designed for those without balls.
Americans don't have subtlety; this wouldn't be so bad, except they export this loss of subtlety everywhere, and make politics worse.
>Yellow vests being aped in every other country that isn't France
>Everyone turning a blind eye to the shit China and Russia is getting up to.
>major in the arts
They're retarded, that's why.
This, desu.
name right wing creators
And they say Yea Forumsmblr ain’t real
Name left wing creators that make actually good content
This show is fucking awful in terms of progressive politics. Painting Liz Warren and Kamala Harris as rational pure dindus while Bernie is apparently a senile old man (I know you gonna say "but that's right") and also call Tulsi Gabbard a fucking Russian agent. As a matter of fact this whole show does the dumbass Russiagate thing cause it absconds the democrats of any blame.
I hate rich libs so much, Steven Colbert can choke on my fat, stinky cock.
fuck off euro
after they said that they still did it for another season
the last season only had him in one scene at the end where he was in handcuffs, but they made up for it by unironically supporting marxism.
Theres no such thing as hate speech
>It's almost like people who go to college and major in the arts turn out almost exclusively liberal.
>I wonder what it is about education and exposure to different ideas that causes people to dislike Republicans?
It's just jealously. Every art-major I knew in college just sat there with a turned up nose to all the students richer than they were, projecting that they were all "dumb rednecks" and no one appreciates the poor little artist.
It barely has anything to do with politics and everything to do with human pettiness, shallowiness and insecurities.
This too. This thread doesn't have long...
looks like somebody's buttmad about then gun thread
yeah... in america
right leaning people still pursue art but they are more responsible about it, they are more likely to work in graphic design or illustration or even painting and not have a twitter
>Inciting hate crimes snidely is still inciting hate crimes
yeah, and? freedom of speech, faggot, i can say whatever i want regardless of how you interpret what i'm saying. i'm sorry that there are people on this earth who still believe in freedom of speech and don't want to walk on eggshells over what they say in case the stalinist thought police deem that it is 'inciting hate crimes'
Neil Gaiman
Alan Moore
Frank Miller
First off, I'm assuming you're not American?
I agree with psych support and infrastructure. I think it's the key reason for this along with media attention and bad parenting
And background checks aren't the issue, I'm talking about people talking about banning all guns. They are frequent and they exist, you'll see many "repeal the second" arguments
And again, they are also arguing to remove the first because it hurts feelings, not knowing that it's how we start going totalitarian
>It's almost like people who go to college and major in the arts turn out almost exclusively liberal.
I'm not, I'm a moderate conservatve and liberals are anoying to me.
Don't forget the part where he put out anti-video game propaganda and there wasn't much reaction from the free speech crowd because he's not a woman on twitter, just an American president.
we need to round up all of the people who say we need to repeal the second and first amendments and make them fight to the death in Yankee Stadium
t. knickerbocker
Russia monoethnic yeah right
>Creative people are usually liberal
No, they are not. They just regurgitate indoctrinated liberal policies under the guise of being educated. Especially modern white liberals who have white guilt complexes and feel the need to take action for other people.
Every person in human history prior to the 20th century, or 1945. to be precise. And even then everything of worth was traditional, while libs write about vaginas and trannies.
Simply put, libs are a parasite killing the host. This is why, inevitably, people like me will be cracking the whip and people like you will obey and grovel, doing my bidding. Or in your case assuming you're American you'll have a Chinese master.
This has all happened before. A liberal is another word for slave. You've chosen slavery and you've been bred for it, and you will find a master. Are you black? White? Mutt? It doesn't matter - as a liberal your fate is servitude and your penis/vagina gets aroused at the thought of being a slave. Thus you will obey willingly and worship the hand that rules you.
The end goal of democracy, liberalism, multiculturalism and interracial breeding was the creation of a new slave caste. This slave caste will replace internal combustion engines and oil as a resource due to ecological concerns. It is self-replentishing, breeds infinitely and consumes little resources. Mechanization and automatisation will not occur, slavery will. And that's why liberalism exists, and immigration - it's a slave breeding program, the economy of the future based on race.
Rejoice liberal, for your meaningless life has a purpose.
Rent free
Trump is the greatest US president. He managed to make the US look like a 3rd wolrd shithole with terror attacks almost every month, which makes my country look better.
I salute you sir. Keep it up!
So how does that not make them liberal and how do you know most are just pretending?
>This is why, inevitably, people like me will be cracking the whip and people like you will obey and grovel, doing my bidding. Or in your case assuming you're American you'll have a Chinese master.
I am surprised no one has Vocaroo the shit you say
Admit that you fear that I am right instead of posting inanities, or present you ass/pussy in submission.
Contemplate my words, observe the world, and you will see I am right. Choose your role.
Imagine being surprised that the vast majority of people in the entertainment industry lean far left.
I'm pretty sure this just a thinly-veiled Trump venting thread.
Okay liberal, keep smoking your herb :)
>So how does that not make them liberal and how do you know most are just pretending?
Saying one thing and meaning another or two different things. Especially virtue-signaling soapboxing liberals we see all the time who happen to actually be dirtbags. Media portrays liberals as the right side of things without any debate or discussion on a ground level of society. Liberals are the biggest hypocrites of any standing political alignment as. Literally, their poster boys like John Kennedy and Bill Clinton were womanizers and sexual abusers with ties to fascism and white supremacists in the south. Yet they are praised by the left before they are "The good guys" portrayed in biased news media.
Yeah and they're a bunch of degenerates and pedo's
>Because celebrities should never have opinions.They should exist only to entertain me!
Sweet fucking lord yes, just how stupid are you? These people are entertainers, they don't live in the real world and never will. They talk about the horrors of gun violence while staring in violent action movies, preach about climate change while flying in private jets everywhere, and tell people to build bridges not walls while living in gated communities protected by security 24/7. They're paid to sing and dance for their money but then people like you go and blow smoke up their ass and they start seeing themselves as these great thinkers with lots of good ideas. They're actors, they're paid to read lines and get teary eyed doing so. They don't believe any of the bullshit they say, they just say it because their agents tell them it'll make them look good.
oh yes, I'm gonna fear the words of a Croatian pedophile on a Taiwanese Paper Folding website
when was this?
>saying this when ResetEra and NeoGaf openly been ousted to house pedophile moderators
You're a funny guy.
Yeah so? That doesnt change anything.
It literally does. The proof is in the putting liberal pedophiles.
> education = not being a retard
there ya go champ.
holy shit, based slav
Check it out, they're back at it again and gators probably won't care:
lol what a stupid fat slav, thinks that he will become top dog by posting on Yea Forums
We're going to swing right in the following generation. Be prepared as I'm already seeing it in youth.
Your entire reasoning relies on assumptions based on sweeping generalizations and some special mind reading power. From the start, you're saying that you can't be liberal and a dirtbag at the same time and holy shit we both know that isn't true.
>gators probably won't care
there are no 'gators' left, gamergate has been dead for fucking years
What does it change? Hollywood is still infested with pedos.
I fucking wish this will be true...
>Yea Forums - Reaction Awake bu(...).png
Nice try r*dd*t false flagging soimen.
Give this man a balalaika, vodka, and slavic pussie!!
They're still here, but they're over it, if not just older and wiser. Still, it's telling that "ugh that outfit is problematic" is seen as more worthy of outrage than "this industry is turning people into mass shooters and should be controlled".