What was his masterplan?
What was his masterplan?
posting Yea Forums threads on Yea Forums
So why did Nickelodeon smoke him out?
Always feet.
This. The only Yea Forums project Dan "Hold Her Tighter, She's A Fighter" Schneider did was that awful looking Henry Danger spin-off cartoon that everyone forgot about as soon as it premiered.
He’s a pedo and now one of his victims spoke out on her instagram twitter.com
Whats his name again?
Beer Can Dan
i'd give my right arm just to smell a fart from Ariana Grande
Dan "Lets put the kids in the van, and take em to Japan" Schnider
To make children's tv and give a new generation of talent a platform. What else?
Tell that to the cast of icarly
Yeah, this. Wrong board OP. Good thread, but wrong board.
Fuck bitches, get payed.
One of these days I'm going to make a complete collage of all the foot scenes in iCarly.
yeah good luck with that
Too old
Hey, it's not his fault they didn't get over. McCurdy thought there was more money in Country music when she should be getting those tittays out on HBO.
Dan "Thick Prick on Teen Nick" Schneider
His plan? Fucking children. /End
McCurdy was with Dan the longest out of the icarly crew thanks to the spinoff
He didn't have a master plan as much as a series of short term layouts.
Someone went ahead of you.
I didn't know Ellen DeGeneres was on one of those Nick shows
I swear to God if I had a Twitter I'd tweet that to her. Or better yet make a dummy account
>hardly anything form iCarly because she was underage for most of it
He also got really butthurt when his old workmates from All That got their own show and cancelled his, and used the
Very same studio as Game Shakers to add insult to injury.
They kicked his ass out, continued Henry Danger without him and are doing an All That reboot without him too. Pretty much everybody who worked with him on All That in the 90s hates him now, including Brian Robbins who's now the president of Nick.
I'd love a video of him seething hard about how things turned out with him gone.
They're putting Keenan and Kel in the front light, glad they're finally cool again.
That's the thing with Dan. He always took credit.
He acts as if he came up with iconic characters like Ed from Good Burger or Miss Fingerly. All That was a collaborative environment at least back then. Everybody, including the actors had input on how the sketches and characters ended up as good as they did, but Dan pretends it was all him. Ed would be nothing with Kel and others, Miss Fingerly would be nothing without Lori Beth and others, and that was pretty much for every character who ended up on screen.
I worked on All That for a couple of seasons. The entirety of the cast and crew brought the show to life. Some of my friends I kept in touch with who are working on the reboot love taking shots at Dan when the camera isn't rolling, because he fucking deserves it. He burned a lot of bridges with his attitude except with people like Josh and Kel, who have no problems being friends with anyone because they're genially good people.
Wonder why Kevin the stage manager didnt appear in the shitty 2002 reboot? Because Dan hates him, and got a literal pedophile to replace him, which is why you can't find episodes of those seasons anywhere.
That felt good to get off my chest. Fuck Dan.
Wow, user. I didn't expect that. Cool stuff. Any stories with Amanda Bynes. I had a crush as a kid, and genuinely suprised shit went down like it did with her. I thought she was one of the ones that got away.
did vj make it with her soul intact?
Amanda was a good kid, and like many, we felt she had a very big future in acting. It's sad how things ended up, but I know as much as you as of what exactly happened. But shes worked very hard to get better and recently got her degree at a big fashion school. I'd love to see her return to acting one day, but the decision would have to be hers.
Carly is still kind of an actor.
are rumors true?
Do you really think she doesn't know?
I have no idea what you're talking about, so idk.
To suck toes of all ages.
beating his meat with no survivors
He literally did nothing wrong. Dude might just have a fairly harmless fetish, there’s no proof he actually acted on it.
Yea Forumsfags have no shame. they shit up their own board and don't even care if they shit up others.
Maybe. I just found out. Still she's a legit nice girl and really doesn't need that shit. I was just kidding. Feel bad now.
I remember seeing this video where Miranda went to a gallery and a creepy guy came up to her with his camera and started asking if she would start posing for the artist.
>posting /sneed/ threads on Yea Forums
there's hours of footage of him forcing others to act out his fetish under contractual obligation though
>he doesnt know about the ghost