Why does Japan make better animated films than America?
Why does Japan make better animated films than America?
>ma petite soeur
Nice try, that's clearly French
Because animation studios in America stopped giving a damn and now produce nothing but soulless, mass-produced trash for kids.
You sweet summer child.
to generic 3-D:
Mirai was cringe as hell, I legitimately enjoyed Boss Baby way more.
because here in the west, there are two types of movies.
those who think from a baby's point of view and those who actually put creativity and soul in it.
and there's some in between.
>Shitting on Boss Baby
I feel like people who have never actually saw the movie. It's a cute and funny story about two brothers with a hilarious performance by Alec Baldwin. It's intimate and sweet, reminds me of old 90's stories about young siblings just trying to get along.
The Lupin the First trailer looks far better than any upcoming western flicks
I'll never understand why people were praising the shit out of Lupin the 3D's Vidya quality CG visuals.
I didn’t know “Mamoru Hosoda” was a common French name.
Now days Mohammed is q common French name.
Time for an another unbiased anime vs west thread with well educated arguments and avoidance of cherry-picking!
>east vs west thread
Now you're fighting with babies? Edition
Mirai has had an english dub out on dvd since April and there are still zero links for it anywhere on the internet. I'm so close to caving and watching the sub, but I've heard the japanese baby wailing is killer on the ears
Short answer? Asian-based animation studios are borderline slave-driven sweatshops who work for pennies. America, in comparison, prefers to spend much more of its budget on advertising, while paying the animators, writers, editors, etc. just barely enough to not be considered a slavewage.
Both of them have tight deadlines and similar quality control, but the asian studios have a far higher turnover rate due to higher standards.
unironically because Hollywood, throughout the decades of its existence, accumulated a sense of inertia and conservatism so that now it is unwilling to take the slightest of chances and its production rarely takes chances on genuine art, and it exists primarily because cultural inertia means that competitors have a high investment bar to overcome
Threadly reminder that America has had significantly better animated films and shorts and you have to cling on pretending Akira is even close to that
Nope. Keep pushing that agenda tho, I know facts aren't gonna stop you when you've got your feelings to consider.
>japanese baby wailing
So now they're not just killing dolphins and adult whales, they're murdering BABY WHALES TOO???
Fatboi 2: Nagasaki Boo-ga-loo, when??
>lumping based Laika over this bullshit
>it is unwilling to take the slightest of chances and its production rarely takes chances on genuine art
Cloud Atlas would like a word with you.
go ahead and take your screenshot for upvotes and go back
Choke on pocky and die, you fucking weeb.
Boss Baby was better than Mirai
>three of those are anime/japan-inspired
You mean like anime does every season? The difference is solely the target audience, retard. One aims for kids, whose parents are walking wallets at that point. The other aims for socially retarded neets who think a 2d waaaaifu will make them feel better about life. Different ages, same result.
Fuck you.
And all anime is western-inspired since they use eyes that come from Tezuka's work who was directly inspired by Disney's output to do so
Your point being?
Because animation has never been considered to a legitimate form of art in the US by the general public, only as lowbrow, key-jingling comedy for seven-year-olds. Actual attempts to create something meaningful by American animation studios are never successful aside from Disney and Pixar shit, both of which are too conservative to create anything even approaching the same level of complexity as something like Spirited Away or whatever. It's as simple as that.
By this logic Jojo is American
>It's another "pretending Ghibil films can match what American animation has done" episode
It's true
Because multiracial, liberal societies are unable to create culture. They can only cannibalize and deform what the creator race (whites) have created.
How is Spiderverse anime/japan inspired?
>inb4 peni
Yeah, a minor character treated like a total parody with less than 10 minutes of screentime. Real inspired.
Boss Baby actually made more money in Japan than Mirai.
Cost. The more expensive a project is, the more investors it will require, and those investors will make more demands to ensure a product with wide reach in their minds.
For the most part, anime are studio-owned projects. They are, for all practical purposes, indie films. They are cheap enough to maintain creative independence, with short turnaround times and modest expectations.
North America still makes wonderful animated films under $5 million in budget. They just get completely drowned out in the mainstream.
What are the best non-US/Japanese animated films?
>anime film
>it’s about high schoolers
Every fucking time
Fuck off weeb
>soulless, mass-produced trash for kids.
pretty cure, yokai watch and pokemon movies say hi
because they take animation seriously
Boss baby is good, tho. Anyone who treats it like it's the spawn of hell clearly didn't watch it
The Japanese obviously still have souls
>Blue sky
>Oscar bait the anime
>and it still lost to Spider-kino
Is Japan even trying?
>Lumping Missing Link in there with the rest of that shit
Yeah bc missing link bombed LOL
>Laika is there
Begone, Laika is kino
Citation needed. Just because it's culture you don't like or find worthwhile, doesn't mean it isn't culture. Facts don't care about your feelings.
Dog isle literally shits on Japan, shows that country like a shit hole filled with corruption and mafia. You won't find a japanese animator with balls big enough to do that.
>a baby and a little kid
>high schoolers
because animation is for children
Boss Baby is based.
they dont need to try. a turd smeared on some paper is a 10/10 for Yea Forums/
tragic that angry birds isn't the worst part of this image
was captain underpants actually good?
wtf the manga girl is cuter
fuck off weeb
Is Lego 2 good?
A Silent Voice deserved the oscar nomination, not fucking Boss Baby.
Boss Baby was better desu
Not that user but the brother meets her sister in the future when she's in high school. There's also some scenes with both siblings in the future when they're in highschoolers
But yeah, they are a baby and a toddler during most of the movie
In this Corner of the World deserved the nomination actually
This. Japan is sucking the creativity juice out of America's dick. How is has been since the first meeting.
I think either is valid over Boss Baby
Because of how profitable super kid friendly 3dcg films like Finding Nemo and Shrek 2 was in the early 2000s and how profitable series like Ice Age could continue to be.
>another Japan did nothing wrong during the war film
Yeah...I'm siding with the Boss Baby this time.
Japan pander to Japanese predominantly
America pander to a wildly different demographics plus all the Western world
They are also less gay in general.
Of course this excludes France, Italy and Belgium, South America and the Soviet Union.
Mirai was far more derivative than Boss Baby, almost cliché actually. Like 'I watched a Ghibli film once, half asleep'.
There was Satoshi Kon, but he's dead, so technically you might be right.
>WWII Japan
You know how we shitpost about the gay agenda in American cartoons? Yeah, this is worse.
Seriously, he was taken too soon.
>watched Millenium Actress in the theater
That one is weak by his standards, holy fuck.
that makes more money then anime
Because if you appear as heartless and without empathy in Japan, it's not seen as strong, it's seen as sick and worthless.
THE TRAGEDY OF MAN! Jancovicks Marcell can do no wrong.
90% of western animation is trash
90% of eastern animation is trash
>Thinking the Oscars isn't one long ad
>Satoshi Kon
>Perfect Blue
Yeah, I fucking forget about that movie, It's fucking beautiful. One of the few japanese movies that I actually like.
Seriously tho why nips don't do more stuff like that?
Chico y Rita
Le planete sauvage
Princess 2006
It pays its animators like $5 an hour once you factor in unpaid overtime so they can produce amazing hand-drawn animation for super cheap.
Triplets of Belville is a legit masterpiece.
2019... I am forgotten
It only bombed because the average consumer wants rehashed dogshit and not original IPs with good stories. It was a good film.
It was transphobic. It deserved to flop.
Please be ironic...
what the hell
why are there so many Yea Forums bait threads today
I am never ironic. Only genuine.
Is having a girly name "trans" now? I'll have to tell Tracey Morgan, I'm sure he'll be thrilled.
The Tragedy of Man, a Hungarian epic about the struggle between God and Satan going from the Book of Genesis through time to the future.
3D Lupin is making me feel things and I don't like it.
You're kidding, right? Anime sucks. It never makes logical sense and lacks heart. They don't understand the basic battle all things boil down to ...good vs evil. The drawings are usually not good. The only thing in the favor of anime is imagination.
Trannys are digusting
>Lacks heart
You've just been watching the wrong shows.
I love Mirai's directors work, but Mirai was the biggest waste of money I've spent in a long time. Compared to the past works it was boring and even less imaginative then magic time traveling relatives should be.
While Boss baby has problems, it got some laughs out of me.
It was based on the director’s family.
Critics say otherwise.
Because West have more developed live-action industry and there is no need for animation.
Isn’t it on Netflix or some other streaming service ?
>Rotten tomatoes
Aside from Don Hertzfeld and Bill Plympton, are there any other well-known independent experimental animators?
How about this then?
but who gives a shit about Lupin other than a small number of idiots?
They do, you just haven't seen any of them. Generally speaking, people who announce that they don't like anime have seen maybe two in their entire life. When you say "stuff like that", what do you mean?
This. Sometimes a creator will sneak in a soulful work of art but even then it was probably only greenlit to be something to sell tickets.
>Consider to be one of the most enterteining western cartoon recently
>A single anime / eastern based character is way more popular than multiple western based characters
>Not even main cast
Sure is inferior in here
no one asked you saiou
>A single anime / eastern based character is way more popular than multiple western based characters
maybe on Yea Forums
i like anime
but hate blinded weebs
Everyone I watch this movie with thinks she's just kinda weird
>better animated films
I prefer my animations be 24fps weeb.
The west views animation as a means to other ends. That's clear by their love of photo-realistic computer animation. I think it's because western media evolved out of radio and black and white television, creating a greater emphasis on story and characters over visuals.Then decades of Hanna-Barbera cemented cartoons as pointless distractions to boomers.
Name some anime with heart (besides Haibane)
I thought Miles was the most popular character from that moive
John K
>>A single anime / eastern based character is way more popular than multiple western based characters
Most people are thirsting for Punished Peter and Gwen, hell even Peter Porker has more presence/impact than Peni
>hell even Peter Porker has more presence/impact than Peni
peni is a redundant character. what exactly did she bring to the table? gwen and peter (and possibly aunt may) could've made the new flash drive thingy.
What did they mean by this?
>What is immigration?
Missing Link was kind of mediocre and kiddy.
But at the cost of their souls.
At least it’s not kiddy crap.
The fact this thread hasn't been nuked yet is a disgrace
OP is right though. Current-day American animated movies are childish, conformist crap. See
>Praising japan over america for the latter being conformist
of the IRONY
They respect the medium.
Tranny jannies move a harmless rabbit thread to trash but leave this useless shitposting up for days
Rly makes u think
At least Japan makes lots of animated movies for older audiences, while the US is just endless kids movies and maybe an indie adult one once in a blue moon.
Japan is free of sjws and feminists
That's why they have female only trains.
And male only trains.
Off topic but I recently (re-)learned that Nagasaki used to be the only port open to foreigners. Tragic pottery.
They don't.
only burgers think this is a good animation movie
You're wrong.
t. France
Only zoomers who grew up obsessing over framerate in video games think it's a bad animated movie.
American corporations have become too large to make anything meaningful or good.
>older audiences
Panty shots and gore dont make them "adult"
Better than fart jokes and dance sequences.
Why the fuck are you implying you nigger? The cgi is really fucking good.
>You mean like anime does every season?
I think the thing with anime is that, sure they make a lot of shit but considering they do like...what? 160 shows a year? You have at least a high chance of finding one you actually like. And Despite what it may seem, not every anime watcher watches every show that comes out.
US cartoons has the problem that since they have so little coming out, that it feels like we are stuck with the same generic ones.
more doesnt mean better
Isn't that image basically the issue with modern entertainment in general?
I mean we literally have an entire world dominating mouse whose entire philosiphy is stealing others work and slightly modifying it into something new.
Isn't wreck it ralph like Disney last only real idea?
My biggest issue with Peni is that, unlike Noir and Porker, she isn't based on one genre.
Noir - Noir
Porker- Stuff like looney tunes
Peni is just anime...I mean if it weren't for the fact she had a robot, i wouldn't even know that he was mecha based. They never even play it up, not even one Obari pose.
She does the "cute girls doing cute thing" while also having the whole "Can be cute, but like a switch can be serious" but it is such a broad thing, that literally any anime genre could do it.
I mean one anime joke would have work. At least do the "Baka" crow.
>stealing others work and slightly modifying it into something new
name an event where this happened
That's literally the MO of disney.
Yeah, "stealing" is clearly used Hyperbolic-ly in this sense, but it's clear Disney really doesn't have that many new modern ip that isn't based on a franchise they got from buying, or a remake, or based on a fairy tale.
You're accusing them of stealing but can't cite examples.
Wow okay
t. soiboi
Even the posters give different impressions:
>Boss Baby
soulless, childish, cold, cringe, annoying, smug, uninspired, sterile, mediocre, manufactured
cute, deep, heartwarming, beautiful, innocent, comfy, artistic, lovely, wholesome, colorful
She wasn't aimed at anime fans anymore than noir was to crime stories aficionados, they're their "genre" as perceived and aimed at people who aren't part of that genre's audience. Inside jokes are lost to general audiences.
thats just your bias talking
imagine being this paranoid over a picture of a cartoon baby
>judging Boss Baby literally by its cover
It's a heartfelt movie that even gracefully pays hommage to older genre movies. But nope, it's a baby, in a suit, and he's doing the DreamWorks face. Clearly terrible.
because statistically its what Americans want.
Didn't your mom tell you not to judge a book by its cover?
>Implying Nip corporations aren't constantly shitting out mindless garbage to pander to fat ass otaku's
Both systems are fucked right now. Let's pray things get better in the next decade or so.
Also, kindly fuck off anime shitter. This is Yea Forums and we don't want your weeb garbage here.
It's the other way around tho
>stealing is clearly used hyperbolic
But yeah, I at least mentioned Fairy Tales which is basically all of Disney's most famous films, outside of Lion King which is just Hamlet.
Then I mention the stuff they bought like Star Wars and Marvel.
>>WWII Japan
My memory about anime is blurry but in manga author keeps reminding the reader that they build fucking zeros there, every day men go out to make them, it's not some pastoral town that gets bombed for no reason. They are not victims of USA, more like civilian victims of war in general.
Buying aint stealing
Where is my movie about the Noir spiderman reee~
They didn't buy them, it's not stealing still and user pointed out he was hyperboling.
Anime is a dying industry.
So is American animation.
Fuck you, HTTYD is good, don’t lump it in with the rest of the trash
Those are just american animated movies that premiere in 2019, faggot.
I don't see the problem with the CG. It looks incredibly expressive.
It's easier to shut off the PC and go outside, honestly.
>Cardcaptor Sakura (even Clear Card)
>Ojamajo Doremi
>Kirby Right Back At Ya
>Mirumo de Pon
>Onegai My Melody
They do, it's like not having men's rooms.
Please, famicon, fuck off. Nobody likes you.
>impliying the only reason America has any culturw at all isn't because it's multiracial, liberal status.
White puritans can't create culture for shit.
This has been studios across the world all the time ever since it became feasible to mass-produce media. It's not an America-only phenomenon and it's not limited to animation, either.
He probably doesn't know what hyperboling means
Who’s obsessed? America with money? Japan with art?
If men weren't sexually violent perverts who grope random women there would be no need for that
Art direction
How sad. Hollywood animation studios need to grow up and take more risks.
CGI is great tho
He says as Japan are making how many dragon ball movies?
all live action anime are like that except for samurai x and ajin
it really isn't
Peni was the most wasted character there.
>Hollywood animation studios need to grow up and take more risks.
maybe japan should take a lead and set an example
I’ll wait...
Animation informs itself in America. Film informs animation in Japan. The result is a more universal, genre blind take from the Japanese and a more whimsical, humorous take from the Americans. Most animated films in America geared toward all audiences are a comedy and/or are unrealistic in some way with a few exceptions, while in Japan films are heavily more dramatic, emotional, and somewhat realistic. Which ever one is better depends on what you value in story and art.
Still better than any other crap listed there
dragon ball super movies have more gripping action than any cars movie
Why is Aladdin in there and not Shaun the Sheep 2?
so what?
DB movies are still mass produced and unoriginal
No weeb actually likes guys like Hosada and Shinkai because they make extremely boring fucking movies.
>another west vs east thread
Just let the animation industry die already
All the American animated movies this year sans Disney have flopped or underperformed.
They make money and win awards in their native country.
This. American studios need to stop trying to be Pixar or Dreamworks and make more varied animated films. Where’s our animated The Godfather, Pulp Fiction, Citizen Kane, 2001, etc? We don’t have one b/c we only make shit for children.
>Pixar or Dreamworks
get with the times grandpa, Illumination is the biggest culprit nowadays. And theres nothing wrong with wanting to be Pixar, even dream work with their spotty record have more innovative moments than most overseas studios
>Where’s our animated The Godfather, Pulp Fiction, Citizen Kane, 2001,
animation fans that so hard to be seen as “adult” are cringe
read a fucking book
Studios should read a book and get good ideas to adapt into animation instead of regurgitating the same old kiddy crap.
I'll tell you where they are.
The animated scipts/concept art/etc. for such a film are in a fucking file cabinet in some producer's office or inside the head of a creator.
And they aren't getting out anytime soon.
I don't like the guy that much but Ralph Bakshi was the only guy for *decades* who tried to make animated films for adult western audiences and most of them either are or dip into the sleazy kind of "adult films," some are just failures, and non of them were commercially successful or praise worthy on the level you're hoping for. It's circumstance, marketing and audience conditioning over here that's kept animated films from being seen as little more than kid fare. Nowadays... shit... what american films even tried? Titan AE? That was 20 years ago... There's gotta be something else...
I don't like that, I wish we could get some better shit on our side, but that's the way it is. You've got stuff like The Breadwinner, or Triplets of Bellville over in Europe but so much of it is niche audience and never really gets aired in theaters, but the Citizen Kane of animation is still a long ways away...
depends what you mean by "better". I don't care to look it up, but I'm going to assume Boss Baby made more money and benefited more people financially than Mirai.
Aw fuck now I wanna watch Crusher Joe and Venus Wars again.
>it's always America vs. Japan
>no one ever recognizes god tier Euro animation
Cgi looks great
animation is for kids
>animation is for kids
in burgerland
The Prophet or The Congress were at least partially American, and they were way more fucking adult than Titan AE, which was the equivalent of a PG-13 action blockbuster.
Meanwhile we get shit like Norm of the North, The Emoji Movie, and Uglydolls, which saturates the market and perpetuates the notion that animation should be mindless entertainment for kids.
>he doesnt know
Anime is treated as for children in Japan
>Norm of the North, The Emoji Movie, and Uglydolls
nice cherrypicking
You're not going to get a weeb to believe you.
France isnt France
I remember reading an article on here a while back about how animation is in dire straits in America because nobody can teach it because the Disney schools all closed up.
Does anyone remember reading something like that? I want to find it again and don't know where to begin. Dude gave a lecture about the situation and got mobbed by students asking questions afterwards and begging for him to teach them
Lay off Titan AE. It was good.
Coraline, Spiderverse, Heavy Metal, Secret of Nymph, Lego Move Kubo, Isle of Dogs and HTTYD would like a word with you.
Why are burgers so much better than pizzas?
It was okay but it's not any more for adults than the MCU or a Michael Bad movie, it's for teenagers. Just look at them having a (decent) teen rock soundtrack and stunt casting non-VAs who were Teen Beat cover regulars.
You were doing so well.
Yea Forums out here really defending Boss Baby. This board and industry is a lost cause.
Have you watched it? It's by no means a masterpiece but the amount of hate it gets from people based on basically nothing is unfair.
Because it’s for toddlerconfags
What a salty fag. "we can't make what we want"? There's one studio owner, and lots of animators, and so far the scale leans to the animators liking what they do. Salty owner is bitching that they don't do what HE wants.
Richard Williams book.
It shouldn’t have been nominated for an Oscar, that’s for sure. If they had to put a DreamWorks movie in there why not Captain Underpants?
Who the fuck cares about the animation Oscars, judge a movie by its own merits, not by how it performed in a rigged and subjective competition. I swear half of the hate it gets is for being recognized by an academy that no cartoon fan should value the opinion of.
You didn't answer, did you watch it?
Read the thread
Which isn't the most reliable source either because he's still assblasted about the major animation studios involvement with The Thief and the Cobbler