California Institute of the Arts

Is it worth going to?

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No. Get out while you can.

note taken

From what I hear the only worthwhile things are the connections you'll be making there.
Other than that I don't it's worth it.
Look at Rebecca Sugar.
She got in the industry and she's never been to Calarts.

What do most people end up doing who graduate from art schools?

God, no. Just take cheaper art courses that allow you to gain access to real modeling sessions (Yeah, you can do the ones online that use photos, but being able to draw from what you're looking at in front of you helps a bit more) and then just do some porn commissions so you can make money while you practice art and anatomy. Then maybe do a web comic on the side to build a fanbase.

Yes, you will get industry connections and a job and get to make your creative ideas come true.

As a downside, you will instantly gain a thousand bitter haters who will resent you forever for perusing your goals while they themselves have wasted their lives being failures. But I suppose that is the same case for any career.

Pretty much the most based way to draw.

is THIS worth going to?

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become baristas?

>to make your creative ideas come true.
More like spending $200k+ to have a better chance at begging Disney executives to let you put your name and character designs onto whatever corporate mandated beanface magical girl ripoff they happen to be making.

calarts does have good connections, but going to a smaller art school still can get you into the industry. My buddy who finished art school at immediately got picked up by Disney to make cgi dragons.
on the flip side I am in so much debt it would be easiest to kill myself after dropping out third year to go to another college for engineering.

>spending thousands of dollars and years of your life for the opportunity to suck jew cock

On top of that, she got her start drawing Ed Edd n Eddy porn of all things. True story, look it up.

bean mouth sjws reee haha

calarts has some pretty damn good alumni, despite what people posting "lol haha beanmouth haha joke" say.

Negative, maybe 10 years ago but not now. Oversaturation and lose of interests for mainstream animation is favoring independent online projects. Your only real benefit would be connections and only if your suck brown nose the right people with mandated progressive right thinking.

Reminder lower caps are cruise control for shitposting. Do the opposite of everything they say. Don't waste money in the arts.

I didn't actually say spend money going there though?

If you're really serious in picking a late school for the arts, you're probably not actually gonna be asking Yea Forums

Go to a local college for 1 year. Better yet just self teach yourself. I took animation at a local college and was basically forced to self teach myself from home. Met some decent people though.

Alright Yea Forums, how the FUCK do I make connections in the animation industry without going to college? I really don't wanna go through all that student debt for a degree that professors themselves compare to a McDonald's Application.

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Be born into a connected family.

It ain’t worth it to ask Yea Forums a question like that. Reach out to alumni if you’re not just shitposting

SCAD is better and like $15k less expensive.

I've heard very bad things about SCAD

CalArts is an animation school. If you want to do literally anything else, then SCAD is the better choice.

CalArts is THE animation school so I hope OP isn’t retarded enough to want to go there for some other reason

No, you can get into better art universities literally anywhere outside the US for a maximum of 15-20k for 4 years, unlike the US where you have to pay 20k for one year then quit after one year, remain in debt and commit suicide at 30 or die in a mass shooting/terrorist attack
No, you don't want to use all your life saving just to afford rent and food for one week in that shithole.

Opinions on SVA?

Go for connections
For the love of god dont let them change your style for the worst

>Chuck E Cheese had wifi
>try surfing on hentai sites
This is hilarious.

if you got no hustle you'll never make it anywhere

If you are a mediocre artist who wants to work in animation this is the best short cut as it will allow you to get jobs via connections and nepotism.

Otherwise you have to a fcuking amazing artist and have a successful web comic or shit like that in the hopes you can get noticed and get a job.

Newgrounds, Youtube and Twitter. Learn how to animate by yourself.


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More like $210,000. Calarts is expensive as hell.

Only to burn it down

Market yourself. Make things people enjoy.
Try not to draw too much porn.

What about Sheridan? It’s much less expensive than Calarts and they teach you the same stuff?

That wasn't her start though. That's like saying Walt got his start being an anti Semite

lol this is not advice on how to actually break into the mainstream animation business. but i think the consensus is "for god's sake, DON'T"

I went to a technical college in the Midwest
and I'm currently working at Disney

Yes if you want to be hired because everys studio wants you to have a degree.

These schools aren't really for learning anything, it's just for getting the degree and making connections.

I fucked some dude I met at a club and I too now work at Disney

Talk to actual animators, not randos on Yea Forums.

Cane here to post this, social media is a big part of the animtion industry, unfortunately. One of my teachers literally said to start posting animations online with a constant schedule, people love shit they can watch while they eat or head to work. After you get enough views and cred you start posting more in depth projects and art

good for you man
do whatever it takes to get hired

No, go learn off of CGPeers and exhentai.

I learned animation online entirely, I work at Bardel.

>What do most people end up doing who graduate from art schools?
Work entry level 9-5 jobs for the remainder of their professional lives. Art degrees are the most useless ones you can possibly get.

>it's just for getting the degree and making connections
Isn't that what all American universities are for?

going to Calarts is basically paying for industry connections. So if you want to actually get into animation, you pretty much have to go. But if you care about your art and don't want to be actively downgraded, then avoid it.

Calarts grad here. That whole network thing is just a meme. I can barely make my ends meet and I work as a creative director in an advertising firm. Only a handful of people in my semester were actually be able to get an industry contact.

How big is your debt?
Do you regret it?
Want to commit suicide?

can i do it without the porn part? or unless without drawing two people fucking. don't mind providing softcore porn and nudes

>How big is your debt?
My family is quite rich and I was able to calculate and preapred a payment plan for most of my debt before going into Calarts. It wasn't a do or die thing for me.
>Do you regret it?
I don't have any talent outside for art so no. It's still better than to be a code monkey or a lit graduate.
>Want to commit suicide?
I'm already dead inside.

So where do the others go ? Do you have one of those pamphlets the almuni club hands out detailing where everybody ends up and how much they earn ?

Not that I know of. But one of my close friends were able to get into Nick as a storyboard animator. Most people see only the successful alumnis and not the hundreds left behind who have failed staying in industry.

Besides not everyone wants to be a cartoonist. Many people usually have different plans after school like trying to get into contact with art curators or be in the other branches of media industry.

Porn is just an easy way to gain commissions even if you have practically no fanbase and it's also a guaranteed way that you'll be practicing anatomy since it's all nude stuff.

It's actually good advice on how to get in the industry. The schools are shit, you can learn everything you need to online, and internet fame will do more for you than college connections.

i walked around the building once. it looks like a high school that hasn't been renovated in 15 years. where exactly is all that money going?

Into Ravi Rajan's pocket.

Yes, if you want to work in animation in America you HAVE to go there, it sucks but the industry has basically gone the way of "go to Cal arts or gtfo", partly because all the studios are in California so it's easier to just snatch people directly from there.

either have family in the industry or be stupidly lucky on the internet, which is really hard to do now unlike in the early 2000s

Almost impossible on the internet nowadays since there are tens of thousands of talented artists so you have less than a 1% chance to stand out no matter what you do. Just be lucky enough

Okay so Bachelor's is worth jack shit. Should I go back and pursue Masters in animation?

Bot hare worth jack shit. All hiring studios care about is portfolio, even pixar/disney. If you know you way around maya/3dsmax/nuke/toonboo/whatever and are good at it doors are open to you.

what kind of retard actually uses the shift key on the internet