Characters that people pretend to like but are only posted because of shitty fanart?

Characters that people pretend to like but are only posted because of shitty fanart?

Extra points if the threads with the character are mostly about dumping the same images again and again with zero almost zero discussion about the book.

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She has surprisingly good porn.

>almost zero discussion about the book
Bought every issue

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Describe her powers

You bought it because she was cute, and didn't discuss jack shit in her threads. Yea Forums repeatedly called out the Gwenpoolfag circlejerk. Hell, in some threads people tried to bring up actual criticism and discussion, but you fags called it shitposting and proceeded to image dump the same shit and wank

I'm pretty sure people only cared about Gwenpool because of Gurihiru, not fanart, you can see it in the fact that despite a large chunk of the run being other artists, reaction images and caps are 99% Gurihiru based.

She is able to manipulate the comic pages on which she appears and has extensive meta knowledge.

This user knows what posts every other user made three years ago. Amazing power, if it actually worked.

Oh you're that psycho with a vendetta against that one Gwenfag.

I still read the non-Gurihiru issues, but the ones they worked on were far and away better looking. Only panels with exceptional meme potential were extracted from the uglier issues.

Edge of Venomverse art was ok.

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>She is able to manipulate the comic pages on which she appears and has extensive meta knowledge.
doesn't that make her the most powerful marvel character?

She's handicapped by editor mandate. She cant really touch popular characters, and anything she does can be undone by another writer. This isn't an analysis of her character, but an actual plot point.

case in point.

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She's an out of shape geek with no crazy comic book training before she was plopped into comic book land.
Hers is a very odd set of meta powers, made more odd by the fact she acknowledges them and they play a large role in her story. Her powers are literally "plot armor" powered by IRL "sales and popularity", the only thing that can really kill her is editorial.
Honestly, out of all the nuMarvel female comics, Gwenpool's was the best and actually interesting because it actually tried to be a good story, the Gurihiru art was just the cherry on top, meanwhile the likes of Squirrel Girl, Ms Marvel and Wasp are straight up garbage and in the hands of anyone but her creator, so is Gwenpool.

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she can still do cool stuff with it though

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Wow even this thread is mostly image dumping

how did she ever land in the world of comic books?

Unclear. There was some stuff with a science thing in her world that she was a paid intern/test subject for, but that was part of a story where she thought she had gone back to her world and was still in the comic so who knows how much of it was legit.
The first time they teased it she was sitting in her non comic room reading and a loud noise happens and then they cut away.

It's interesting to note that Gwens 'real' room had posters/toys of male heroes and her 'comic' room in 616 is plastered with female/minority legacies.

>Actually discussing the comic like he was complaining about.
>Wow even this thread is mostly image dumping
Keep seething babe

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Don't talk to that guy. He has the opposite kind of autism from waifufags.

Pretty redpilled if (you) ask me.

fucking why?

The final issue made it clear that fan interest from our world is what "created" Gwen in the Marvel universe. That's the only explanation that could ever make sense, because as soon as you give a concrete scifi explanation for it, Gwen's entire character falls apart. You're no longer able to suspend your disbelief that she's not really from our reality.

Gwenpool is fine.
Hell if they had just cut out the nu-Marvel team ups that took up half the series I would consider it an almost great book and that is more than I can say for most Marvel books I have read in the last few years.
The Gurihiru art is usually posted because they did all of Gwen's best issues.
In the main series other artists usually either couldn't figure out how to make the mask work or they just worked on more fillery issues that didn't stand out. Nobody posts post-series Gwenpool art because the character absolutely fell to pieces after her completely satisfactory ending was ignored in favor of making her Harley Quinn.

She only look good when the Nippon girl is drawing her, fucking unbeliavable, they need to either change her design or only let the Mangaka draw her.

>She only look good when the Nippon girl is drawing her, fucking unbeliavable
Well, she IS called the Unbelievable Gwenpool

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