He's right, you know

He's right, you know.

Attached: conspiracy-theories-comic.png (1500x500, 81K)

Other urls found in this thread:


He is completely wrong. The Muller investigation has indicted plenty of people, several of them pleading guilty for collusion with Russia.

Except, in the eyes of the public, Trump is basically exonerated because of that retarded witch hunt.


Attached: 992180.png (1500x500, 204K)

Attached: stone.png (331x195, 30K)

Ssssshhhh, americans need their enemy. Otherwise they would realize that all of their problems are self-made.

I don't know which is worse about Saladtoss. His cringey politics or his atrocious art style.

I'm starting to think he makes those comics easy to edit to fit other political views on purpose.

Talking to Russians isn't a crime. They only got indicted on stupid procedural crimes like accidentally lying or tax shit from years ago.

Meanwhile the foreigner who made the original lie that set this whole investigation into motion (the Steele Dossier) never got indicted because the whole thing was a farce.

I'm glad you used every keyword on the checklist.

Attached: jswxMum.jpg (800x1000, 251K)

The politics. The style is cute sometimes.

Attached: 1544268713839.png (1425x475, 333K)

HeheSilly is better. So much better, people don't make bait threads using her comics because they know she's right and based.

Attached: DAdCW4dXoAAHSyB.jpg (710x1024, 117K)

Dismantling the Republican Party by being too stupid to be one of the men behind closed doors is how America died. You need the votes of the incompetent, not their critical thinking skills.

>shilling this godawful comic even if ironically
begone retard

Trump and his supporters being racist is one of the weirdest lies let to pass on.

It's really weird to see that the same people who don't trust the government also assume there's nothing weird with the President being able to hire and fire the people who would look into crimes he commits, and the people he hired concluded ahead of the hiring process that they cannot indict the President under any circumstances.

The President is part of the government, you fucks. If you don't trust Trump's people with your tax money I don't get why you also trust the cops he hired and the word of the man aside from that. If anything it's been a bizarre awakening to exactly how much crazy shit a corrupt president can get away with, and how few resources there are to stop it.

All this stuff sets precedents. You won't be happy if a Democratic president starts using the legal avenues Trump established during his tenure.

No one gives a shit about legal Hispanics.

Illegal immigrants are the problem regardless of their shitty race


Attached: DHdEIpeWAAg-L7i.jpg (718x941, 135K)

True but setting up a meting with some Russians because they claim to have dirt on your opponent is something that you can be punished by as conspiracy against the US state.

Literally none of them have been guilty for "collusion" with Russia.
The only people "indicted" were for dumb shit like not disclosing that at some point they had talked to a slav.




ICE does


>I will use a 6 year old girl style so I can draw with the same skill as one
I hate lazy hacks like this author

>you're corrupt for revealing that your opponent is corrupt

Releasing dirt on an opponent is not a crime, even if the dirt comes from a Russian. In order to be charged for conspiracy you need to be conspiring to commit a crime.

OH shit three stories out of the thousands upon thousands of individuals screened across the border. Fuck off those three stories account for less than a percent of a percent of what's going on you disingenuous prick

Attached: 1561888627024.jpg (561x1200, 169K)

Hmmm, I wonder if that non-issue is actually a semi-serious issue that's been cleverly obscured by this artist's cutesy gag!

That's because you're a humorless tranny.
The juxtaposition between the tumblr artstyle and based subject matter is hilarious.

>Literally none of them have been guilty for "collusion" with Russia.
You're splitting hairs. That's not the charge because "collusion" is not a legal term.
>The only people "indicted" were for dumb shit like not disclosing that at some point they had talked to a slav.
This isn't splitting hairs, this is just fucking retarded, like holy shit you're retarded that you think this would fool anyone. Like what the fuck were you thinking you complete idiot.

HAHAHA is funny because the art is bad!

Have you actually read these stories though?

>The others in the vehicle with him were all Latinos, including his 17-year-old brother Marlon, who was born in Mexico and was in the U.S. illegally.

He was basically harboring an illegal immigrant.

That guy got detained because he and his mother flat out lied in their documents. She used a false name and they listed him as being BORN IN MEXICO.

Literally half of ICE is Hispanic themselves.

Even though Robert Mueller literally said that his report does not exonerate Trump in any way, and that Trump is eligible for prosecution the second his term ends.

>"manspreading" is our generation's civil rights movement!

Did you forget about the Concentration Camps retard or do you just not care


No, it literally is. Accepting something "of value" from a foreign government for your campaign IS a crime. And information has long been recognized as "of value".

Juxtaposition means two conflicting or opposite elements. There isn't any juxtaposition when you pair shit drawing with shit writing.

>That's not the charge because "collusion" is not a legal term.
Then stop using it, and say what you actually mean.
Whelp, looks like he's getting 4 more years.
At least you can feel better that you're much better at debating than the current batch of psychopathic dem candidates.

>Concentration Camps

If they suck so bad, why don't they just leave back where they came?

Attached: takrpb75kge31.png (1148x753, 657K)

tinfoil hats would actually increase any sort of transmission/mind control signals, not deflect them
people put aluminum foil on old TV antennae to make them work better

he doesn't

he's just bad at commentary

If that's how you read my post then who am I to tell you otherwise, even if that's not what I said.

>accidentally lying

>There isn't any juxtaposition when you pair shit drawing with shit writing.
You're wrong on both counts.
I assume the reason you're upset is that you're getting dabbed on.

Attached: eat her.jpg (1350x1875, 237K)

Is someone getting gassed?

The right can't draw just like the left can't meme.

It could be about manspreading or it could be about abortion - we'll never know! Very clever!

>the second his term ends
Shame he'll be president for life.

Better to have crappy art that makes a point than good art with cringe soapboxing.

Attached: 234234242.jpg (1940x1376, 814K)

It's almost impressive how antifa hasn't managed to make a single funny edit after all these years.

Attached: antifastonetoss.png (1439x2267, 448K)

You forgot that the investigation also recovered 40 million dollars, making for a net gain of 9 million when subtracted from the cost of the investigation itself.
All told, the Mueller investigation resulted in just under forty indictments with most of those resulting in jail time, nine million dollars gained and plenty of material for both an impeachment and an indictment of Donald J. Trump and his family. All in all, I would say the Mueller investigation was worth it, across the board.

>caring about white people is wrong

Because the United States made their countries unlivable third world hellholes

can /pol/ and Yea Forums please fuck off to their own boards please?

Exonerate is not a legal term. You NEVER exonerate people ever, because you're presumed innocent until proven guilty. This whole "he was not exonerated!" rhetoric was pulled out of their asses to make Trump look guilty.

Go ahead and try to find a single other investigation where they say "we exonerate ______".

Yes. If you trip up and state something wrong they can go after you for perjury. I believe one of them got charged because he said something happened near the end of the month but it was at the start or some shit like that. This is why Mueller had to specifically redact something he said earlier in the Mueller hearing, because not doing so would be perjury.

Think of that statement as a window into the guy's mind.

Although there's no objective juxtaposition, there is a subjective juxtaposition between "thing user likes" and "thing user hates". He hates the art and likes the message. Opposites!

It not an actual truth. Like, you may not recognize the juxtaposition and neither would a lot of people, but this is a special world for this user, and for him, this element is clever.

Abstract that over to his political beliefs and maybe you'll begin to understand how he holds so many intellectually dishonest, self-defeating, or self-contradictory stances.


That's both cringe as well as shitty art.

>Then stop using it, and say what you actually mean.
Trump is the one who uses it. Every news article on the topic always goes, "Collusion is not a legal term, but conspiracy is etc etc." You're striking down a strawman. You argue in bad faith and you do it knowingly.
>Whelp, looks like he's getting 4 more years.
Whelp, looks like we're getting another Blue Wave.

that's because stonetoss is unfunny in all contexts

White people are doing perfectly fine for themselves

They're both bad, why not read something that's not fucking stupid instead

I'm starting to think he makes those comics easy to meme on purpose.

So because white people can take care of themselves they should stop taking care of themselves? What are you even trying to say?

They can live in Mexico. Mexico isn't a shithole, right? You're supposed to claim asylum at the first country you cross. They would even fit in more culturally.

>hating based blobfish
Fuck you too.

Attached: blobfish.jpg (620x330, 30K)

You can be charged for perjury, but you can't lie accidentally. What a perjury charge would show is that they don't believe you did it accidentally.

Attached: yi3gnp7i88h21.png (608x616, 211K)

I wanna fuck those characters

The fact that Mueller said, repeatedly, that Donald J. Trump was eligible for indictment after his term ends, means that he's guilty. There's no reason to make him 'look' it, when he is. The second half of the Mueller report is all the numerous ways that Trump obstructed justice and a detailed accounting of the evidence pertaining to those instances of obstruction of justice.

>It's always someone else's fault.

That's why you're a NEET that lives with your parents and watches cartoons all day right?

>good art
Pic not related right?

>You argue in bad faith and you do it knowingly.
Stop projecting. He's only using the term "no collusion" because every single democrat has been screaming "RUSSIAN COLLUSION" for years now.

Same for jews in interbellum Germany and look at what happened there.

Just go back to /pol/ and stop pretending you know what you're talking about

Reminder that he predicted the gay BK commerical:


Reminder that he also predicted Bitcoin bouncing back.

They're like 6 years old.

>The fact that Mueller said, repeatedly, that Donald J. Trump was eligible for indictment after his term ends, means that he's guilty.
That's literally the opposite of what that means.

>people who don't trust the government also assume there's nothing weird with the President
Thats because Trump is a petri dish to those people. They want to see what happens when unexpected and unwanted President takes the seat. Kinda ironically, it creates insane conspiracy theories. I don't know how anyone is supposed to go forward post-Trump. Trump has proven that America is drowning in truths and cannot go forward together. Civil war is not only unavoidable, but necessary. The divide is getting wider and causing more instability.

Saying "a president can be charged after leaving office" doesn't mean jack shit. No SHIT a president can be charged after leaving office. That doesn't mean they have valid grounds to actually charge Trump himself.

Do you even know what the supposed "obstruction" was or are you just parroting talking points you heard?

>Concentration Camps

The shits fucked up but stop using this buzzword. It needs to be fixed but it's not literally Auschwitz

Which is exactly why the PC culture wants to entirely eradicate them.

has Stonetoss ever had sex?


Attached: ethnic-food-comic-1.png (940x300, 72K)

Racism is bad.

Auschwitz wasn't Auschwitz anyway. You're seeing the same jewish lies rehashed here that were said about the Germans in WW2.

his original comic was about interracial love, not gay love

but hey, stonetoss doesn't understand that companies investing money into looking good for millenials is a marketing tactic, so I understand if he got some of his bigotry mixed up

Attached: co summed up and btfo.png (617x616, 167K)

>If I act retarded, I can win any argument

Attached: C-UfCTyXoAAUi6q.jpg large.jpg (971x1024, 92K)

Aw so you are just some loser that blames all of their failures on someone else. Sorry your degree in underwater basket weaving didn't get you the six figure job you always wanted.

No it isn't.

Attached: christmas-race-statistics-comic.png (1000x500, 53K)

>his original comic was about interracial love, not gay love
It was interracial gay love, which is also in the comic

you seem really mad though,kek

Concentration camps existed before Auschwitz, the first ones were built by the British during one of the Boer Wars and, like the camps near the Mexican border today, they weren't intended to be death camps

Nice to see you practice what you preach.

>"Concentration Camps"

Hey look an actual comic-related image. I suppose I will post this on this comic board.

Attached: COMICS.png (623x778, 589K)

You know there's more to concentration camps than Auschwitz, right?

Hell, these aren't even the first concentration camps in the US. Only last time we just called them "internment camps"

Yea Forumspe

Yes, that is the Hehe Silly tactic in a nutshell

Attached: bernie-sanders-2020-campaign-comic.png (1000x1000, 79K)

The detainee "concentration camps" also existed before Trump.

Santa is a catholic saint he's not supposed to give present to murican protestants

>Do you even know what the supposed "obstruction" was or are you just parroting talking points you heard?
You mean all the times that Trump tried to kill the Mueller Investigation, and how all of those times are substantiated with evidence, and how all of those instances meet the legal definition for 'obstruction of justice,' a crime for which Donald J. Trump can be indicted for once he's left office. One instance of obstruction recounted in the Mueller report is
Trump repeatedly asked Don McGahn to kill the investigation, to fire Mueller, and pressured him to do so. That's just ONE instance that meets the legal definition for obstruction of justice. And that's what Mueller meant when he said Trump can be indicted after leaving office, that there are grounds to indict him.

No shit, do you think I like Obama lol


>Continuing to act retarded to win an argument

Alternative Republicans is still really dumb term to use to describe none two party voters, nationalist socialist, republicans and uncle toms.

nah dude, detaining immigrants was the prelude to the whole kill every jew. Same exact situation what Trump is doing

Concentration camps have been used since the nineteenth century and are defined as a temporary encampment where large numbers of displaced people are concentrated. It's not a good term, because the 'concentrated' implies bad conditions due to overcrowding, but a concentration camp is not necessarily a death camp, while death camps are concentration camps.

Learn history.

>Did you forget about the Concentration Camps retard or do you just not care
I don't know why SJWs think this is clever.
There exists exactly two kinds of people:
1. Retards who think they're being clever by calling them "concentration camps", knowing full well that the first thing that all Americans will think of is the holocuast, and then arguing semantics as to how they might technically be considered concentration camps despite having nothing to do with the holocuast.
2. Everyone else, who knows exactly what bullshit #1 is trying to pull, and isn't falling for it.


I mean,it's working for you apparently.

>Reminder that he also predicted Bitcoin bouncing back.
Hoping a shitty investment bounces back isn't a prediction. Having to use current technology for the math behind Bitcoin automatically guarantees quantum computing will be able to make all addresses public for shits and giggles.

>other people point out that literal concentration camps are literal concentration camps
These other people are arguing semantics

honk honk

Attached: clown-world-comic1.png (1500x500, 82K)

Hes a Coca-Cola mascot.

Never been to /pol/ eh?

How did /pol/ manage to completely take over Yea Forums anyways?

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Attached: Japanese POW were treated just fine.jpg (725x1077, 366K)

>altrightoid pushes retardo memes
Checks out

It's currently worth $11,000.
So yeah, looks like he's right, yet again.

Black people can't be racist.


Because what you call "/pol/" is just Yea Forums.
Yea Forums also used to just be different flavors of Yea Forums before Yea Forums just became a worthless porn board, so now Yea Forums is /pol/.

Attached: no russian no russian your the russian.jpg (428x811, 103K)

Based on a true story

Attached: hl31kzcqp5331.jpg (1190x1259, 240K)

>Still doing it

The truth is that /pol/, Yea Forums, and Yea Forums are all treated like Yea Forums and are used for vast amounts of off-topic shitposting. It isn't just '/pol/ took over another board', it's garbage posters have immigrated in vast numbers and don't give a single fuck about topics. Just look at /ptg/. They talk about anime and bark at the moon every night at midnight in there.

Attached: futureof4chan.jpg (1200x377, 90K)

>It was interracial gay love, which is also in the comic
prove it

good argument
you win I lose

Attached: khqq609b2ob21.png (1000x1000, 215K)

You didn't hear that bad orange man was going to get immigration laws changed so that even legal immigrants can be deported?

>Locked behind patreon

Attached: fbi-infiltration-comic-1.png (1500x500, 76K)

I don't get it.


Attached: 6i0zvaho1ww21.png (625x605, 170K)

the left really can't meme

Attached: love-hate-relationship-comic.png (1500x500, 83K)

I'm an old man who doesn't look into politics outside of my dying town, what the fuck is antifa?

>Eye witness accounts from survivors.
This slays me every time.
>They ran out of gas and just let us go.

LARPing college kids

Criminals will put up a lot of money to stay out of legal financial networks. As soon as it becomes viable, every intelligence agency in every major country is gonna be tracking that shit just like every other form of currency and you've spent too much time on /biz/ if you doubt that. Satoshi is taking everyone for a ride. Pebbleflick draws cartoons because he sucks at math and common sense.

Antifa are modern day brownshirts.

It's truly incredible how you refuse to see the fundamental flaw of the comic.

Someone just shot up a Walmart trying to kill the Mexicans.

The Traditionalist Worker Party gained national attention after its involvement at the deadly Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, last August. Its leader, Matthew Heimbach was arrested Tuesday for allegedly assaulting his wife and his spokesman after Heimbach was caught cheating on his wife with the spokesman’s wife.

David “Matt” Parrott was the party’s spokesperson until Tuesday, when he quit in a statement to the Southern Poverty Law Center. Parrott told The Daily Beast the incident might be the end for the white nationalist group.

The implosion began at a TWP compound in Paoli, Indiana, where Parrott’s wife, Jessica, was allegedly having an affair with Heimbach—who is married to Parrott’s stepdaughter from a previous marriage.

Heimbach and Jessica told Parrott they’d ended the relationship, but Parrott and Heimbach’s wife were skeptical. They arranged to “set up” Heimbach and Jessica in a trailer on Parrott’s property to catch them having sex.

Parrott stood on a box outside the trailer and watched Heimbach and Jessica have sex inside, according to a police report. When the box broke under Parrott’s weight, he entered the trailer to confront them. Heimbach allegedly choked him and chased him into a house, where Parrott threw a chair at him. Heimbach hit back, choking him into unconsciousness, according to the police report.

Parrott fled to a Walmart near his home and called police around 1 a.m. Tuesday morning.

After interviewing Parrott, police went to Heimbach’s home, where they met him outside with Jessica who said she was just a neighbor and left. Heimbach went inside and sent his own wife out instead, telling her “to send the police away and tell them everything was fine,” the police report reads. Heimbach “began to raise his voice at her and I heard scuffling and [Heimbach’s wife] yelling,” an officer wrote.

tinyurl com yxzrml7q

Leftists who dress up in black, show up at far-right rallies, sometimes beat people up. For some reason people get really upset about them despite the other side murdering people on the regular.

Antifa is shortened from Anti-Fascist, which is an anarchist self-appellation, not a group or syndicate, that considers fascism an existential threat, which it is, and something that must be resisted in any way available.

boring meme

no wonder gen z is leaning right

>get blown the fuck out
>"b-b-but I'll be right in the future!!!"

Attached: censorship-by-the-left-comic.png (1000x500, 32K)


have they taken down any fascism?

>no wonder gen z is leaning right
epic meme

>night of the wrong wives

>all of the people i look up to are literally trailer trash
>can't defend this
>if i just say he's boring maybe he'll leave me alone

It's only fundamental flaw is allowing the audience to broadly interpret it because then it allows morons like you to think "Mansplaining? No... No... MUST BE TALKING ABOUT ABORTION!!".

> People killed by communists

The list would never end

Attached: a5x1ntjmpae21.jpg (625x910, 124K)


They mostly show up at free speech rallies to try and violently shut them down.

And some other guys killed 10 more people in Ohio. Not sure if it was racially motivated but I heard that the shooters were both white and the area they shot up had a lot of minorities.

That's the problem you idiot! It's so vague that it can be interpreted in any way. It's not saying anything.

altright boogieman

Attendance at right-wing rallies is way down across the board, numerous extreme right-wing individuals can't show their faces in public, and Richard Spencer himself has said that anti-fascism has taken the fun out of things, so...

>beat people up
>For some reason people get really upset about them
So this is the power... of brain damage.
By the way, why doesn't Antifa ever organize rallies outside the Saudi embassy and beat up some of the Saudi officials who actually participate in killing gays and bashing women?

Attached: transgender-in-military-comic.png (1500x500, 227K)

Uh, yeah, investments have a lot to do with the future. Don't put money in things cryptographers who want to stop arms dealing and human trafficking have an extremely vested interest in rendering worthless.

>Attendance at right-wing rallies is way down across the board
then why do people keep crying about the increase of right-wingers

Hm, I wonder what could've given me the impression that Hehe Silly isn't exactly a pro-choice zealot

Attached: 621f0fa6609b1383de178233c573c061cabbbfec.jpg (1575x2181, 253K)

Yeah, why can't they be like the chad alt right and just murder people

This just goes to show that progressive leftists have no understanding of any political philosophy right of their own.
>luh mow snek flag is raycist hurdur lets go beat up old white ladys cuz they am wypipo n racisst.

I dont feel bad about these people dying from taking too big of strap ons

Attached: antifa-comic-1.png (940x300, 51K)

Maybe read the rest of that sentence before replying champ

I'd be fine with that, fuck those guys too

A. Being opposed to fascism does not make you a communist or a socialist, it makes you a regular person
B. The number of people killed by soviet style communism is less than a hundred million, which is not a defense of soviet style communism because fuck those people, but...
C. The number of people killed due to capitalism is never ending and constantly growing

It's not vague, it says "non-issue". If you think abortion is a non-issue, that just means you're retarded, not the comic.


Because they're going around shooting up public places

Attached: immigration-vs-wages-comic.png (940x300, 50K)

>trying to kill the Mexicans
White people actually.

liberals want more illegal immigrants because corporations can bay them $2/hour

He was targeting hispanics his entire Twitter was filled with rightoid bullshit.

Old school racist comics were PEAK Yea Forums.

Attached: 1370136267377.jpg (1808x1182, 479K)

One person's "non-issue" can be a huge deal to somebody else, but because they're so coy about it, it's impossible to tell what they're really talking about.

>pretend that this artist's other comics don't exist!

That article is misleading, because GenZ has a different baseline of what conservative means.
They have pretty much the same ideas as Millenials.

But isn't antifa beating them? How can they shoot?

Because domestic terrorism in America is almost entirely sourced to right wing causes and individuals, as has been pointed out by every credible peace keeping organization in the country, and numerous other peace keeping organizations outside of the country. There's two (maybe three) domestic acts of terror caused by right wing extremists in the last WEEK, for Christ's sakes. The rallies and attendance are going down, but the people that have read SIEGE and devote themselves to leaderless resistance are going to perpetrate more acts of terrorism until the FBI starts stepping up.

Attached: 1423333667011.jpg (1510x895, 1.82M)

They cry about the increase of white terror.

Antifa isn't "opposed to fascism"; they're anarcho-communists who who unironically want to see America destroyed, because they blame Communism failing every single time, everywhere, on America. That's how they justify the "anarcho" part about violence and vandalism against public property, universities, and the working class, and consequently, why everyone else from every side of the political spectrum hates them.

>someone pointed out that my political heroes are literally trailer trash
Oh...oh yeah? Well...you take it up the pooper and that's weird!

But all he shot was white people. Mostly because he was at Walmart.

so glad we're a left wing board!

Because assault weapons are legal for any psycho to own in your insane clown country, you stupid fucking yankee

Isn't that appropriating black culture?

Attached: nt6907mye8d31.png (995x995, 347K)

I'm not accusing you of anything, but I haven't met anyone who could clearly define fascism to me. I think the word is seen as a synonym of "tyranny" and people go from there.

China is about to fuck up this room's bell curve

Attached: Mellow Yellow.jpg (137x208, 4K)

And the comic is meant for you to interpret the non-issue. Not for you to read Hehe's mind. That's why it's a "fill in the blank" for you. Unfortunately you're retarded, so you chose abortion and missed the point.

Attached: 234534534.jpg (1496x7784, 3.52M)

ugh yeah

can't stand this fascist site, glad we have Yea Forums though

The alt-right are all cringy retards.

I'm not your champ, retard. You're condoning political violence and I hope one day you're stomped to death at one of those anti-Saudi rallies that will never happen. Faggot.

Yeah, better ban everyone for wrongthink so that leftist trannies think they're welcome here.

Attached: (You).png (675x534, 282K)

>my reaction to reparations
Because the white man's burden totally worked out the first time! Right? Right?!

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1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control
early instances of army fascism and brutality

This did not age well.

Attached: 1492625845298.jpg (1536x1123, 565K)

reminder Russian collusion comes from an unsourced buzzfeed article, which in turn comes from a Yea Forums prank.

You'll always be my champ user :)

>native american with the book upside down

I‘m certainly glad that no mass shooter has said they‘re from Yea Forums.

Attached: drm003agvj831.png (1506x515, 132K)

>The alt-right are all cringy retards.
This dude is the personification of cringe.

Attached: FAGGOT.png (618x664, 221K)

Shoulda tried a Home Depot.

>Yea Forumsmblr
>owning guns

The gadsden flag has literaly nothing to do with facism. And yeah I find it hysterical that these antifa "men" think theyre tough revolutionaries, so i'll mock them every chance i can get. They want communism but 95% would be thrown into a fucking gulag if we were in a real communist country. The left cant write, cant read, cant create, and they cant meme.

Actually, fascism is more about third way economics and organic economic theory (which is to say treating each part of the economy like organs in the body, with government as the brain) than exalting the nation state or race. The truth is that most governments today are in fact fascist. But saying that would be extremely wrongthink.

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Attached: zsQpqHZ.jpg (771x760, 171K)

Attached: can-i-go-to-the-restroom-comic.png (625x605, 50K)

Fair enough. I still think that considering fascism a right-wing or conservative movement is kind of missing the point, as it was created as an alternative to socialism and democracy, and although it did seduce more conservatives than progressives, it is in itself anything but that as it intends to create something new.

I would give up nigger if it meant my family wouldn't be bankrupted for something I couldn't possibly control


19th century Kancolle was weird.

Attached: 1542760922861.jpg (1500x997, 1.08M)

I feel like I'm losing my mind.
The Steele dossier is the one that alleges Trump flew to Moscow, checked into a hotel room after specifically making sure it was previously occupied by Obama, and then engaged in water sports with a prostitute?

>Look, I'm just saying, the discriminate of the quadratic formula reveals what type of roots the equation has.

Attached: Phil from the Philli.jpg (320x570, 27K)

>Attendance at right-wing rallies is way down across the board
But it isn't, though.

>Numerous right-wing individuals can't show their faces in public
Name one.

>Richard Spencer
Was a literal who before some LARPing autist punched him in the face and made him a media sensation.

You are failure personified. If an alien computer with cursory knowledge of human history and culture were asked to produce an image of the single most ridiculous failure it could process, it would produce an antifa member. There is literally nothing they've touched that has in any way, shape, or form reduced or even impeded the rise of fascism. They are the single most deluded, self aggrandizing moralists on the face of the Earth. The Pope himself has more humility and nuance in his worldview than your average pink-haired ancap who tweets about punching "Nazis" and shows up to "rallies" of about twenty people to bash the fash, which at present seemingly consists of gay dudes and old guys.

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It's likely that that tranny who shot up a mall browsed Yea Forums.

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I really wish I had a better version of this. If anyone wants to help me out, that'd be appreciated.

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It's funny how USA is so similar to Russia in so many aspects aside quality of life.
Russia has
>le evil usa infiltrators boogeyman
USA has
>le evil russian hackers boogeyman
I mean, I understand why a lot of russians believe in this shit, they are more susceptible to propaganda, but I was surprised to see how many americans unironically believe that Russia elected Trump or some shit. Russia is too busy to survive under incompetend government and dying economy. Russia doesn't have time to "own the libs" since presidency of Trump doesn't benefit Russia at all.

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wasn't that nutcase that thought the danny phantom ghosts were real from here

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altrightoids are so far down the insanity hole that their only hope to rationalize their believes is to deliberately invert every moral ethical and social code so that bad things are actually GOOD when trump does them, then they just repeat whatever trump says. They have spent years reprogramming their humanity to divert guilt or reason down into a nihilistic endpoint where nothing matters, so then they don't have to admit being stupid and gullible.

That's why when trump is a racist, the altrightoids instantly get a signal in their head to say that whoever he slandered is the real racist. When a white nationalist commits a mass murder, the altrightoid instantly says that some black guy or an "antifa" or some other vague bad-person somewhere must have something bad so the mass murderer is in fact a good guy. When you point out that trump's administration is corrupt, they start inventing nonsensical "accomplishments" out of their asses.

>this political cartoon is a blank slate that suggests nothing

Tight. Maybe for their next trick they can just stop posting and let us imagine their hack bullshit instead

It's almost like 1984 is slowly coming to pass or something...

> Capitalism kills more than communism
> The more capitalistic a country is the more freedom it has and the richer it is
> the richest countries in the world, where people can afford the best food and the best healthcare kill more people than Soviet Russia, communist China or Cuba

Galaxy brain shit right here, I feel enlightened now comrade.

Who's that in the background, between Columbia-chan and Britannia-senpai? The Netherlands?

>The point of the comic is to fill in the blank
>People fill in the blanks with their own non-issues
>N-No y-you misinterpreted it

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Fascism has best been described to me as a 'Whatever Works'-ism. Fascists will say and do and believe and think whatever they need to do in order to gain and hold on to power. Capitalists do tend towards fascism in times of crisis, but fascist leaders will engage in scapegoating in order to gain power. This can be done by "These people want to destroy our nation, the land that our ancestors fought and died for" or "we need to unite against the threat posed to us by a scapegoated race." And those two are not mutually exclusive, and can be interchanged however the fascist wants. And, by those terms, those you're using and those cited by Merriam Webster, I do agree with you that most governments are fascist and ought to be opposed. Check out any of Innuendo Studios' videos on fascism, they're incredibly informative and obsessively researched.

Taft is the hero we need

I think we claimed him, but it wasn't official if he ever came here or not. I think he did, but I don't have any evidence to back that up.

hope you're okay with rats

Yes, and he sold America and his title as a President to build Trump Tower somewhere in Russia. He is also not so secretly a neo-nazi attempting to kill and torture minorities.

>I was surprised to see how many americans unironically believe that Russia elected Trump or some shit.
Normally, I would say "Nobody actually believes that, it's just our shitty media quadrupling down on their liberal propaganda narrative"... but there are people even on Yea Forums who still unironically believe it.

1984 is a reality in britain.
That place is a damn police state.

>surely I know the definition of fascism better than what fascists actually said their political philosophy was actually about
You just don't want to admit that liberalism died during the World Wars.

This is the pinnacle of political comics.


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>Russia doesn't have time to "own the libs" since presidency of Trump doesn't benefit Russia at all.

Didn't Trump undo a lot of tariffs and sanctions on Russia?

I think he means that capitalistic practices get a lot of people killed. I still think that's kind of fallacious, as blaming every death in a capitalist society to "capitalism" is absurd. The same way, all people who die in communist economies aren't necessarily victims of communism.

>Because domestic terrorism in America is almost entirely sourced to right wing causes and individuals
By a study which flat out admitted it expanded the definition of "right wing" to include every group from the KKK to fucking Christian identity churches. If you call every tree the same tree, no shit you're going to look outside and see a lot of trees. That doesn't mean they're all the same fucking tree. San Bernandino was a "right-wing" terror attack; the Fort Hood shooting was a "right-wing" terror attack; the Pulse nightclub shooting was a "right-wing" terror attack, with none of the above shooters conforming to the typical image of a "right wing" individual.

It's a dumb study done specifically to make political hay.

Secret information is valuable. You can sell it for money, after all. Public, freely available information has zero value, since anyone who wants it can get it for free without having to pay you to tell them the information.

I don't know about your countries, guys, but most modern ones have some ugly symbiosis of 1984 and brave new world.

>says this in a country where most people can't afford health care, and where life saving medicine is getting more and more expensive by the day
And what happens if you can't afford medicine? What happens if you can't afford clothing, shelter or food? How about when industrialization and out of control capitalism has poisoned your water and your skies, and where capitalists spend hundreds of billions of dollars to reverse regulations that save people's lives and keeps them safe, none of which says anything about climate change which is spearheaded, caused by and has propaganda efforts due to capitalists.

The death toll for capitalism is incalculable.

>s-snek flag is not racist! we're libertarians!
Then why the FUCK do you keep allying with people that want to destroy liberty for others, and whose every government ever has been an authoritarian shithole. What does that have to do with liberty?

I thought the shooter was angry that Trump let legal immigrants come in, on top of being afraid of automation and concerned about the environment, basically the same brand of quasi-green ethnonationalism the guy in Chirstchurch had.
On second thought, I think it makes sense he shoot up Wal-Mart, not to kill brown people but because of the automated self-checkout cashiers displacing workers.

>Teddy Roosevelt
>Trust busting
>immigration is top issue
>possible world wars in future

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Not one study, numerous studies. The FBI has gone to congress several times THIS YEAR to ask for more funding in fighting domestic right wing terrorism.

The KKK and Christian Identity are blatantly far-right, what are you talking aboit

They look mature tho.

Mine is post 1984 heading to brave new world I believe.
But it really cannot compare to the absolute state of britain. Having a daughter there must be hell.

No, he even added new ones.

And people complain about US spending today.

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Politics are fucking miserable

>Destroy liberty for others.

What are you saying, they're obviously left wing antifa ideologies.

>Then why the FUCK do you keep allying with people that want to destroy liberty for others
Because the people who want to destroy liberty for Americans are leftists.
Rightwingers don't show up to other people's events to violently shut them down, and rightwing platforms actually allow free speech.

Different strokes, my dude. A person who pledges material aid to ISIS is classified as "right wing." You're no closer to fighting white supremacy, which is where most of these recent shootings are coming from. Ignoring my examples doesn't help you, broseph.

And Congress has justifiably told them no because the FBI is trash.

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Politics is life.

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>getting along with natsocs
Wew, the person who made this edit has never seen the two groups interact.

You realize that everyone can tell you're an antifa tranny when you change every single one to "stonetoss is a nazi", right?

Attached: smugtoss.jpg (812x1356, 105K)

>Rightwingers don't show up to other people's events to violently shut them down.
No, they just go around killing people.

Yes, the solution to our problems is more unhinged white people attacking randos on the street.

I guess this is supposed to be ironic?

Remember to lift with your knees when you move goal posts. Don't want to throw your back out.

Attached: goal-posts-moving.jpg (640x426, 157K)

You fill in the blank with something that fits your own definition of a "non-issue".

Holy fuck, are you really this retarded at mad-libs? Do you see _adjective_ and go "But WHAT do they WANT me to PUT IN???".

That's right, only rightwingers have a monopoly on political violence.

Attached: leftist edits.png (960x929, 625K)

Thanks for the reminder, but what if your knees are bad?

Am I supposed to care what CHUDs think? Caaaaaaaause I don't. At all.

>His own family disowned him for being a Nazi
>Not a Nazi
Grow up

I don't understand why people get so into it when the most they can do to make a difference is vote. Arguing online about politics is even worse than arguing online about comic books

>rightwing platforms actually allow free speech.

Oh im laffin

You know, Yea Forums, I blame USA only for one thing and one thing only - SJWS. Since our internet is basicall cargo-cult of yours, we take literally everything even if it has nothing to do with our country (like jokes about blacks being thiefs etc). Now we have all kinds of degenerates screaming about their rights and trying to force their shit into media as much as possible.
I know why YOUR country have SJWS, it's basically because you have no real problems and you need to create imaginary one.
We, however, have REAL problems and, damn, a lot of them. And now we also have all kinds of degenerates demanding rights while even normal people doesn't have them here. What the fuck, USA. Get your shit together.

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It's pretty incredible how unhinged the typical leftist in America is. They see some guy with an American flag exercising his democratic right to vote and they think "That guy needs to fucking die, because he's going to kill me one day."

Scary stuff. Good luck with the revolution, comrade.

Yeah and I'm sure that's what you meant when you said it too. Dont pull that bullshit. If the term didnt evoke the holocaust you wouldnt be saying it.

Then maybe don't engage in fallacious thinking and get like, one of those nice knee braces. They're seriously a life saver, and worth the prices asked for when you're getting a good one.

>And what happens if you can't afford medicine? What happens if you can't afford clothing, shelter or food?
Get a job?

>unhinged white people attacking randos on the street
But isn't this what the left wanted?

Hey, it's ok user. Not everyone is as literate as they probably should be. Maybe read up on the bang up job the FBI has done with domestic terrorism in the past, and then get back to all of us.

Now you're just spouting nonsense.

I don't care whether or not he's a nazi, I'm saying you make it blatantly obvious you're an antifa tranny when you use the antifa tranny catchphrase in your edit.
That invalidates your opinion on anything whatsoever.

Ironically, Stonetoss threads get a lot more replies on Yea Forums than on /pol/.

I have tried for quite some time now to drill some sense into your thick fucking skull, but if you're just going to keep up this broken record routine I won't bother. Learn how to read a cartoon, literal children can do it

>His own family disowned him for being a Nazi

And if you don't have the education to get a good job? Or you have health ailments that prevent you from working? What if you still can't break above the poverty line while working three different jobs due to the area you were born in and can't afford to move out of?

If you think SJWs are anything new, I have bad news. They've been around for close to one hundred years, although they did originate in the US so your overall point still stands.

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People still being butthurt over the "ok to be white" prank will never stop being hilarious

>Being this mad about being this wrong

Yeah it's a good thing no communist nation as these issues, oh wait.

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I'm mad about being right, which feels a little better but not much

It is undeniable that the left wing in the United States wishes open conflict with the right wing. Labeling all right wingers as Nazis is a method of dehumanizing them - antifa is already well on its way to sparking off large scale conflict. You see a person who is right wing and you want to murder them. Your politics, culture, and messaging all point towards elimination. You want to hurt people.

L O L Yikes. Thinks he's right, can't even do a mad-lib.

It's cause lefties can be easily goaded into fights because we think that we can reach a person's better angels, and convince people to come to our side, while ignoring that ninety-five to ninety-nine percent of the Republican party are bad actors that aren't interested in an evaluation of the facts, and would rather cherry pick from those facts to create a narrative that most appeals to their feelings.

What the fuck, irrelevant country. Get your own shit together first. Be grateful for whatever you accidentally get from us.

It's a template.

Stonetoss gets butthurt about it, too.

> Gillete
> 8 billion in losses
> It's not that we are failing, it's just that the costumers we shat on prefer our competitors, the ad was totally valid!

>Labeling all right wingers as Nazis is a method of dehumanizing them
I've been called conservative because I said, "There's only two genders". It's shocking how much they want to push out everyone in their group until it's just one blue-haired girl covered in tattoos.

>The left cares about debate
holy shit, go outside you fucking bridge troll

I mean, it's pretty perfect. If you're blatantly shilling anti-white propaganda, and someone says "It's okay to be white", you either admit they're right, destroying your original point, or have to literally say "it's not okay to be white", which makes your propaganda transparent.

Attached: lefty-vs-right-wing-memes-comic.png (1500x500, 72K)

>false dichotomy

Pure projection and inversion.