Well Yea Forums?
Well Yea Forums?
That is a poorly thought out argument
> Have your own race practice homosexuality
> Other races still don't
> They achieve supremacy
Then again, proponents of open borders like to bring up Injuns for some reason, I guess they really want their own race gone.
One day they are going to look at 'trans' kids like we look at lobotiomies and forced sterilization. We are monsters by pure negligence while evil is at work in front of us.
>no punchline, just forced politics
>kids don't even talk like this
On the plus side, trapfags btfo
Compulsive heterosexuality is not a state policy in the West
/pol/ bait thread?
> compulsive homosexuality and shattered gender roles swapped in
> suddenly makes sense
accidentally projectionj.
Seething disdain burried academic nonsense terms and two arguments using selective data.
If the majority population wasn't heterosexual then not only would there be no population growth, the population wouldn't even maintain stable numbers. Arguing that maintaining a large population is all about work and war is just silly.
And "racial superiority" is clearly just an attempt to make it seem even more wrong in case the "workers and soldiers" comment wasn't enough.
>appeal to nature fallacy
this is really dumb because a lot of other animals have strict gender roles
>not healthy
Theres a higher incidence of unhappiness and suicidal thought on people who challenge it so I doubt this is factual
English is not my first language, but shouldn’t it say “compulsory heterosexuality” and not compulsive?
Not true animals have been observed having homosexual relations therefore its completely natural and humans should do it
>goal is racial superiority
wtf I love strict gender roles now?
Bullshit argument. If the entire population of a species were to be bisexual, they’d easily maintain their numbers just as well as if they were all heterosexual.
The opposite is true, actually. There are very few animals that have not been observed displaying some kind of homosexual conduct.
And when we do we'll still be mutilating baby dicks because of the Jews and fucking cereal CEO.
Animals have not been observed wearing clothes in nature but penguins in home knit sweaters are adorable therefore your arguement is invalid.
Also plumbing and the internet and literall everything we have achieved as a species
Maybe in YOUR country. LOSER!
t. Proud foreskin owner.
That face makes it seem like he's smug and he's in support of it
Actually circumcision rates are going down across the board because people are realizing how dumb it is.
if you pass you are one of the good ones
if you don't you're gross and I'd never want to fuck or date or hang out with you
Please stop posting this. This makes me irrationally angry.
Bro, how many fucking times am i this artist’s reatarded gender shit on this damn board? Can we please stop fagging over this guy, girl, whatever? Why do you faggots keep posting this shit anyway ??
They never pass.
>Why do you faggots keep posting this shit anyway
Because it's easy to troll people with.
That's really it honestly, if it stopped getting a reaction people would stop posting it.
>You probably had crushes on many trans people without knowing it.
Aren't trans people a tenth of a tenth of a tenth of a tenth of the population?
>still making political threads
The number has been growing as the tranny meme is being pushed on white children more and more.
This face looks like stonetoss
>the state enforces normalcy
I shouldn't have to explain why pre-industrial states didn't have anywhere near the resources to micromanage people's lives like that, especially prior to mass education systems
But then pretty much everyone knew this guy was fat and retarded on top of being a tranny so whatever, the only shame is that there are apparently enough retards like him that he can actually make a career out of this garbage
All varieties of transoids together are estimated at around .5% of the population or 1.6 million people.
Hamsters also eat their babies sometimes. Therefore it's perfectly natural and humans should do it too.
>500 replies
What is this I see?
dick-less man gone mad from heat?
Forty percent soon.
- a haiku
>he can actually make a career out of this garbage
That's the downside to the internet.
Pre-internet, a guy like him would be the local village idiot that would get shunned by everyone else.
With the internet you can reach 3+ billion people, so you'll always be able to find other village idiots willing to indulge your views, no matter how retarded the shit you spew is.
i don't understand the first 3 panels
He is saying he is too fat to climb stairs and too autistic to deal with loud noise and scary people. And this is on top of being a tranny.
hes saying that having a pride parade isnt good enough because some people are scared of loud sounds and stairs, so the priders are offending him with their lack of forethought on "everyone".
>be able
Sure but there is no evidence proving they would. Homosexuals COULD keep birth rates up through medical means but they don't.
>Why do you faggots keep posting this shit anyway
Easy (You)s. It's the same reason people keep posting Stonetoss comics.
>Hate loud music
>Go to a party
Funny enough that arguement actually only makes Homosexuals worse if you apply it to them. Bonobo Apes apply homosexuality for lust and power dominance. If they're horny they'll rape a beta male ape in front of the entire pack. Elk/Deer do it only when females are low in number and they're just horny, plus they literally wrestle each other to the ground and the first to get pinned gets buttfucked. Snakes are BiSluts who disguise themselves as traps to get other snakes to tire themselves out while fucking him. Then it takes it's trappy booty over to the female's pit for an orgy since he's one of the few males that still hasn't blown his load/tired out.
The only semi-positive group is Giraffes and even then they only give brojobs for three reasons. The first being that there are low females/they are blueballed. Their testes can swell to the size of grapefruits during a rut and become painfully tender which impedes them while running. So Giraffes will give each other pity blowjobs so they don't walk funny and get pounced by predators. Other times when food is scarce, they will give each other blowjobs to feed on each other's cum for protein or there are BiSlut Giraffes who will suck off other giraffes to get them tired/spent so they can fuck the eager females in rut while the other males are sleeping off the trapgiraffe's super succ.
Homosexuality in nature is just rape and hedonism, there's only 1-2 cases of "bro-tier" homosex and even then it's still slut tier/sneaky trap shit.
>stop posting things I don't like!
Is true but there's literally nothing wrong with that
>there's no way to tell who's trans or not without them telling you
This is what trannies unironically believe.