Why are his characters always super over powered?
Why are his characters always super over powered?
He doesn't know any better.
dude power of imagination lmao
shitting on his own medium
user has Morrison fucked your mom?
Because they need to struggle very hard but still able to win.
And its his schtick to make them mary sues but than suddenly something more powerfull beats them in the middle.
He is the master of jumpscare/powercreeping in comics. Build them up they are imba but than, bang, suddenly a villian beats them. Than the hero struggles with "i thought i am unbeatable" and the hero needs to grow again.
Thats his quality and his fapfiction, he likes to break the glorious hero, who overestimated himself, and has a psychological catharsis where he needs to adapt to a new danger.
OP this is like the 4th time you've posted a Morrison thread
>forever ruins Doom Patrol
>forever ruins Superman fandom
>part of "let's reimagine Superman by bringing him back to old school roots but only to the stuff WE like" trio (Morrison, Wade, Millar)
>later spent decades dissing each other
Why are you posting an image of a beloved footy stud in a comic board?
You keep count of Morrison threads?
He's diversifying from the Moore threads. Tried a couple Millers recently too.
>writes superheroes
>"why are they overpowered"
What did you mean by that
don't forget
>forever ruins animal man
He never ruined anything. He only improved what was already established.
I don't think Zinedine Zidane ever wrote a comic, OP.
Anyway no you're wrong. If you're not willing to explore the characters to their fullest potential then what's the point?
Because he's into that whole "superheroes are the modern version of Greek gods or tall tales" ego trip.
forever shrunken Kandor was never established
Superman getting cancer from sun was never established either
I like a real feast for the eyes, a lot of trippy shit and weird shit, but I agree that Grant Morrison's stuff is of little real substance.
Caulder being responsible for Doom Patrol members accidents was never established
if its wasnt for him animal man would be a nobody
Midge Ure played soccer
>>forever ruins Doom Patrol
>>forever ruins Superman fandom
I just re-read this and I contend that it is peak Morrison.
Change my mind.
its underrated for sue
fuck off, underage
>Grant Morrison
>ruining Doom Patrol
What shitty bait. It's not like you couldn't find an actually plausible example of a less likable comic he's written. Why use the one that's near universally acclaimed? There hasn't been a better Doom Patrol run since his. Closest one is Gerard Way's.
It's good but while Grant took a brave stab at interweaving 7 narratives 7 different narratives is a bit much to weave into one story.
Peak Morrison is probably one of his original universe works like The Filth, anyway.
I like it, but I think his best work is the loosely connected thematic trilogy he did with The Invisibles / Flex Mentallo / The Filth.
The Filth in particular is my favorite.
>And its his schtick to make them mary sues but than suddenly something more powerfull beats them in the middle.
Sounds like shonen. Maybe thats why you weebs love him so much.
>there are people that like the filth
If only.
An unusual choice, but I liked it.
Let's say it's his best cape work.
>Sounds like
Ever read anything by him, user?
It's not even bait at this point
>write loving heartfelt tribute to Batman that celebrates the longevity of the character and the characters importance to the medium
If you don't love this singular page then you don't love comic books.
How do you NOT like The Filth?
This sounds like Evolution.
At first it was just Watchmen threads, but than they split and evolved into Moore, Millers and Morrison threads.
But Miller wasnt fit for the harsh Yea Forums and got extinct. Now the predatory Moore and Morison threads are the dominant author thread species, hunting and eating any story discussion threads.
Guess thats somthing Grant would like, threads that are evolutionary living in a board eccosystem!
Their ancestry was Mail section in comics, than mail section in fan magazins, than internet comic forums and now picture boards!
>animal man would be a nobody
You act like now Animal Man isn't a nobody.
a nobody with history and quality comics atleast
Such as?
>quality comics
Comic, singular.
You effing pleb
Autistic samefag
He was in 52.
Jeff Lemire animal man run was amazing.
Nah, its his good writing. Like Moore, Ditko, Stan Lee or Kirby. They write so good, you will forgive them certain bad habits.
if you read comics because of power levels bullshit, you read comics for the wrong reason.
How's this?
i like it
Go back to your own site, Byrne.
I had a hard time getting anything out of it. I think it'll come across better rereading it after The Invisibles, but it's taking forever to track down the singles.
Morrison fans are all retards, every single one, Johnstards are probably more well read than them
Nice interpretation. I guess that most Morrisonian solution would be to attempt to guide the evolution magically. Maybe adapt his hypersigil technique into a series of threads meant to influence the board in a way that'll bring discussion to dominance.