On this day August 4th 2006, one of the best, funniest and underrated animated film of this century has been released...

On this day August 4th 2006, one of the best, funniest and underrated animated film of this century has been released. Ladies and gentlemens barnyard (2006). I'm a fan of this movie and the series for years. Humanity didn't deserve this masterpiece of movie.

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if they made a Nicktoons Cinematic Multiverse, what role would Otis get in a crossover movie?



They're male... but have udders...

Back to the Barnyard ended too soon

They're supposed to represent how children see cows

Never got out of the Sponge's shadow

Saw this in theaters when I was 13. All I remember is the rat that sang Shaggy, and the end where the main cow and his waifu are constellations in the sky. Weird times.

Then why is this movie so hated?

reminder Otis got cucked literally having to raise a little nigglet half breed cow cause of that coal-burning blond cow and her sassy black cow friend

It wanted to be two different movies at once, a heartfelt Disney ripoff about father-son relationships and growing up to take responsibility and a kid-friendly frathouse comedy

all shitposting aside I unironically enjoyed the movie and think the show is underrated too

Fuck I wanna be in 2006 again being a stupid fucking kid

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Me too user, me too......

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Yes meme aside it's enjoyable

Good movies.

Insane, drug trip cartoon series.

The irony...

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I watched that in the cinema

I did too. Quite a memorable and livid experience too, for some reason

Camouflage/homemade weaponry expert, for sneaking into the big bad's lair.

Well she's still not in

I've been going insane for some time over seeing a promo for this movie some time before it came out, was definitively some sort of commercial or something that played on Nickelodeon that I caught as I came into the room in early/mid 2005. It was just Otis popping up from the corner of a black screen and filling the space. He held a "YIELD" sign, or a person walking, or something like that, and then flipped it over, then smiled/chuckled, like you see on that poster, it was in silence or there was some kind of narration. His design might've not been finalized either as I recall he had black pupils rather than the "Jimmy Neutron" styled eyes that he ended up having. That's the only part I caught, it didn't say Barnyard or anything like that, and when I saw posters for the film many months later I was a bit relieved to find out what I saw actually existed- but the early "promo" for it still lingers as a distant memory. Might've been attached to the pitch in some way, I don't know.