Why? How?
Why? How?
Because it fucking sucked.
Good thread OP.
>movie box office thread
>First movie is standalone.
>Second movie is BIG CROSSOVER MOVIE.
>Third movie is standalone.
>Fourth movie is standalone (about someone that was already introduced)
Gee, i wonder why the DCEU failed and the MCU didn't. It's not like the are between The Avengers and Age of Ultron there were four years apart.
It isn't the lowest-grossing anymore. Shazam is.
It underperformed, thus its the lowest grossing one. Man of Steel did ok, BvS had initial hype and strong sales at first despite the drop later on, Suicide Squad sold tons of merch and did well without China bucks, Wonder Woman was a big hit everywhere, so JL then had to deal with the baggage of being a slightly unfinished Snyder movie with some bits from Whedon. It was an inconsistent movie with a mediocre plot and messy special effects. A standard capeshit movie, but with somehow a big budget but looking like it was in 2009.
You can thank the hack that is Joss Whedon for that. He literally reshot the whole movie and disregarded a lot that Snyder already did.
You know there is something wrong with Joss when people are literally begging to see the Snyder cut because they know it will be less of a disappointment then the trash Whedon attempted to do.
the frankenstein abomination of two hacks with conflicting tones and visions for the movie.
You need to let go
Wouldn’t that be Shazam?
>when people are literally begging to see the Snyder cut
And yet it lost money and Shazam didn't. They really fucked this. I'm no fan of Snyder but I would have preferred one vision instead of the Frankenstein monster we got
DC should just release the “Snyder Cut” for JL 1 and 2 in a comic book form. Just give the script to some comic book artist, and have him draw it out. Release it as some hardcover, and bank on it.
I was trying to remember which movie I was forgetting, until I saw this It's unbelieveable to me that Suicide Squad of all the movies is getting a sequel, though obviously we'll be getting a Wonder Woman sequel sooner or later.
Nigga why the fuck would matter if you know the charactes beforehand, a movie should be able to stand on its own.
I actually watched JL to know the characters and went to watch Aquaman thanks to that. I have skipped most standalone movies of both companies because they mostly never fucking matter.
>Why did the ridiculously blatant cash grab fail when it tried to fast track itself onto the Avengers stage without doing even a percent of the ground work?
No idea it seems like such a good idea, now if you excuse me I have to go build a skyscraper in marsh land starting with the top
>Shazam is.
Isn't that sad tho?
Snyder tainted this version of the characters.
Suicide Squad made a lot of money. But really everything but JL got a sequel
This "JUST WAIT THIRTY YEARS SO IT PAYS OFF" shit is getting old.
Fucking Guardians worked fine as a movie and that introduced an entire god damn fucking team of characters PLUS half a dozen supporting characters AND an entirely new setting. It has nothing to do with building it up or not over 50 billion movies, its just that the movie on its own fucking sucked.
Get Scott McDaniel, he's a jesus freak.
A combination of Joss ruining Snyder’s perfect vision and Disney shill sabotage
Because it fucking sucked.
Good thread OP.
cause Disney
Every change we know Whedon made was for the best. And Whedon isn't even that good. Just better.
Snyder is cancer.
why do we still use "gross revenues" in 2019 instead of actual profits, or tickets/seats sold? The data sin't hard to collect anymore
This. I guarantee the Snydercut is as good as BvS: Ultimate Editon
Is that the version where they go with Snyder's original idea that Martha Wayne survived the shooting, went into witness protection, and became Martha Kent?
There was a mass protest outside the WB lot for them to release the Snyder Cut. The demand for it is huge.
If only the mass protest had happened inside of theaters.
Oh well.
>Fucking Guardians worked fine as a movie
Their members don't have any rich or interesting story behind them that deserves a long ass adaptation dude.
I'm not sure why Snyder, or whatever writer came up with that, thought that was a good idea. Why would someone in witness protection not change their first name?
Fuck! I forgot there is 7 DCU movies now
That's not my only point, they fucked by making BIG CROSSOVERS with few months between them and the one that was supposedly meant to cement the DCEU had a mediocre plot that could have been saved had it been built up beforehand. Same shit goes for Superman's death, a moment that could have been impactful had audiences been with him for a longer time.
And why did she abandon her son?
Don't hire trash Marvel writers for your movies.
Thats a complete lie, but whatever you say my man.
>trash Marvel writers
Because it fucking sucked.
Good thread, OP.
Shooting the new scenes in digital when the Snyder's parts were shot on film and changing the composers were good choices?
It was a joke told during an interview.
The Guardians worked without setup because at its core it's about a bunch of misfits with (on average, and compared to what's standard in comics) very little history, shoved into an end of the universe scenario. When Groot was pulled into the guardians comic, he'd had a sum total of two ancient appearances as a Monster of the Week. A big part of the appeal of the Guardians is "look at this bunch of misfit assholes, trying to save the universe, hoo boy we are screwed if they're what stands between us and Armageddon."
The Justice League, on the other hand, are meant to be a collection of the Greatest Heroes of a whole universe of Heroes.
Can you introduce The Greatest Heroes, equals to Superman and Batman, and make it feel like they're comparably impressive, and do it in the relatively short amount of time a movie has, while doing a big bad villain plot worthy of Superman AND a bunch of other heroes?
I mean, yeah, anything is possible.
Is it ADVISABLE? Oh, fuck no. No. Fuck, that's a terrible idea.
They should make movies about characters people care about, like the titans.
Lurk more.
They could've been shot in sepia with a kazoo in the background and it wouldn't make a difference. The problem with the movie wasn't a matter of music, or lighting, or digital vs. film, the far bigger problem was that the writing was atrociously bad.
And every decision Whedon made was for worse. Including what he added to the writing. Or do you think that Flash falling into Wonder Woman's boobs was great writing?
These shots are presumably meant to make me feel something other than "I don't give a shit."
But they don't. I literally do not give a flying fuck about the lighting, user. The movie was dire, and those shots didn't change that even a little bit.
You can insist Snyder isn't a hack all you like, but fuck, the DCAU did a better job of introducing the League and a villain threat in ninety minutes than Snyder did in the Justice League movie, and the problem sure as fuck wasn't Whedon trying (badly) to inject a little levity into something so stupidly grimdark that it made Sin City look like Candyland by Milton Bradley.
...I really want to stress again just how much I do not give a rat's ass about those shot by shot comparisons, by the way. Jesus Christ dude, the script was a turd sandwich and you think I should give a rat's fart about cinematography?
For proving how a-moral she is.
It would have been a great idea