How long would the Nolan Batman last in the MCU?

How long would the Nolan Batman last in the MCU?

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He could probably fuck MCU Spider-Man up which isnt so much a compliment towards blunder-man and more telling of how incompetent MCU Spider-Man is.

Batroc would have a field day against him. Nolan Batman honestly doesn't seem that skilled.

This. He was a skilled fighter, in so far as that went in the Nolanverse since we had little to comapre him to, but largely relied on night/darkness and surprise. Both Black Widow and Hawkeye would kick the everloving fuck out of him in hand-to-hand, I suspect, before we even get to Cap and the more powerful heroes and villains.

Batfleck though? That's a different story. Or perhaps not, because for all the batwank in comics, and how impressive that warehosue fight was, he was basically useless against Doomsday and in Justice League as he should be. He could probably give Cap a good fight, and beat the normies, but that's as high as he could go. He isn't going to be giving Spider-Man or Iron-Man any sleepless nights.

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Batfleck got shot and hit on the head a few times. His armor saved him and protected him from receiving any critical damage. He isn't really agility and relied too much on brute force and his equipment.

I would like to see him work with Netflix Defenders.



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About as long as Widow or Hawkeye

I think he's decent enough in an urban, one-city setting. He has an array of vehicles that makes him maneuverable enough for a terrorist attack, but he probably can't do shit for an alien invasion. Certainly not Tony's level of bullshit like sending drones from space in a matter of seconds (Far From Home), or nanotech suit delivery systems (Infinity War).

His physical abilities really suck though (see pic)

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Better question is how long Batfleck would last.
He's a WAY better fighter who's far quicker despite not being in his prime.
He also has better tools.
He could at least beat Widow. Probably Hawkeye too depending on if he actually uses trick arrows.
He's fast enough that he honestly might pose a problem for Cap despite Cap being far stronger than him.

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>got shot and hit on the head a few times
I like to think that's because the mercs are skilled, and Luthor paid for the best, and a nod to realism more than a failing of Batman. Comicbookwise he is on a roughly even level with 616 Captain America, so anything he can handle then theoretically so should Batman, outside ones where the shield makes all the difference.

The realistic take on Batman would get destroyed in a world filled with literal magic, sci-fi bullshit, and Gods.

user, please.

MCU Spidey would fuck him up. Bucky and Falcon were like jokes to Spidey.
Nolan Batman relies a lot on surprise and prep, being sneaky in general.

To answer op, he'd do okay. Black Widow did, didn't she?

Batfleck is pretty close to the comic counterparts, power level wise. Nolan Batman is interesting because he's so damn weak.

stop, stop

he's already dead

He could probably Ultron drone? Davos from Iron Fist? That's about it really.

>>MCU Spidey would fuck him up. Bucky and Falcon were like jokes to Spidey.
And then he immediately got his ass kicked by some random black dude with a glove and a birdman who doesnt even have guns.

Civil War Spider-Man was a fluke, they fucked him up immediately afterwards.

Vulture would also fuck up either Bucky or Falcon. Falcon in particular would be humiliated.
Shocker just surprised him.
But hate on.

MCU Tony is just the Green Lantern now. He can do literally anything.

>mfw Spidey seemed cute, young and vulnerable
>mowed down Falcon and Winter Soldier like a freight train, laughed at them and then left

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He unlocked the power of bullshit anime tier nanomachine time travelling super science and took over the world from his lake shack. I wouldn’t be surprised if he comes back as an AI at some point.

Did you like, not see Far From Home or something?

>Vulture would also fuck up either Bucky or Falcon
Just fucking shoot him you retard.

They both have guns, Vulture does not have guns and does not have any fucking body armor, just shoot him.

>my dead mentor gave me a multibillion dollar kill satellite controller, im going to give it to this random asshole i knew for all of 20 minutes because he said some unverifiable shit and danced with pretty lights
>no not any of the 30 well known well documented superheroes i have personally fought alongside recently
>this guy
>who i dont know
>who nobody knows
>who is making outlandish wild as shit claims that nobody has confirmed