Do you read older comics?

Do you read older comics?

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Tried to read through all of the orignal spiderman run but it's a bit cheesy for me.

DC stuff even more so, since it's old.

Yeah I've got a bunch of EC collections, Tintin albums, and some silver and bronze age stuff like Lee/Kirby FF and Starlin's Warlock

Yes, I like Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko's art so I'm trying to read through a lot of their old stuff. And not sure if this counts as old but I also like '80s stuff like Chris Claremont X-Men. I don't really read much new stuff at all.

>do you breathe air?
Yes, you fucking stupid casual.

>words words word words words words words
I've tried, but they're just not good.

I sold all of my older comics (70s-mid80s) stuff, but I did enjoy reading them compared to whats being made now.

Older than what

I exclusively read and discuss older comics. It's just not worth it to come to Yea Forums for anything else.

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80s was my limit but I have to say they are also the pinnacle of genre (at least for capeshit)

For Marvel 80s is the most recent I'll read.

Yes, I especially enjoy Kirby and Golden Age Batman.

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I love the lore and atmosphere of old comics but I have problems trying to imagine voices for them without being too hokey
Also WORDS WORDS WORDS is an issue with constant repeated exposition dumps

there is some okay stuff in the 90s besides being "ugly", 2000s ultimate universe is also a interesting breath of fresh air on some franchises, also a good point for newcomers

Who threw ropes on Reed out of nowhere? Did he do it to himself? Did he spill spaghetti all over himself? What the hell am I supposed to think here!?

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I’ll go till around 92.

>there is some okay stuff in the 90s besides being "ugly"
The kids of today should defend themselves against the nineties.

The kids of today should defend themselves from current year. It sucks

Those of you who don't like the exposition in Golden/Silver age Marvel & DC should read Buz Sawyer. It's a great comic that started in the 30s and is very much a 'show, don't tell' comic.

I like both modern and classic writing styles and comics in general, but I definitely lean more towards classic when it comes to narration presence

Yeah. They're an acquired taste though.
Reading the Stan Lee stuff is a total slog unless you linger on each panel and interpret it into an actual, moving scene. Like this one, where you can kinda "hear" Strange's shield bursting apart. Then Lee's writing feels more charming, as opposed to being overwritten prose, and the comic becomes much less static.

idk, maybe I sound crazy. But my enjoyment of 60's Marvel went up tenfold once I started focusing on the panels as individual tableaus.

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Anything from Winsor McCay and George Herriman onwards, baby!

I do find superhero shit more readable from the '80s onwards probably but there's enjoyable and interesting shit from all eras imo

Pretty much exclusively. With a few exceptions I don't know how people even look at modern comics with that horrendous digital gradient coloring.

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Been reading 80s DC stuff and i'm really enjoying it.

With you 100% buddy. Most of the newer stuff looks like crap.

no because golden and silver age comics are literally written for children in the worst way possible, with every issue having to restate every characters powers, motivations and entire backstory along with some of the shittiest, awkwardest dialogue that doesn't sound like anything a human would say, not even in the 30-70's

Yeah, Ditko's Spidey is comfy. Also liked Mcfarlane's run.

Yeah, although it can be a chore sometimes.

Golden Age Plastic Man is god tier.

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It truly is. Good taste.

I can't read old or new cape comics for these reasons.
I got tired even of this after a few stories.

Yeah I started reading Spider-Man from the beginning and now I'm around the #240 issue mark

>Who threw ropes on Reed out of nowhere?
Same person who gave Angel that goddamn bazooka he never used.

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So many questions are raised by this.

that's a metal beam you dummy.
It looks like either Magneto is attacking them in the danger room, that's a fake magneto dummy in the danger room, or Kirby started drawing Beast and Angel training, but then decided to make it a fight when he drew Cyclops and Iceman.

FF and ASM are one of the few series i have read every issue of.
Nothing older than that though.

That's 90% of what I do read, OP.

Holy shit this is indeed fantastic
You're just an awful reader. Comics are, before anything, a very cheap and disposable art form. At least in their american format, the awkwardness in the writing (and art) is supposed to be a given, a barrier which should broaden your narrative vocabulary once you learn to navigate it. Don't assume things are bad just because they're unpolished and amateurish.

I only read older comics

The casual levels in this thread are off the charts

I'll read old euros, mangos and american indies, but old capes are shit.

>dialogue's actually funny and not cringe
What the hell?

No one actually reads comics.

How classic we talkin?

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Snow man Bobby>Ice man Bobby

wait, why is this so based?

>Do you read older comics?

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True. I really didn't like golden age batman.

I'll read tintin every know and then.
For superheroes the oldest I'll go is the 60s lee and kirby's FF

I like GA Batman, because he actully collects clues and solves mysteries. It starts rough but improves rapidly.
Also Dick is merciless

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Try not to take everything so seriously, user.

Fuck this shit, it doesn't belong in Yea Forums.

Also yes OP, I actually like a lot of late 70's/80's/early 90's Marvel cosmic stuff, in ways not many series currently tap. Can't say I read it exclusively but I've been recently collecting that classic stuff and enjoying it very much. It also benefits a lot from the way science fiction was evolving during that period, so some of them expose theories that had been developing at the time of the writing. Like for instance, Quasar goes to certain depths to explain deep space exploration and quantum jumps while trying to make space travel times realistic. Plus the sheer psychedelia of it all is just a feast to the eyes.

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Yes, they're miles more entertaining than 2010's comics.

I won’t say they are more entertaining, but there’s definitely a huge difference in writing style. 80s-90s is the golden age, anything before and after is about equal for me

You’re a fucking idiot. Older comics were generally made for a younger audience in mind so every issue is full of exposition so there’s no chance of confusion. This only applies to American super hero comics so there are older comics that stand out. Alternative comics from the 60’s, Harvey Kurtzman EC comics and Mad Magazine. Also plenty of interesting comics made outside of America from Europe and Japan

Im reading through the original amazing spiderman at the moment and it really seems to be hit or miss.

I reading it bother through an epic collection that I bought (#18-#30) and the silver age storytime.

there was a great one, issue #16 i think, where spidy and daredevil battle the ringmaster. (along with the 1st annual which is also pretty good).
from there onwards it takes a pretty big dip in quality, espically #18 which my collection started with, its shit.

I seems like it dosn't improve untill peter goes to collage with that famous "If this be my destiny" storyline.

Also Im sick of seeing the fantastic 4 in these issues.

Think 19 is the last time you really see the Torch for awhile. He’s involved with the infamous spider-mobile later on.
I am also a fan of the Circus of Crime. They show up again later.
I think the Crimemaster story in the 20’s is great, but YMMV. I like most of the stories, however, at least a little.

I can read up the Bronze Age so anything after 1970. Their are a few exceptions like Lee Kirby Spider-man, FF, and Thor but thats about it. DC Silver Age is especially terrible.

Im also reading through silver surfer, that stuff is great a cut above the rest.

Intellectually subnormal

I read some 60's Iron Man and I realized how scary good Iron Man Armored Adventures was at capturing the essence of early-days Iron Man, which was basically all high school love melodrama featuring an adult billionaire super-hero.

Post your top 5 favorite old comic runs

I totally agree with you on digital gradient coloring but it seems like the most old school artist prefer digital coloring.

And here I thought Magneto was attacking with a metal pipe which Angel caught. The motion lines at first seemed like they were going backwards now they seem at a sideways angle.

Gruenwald's Quasar
Starlin's Warlock
Starlin's Captain Marvel
Wolfman's Nova
Lee/Kirby's Silver Surfer

Honorary mention to Thor, for obvious reasons.

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Gene Colan is legit one of the best artists of any era. Tomb of Dracula and his Daredevil run are master classes.

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Fourth World
FF 1-102
ASM 1-142
Master of Kung Fu
It’s hard to pick 5.

Reading a copy of Marvels at my local library in my early teens is what got me interested in older Marvel stuff, namely Captain America

I have a hard time reading anything DC from the Silver Age that isn't Metal Men, but I do like a lot of their golden age stuff like Green Lantern, Flash, Hawkman, and Doctor Fate

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Love Colan's work on Howard The Duck. Went through my teens reading an Essentials copy long before the omnibus came out and loved how Colan gave the book an almost noir type quality

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None of what you said has anything to do with what I have said, which only confirms my point that you are probably a very poor reader.

>Lee/Kirby's Silver Surfer
Do you mean the graphic novel they did together or the first Silver Surfer series cause that was Lee and John Buscema

>It’s hard to pick 5.
Yeah it is hard to narrow it down to just 5 but if you want to add more go right ahead. I'm using this as recommendations of what to read next. I don't really read new comics aside from a few current series.

Also I really fucking hope you're not including EC stuff as examples of good writing because the writing is not the reason to read those stories.

>Lee and John Buscema
Yeah, this is the one. With the oldest titles it's hard to get used to the way they were credited for the stuff.

why do you think that is, user?

try to give an answer without using the words 'sjw', or 'forced diversity'?

I completely feel that Silver and Bronze age comics are far superior to modern comics and I think any retard who whines about SJWs or diversity doesn't understand comics in the slightest and should kill themselves.

Comics from that era had more creativity, more originality and less decompression. The art was cruder in many ways but it had more energy because the creators were flying by the seat of their pants and that's what comics should be. Eisner, Kirby, Ditko, Wood, etc. didn't dream of being comics artists, it's just where they ended up because they developed their on bizarre style and comics is where it worked. None of them would be in the industry today because they aren't fanboys that worship the past instead of create the future. Kirby literally didn't look back at previous pages when he finished them and that's why there's more ideas in his 100+ F4 run then there is in the rest of the Marvel U combined.

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Where that page from?

Kirby's Machine Man

Comics in general or just capes?

To me 'old' is silver age and earlier. So in no particular order:
Lee's ASM (It was still good after Ditko and debatably better)
Terry & The Pirates
Li'l Abner
Buz Sawyer
Barks' Scrooge

I think I might have some other Marvel & DC stuff in my top 10. Being a Spider-fag, Lee's Daredevil also resonates with me that way. Doom Patrol is really good too.

I'll read pretty much any decade from DC
Marvel is strictly 70s and 80s for older comics, and 90s X-Men because I grew up on those

Imagine thinking there will ever be a better comic than Gerber's Defenders

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Absolutely based.

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Yeah, Golden Age Plastic Man aged very, very well, along with Captain Marvel. They aged better than a lot of Bronze Age comics, I'd say. Genuinely good humor and characterizations make em stand out a lot more from the GA stuff at DC and Timely, though those companies did make some good comics too, just not as memorable.

IDK, it might be that I'm getting older, but I'm enjoying the Freddy Freeman/Captain Marvel Junior stories more than the big red cheese

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DC and Timely were really middle-tier at best in the Golden Age. The big difference was other companies bought from Eisner & Iger but DC & Timely didn't. DC had its own talent pool and it was pretty shallow.

I will never understand why anyone ever read DC.
Every character from their origins were absolute garbage...
And to continue to build and rebuild on the same garbage for decades.
The smell is getting pretty rank.

I can’t understand how people can read modern superhero comics

And it’s not just the politics, the stories are boring and unimaginative and the art is just terrible to watch, it’s like digital inking and coloring make terrible art stand more, and only a few are able to play around it (Jimenez team does magic for some reason)

DC is terrible and it’s a shame because artists like Curt Swan are almost dismissed because they drew beautiful art for downright terrible stories

No matter how hard you try, no one is going to bother with your webcomics, so can it. Nobody cares about your shallow complaints about stuff you've never read.

I feel that way about many of the older stories too

When it comes to Marvel/DC, I'm much more interested in comics from circa 1980 to 1994 (with special mentions to the years 1986 and 1992).

Close, but my favourite defenders arc is the tunnelworld arc which isn't written by him

>and I think any retard who whines about SJWs or diversity doesn't understand comics in the slightest and should kill themselves.

Its all I read, very rarely do I read anything after 1990. Except Zdarsky & Spencer Spider-man. Silver age was the best era for Marvel, Bronze was the best era for DC

DC has never had a good age-
Not until it reaches the Age of Extinction,
Which could very well be soon.

>imagine voices
Are you learning disabled? You shouldn't be trying to "hear" dialogue in your head unless youre an elementary school kid learning to read

>linger on each panel and interpret it into an actual, moving scene.
user, that was how American comics were meant to be read until decompression came along.

To expand on this, I feel like reading JoJos Bizarre Adventure is a good stepping stone to reading 60s Marvel. Time is malleable in each panel in both

The OG turtles will forever be great

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This is obviously wrong

I always really likes that pose Angel is doing there, its like he suddenly braked while flying and the weight of the bazoka is rotating him mid-air. Kirby had a knack for stuff like that

>he doesn't read joker with hamill's voice

I really want to get the omnibus or epic collections of this run, is it worth it? Is Dracula the protagonist or antagonist?

You'd get laughed off the board on Yea Forums

I've read more pre-00s comics this year than current ones


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Swan is the main reason people like Silver Age Supes. I don't even bother reading the dialogue bubbles, his art is the fun part

Yea Forums is for idiots who converted to Christianity because of memes and think reading one Pynchon novel makes them well-read, who cares

Is that why you're posting here instead of Yea Forums?

The best part is that the best modern comics are the ones that ignore modern trash trends and pretend they're from another era.

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Jack Cole is why the hell.

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