Couldn't he have easily forced someone else to make the sacrifice then taken the stone from them?

Couldn't he have easily forced someone else to make the sacrifice then taken the stone from them?

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>I'll do it myself

He was tired of people fucking up when he gives them simple jobs so he accepts the burden of having to make a sacrifice

couldn't he just used the stones without snapping his fingers? why did he literally have to snap

How could he force anyone to willingly sacrifice the person they love most?

Why the Titans didnt brought resources from other planets through trade or war?



He would make a fist to use one of the stones, but to use all at once required a delicate, skillful gesture

Do you understand what sacrifice means?

Because he was a literal idiot, he's not even crazy, he's just shortminded, he easily dropped the idea of saving everyone and instead tried to murder everyone left so they could obey him.

Why didn't he just snap the One Ring to the mountain?

>why did he literally have to snap
As a distinct willful gesture that signified to himself and the stones his to irrevocably (lol) change the universe.

Basically he could have swiped right or clicked "are you SURE you wish to continue?"

Why didn't he just snap infinite eagles?

He didn't know about the sacrifice before he got there.

He could have just left and came back, who would have stopped him?

Then why didn't he do one?

Attached: pw9FrpKnJr.png (300x250, 19K)

Yes but he knew he was on a tight time limit before the pesky Earthlings fuck his plans up so it was time to go MGTOW level 5 and kill your daughter.

>give another person the infinity gauntlet
>person then turns on thanos using the gauntlet
You're a smart one aren't you, why dont you also give somebody a gun and tell them to go rob a store and see how well that works out for you

>use the mind stone to brainwash them
>give the gauntlet
>take it back

Why didn't he just rewind time to bring Gamora back to life?

Loyalty. He had a high command of followers loyal to him. Have Proxima Midnight sacrifice Corvus Glaive, or have Corvus Glaive sacrifice Proxima Midnight. Then the survivor gives Thanos the stone. If he had made sure he knew all the relevant info before starting the quest rather than sending his forces to earth while he went off on his own, trying to complete the plan as quickly as possible, he could have pulled that off. As it was, things were too far into motion for that.

Yes but could he kill full power thanos with all stones?

Attached: goku.jpg (755x618, 321K)

Could had stayed in his own timeline with knowledge of how the future turned out and did things differently. But he is a dumbass that wanted to correct the mistakes of his alternate timeline self.

Thanos seems like an unreliable narrator to me. He saw Titan's problems as relating to overpopulation before Titan even died, and was called a madman for his solution, but in the comics, Thanos was the son of Titan's leader. If that holds true, he had a perspective of someone from a privileged position, and people with that status often latch onto the idea that there's just not enough to go around for the number of people, rather than it being possible that there is enough, it's just not distributed fairly. Whatever happened on titan, it left the buildings in ruins and the planet knocked off its axis, meaning that whatever resource problems it had that drove it to a dire situation, it was likely a catastrophic war, most likely a desperate civil war with advanced weapons, that led to total extinction.

>Kill half the universe to ease resource pressures
>Destroy the tool you used to do it
>Everyone knows lawns don't grow back after you mow it so blow up your lawnmower lol
Thanos was retarded even by his own reasoning

We're talking about 2018 main timeline Thanos. 2014 Thanos had already lost his chance to get the stone on Vormir, or at least would have thought he did. He revealed that he knew the Avengers were traveling through time to gather the stones, but he probably didn't know the Avengers were going to replace the stones in their timelines.

Because she was a sacrifice to get the Soul Stone. The stones work in concert with each other(space stone sending RS to Vormir and changing him into a wraith guardian) and are semi-sentient. You really think you could use the Time Stone to circumvent the Soul Stone's sacrifice?

>just bring back an alternate universe Gamora

Corvus and Proxima were on Earth, he couldn't just call them to get back for the stone, time was ticking.

After he already killed Gamora in 2018? He didn't know about Pym-particle based timeline splitting time travel at that point.

>If he had made sure he knew all the relevant info before starting the quest rather than sending his forces to earth while he went off on his own, trying to complete the plan as quickly as possible, he could have pulled that off
Bruh, reading comprehension.

that's like saying Doctor Doom didn't know about parallel universes

because he wants to do it himself, nigga wanted to show his dead fellow eternals that he was right

I mean, is there anything showing that they did previously know how to do that? Because they show Nebula giving Thanos the Pym particles like that's important, and according to the Russos, Maw and Thanos reverse-engineered more from that sample. It sounds like they're smart enough to figure it out, but it wasn't something they were previously able to do.

Red Skull wouldn't allow it.

I really like this theory. It also explain how a retard like Thanos managed to turn famous instead of being ignored.

The soul stone is aware and intelligent.

I question the idea that he needed the Space Stone, the Reality Stone and the Power Stone before he could find and capture Gamora. We've seen the resources he had at his disposal, his ships, his armies. We've seen how powerful he is even without the stones, when he's fully armored and armed. If Thanos decided that the proper course of action was to capture Gamora first and then go after the stones when he knew all their locations, I think he could have pulled it off.

You got me there.

why in gods name are we still debating his motivations when his entire mindset revolved around proving that he was right about his own planet dying and NOTHING ELSE
he didnt really want to save anyone, even if he told himself he did. deep down just wanted to give himself closure because hes a crazy extremist who was willing to step over anyone and everyone in his way to get what he wanted, even if it meant killing the one person he might have genuinely cared about. and even then, he didnt care about gamora as a daughter, he only cared about her in the same way a kidnapper cares about the person theyve got chained to the floor in their basement

he didn’t know ahead of time.

He should have just tweaked fertility rates across the universe. At least kill whole families instead of leaving godrillians of orphans.

Somebody might've gotten it wrong.

That would be more updated to current year. Fingersnap is so 1950s

>half the universe died in the thumbs-up

His middle finger had the space stone and the thumb the time stone. So to make sure the effect took place everywhere across space and time it had to be a snap

For what reason did Nebula decide not to warp to the present with WarMachine right after getting their stone?