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Other urls found in this thread:


Nobody loved that cartoon back in 1993 more than I did. And nobody has fonder nostalgic memories of it than I do.

But it's dead. Let it rest. Even if you brought it back, it would be terrible in every objective sense.

It's been too long. It can never live up to your expectations. There is no audience and the only people left who care are well into their 30s, meaning they're way too old to be able to appreciate it anyway.

It's time to admit to yourself it's over. Decadese-over. Cherish your precious childhood memories and leave them unstained.

It sucked back then, and they somehow managed to make it suck even more.

35 year old autistic diaperfag furries just can't let it go.

why do that and not make a show out of the anime movie OVA?

The problem with SatAM fans reviving SatAM is that most of those people have a warped sense of what the show actually was. So many of them interpreted it as this extremely dark or adult series. But in truth, the cartoon skewed extremely young and had very juvenile dialogue and stories. It wasn't dark at all and the villain was just as silly and goofy as the likes of Shredder or Skeletor.

If people who understood what the show actually was revived it in the form of, say, a comic? That might be fine. But all attempts I've seen at doing a comic sequel completely alter the tone and personality of the original. Fan-made projects always come off as awkward or tryhard grimdark. It just doesn't work.

Because it's obcessed diaperfag furries and youth pastors that never moved from SatAM. It's why it looks like a cross between an 80s furry fanzine and 2000s deviantart coloring. It's the same people that make the Sea3on webcomic.

Your picture made me think there was an attempt to get a Mania-styled classic Sonic cartoon made.
Can't you SATAMfags ever move the fuck on?

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I thought this was an article about the new CN cartoon at first.

It amazes me how the faggots of this show just can't let it rest.

As much as I find this neat (and I think some are overreacting here), why the show itself? Why not instead focus on a soft-reboot Archie Sonic animated series? Now that could have been amazing.

>Fans are making season 3!
They've been doing this since the early 2000s in various forms. It always sucks.

>It's that "Sea3on" garbage again.
Nobody likes your webcomic, it's shit.

my man Knuckles is apparently in it, so it can't be THAT bad... right?

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>it worked for Sonic Mania
Yes, this Patreon-backed team is surely as capable as people who have been working with Sonic game engines for a decade and have been involved in several official Sega products.

It was 20 fucking years ago, and it wasn't even good.

Move the fuck on.

I know that they want to stay as faithful as possible with the show, but come on, why in the world would you implement Penders's lore and characters in your comic?

There's probably a big overlap in their fanbases

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Lying sacks of shit.

Is richard kuta involved in this in any way?

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Found the 35 year old autistic diaperfur.

God the internet is gonna be so much better when these fucking SatAM fans are gone.
This, ok they would muck it up but atleast it's a better base to work from then fucking SatAM.
one upside is that we will see this crash and burn.
There is, 99% of SatAM fags fucking love Penders run on the comic and his shitty lore.

Fuck forgot to mention how fucking terrible the animation in that pitch video was

Apparently, NICOLE's named after Sally's mother in this story

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Off topic but sonic comic related.

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Kinda surprised they didn't get with the original plan for Nicole.

Probably thought it was too dark.

Isn't Crisis City on Earth?

I would have been happy if they were trying to make a Mania-style sonic series.

Now that I know it's the SatAM series, I just want to vomit.


>I would have been happy if they were trying to make a Mania-style sonic series.
Got you covered
Too bad it'll never get finished, CURSE YOU KEN PENDERS

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I'll always love Tyson Hesse for bringing back Sonic's CD design.

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honestly nobody cares at this point

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what is this

>They've set up a Patreon to help crowdfund this series, and have also released a trailer to show how the whole thing's coming along.
C&D City.

so they weren't satisfied in ruining Sonic's present and up coming future, they want to dig up the past and ruin it too?

Glad I'm not a Sonic "fan"
At least back then, mediocrity could be excused because of limited technology and nostalgia glasses, but this. not good

This. I t would be far more feasible to pay homage to SatAM through a new Sonic media (or just another comic) than actually bring back the old show.

Besides, if I can't have Boom season 3 they can't have SatAm. Fuck em.

Hmmm. Now where is JaSonic?

Does nobody involved with this realize that Archie Comics, not SEGA, owns a majority of the Sonic SatAM characters?
And Archie has a fucking iron deathgrip on those characters.
This is doomed to fail.

>making fiction
Welp, if Sega doesn't C&D this first and this is banned from Kickstarter, it's gonna be shit. No promises involved.

Also...reviving a dead show instead off finishing Sonic Universe and Sonic Mega Drive? Pure unreasonable autism.

>no SatAm
>because no Boom S3
Sticks is dead dude, let it go. You're no better than OP.

As long as the humor isn't just ironically shitting on itself constantly or being overly witty

The animation in the video in this link is fucking garbage.

I love SatAM more than most of these autists. My first kiss was a girl pretending to be Sally, my mom paid for my Archie subscription from day one until I was in my late 20s. My uncle swallowed a bullet the same month of the reboot and it felt like everything in my world had died.

Don't shit on the legacy, let it go. Let it have some homage at some point. I miss it so much, but the dream has died.

>Don't shit on the legacy
What legacy?

Sonic making quirky faces and being even more lean and stylized doesn't equal to Toei Sonic.

Why can't Sonic be treated like Megaman?

I hated the cartoon that had all the useless characters but I loved the one that had Long John Baldry. If they bring that back and updated it to the point where it's watchable by 2019 standards, I'd give it a shot. I just don't ever want to see mohawk Sonic ever again. Give me a classic design similar to the Sonic OVA and less like SA, Boom, and even Mania Adventures.

>Why can't Sonic be treated like Megaman?
Fanbase is retarded. Also Megaman has gotten a awful cartoon recently.

I have some episodes on vhs

They've been at this for about 20 years, it's not going to happen

If thought Sega owned all the original DiC characters(so the Freedom Fighters, Scratch, Grounder and Coconuts, etc.)?

AOSTH at least. Don't know about SATAM, never really bothered to look.

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I want a sonic underground revival

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>God the internet is gonna be so much better when all Sonic fans are gone

Fixed. All Sonic fans should be sacrificed to the volcano god.

That's a misleading image. I thought this was about CD/Mania style Sonic rather than SatAM.

Also, you probably should've posted a direct link to the video too:

The animation looks unimpressive, and the overall concept doesn't sound appealing to me. I liked SatAM characters at the time but I'd rather just accept that they're gone now, instead of clinging onto them that hard.

Attached: ss (2019-08-04 at 12.37.16) - Sea3on Animated - Teaser (Rough Proof-of-Concept) - YouTube - Waterfox (1214x680, 137K)

>Roger Craig Smith
Is he the worst Sonic voice? I have never heard Sonic sound so utterly bland before he came along. Sonic now sounds like a grown man trying to do a hip teenage boy voice, but not even a charismatic boy. Sonic no longer has that certain.. I don't know how to describe it. Sort of a nasily sounding voice with a bit of attitude. It was very distinct all throughout every actor that voiced him and somehow they all managed to sound similar despite being different. I wish those retards over at Sega would stick to one VA and not change it every decade or so. You don't see Mario's voice changing anymore, why do this with Sonic?

..................I hate SonicSatAm

The problem with that series was all the characters which is why I preferred the Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog because it was JUST Sonic, Tails, Robotnik, and his goons. All the obnoxious side characters in SatAM were such a waste instead of fleshing out that world, they dragged it down.

>God the internet is gonna be so much better when these fucking SatAM fans are gone.
Why? The only other good Sonic media (Games included) is Sonic Boom and that show has nothing to do with Sonic.
You're basically saying you want Sonic fans to go away and that you yourself are no fan of Sonic.

Not him but I am no fan of Sonic. Sonic is 99.99% trash and its fans are the worst people on the internet.

user, you may try to bait us, but I won't believe you're a genuine article satamfag until you post diaper pictures of yourself

The only reason I dislike Satam fans is because it's fucked up to be so invested in Sonic the Hedgehog past your teenage years. At least with most of the Yea Forums-lurking autists, one can only assume (or hope) that those people are all in their teens or possibly early 20s. But SatAM fans are in their fucking 30s. LATE 30s. The fact that there are people that old still clinging to an old video game mascot sculpted in the Poochy mold way into their adult years is proof that humanity is a flawed species.

Adult Sonic fans suffer from autism. That's not really representative of humanity as a whole, it's just a very small subset of people with a mental disorder.

>The only other good Sonic media (Games included) is Sonic Boom and that show has nothing to do with Sonic.
You're retarded and that cartoon sucked balls outside of Eggman.

>But SatAM fans are in their fucking 30s. LATE 30s.

That is pretty pathetic lol

I'm only 22 and love Sonic but I doubt I'll still be into it once I hit that age.

>still likes Sonic

Hate to break this to you, but that's also pathetic. just slightly less so.


I don't even buy the games anymore. My love for it has been declining for years anyway.

>o yes papa corpo look I work for free haha recognize me now this is my life you created

Why are people taking this "Two Worlds" shit so seriously, when Sonic Team themselves have been too chickenshit to implement it officially outside of behind the scenes guidelines? It was never established in the games as a thing, aside from making Sonic Mania a "Classic Pure" setting.

Instead of putting all of that energy into trying to bring an old thing back that's owned by someone else that you can profit off of, why not take inspiration from that thing you loved as a child to create an all-NEW thing that you can call your own that you can profit off of and be proud of AND not have to deal with the god-awful Sonic fan base?

AOSTH had a recurring supporting cast, who appeared about as much as the Freedom Fighters not named "Sally" and "Antoine" in SATAM.

>Criticizing adults for clinging to kid stories
>on Yea Forums

>inb4 some insecure autist says liking Sonic is no worse than reading capeshit like X-Men or Batman

give me laughs, please

>The only reason I dislike Satam fans is because it's fucked up to be so invested in Sonic the Hedgehog past your teenage years.
Have you considered the fact it's because SatAM was the only good show besides Boom?

I mean, what is your argument even?
Are you saying that fans of old PPG are just clinging on and need to accept nuPPG as the new standard? What about Thundercats?
Are you telling me we're supposed to forget about a thing just because someone rebooted it into a shitty version of itself?

Are you mad at yourself, mad at SatAM or just mad at Sonic for being one of the worst handled franchises of all time?

Sonic OVA > everything else

How can the other cartoons compete with those incredible character designs, amazing animation, beautiful backgrounds, and this fucking soundtrack?


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>Have you considered the fact it's because SatAM was the only good show
user please stop embarrassing yourself

Is this Ken Penders?

It’s very half-assed, though Forces is kinda the first confirmation of it in the games with all the animal folk and no humans.

Go ahead, name ONE (1) good Sonic show that isn't SatAM or Boom, I'll wait.

What does Penders have to do with the OVA
Are you like some sort of 6th generation user on Sonic threads who doesn't know or hasn't read anything of these comics or shows but heard somewhere "Penders bad" so just repeats that without context

Your premise is wrong because it implies SatAM to be a good show in the first place.

So you're saying there's no good Sonic shows?

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ThunderCats fans aren't spending money and effort towards reviving a nostalgic thing they have fond, nostalgic memories of. Because those people have grown up enough to the point where they realize that, despite their happy memories, they know the series is largely dumb and made to sell action figures, plastic swords, and rain coats. For some reason Sonic fans have not matured to that point yet.

No, Sonic Boom exists.

Not anymore. It was canceled for being a trash unfunny show.

Well by that standard SatAM's long stopped existing and thus we'd all be better served if its fans all went and isolated themselves in an island, preferrably that one with the cannibals where an American died a while back
He was a youth pastor christian fundie like a lot of the SatAM fanbase is, IIRC, so it's a fitting fate

So good it got shitcanned with no attention
So good the most notable thing it did was get Chris-chan to assault someone

Think about that - Sonic Boom is only known because of a literal autist, whereas SatAM spawned said autist
Sorry, but Boom's powerlevel is too low.

>Well by that standard SatAM's long stopped existing
Archie's Sonic was actually a continuation of SatAM, making SatAM the longest running Sonic series

I always find it entertaining to see Sonic autists arguing over which part of their shitty franchise is superior to the other.

As always, the best Sonic is the one you liked when you were 12. And if it isn't, you have autism.


>As always, the best Sonic is the one you liked when you were 12
Objectively false

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Damn. Well, I can't argue with that. Well played.


When will somebody competent just do a proper video game translation?

I want to see Genddy Tartakovsky in charge of Sonic 1,2,3.

>Genddy Tartakovsky in charge of Sonic 1,2,3.
His shitty squared off character designs wouldn't work well for Sonic. If you really want good people working on Sonic, you should get the Jap studios to do it properly since they're the only ones who can make a competent Sonic cartoon (Not Sonic X but TMS is a great studio and should try again some day) but the Sonic OVA was the closest we've ever gotten to a Sonic game in animated form. Also those cutscenes in Sonic CD are amazing and were done by Toei. Not that it would really matter because those games cannot translate into animation. Cartoons are usually character driven. Those early Sonic games were never about characters interacting with other characters and more so levels upon levels of Sonic plowing through enemies who don't speak just to reach one of the many Eggman boss battles. There's very little in terms of story. It would be difficult to do 22 minutes of that. Even 11 minutes might be a tough sell.

Sonic Boom is a Saturday morning comedy with a Sonic coat of paint. Being self aware doesn't make it legendary

Why tease a sonic project with a poorly animated conversation and not action

>all the animal folk and no humans
doesn't mean shit
you could say tails is the only fox in the world because you don't see more

Not him but yes. They’re all mediocre and being competent compared to your peers isn’t the same as good.

>Not Boom S3

Come on now. Hell, I'm pretty sure it could look just as good as the show with some SFM wizardry.

I think if SEGA had greenlit Sonic X-Treme to help fans ease into the transition from 2D to 3D, we wouldn't have the schism between Genesis Sonic and Dreamcast & Beyond Sonic

>Eggman is horny for a bimbo catgirl
>Tails doesn't do much but be cute
>Knuckles isn't obsessed with protecting his island and emerald
>Whole first act is pointless because "LOL it was Eggman the whole time"

The only worthwhile thing from the OVA was the Metal Sonic scenes. The rest was typical anime trite.

Easy since the show looks like a bad sfm at times, I still don't know how those episodes with the lighting barely rendered got aired

>Eggman and his plan are both threatening and entertaining at the same time, even giving Metal Sonic a good origin in the process so I’d excuse the weird catgirl thing
>Tails is 100% vital to the story: he constantly rescues Sonic, defeats badniks, helped him defeat Metal Robotnik, fought Metal Sonic & rescued Sonic with his plane, planned how Knuckles needed to divert the lava away from the world bridge and hacked into Metal Sonic - the only reason they defeated Metal Sonic at all.
>True for Knuckles but I don’t think it matters much
>The first act was them doing what they always did in genesis: rampage to the middle of a zone defeating badniks and a boss in the process. The Eggman dupe was the plot twist that lead to an even greater threat than previous.

The catgirl was for ecchi material the OVA wasn't allowed to do with Amy Rose (As the character was 8 at time the time of the OVA)

I genuinely thought Sonic X was done by France and Italy, because that's how much crap animation and crap writing Japan shares with those 2 countries. It's like they came out of the same egg. Art style over animation, weird designs, graphics and effects over animation. And a "Will he, will she" kind of writing that leaves you more blue balled than learning about Naruto's clan.

>Those early Sonic games were never about characters interacting with other characters and more so levels upon levels of Sonic plowing through enemies who don't speak just to reach one of the many Eggman boss battles. There's very little in terms of story. It would be difficult to do 22 minutes of that.
Uhhh have you ever watched an action cartoon in your life? THAT IS LITERALLY SAMURAI JACK.

The only thing that matters in his plan is Metal Sonic being made. You can skip the entire Metal Eggman half and nothing would change.

I don't recall Tails doing any more to help than he usually did in Adventures, though at least the OVA remembers that he's a tech-expert and not just a cute tag-along.

Well yeah, he was crazy important in Adventures. He’s the one who hacked Metal Sonic into malfunctioning (again) and Sonic only defeats the Egg boss by doing combo moves with Tails (again).

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Weirdly it’s the exact same finishing move as he used on Metal Robotnik. Tails hits him straight through the boss while flying.

>Nobody loved that cartoon back in 1993 more than I did. And nobody has fonder nostalgic memories of it than I do.

>But it's dead. Let it rest. Even if you brought it back, it would be terrible in every objective sense.

>It's been too long. It can never live up to your expectations. There is no audience and the only people left who care are well into their 30s, meaning they're way too old to be able to appreciate it anyway.

>It's time to admit to yourself it's over. Decadese-over. Cherish your precious childhood memories and leave them unstained.

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>terrible in every objective sense


I meant AoStH, actually. SatAM was the only Tails that was totally useless.

>The sonic fanbase is already Insanely divided especially with SEGA doing retarded shit like muh two worlds and different dimensions and Lost world/Boom
>Let's revive another interpretation of Sonic

I don't think the SatAM fan base gives a shit about dividing the Sonic fanbase. I doubt the SatAM fan base gives a shit about the Sonic fanbase one way or the other.

I don't understand what are you trying to say. They aren't making yet another re-interpretation of Sonic, exactly like how SEGA (and Iizuka in particular) seems to prefer. They are reviving one of the old interpretations of Sonic.

Let's revive AOSTH and have it be like Space Ghost coast to coast and Aqua teen hunger force type of adult swim animation

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And that's exactly what it would be. Fuck that.

I have to laugh every time I hear somebody say AoStH has "terrible" animation. It has better looking animation than any made for TV cartoon made in the past 20 years.

Okay, fine, they get the trigger treatment and still be put on adult swim

You just proved his point.
NuDuck Tales is shit.
The Past should stay in the Past.

Cringe contrarians

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I’d be on board with that.

>SatAM was the only Tails that was totally useless.
Never got this. Sure, let's bring along the cowardly jerk who does nothing but bitch and moan for the serious missions, but not the two-tailed fox who can fly and run almost as fast as our star player, or even the established tech-guy who can fix almost anything.

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Isn't Tails technically a Kitsune?
Why was it never addressed in any continuity?

How many people in the West even know what a kitsune is, especially back in the 90s?

No one. Which is explicitly why they only gave him two tails and called him a normal fox (with a deformity).

>liking SatAM AND Ducktales, either incarnation
Jesus christ is it possible to have any worse taste


based OVA poster

give me more Sonic Boom

Don't care about satam, but are you guys just lumping every fans with one weirdo or do most of them actually do have diaper fetish?

Pretty much this, honestly. Satam was originally going to be its own show before Sonic was shoved in so why not actually make it an original show?

in my experience SatAM and pre-Ian Archie Sonic fans had a weird amount of the default furry fandom weird fetishes (diaper, vore, etc) and an almost Bible Belt christian attitude (don't say "damn"! it's blaspheming)

They wanted Rotor to be the "genius" type

>in my experience SatAM and pre-Ian Archie Sonic fans had a weird amount of the default furry fandom weird fetishes
Well since Satam and pre-ian archie have that "furry drama" feel to it, it's not surprising that furries are attached to it. I just don't think all fans are degenerates, I've seen some that are pretty alright and not as bad as the rest.
>an almost Bible Belt christian attitude (don't say "damn"! it's blaspheming)
That's new to me

>I just don't think all fans are degenerates, I've seen some that are pretty alright and not as bad as the rest.
Well of course, that's true of most things. But we're here in an internet slapfight with a guy going "SatAM is the only good thing!" and in regards to a bad attempt at a sequel made by people to whom these stereotypes do overall apply, so we bring it up

The US localizations of the Genesis games erased all mention of Tails being a tech genius.

Nobody in America knew about Hedgehogs either
Or Tanookis

And also cute too.

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>SatAM is the only good thing!
Yeah those type of people deserve to get shit on.
>in regards to a bad attempt at a sequel made by people to whom these stereotypes do overall apply, so we bring it up

Honestly, I think he and Bunnie are the only decent characters in that show. I like them more in the Archie reboot.

Oh yeah, not debating that, just saying both Rotor and Tails should have had more focus in SatAM than Antoine and Dulcy the One-Note Dragon

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Archie missed an opportunity by not Having Rotor become Tails mentor leading up to Rotor dying and Tails achieving Super Kitsunr mode out of the anger

Anti Sonicfags are far more autistic than actual Sonicfags
At least actual Sonicfags make kino shit like Mania, trillions of other fan games, fix SEGA's half assed shit with mods and has the most active community out of all other communities. Meanwhile anti Sonicfags just larp that Sonic was dead when they didn't make SA3 or dropped the chao Garden, or they grew up on Shadow's edgy trash while shitposting in every Sonic thread they so called "don't care for". Antifags are always and will always be far worse for a fanbase then the actual fan base.

Who evens owns the characters? Didn't Ken Penders fuck off from the comic?

He only fucked off with his OCs, which was basically all of Knuckles extended family, for some reason he really loved giving Knuckles a billion lost uncles and shit, and I'm pretty sure that he secretly thinks he created Knuckles.

But Sega still owns the SatAM cast, but doesn't use it because well Japan Sega doesn't like or what anything to do with the 90s crap Sega of America approved of.

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ken penders didn't create SatAM

Keep pushing this shitpost, as I've seen this in other threads by (You)
Hot Take; I played Heroes at 10, ShTH at 12, and 06 at 13. By your shit logic I should be a Shadownigger. But I'm not, because all Sonic, especially after SA2 and before Unleashed was hot trashy garbage cancer, and I hate Shadow to this day. 90s Sonic was the best, Unleashed was a nice try that failed to make Modern not look like hot garbage.

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Aren't the echidnas based on an old Star Trek concept Ken had where Native Americans continued to flourish and adapt to the future or something?

>there's literally a character named mary sue
his works didn't coin this term did they?

Yes, and reminder he got pissy because Sega used a similar tired idea of "lost echidnas that are hyper advanced" for that shitty sonic rpg and he thought they stole his ideas so he sued and then fucked off with his knuckle clones.
Which was honestly good for the comic.

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No that's from Stark Trek fandom.

Nope, but wouldn't be suprised if he has tried to sue people for it anyways.

And then he got greedier and continued to sue for rights to ALL his characters, even the ones he only barely touched (like Shard).

That was BioWare's idea with the echidnas.

Clicked on this thinking it was about AOSTH but it's about that other shitty thing. Go right ahead.

I wished, but you can't have AOSTH without Long John Baldry as Robotnik

He's not a kitsune, he's just a fox with a birth defect.

>Dulcy the Dragon
So where did she even come from? I read somewhere that Dulcy just appeared in S2 out of nowhere, without any introduction or explanation.

These, they aren't fooling me with that pitch; they want the Freedom Faggots back. I hope SEGA shoots them down ten times over.

>Antifags are always and will always be far worse for a fanbase then the actual fan base.
This, especially they would rather waste their time on shitting things that they don't like

oh hey co-
oh wait, theyre just gonna try to mooch off SatAM Sonic again, are they?

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reminder Nazo's Wrath is getting a second reboot

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rewatching OVA right now. Its good shit.

he was joking about the hat
reminder Knuckles was supposed to get his hat back in Mania but got cut for obvious reasons

so was the episode good?

At this point Roger's done Sonic's voice by far the longest amount of time, so it seems SEGA's intent on keeping him. None of those other VAs even lasted a decade, and unlike the others his tenure has brought him to film, two TV series, and all the games.

Isn't that the one that just stole shit from DBZ?
Yes because SatAM fans will never let it fucking go.
Bioware is basically dead anyways might as well blame a company that lives.
Oh yeah to then make his oh so horrific traced comic

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>Those times Robotnik makes awesome metropolises

Shame for him being an random dick sometimes. He makes some cool shit

you mean Buu Saga and Dragon Ball GT?
its trying to trace back a lot of stuff from the old Nazo's Wrath animation and Nazo's Unleashed.

it also got rid of the ugly Sonic X artstyle too, so its a step up from the last reboot

Not him and as a person that actively lothes Roger, Boom and this crossover has cemented me that those people that say he's shit because of how SEGA directs him in the games, that they might be right after all. In Generations without retarded puns he's not that awful. In Boom it fits his character better. In this, it's kinds like boom, but with better acting.

SEGA just has the shittiest quality control ever for Sonic, nothing they do is might for the best interest for Sonic's direction as a series.