Legion thread

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I don't like these designs very much.

Why does the guy called Matter-Eater Lad have a beard and mustache?

Karate kid buff. Some gold lantern might be ron vidar with merged power ring.

Not vandal save but prob thorn.

Hmm kid qautonm

Some are ok, others are less than ok

Another Lantern based. Wonder whats the emotion?

Feeling happy ?

Kid Quantum looks really bad.

Isn't the chick beside Ultraboy supposed to be Light Lass?


Wish I could find the post where I said that there wasn't going to be a white person in the Legion because of Bendis's fetish, and someone told me that Levitz or Johns or someone wouldn't let him get him hands on them. I'm a prophet.
Who is the person with power in all the media companies that hates redheads and demands they all be blacked? Bendis already released promo art of the Lightning Lad and Lass being white before they got to him and demanded they be blacked. This shit can't happen over and over and over again all on it's own.

Theres 5 whites in image.

Pretty sure it's Timber Wolf not KK.

That's Projecta, but that doesn't help much.

they're all aliens anyway, who gives a shit

Which one you used the monkey paw god damn it?! Why?!

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They're human immigrant experiments, not really aliens.

He has now evolved into Matter-Eater Chad

"Element Lad design is literally homophobia incarnate"

It's pretty awful yes, but people on Twitter are just being outrage cunts.

Bouncing Boy looks so crusty white, it scares me.

Timberwoll on big man.

I have a question, why are LoSH fans on Twitter supporting this shit. Do they not see this isn't a good product? It's not just the designs, introducing all these characters right out the gate tells me this might be a disaster.


>Who is the person with power in all the media companies that hates redheads and demands they all be blacked?
Jews still seething because daddy Isaac chose Esau over Jacob.

They're staying optimistic, but yeah, this isn't a good look for the team.

Karate Kid is Timberwolf
Emerald Dragon is Karate Kid
Shrinking violet is Light lass

Whoos on collasal boy?

Isn't the thing on Colossal Boy's shoulder supposed to be Proty?

Prob furrbal

porcupine pete

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The retarded sub has a better design then the Bendis version. Kek

Thats projectra not sensor.

Dr.Fate prob another member with new gimmick.

Chimcsl king is raditation roy

Xs is qauntom girl.

White witch is a dude.

What. The. Fuck. Am. I. Looking. At?

Bendis take on the legion of superheroes

all those designs sucks ass
someone should be fired, like with matches

Death of the LoSH.


Most aren't real Legion fans. They are all Bendis fans PRETENDING to be Legion fans, which is what Bendis is banking on.

Shithead did the same with Avengers fandom; basically had cronies/sycophants flood all of the major message boards claiming they LOVED his abortion of an Avengers run and shit on ANY criticism of it, complete with mods pandering to this cancer in hopes that Bendis would stop by their forums and hold court.

I think she's XS.

So what kind of gimmicks will DC use to boost sales for this abortion? Jim Lee variants of the classic team? Batman Who Laughs as the first villain? Crossovers galore as the Legion keep sending teams into the past for sales boosts, both with the Superman books, but also JLA, Teen Titans, and Batman (once King's gone and Bendis, no doubt, agrees to take over on condition that his run leading up to #100 is nothing but one long add to trick people into buying Legion)?

Esau was the edomites. Jews are/were Israelites.

>So what kind of gimmicks will DC use to boost sales for this abortion
what they did for the pre-new 52 Legion academy book (and R.E.B.E.L.S.)
They tied excessive orders of their Blackest Night issues to real physical Corps rings. The LCS had to order X amount of them in order to buy ring packs for that event.
They are literally doing the same with LoSH flight rings for this release