ITT: Times hank was right
ITT: Times hank was right
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>eating raw meat
Except medium rare isn't raw at all.
90% of the time Hank was right, if he was wrong its because he was misguided.
>See belief that gas > coal
Gas is better than coal though, ancap
When Bobby wanted to be a plus size model and Hank knew he’d get picked on.
>>See belief that gas > coal
It is for grilling. Charcoal is better than both for that though.
Even Bobby knows charcoal is better.
I feel like Hank should have known Carl Moss would be a terrible roommate for anyone.
Also full of carcinogens
All Hank cared was that Carl could make rent.
Not knowing that Bobbys boss was the village idiot. Fuck even Dale knew all about him.
Well done is just right, medium rare is for savages
That would be disgusting.
If you're that concerned about cancer you should skip the red meat too.
Enjoy eating old shoe I suppose.
Dale knows a lot though. That is the kinda stuff I'd expect Dale to keep up with, in contrast to who. Hank also seemed to have tunnel vision that episode, with a focus on Bobby working.
It is an important episode, sometimes Hank needs to learn a lesson too. We can all grow user.
In the US it's completely safe and most people prefer it with less processed meats. It's when people start saying they want raw hamburger that you need to start slapping them around.
>well done
Maybe if you just killed the fucking cow and are eating it out in the wild, but you'd may as well eat tree bark if you cook it well done.
Gas is for plebs. If your charcoal BBQ takes of "heat," as his slogan goes, then you're cooking it like a caveman.
>b-but I don't want any b-blood in my steak
Imagine being this retarded.
Hank may be a behind the times conservative, but the man knows his meat.
Hank is only ever wrong when he compromises himself.
It took this video to really remind me that Peggy is such a great character because she is just so fucking obnoxious.
Can’t even IMAGINE being this onions
the switching between cel-shading and digital inking in the catholic school episode bugged me
I've been rewatching lately and I've come to like Peggy a lot. As an adult I'm even starting to relate to her a little.
Not because of the egotist angle which to be fair is most of her character, but because she gets so into dumb shit and is just so passionate about everything. It's fun.
Her saying things like "I asked God what to do and he told me not to do it. But I knew better." crack me up. She's just so infuriating because I know people like her exist.
What a pussy. Extra bloody is best.
>grilling steaks at all
fucking cuck
My spanish teacher in middle school was a lot like peggy as a spanish teacher.
Hank was usually right, but his stuffy approach made people brush him off until they get caught in the exact situations he warned against.
There's no such thing as "medium rare" or "well done" or any of that shit. It's either cooked or it isn't. Enjoy your worms.
tell that to gordon ramsey
ramsey is an idiot
>t. retarded mongoloid
Jesus fuck, why do people like you exist. No goddamn taste at all
bobby: why do you hate things you dont understand
hank: i dont hate you bobby
Who the fuck pants a woman let alone a woman thrice your age
Is that why he’s so successful as a cook?
begone thot, no one wants sloppy seconds
He thinks propane grilling tastes better than charcoal grilling.
It does.
I said he knows his meat not the heat.
I already have a gas stove, what’s the difference BBQing with a gas grill? The smell and smokey flavour of charcoal is the entire appeal.
So he's gonna beat up Batman?
>Successful British cook
>British cooking
Smoke is flavor, it's also a preservative
You actually get well done steaks from places you assume don't actually know how to cook steaks. The quality of the steak is most likely going to suck, and they almost always will undercook or overcook the steak if you say medium or rare.
When you say well done, there's a good chance they will undershoot well done anyway and you still get a tasty sear on the outside.
Also its a good excuse to use some steak sauces.
>Wanting all the natural juice and flavor cooked out of your food
I bet you complain that raisins are too soggy.
>He doesn't eat steaks with good marbling so even if it's well done it's still tender
fucking this. most of the blood from any livestock slaughter is drained out and discarded. the red stuff that comes out from a medium steak is more akin to water/fat it just looks red because of the protien cells are red
Propane is:
>Healthier for you, both eating wise and chemically when it burns
>Easier to clean
>Cheaper to buy
There are alternatives to making your food taste delicious. Just having the smokey flavor be its only advantage is not worth it i-m-o.
Any bacteria that gets into beef is only gonna penetrate the surface layer. Therefore, it's completely safe to cook your steaks rare and your ground beef medium rare (since you're mixing together the inner and surface areas).
>Has to eat overcooked meat because he can't afford the good stuff
Oh you poor pathetic pleb.
>Eating barely seared bloody fleshchunks
Do white people seriously do this?
>yeah I like medium well for my steaks and hamburgers, how did you know?
>Medium rare
>Barely seared bloody fleshchunks
Is water too spicy for you, pal?
>gordon ramsey only cooks british food
why are white people stereotypes so wildly fucking inconsistent?
If you think it's blood you're a fucking idiot on so many levels.
He cooks like a Brit, horribly. It's like having a gnoll blacksmith could be a really good blacksmith compared to other gnolls but it's a gnoll.
>gas > coal
Wasn't it even in the first season where hank goes to the grill competition and admits charcoal cooked meat tastes better but sticks with gas due to loyalty for strickland?
blue rare is more retarded than well-done desu
Medium rare is cooked, well done is overcooked.
>16 michelin stars
>uhhm, actchully, he cooks horrible
I bet you're some kind of cooking savant, eh faggot? ooh, you know how to put an EGG in ramen??? fucking incredible
Only if you're eating shitty meat from a ghetto restaurant
If you're cooking good meat at home blue is the only way you should cook it.
I remember this episode, it turned out that when they tasted the meat, it was rough and leathery, it improved after he switched to organic free range meat.
Even us Asians can eat sushi and sashimi. Stop being a fucking race baiting onions lad
I feel you user, fuck those filthy savages who just want the taste of blood to sink onto their tongue with every bite.
Factually incorrect.
Because white people tend to follow each and every single trend so quickly and easily that their stereotypes just cannot keep up with it in this day and age of information.
Funny I'm watching a MLS match right now
I'm not surprised this came out of a rural Texans mouth. Anything besides football and baseball is seen as irrelevant. Although it is canon hank did enjoy going to basketball games.
You are the problem
Yeah, they brought back Appleseed for it too. That's the one character I never thought I would see again.
Because people only bring up white people to make their personal issues about race, so the stereotype is anything uncool or unpopular in the eyes of the person saying it.
I prefer medium-well. It's like eating out a black girl, theres a little pink in the middle.
Let me guess. Drown it in steak sauce too? That's because you cooked all the natural flavor out.
Fuck off Gordon, go yell at some kids.
I think you got Gordon Ramsey mistaken for the Bar Rescue guy.
Like what?
who /medium/ here? some pink is ok, but theres no point in going to either extreme with steak
>inb4 centrist fencesitter
I like the benefits of both, with the drawbacks of neither, fuck raw meat, and fuck burning away the flavor
>t. Donald Trump
It's only acceptable on Yea Forums when non-whites do it
Medium is best
Retard. Dead animal should be cooked until you're sure it's staying dead.
Well done. Slowly so it's tender. Garlic salt. Fuck off.
Most accurate white sterotype is they flip out when you call them racist.
Uh... yeah, ya got me there.
>People don't like it when you call them shitty.
I think the issue there was that Hank never met the boss. All he heard was shit from Bobby's perspective, and he thought Bobby was just complaining because he was lazy and hatred work, and Hank thought that pretty soon Booby would get used to it because it was just typical work hatred.
If Hank met him first he'd know he was an idiot.
>All these people actually getting angry over properly cooking steak
You do realize the meat isn't supposed to be pink after cooking, right?
Consider that it can end your career and social life.
>Call a black guy the N word
>They flip out
Black stereotypes amirite guys?
I must be the only person who likes theirs rare although medium rare is nice as well
No there are millions in America just like you, user.
Considering the context of this panel from Kingdom Come, eating at a kitschy superhero-themed restaurant, that analysis sounds right.
Or Batman is going senile in his old age.
>he’s likes eating an old shoe
Nah any bullshit politics is allowed, it's idiotic. The Pony Show never came anywhere near derailing this board as badly as political bitching and threads based around twitter screenshots.
Almost miss those days when ponies were more disruptive than real life shit on this site
Rare is risky AF to get at a shitty place. Most of the places I can afford to go to mess up the cook pretty badly pretty frequently. I got medium rare because they might actually get a nice rare on accident, and slightly over is still medium.
>I must be the only person who likes theirs rare
You and I are the only ones here with taste, brother.
Blue-rare is the way. Just run the steer past an open flame and cut the horns off.
I wish I lurked this board back then.
>not medium well
Plebs. All of you
It's something you can do when the food supply is safe.
Sorry Hank, I only eat well done. It's what I like. You can eat what you like, I'm not telling you how you should enjoy yours.