Is marvel finished?

Is marvel finished?

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>scary boogeyman women in Hollywood

Can shit posts like this just be bannable at this point?


Nah. Stronger than ever.

You are far more of faggot than any of the people you claim to hate.

>stupid beings making stupid movies
And the problem is...?

Wow, it's like humans have a 50% of being a woman. Wow.

not for long

Sure OP

I mean they weren't finished after Avengers or Ultron, or Captain Marvel, or Endgame, but THIS TIME for sure

Kill. Your. Self.

They are unstoppable

Woman bad

Why do the LGB people support the TQ+ people, if the TQ+ people don't even want to use the same flag as the LGB people?

how about you just don't watch the movies
like me

I don’t read the comics I just watch the movies. But I’ve seen allot of reactionaries who can’t stand current year comics saying stuff like Thor4 is le woke shit. I can’t stand forced this that or the other in media but I don’t see anyone praising nu-marvel comics. Is there anyone in here that actually thinks the new stuff is good to adapt for the MCU future? Or do you more hardcore fans think this shit is gonna burst because of hack story lines?

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Why do homosexuals always want to ruin stuff that normal people enjoy ???

Homosexuals think they reproduce by indicating homosexuals exist.

Learn coping skills.

You should be thanking Marvel now DC can finally catch up

Not even with this.

>DC can finally catch up

not in a million years

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Its how everything good dies, user. It eventually falls to people who see it more as a useful tool than a legacy worth preserving.
Luckily the thing dying in this case is sub par but consistently enjoyable capeshit movies, so no real loss.

cast my waifu kate

Obviously meant for

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There are flags for every one.

WandaVision and Eternals makes me think otherwise.
is Daredevil secretly in that movie?

People love Wanda and Eternals will be the new Guardians of the Galaxy.

Yea Forums was a mistake

Nothing against Wanda but WandaVision that better be a work in project title
>Eternals will be the new Guardians of the Galaxy.
i have my doubts

>Is marvel finished?
Has the Treasury stopped printing money?

Can't wait to see Thor and all the male role models demonized and humiliated like Luke was! Then Marvel will finally die.

stop being an incel

That’s what they said about Guardians.

Thor was already humiliated and unsexed. Hemsworth went from the sexiest man in the world to a fat slob.

But he is not a role model. Youngsters can be humiliated because it makes lesbians and feminist moist to an undeserved desire of retribution for an offense that never existed.

You wanna see how the future will look like? Watch the posts that the creator of She Rah made regarding hurting innocent people. That's the future and you can't escape it. But hurt a figure of inmenze joy, someone who gave hope to others in times of need and you will be doomed. They did that to Luke in SW and the entire franchise died with it.

Because, believe it or not. Some patriarchs are actually good people.

eh, who cares

You ever get tired of being such a bitch because you're so upset that you're no longer the target audience?

No. I make money out of it.

No, this is Feige's acension from the Go Woke Go Broke Demons trying to drag Marvel Studios down for not pandering to them.

Oh no gay women

>You wanna see how the future will look like? Watch the posts that the creator of She Rah made regarding hurting innocent people.
Do you have a link? That sounds like a gold mine but I'm not coming up with anything.

I also doubt that a studio that made a talking raccoon, a talking tree, Ant Man, Doctor Strange, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Thor, Captain America, Iron Man, and Thanos household names can do the same for The Eternals because like you I am fucking retarded

Wow, women who really hate the source material will produce and direct movies based on said source material targeted at women who are totally uninterested in these movies and rather watch Bachelorette and Love Island instead, or watch The Notebook for the 137th time.

Then why make this thread then kid? Why waste your energy being such a sexist dick?

Because, and please read very carefully, it makes me money.

Also, I'm not Op. I just make videos on the net and exploit the anger of people that are either too angry to listen or too far up their own asses to realize that the angry people may have a point.


No but on the other hand you'll keep on being pathetic, OP.

If the Movie Stinks, Just Don't Go

I always thought that was going to do good.
>household names
One things for sure you are retarded

the only one I really care about is the Dr. Strage one, and that's only if it has Shuma Gorath in it


Fuck off Punincel Panther, you guatón reculia'o.

Op is a fag that likes cocks. Women are a drag for him


It really depends on what they are going to do from this point on, end game is sort of a narrative apex that's difficult to come back from in my opinion. I don't know where they can go from here that will make people care, but I am open to surprises.

>Is marvel finished?

Silly user. It's not about how much money you make, it's about how many expectations you subvert!

>First Avengers film
I remember when journalism meant something.

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For real.

You google "First Avenger movie" and see what year it came out smart guy

That's still wrong even if she was referring to the first Cap movie.

Does it matter? RDJ's Iron Man is dead, and Captain America is retired.

Every bubble bursts eventually.