ITT: Movies you enjoyed but are disliked

ITT: Movies you enjoyed but are disliked

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I like all 3 cars movie and think they are among Pixar's best, fight me.

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cars isn't generally disliked

those were garbage and you should feel bad

but unironically

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i cried like a little bitch during this movie jk
jk about jk

>Cars 2
>Pixar's finest

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I also think the CGI was decent

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Cars and A Bug's Life are my favorite Pixar movies

Was gonna post this too.

Even though it was bland I really liked how they wrote Arlo's anxiety problems.
Also, the cowboy dinosaurs were pretty cool.

What kind of unironic literal faggot dislikes Cars 1 or 3?

>multiple sequels and spin-offs

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A Bug's Life is so kino and underrated. I always wish it would have got a sequel. Wasn't there supposed to be a second one? I heard announcements but nothing ever came.

i liked how the evil ptero didnt bother to swallow the whole coon so kids wondered if it was death in his mouth or in stomach

Jesus there's a lot of garbage in this thread.

Brave gets more indifference than outright hate.

If that's the case, I'm still in the minority.

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It was diaappointment. I was promised badass Scottish warrior princess.
What I got was unlikeable brat and automatic secretary joke.

Case in point.

THANK YOU, this movie doesn't get nearly enough love for what it accomplished. Still should have ended the series though.


isn't this well-received?

The few times I bring it up, I'm told that it was just shit. This is coming from the comics guys however.

...The first movie should have ended the series.

It was shit.
lol I'm so goofy Thor watches his dad die and is mildly put out, faces an evil long-lost-sister whose whole motivation is that she's evil and likes doing evil things, the supporting cast from the previous movies either put on a bus or thrown under it to let us know that the evil mcevil lady is evil and strong... but hey, Thor's able to buddy-buddy with his brother that has an enormous deathtoll at this point. Shit.
The Cars teaser is what reignited the sequel rumors, as it's made to look like a Bugs Life sequel until Mater subverts the trailer by killing the bee

Bugs Life was never meant to get a sequel

>I wish it would have got a sequel

Careful, user, that's a Monkey's Paw wish. Just look at Wreck-It-Raph 2.

And you can never unsee a bad sequel. It'll always be in your mind, tainting the ending of the good original movie.

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You must be joking.

dear god, user.

dear god.

seek help.

BUT... BUT... FUCKING WHY?!?!?!?

I don't usually judge people based on their tastes in media because to each their own, but you're a bad person and you should feel bad. Though I doubt you have enough humanity to feel anything.

Not even joking. Seen the previews. Seen the shit ton of negative reviews. Wanted nothing to do with the movie.
Gf wanted to watch it. Finally cave in and watched it with her.
Couple laughs. Not a good film, it is pretty bad but not nearly as bad as I thought.
To be fair, maybe the vag and couple beers had an affect on my mind.

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it makes comic nerds seethe but everyone else thought it was okay or good
but then again that's every mcu movie

It was fine, a little tonally inconsistent. I think if Taika Watiti had been in charge of a full movie of the planet hulk stuff instead of blending it with the very important "losing asgard" stuff it would have been great.

Just felt like two different movies.

The Norton one? I'm pretty sure that's generally agreed to be okay. It's just something you watch once and never again, like every Avengers movie.

So you LIKED it?

You read what he typed. The pussy and booze clouded his judgement.

Maybe in an ironic way. The bad hand puns made me chuckle.
Like I said the power of the vag and alcohol may have warped my mind

I like Brave too, but not for Merida's part in it. I love classical faerie tale-style stories like that. And Scotland is kind of cool sometimes.

I suppose that's something to its credit then. I was 'okay meh' through most of the film... until he was running from some predators through very beautiful scenery. I thought "Well I don't really care, because I can't relate but that is very nice backgrounds. Really nice. Good choice of design.... Huh... it's so good... wait... Looks almost familiar. Wait... wait a minute. that kind of looks like Mammoth Hotsprings in Yellowstone National Park." Then the movie goes down a visual path and I was like "FUCK! It IS Mammoth hotsprings! I've fucking walked there. He's gonna go left now!" And he did.

And that was when the movie abjectly died for me. I didn't like that it was a retelling of an older story that had already been done, and struggled with believably. But when I realized EVERY single background in every scene in the movie was stolen from existing reality (a totally uncreative move), I felt nothing but scorn. Come on guys. That is unoriginal as it gets.

>I love classical faerie tale-style stories like that.
I do as well.
>And Scotland is kind of cool sometimes.
One of my favourite things about the movie is the setting. The Highlands simply look beautiful.

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>Implying anyone hates the greatest animated feature of all time.

>You bought it
You should feel bad about this, pirate it from mega like everyone else