Professor Venomous

>Mr Gar never told you what happened to your father

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I want to see him interact with gar


So, Silver Spark and Laserblast were not married when Laserblast disappeared...

>I never expected to have Jew blood in me

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Why would he even care about that? He's fucking evil.

He told me enough, he told me you killed him!

Evil people don't care if someone breaks their legs?

That would have been better than the actual scene.

>No, K.O... I AM your father!

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I love how super fucking obvious it was but retards on Yea Forums for like the past 2 years kept saying that Laserblast and Venomous weren't the same person.

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>2 years
it was obvious 3 years ago

I think many people were just hoping Gar wasn't a fucking cuck

Plenty of retards out there.

It's not that it wasn't obvious, it's that playing it completely straight ruins the joke.

good point

I love how P.V's switch to a path of villainy is played a bit like a gay awakening.

Is Mr Gar a cuck for raising the son of the man that not only fucked his crush, but also abandoned her to do his own shit and came back to take the child back with no problems?

Is it weird that given reality when I see this I see Professor Venomous as the good guy? So many "good women" use the government to destroy their husbands during divorces. Men are financially crippled, scarred, or completely left without a cent in extreme scenarios. I don't even fault them for snapping and killing judges, their ex-wives, etc. All this because we pretend women are men's equals. if they're equals then why do they need government muscle to steal men's cash via alimony and such? God this picture fills me with anger.

I mean, my father muscles money from my mother. It's a two way street, but it's not a two way street as often.


I suppose it's like the Joker in BTAS, there stuff you don't fuck with like IRS or Family court

Fuck off Menimist. Plenty of father's are pieces of shit who otherwise wouldn't pay a cent to support their kid. Hell same rules should apply if the man gets custody, have the woman send child support.

So did anyone feel sympathy for Venomous reason to become a villain?

>3 years
It's been obvious for the past 6-11 years.

Is kinda weird how she got pregnet even though they dated for like a year.

I'd pay off Venomous' child support so i can suck him off.

So one obvious twist turned out to be true. Will he also be the Shadowy Figure, or will it be a red herring?

fucking same

Nah shadowy figure is just K.O from an alternate future

Screencap this just in case im right so i can brag about it

Pretty sure Shadowy Figure is Venomous's TKO

The hell he isn't. Gar is a bro (or rather, dad) for stepping up to the plate to give K.O. a father figure the poor kid didn't get.

You're not wrong.

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They didn't have the same body type, plus it got confusing when Shadowy Figure came onto the scene. Nobody would think he's three people at once.

I think it's because they expected more from the show. It was so obvious they were expecting a twist.

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Why is the CN website so shit for watching full episodes? Mega where?

Attack a local market and sell weapows, you get beaten by the employees
Don't pay child support, jail butt fucking time

You would have to arrest him first and hope he doesn't have a doomsday device aimed at the city for leverage.

Always remember that Venomous a hot leotard wearing hottie for Boxman

I'm actually don't care for either side since I'm not a woman nor will I ever have a kid, but you can't be serious that people are comparing something that is not even born yet to not paying child support.

Like, people aren't this fucking stupid, right?

OK KO seems in a way as a reverse Steve Universe.

Rather than build up deep lore in a slow burn to just deliver with a very varied and unbalanced result, Ian seems to rather drop soemthing just to then reveal it super fast as mostly comedy.

Interesting idea. But wouldn't his TKO be a good guy?


You sure it wasn't just Venomous trying to make KO a bad guy without having to reveal he was his dad so he didn't have to pay child support?

I mean they seem to have the exact same fighting style, they just effortlessly dodge everything.

Men should absolutely be able to have a legal abortion. People will say that a word majority of men would use it, and that's true. It's not their fault women don't abort every baby like they should. It's her choice to keep the brat, she can pay for it.

So what's the deal with his shadowy figure persona? I remember someone in a past thread was theorizing that SF was Venomous TKO equivalent and that he probably produce him in attempt to regain his powers while researching Glorbs, which could explain why he was acting weird in that one episode when Fink was trying to get his attention.

I like it this way lol.
I was expecting him to keep the Laserblast thing a secret forever like how shit got dragged out in Steven Universe.

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