New Camp Camp episode today!
Camp Camp thread thread
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And it´s about squirrels.
Hoping MEGA user delivers.
>Neriss dabs in the dance party
>In the piss fetish episode she fortnite-dances
Truly the worst girl
It begins
This episode may be my favorite so far. This is the kind of batshit wackiness I've always wanted from this show, and it's great to see the whole squirrel rebellion thing get a conclusion.
Good to hear that. I´m still waiting for the MEGA
>Remember kids, stay safe.
>And take no prisoners!
Jesus David I didn't know you could be that unsettling with a smile on your face
It hasn't updated yet.
Ooh boy!
THANK YOU! I was worried.
It a'ight
>Quartermaster gets beat to shit
>They actually just abandon the camp to the squirrels and build another one
Funny fucking episode
This episode was fucking amazing. It was the dumbest most ridiculous shit I´ve seen and it made great use of every camper (except Dolph).
This part confused me though.
I was a bit confused there too, not gonna lie
>I love you!
i hope he doesn't
lewds of Squirrel Gwen when
Loving all the cute Nikki and Neil moments this season.
Excuse me but what in the name of the fuck does this mean!?
Same m8
Nikki was messing with Quartermaster's stuff and he got a bit annoyed, come on user what's not to get?
Well, he is the Eternal Custodian.
QM can either create body doubles or he can respawn like a videogame.
>I fucking love nature
Max was very cute this episode.
Best episode of the season so far, easily.
Honestly the most proper reaction at looking an old eldritch man fighting a mecha-squirrel made out of actual squirrels.
Easily by a mile
Needs more pictures of Tabii!
the floss dance was a thing before fornite existed
>implying nerris is worst girl
wtf I hate Nerris now???
Is there ever enough?
Yeah she's not really the worst girl, she's just an annoying zoomer
nah she cute
>t. Harrison
>Harrison has puppets
Harrison is trully an analog to Bill Cipher.
>Harrison recreates himself and his friends as puppets and plays with them alone
Is he autistic?
I'm in a dilemma, I love Max/Nikki but seriously now I see the appeal of Neil/Nikki. I want her to somehow end up with both, but I know that's degenerate.
Honestly she's had more shipping moments with Niel than Harrison this season.
Pee episode.
When Max is explaining that Niel can't go in public, Nerris looks at him and says "wow"
Genuinely interested in Neil fanfic.
That moment she talk to Neil when she was scared during the night hike.
>ywn be this comfy
There's nothing degenerate about Nikki scoring a harem with both her best bois
I'm also glad Neil/Nikki is finally getting some love, it's a pretty lonely ship for the most part
You kinda have a point. Shame they extinguished the complimentary Nikki/Harrison ship this season by having Nikki get over his magic
Neil/Nikki have more of a brotherly bond than a romantic one.
>Erid halfway out the tent
I don't know why but that's funny to me
I can't believe Ered is fucking dead
There needs to be an episode where she sees Harrison full power
Any cute Max and Nikki moments? Or just cute moments in general?
He and Nikki were very excited about seeing a dead body in the woods
A lot of cute moments
>Nerris complementing Neil´s fanfiction
>Harrison with puppets
>Max excited over a fight
>Nikki finding Neil´s robot adorable
>Neil´s constant embarrassment
>Every camper working together to rebuild the camp
I find it funny how everyone this season is so supportive of Space Kids worthlessness.
So they just lost the camp two times in a row?
Yep. They´re pretty bad at this.
I wouldn´t be surprised if the Flower Scouts take over next week.
I need screenshots of all the squirrel campers.
We can only hope
Yes please. Can't wait for Tabii making Neil her love slave
Thanks. You got a small size version of it?
He'll learn to appreciate her some day
I can upload a lower quality version, I'm not sure how to lower the file size while keeping 1080p
Once puberty hits he’ll be all over her.
Any have the webm of gif of Tabii trying to hug Neil and him slipping away?
Timeskip showing Neil and Tabii having 12 kids when?
Episode did the best of showing the progression of the campers.
1. We see Nurf being a team player. Coming up with ideas for the group.
2. Max takes a backseat this episode and genuinely enjoys himself. Also open to adventure with Nikki.
3. Nerris already aware of something about Nikki that Max and Neil probably didn't know.
4. We see Harrison trying nonmagic related stuff. Puppets might be a step back.
Anything I missed?
Maybe David being open to violence against woodland creatures?
Maybe it's the person from a few weeks ago who claims to work on the show?
Also, QM protecting the kids if that counts for anything.
Yeah probably.
Not my fault RT raised their subscription price.
I want to see QM's story more developed, even though he has been getting attention. It's like a perfect way to have heavy paranormal shit in an otherwise normal world.
According to the panel. For every question they answer they raise another question about QM
The body scene was fucking brilliant.
Man those hands are tiny
He was so goddamn excited it was adorable.
She looks so weird without the eyepatch.
Episode 1 - 8/10
Episode 2 - 5/10
Episode 3 - 4/10
Episode 4 - 8/10
Episode 5 - 8/10
Episode 6 - 7/10
Episode 7 - 6/10
Episode 8 - 9/10
Episode 9 - 8/10
Episode 10 - 7/10
Whatever do you mean?
1 - 5/10
2 - 6/10
3 - 3/10
4 - 2/10
5 - 8/10
6 - 9/10
7 - 4/10
8 - 6/10
9 - 7/10
10 - 9/10
Neil is gonna fuck this when he’s a sexually frustrated 14 year old.
The whole build up to the body scene was brillant.
>Nikki and Max want to see a dead body in the woods
>suddenly squirrels attack the camp
>squirrels capture QM and all he leaves behing is his prosthetic hook
>we know nothing about QM's whereabouts for the rest of the episode
>later, squirrels attack the campers, forming a mecha-squirrel made out of actual squirrels
>suddenly out of nowhere from the depths of Lake Lylac, QM appears
>prosthetic hook yeets out of nowhere and lands perfectly in QM arm stump
>looks like MQ will kick the shit out of squirrels
>nope, squirrels win
>later that night nikki finally finds a dead body in the woods
>it's QM's
>QM takes the body and tells Nikki to piss off
The way all this series of insanely absurd events happen through the episode in a completely organic way, damn this episode is so well writen. Pure madness perfectly executed.
I feel like Nomad to nowhere was given a good budget for animation. Then when it got cancelled Camp Camp just absorbed the funds. This season has had a lot of good animation moments.
Sorry Skout, you were a necessary sacrifice
My only issue this season is how all over the place the writting has been. We've gotten some great episodes and some bad ones so far, with almost no midpoint. i hope the rest of the season is as good written as this week's episode, everything in this episode was in its place, well executed, and perfectly paced.
She was too good for the miserable show she was in. i miss her, yet sadly that's the only thing i miss from the utter shit NoN was...
I liked the Nomad too
Eh, he was ok (yet way too ok for my taste), his best moments were when he interacts with Skout, so it's more about he was a good character around Skout than he was a good character overall.
Good. I didn´t like Nomad.
Tfw the first shot where Nomad see's Scout as a housewife outside of a farm will never be explained.
I take it you didn't finish the season?
No, pls explain
The 'housewife' the Nomad sees was a girl called Melinda who he was originally created to protect. He wants to stop her from trying to bring down El Ray so she wipes his memories so he doesn't have to feel the pain of being without her. He stays alone at the same house for the next 100 years until Skout runs into him and her resemblance to Melinda jars his memories. It's never explained why Skout and Melinda look so similar
That's pretty fast
Gee, now i'm more glad i've never finished that series, that sounds like generic shit writting...
It was actually pretty good
So now we have 2 characters who are canonically furries.
Space Kid has more and more in common with Gwen as the time goes...
Makes sense Gwen is becoming like a mother figure
Space kid is starting to pick up some of her habits
Camp Camp is the Stan Lee of cartoons, confirmed.
Either reincarnation or just crap writing.
How did he get all that to say in his helmet?
Gwen is so damn cute in that outfit.
>tfw the squirrels became a recurring rival camp just like the Flower Scouts and the Wood Scouts
>They actually just abandon the camp to the squirrels and build another one
So much for the map
That map is bullshit anyways, they forgot to place the Flower Scouts camp in it.
Surprised how positive everyone is about this episode.
It was too off the wall for my tastes, I like when things escalate in ridiculous ways but I usually like things to stay grounded a certain amount.
I laughed when Nerris called the squirrels going into their "boss" form
What can i say, i like whacky over the top stuff. Also, the episode was well written, well paced, every joke was comedy gold, all interactions between characters were great. Man, i loved every single aspect about this episode.
This show went off the rails back in season 1 when they introduced a fucking ghost AND the squirrel kingdom. None of this is new.
Seeing that this show keeps its continuity, I hope we get to see Campbell getting kicked from the old camp at the beginning of the next episode.
Hopeful Max
Hey Nerris want to see my puppet show. I can get pretty saucy
80% chance he’s had the puppets of him and Nerris kiss.
>It's an episode about about fighting your predestined role
They'd be a pretty good super villain team
>>Neil´s constant embarrassment
>I've joined them of my own free will
>Neil you're too needy
>Nikki dualwielding
>Harrison going pure-magic
...and so they did. Wow guys.
Preston.with one log
Nurf has three
Antlers a good weapon for Nikki