Boomhauer is Bobby's dad. They sound very similar, they both have blond hair, they both like similar things, have similar mannerisms. It all fits. Plus Boomhauer and Peggy always seem to avoid eachother, and Peggy wanted to name Bobby after Boomhauer but hank wouldn't let her.
Boomhauer is Bobby's dad. They sound very similar, they both have blond hair, they both like similar things...
I don't think you can interpret colors well friend. Also bobby looks like a young cotton, who is hank's dad, which invalidates everything you've said.
So Cotton is bobby's real dad?
Yes, it's why he and Peggy hate each other so much
didnt you just post this thread yesterday
Makes Peggy and Cotton's interactions more interesting.
Theory goes Bill is Bobby's real father. They are both overweight, lazy and kind of pathetic. Would also explain why Peggy dislikes Bill so much, and also why Bill loves Peggy.
if we're basing these theories on who Peggy hates then we might as well throw in Dale as a possible candidate too
They both had a weird relationship with each other. Cotton mocked Peggy but taught her to walk again and helped her get her job back.
Bill would tell Hank like fifteen minutes after fucking Peggy out of guilt and fear.
I guess after that Hank and Peggy would go through a somewhat amicable divorce where Hank would fuck up his own legal interests to be a boyscout.
>They both had a weird relationship with each other. Cotton mocked Peggy but taught her to walk again and helped her get her job back.
I don't think Cotton ever really hated Peggy. He treated her like shit, yes, but he treats EVERYBODY like shit. He may not have liked her, but he respected her. She had to earn it though.
Why are there so many theories about Peggy committing adultery, because of the narrow urethra thing? Bobby looks like how Hank does when he's young (look at the old halloween episode) and he also looks like Cotton in general. You can definitely look like older relatives.
Especially with Bill of all people, the guy who lets power get to his head and who can't keep a secret. Everytime they'd have talked about John Redcorn Bill would've alluded to sleeping with Peggy if that were actually the case. Bill is literally just jealous of Hank's stability. Dale was cheated on for 4 seasons and many years beforehand, and Boomhauer is eternally the bachelor. Bill fantasizes about Peggy as much as he does because he wanted a steady wife who supports him. And naturally Peggy is disgusted by bill because he's le pathetic manchild. This isn't a hard concept you guys, why does it always boil down to cucking with you.
I don't think there's specifically any hate, they're just two characters from different generations. Cotton likes his women domesticated and kinda bimbo-y, and Peggy is a faux-femenist working woman who sort of equally controls the house as much as Hank does. It's only natural that they wouldn't see eye to eye. but it's a given that Cotton would give her some respect if/when Peggy shows some strength.
I don't remember that episode where he helps Peggy walk again, but I can sort of headcanon a reason why Cotton might've been adamant about helping her. Dude got his shins blown off, most people would take up having a wheelchair for life- but Cotton had them sewn to his knees and kept on living like that. Training Peggy to walk again could be this subconcious urge to not give up in the face of something physically crippling. 'Course that's kind of overthinking it a bit, it could mostly just be explained as "Cotton is a hardened military man".
>I can sort of headcanon a reason why Cotton might've been adamant about helping her
From what I remember that was exactly it. In the same episode Hank has some dialogue about how Cotton was told he would never walk again, but proved the doctor who said that wrong and walked up and punched him.
I prefer the theory that Boomhauer has a illegitimate bastard he doesn't know about attending Bobby's school.
Is there more to this theory than this one character in the background? Is he a recurring background character?
Fuck off, tripcuck
Yeah, that's it, he's just a consistent background character at Bobby's school. Don't think he ever got a name or any lines or that the show actively hinted anything beyond how that kid looks.
It's pretty obvious that's Boomhauer's kid considering how much he gets around town.
Nope, my thread, my rules, you fuck off. Y'all doin a bang up job.
bill was not overweight or pathetic until sometime after highschool.
didn't bill lose his hair and get fat because of the shit the army was testing on him with operation infinite walrus?
yes, the deadly placebo drug
also when they show flashbacks of kid hank it's literally just bobby with glasses and hank hair pasted onto him