Well, Yea Forums?

Well, Yea Forums?

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hey faggot, where did you get that bomb-ass shirt?

Ground floor in yet another shitty /pol/ bait thread
I’m out

Did you just come here to tell everyone you're leaving?

>Gender roles lead to racial superiority


yeah i want that possum shirt

Someone's getting raped.

Because the Earth is flat.

Because different genders are better suited for different tasks.
Any society that thought roasties should hunt while men try to breastfeed is dead, amd those that think it will actually work are dying.

Not sure if this is what he/she/they/it is going for but have you ever noticed racist men are also very concerned with sexual and reproductive rights, the role of women, making sure women are producing babies and tending the home, etc? If you ask them about it, they'll usually tell you that this is important to secure the next generation of their race.

What's wrong with being a worker? Why wouldn't you want to be racially superior?

Its to procreate. Sure more numbers mean more workers and soldiers, that is economically in mind and actually the stated reasoning behind our immigration policies, but reducing birth and life to 'worker and soldier creation' is the stuff of someone defending their choice to surgically give uo their ability to reproduce. Also gays can have kids who can be soldiers too, as well as adopt.

Other way around faggot.
Ask any evolutionary scientist or anthropologist.

So do you really think the best way to root out racism is to identify and discourage people who want their own children? I think Sophie here is going about it the wrong way, amd really does seem to argue heterosexuality is evil

Because strict enforcement of heterosexuality with women as holders of the reproductive bottleneck not getting to say no means increased numbers for the tribe. And a larger number of children means within a few generations you can overwhelm the surrounding tribes and conquer more land in your bronze-age desert shithole.
It's all pretty straight forward in the Bible.


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whys is he (she? it?) smiling tho?
does he enjoy the idea of a big number of soldiers fighting for white supremacy?

And the anthill with no workers or soldiers was devoured, first by starvation, then by predators, then finally by the earth itself.

i will never understand how this artist chooses facial expressions. There is not a single one of her comics where the speaker's expression matches what they are saying

Do we have to undermine the family unit because of this? Like really, I think I have an open enough mind to allow alternative family units (not that its my choice), but thats a pretty high octane 'youre fascist if you want children, your fiance is brainwashed for wanting to marry you, passing on ideas is worthless, and if you have enough self-worth to want more peoppe similar to you in the world via your children, or think you could raise children that contribute MORE than they TAKE, then youre a racist and should stop'
Or am i paranoid? How do I keep these ideas to heart as a straight guy, or do I have to critique the concept of my marriage for this?

They dont choose, they 'believe' in themselves and have soent years trying to take on the psychology of a sensitive girl

What is true is that people who feel externally threatened by other populations tend to seek having more offspring in order to secure the survival of their perceived tribe.
Be that a race, a religious belief or any number of out there ideologies.
As soon as they believe that they need more children to take over the society or secure their grip, it will become the expected norm in that group and households with many children become a lauded example.
Nazi ideology did it, the Quiverfull movement is all about it and you probably met a family of weirdos with more children than usual, too.

This author lacks complete self-awareness. Isn't she/it hated by the LGBT crowd?

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I guess I'm looking for agreement in considering Sophie an expressly anti-heterosexual anti-natalist

This doesn't even qualify as a comic, it's just someone who drew themselves a cartoon avatar to deliver their opinion. Take that shit to /pol/ or /lgbt/.

Crashing this dinner, WITH NO SURVIVORS!

>So do you really think the best way to root out racism is to identify and discourage people who want their own children?
Who the fuck even implied this, you strawmanning brainlet?


it's almost like the author doesn't just want to be left alone to live life as he wishes but considers himself superior

Thats all well and true but really everyone is doing that, its sinply the acore for any trive of self-worth. The straights are doing, LGBT are CERTAINLY doing it (again, understandably, and under the idea they are awakening a repressed populace (which is about equal to anyone else's right to reproduce)). Nothing against it, but its not a heterosexual behavior, if sokething exists with enough self-image and its not suicidal, its probably going to proliferate. Thats fuckin bacterial, not so much an idea belonging to Nazis

Sophie is saying heterosexuality should be downplayed because it was invented for fascism. Continuing heterosexuality is to continue fascism, so stop it. Isnt that the idea presented here?

The group who does this the most are Muslims, and I'm pretty sure they don't feel "threatened".

I can hardly blame them, but if this comic is the only way they reach out I doubt they've got a very close group of friends unless its a therapy circle. Which is fine too I guess. I just hope Sophie is happier with the rest of her time than she acts with these comics

They're a tranny, they're probably closer to 40%ing than even their comic implies.

isnt there a shit ton of poor unemployed people around?
how the fuck can people unironically think like this?

>heterosexuality is not natural
>breeding is not natural

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Definitely. And thats not to hate, either, I'm just not seeing a lot of mental healtg on these pages, and not because its LGBT friendly either. These are mostly all iffy and needy platitudes that are basically begging

It is obvious post-hoc justification with a good portion of sour grapes mixed in.
So long as you have a family because you want a family and not because you feel that you need to have one in order to promote an ideology, you are just a healthy human.
Just be aware that people may be self-conscious about not having a family and therefore become touchy on the subject, feeling pressured and externalising blame in response. Because it's easy to blame a nebulous "society" for their personal feelings of inadequacy, whether or not anyone actually ever said or did anything.

It is however not wrong to state that historically there have been interests of tribes and nations behind the promotion of heightened reproduction.
But that does not mean to say you couldn't have a happy family because you just follow a natural desire to have one.
Also if half of Millennials say they don't want children, that's a function of their economic prospects, too. They know they could not support a family in adequate living standards and had to give up on the idea.

>racist men are also very concerned with sexual and reproductive rights
if anything its the pro abortion people who dont shut up about sexual rights
i have never seen anyone complain about the racial make up of the next generation outside the internet

>Why wouldn't you want to be racially superior?
Because I'm not a sociopath who views other people as either enemies or tools? I wanna coexist with others, not be at a war with them.

Funny thing is a comic like Sophie's actually does spur in me a desire to use and cherish my ability to reproduce. Not to overpower anyone, but it makes wanting kids seem healthier than at least what is presented here, and I kind of do want a perfectly mentally healthy generation if we can help it. Anyways I'm glad Sophie doesnt have kids, and I hope kids listen to their parents more than they listen to Sophie.

Have you ever looked up at the blue sky and had to wonder if there might be a drone strike with your name on it today?
Or looked at the news to see which country around you may be attacked by the greatest military force on the planet this week?

This kind of smugness isn't confined to this weirdo

No, the fucker is smarmily playing at the suggestion more than declaring it to be so.
Which is based on the conflation of just having children to attempting to have children in order to further a national cause.

>I don't exactly want people's support. All I want is people to have basic human decency.
Psychologically, this probably means "I don't want anyone to ever contradict my worldview where I paint myself as the martyr and the entire society is evil, I want everyone to agree with me and apologize to me daily, I don't want anyone so much as hinting that such an entitled worldview might be unproductive and unrealistic"

So is the self-actualization out the window? I mean, it may be that someone self-actualizes into a different gender, I mean if thay's really their life thats great, but do you think sometimes these people feel at the mercy of their condition, more so than in charge of it? I'm not sure all of these people are really taking control of their own fate, or maybe if their fate is simply to mold themselves into a new being to defeat a unique type of abuse?

It would be hard to find anyone who would listen to this edgy drivel and self-righteous nonsense over the word of close relatives with healthy attitudes.

This comic reads like an undiagnosed, certainly unmedicated borderliner trying to justify their irrational outbreaks by projecting guillt onto society for imagined slights.

Sure but Sophie ISN'T leaving room for 'true heterosexuals' or whatever. She doesnt remark on anything but 'fascist heterosexuality'. Like everything else Sophie makes, this is irreconcilable poorly made propoganda designed to undo heterosexuality at large and repeatedly insist it is unnatural and inhuman. Reperations from the xit who wants heterosexuals and transexuals to switch spots

>close relatives with healthy attitudes.
People who grow up in poor countries with toxic parents who are obsessed with an idea of their kids getting their own kids asap might just find something in Sophie's comics.

Not saying the implication isn't there.
But to ascribe a formidable plan for the subjugation of a vast societal majority seems a bit overly dramatic for the ravings of a lonesome moron.

I would go so far as to say Sophie has a messiah complex and half-knowingly writes, says, and does inflammatory and unhealthy things to bait what she considers persecution, because at this point having given up so much she solely identifies as a persecuted genius and thus creates persecution for herself to insist on her genius

>Heterosexuality and gender roles = workers and soldiers
>Faggotry and degeneracy = suicidal trannies and child drag queens
I wonder which is better.

Well, there are no logical bounds to delusion.
I don't plan to dive into a mind this backwards to any depth.
It's not like we could solve this lunacy.

Lonesome morons are literally the only people who create plans for the subjugation of the norm. This comic, like any dobson comic or movebob tweet, is a personal statement of grandeur and a contribution to her prophecy that straight people will go extinct. Writing scrappy comics alone is one of the few ways you van get those types of delusions, Sophie is doing nothing more than coming home and writing scenarios to denigrate straight people at large, in revenge for a lack of affection from them in public space

Seems clear cut to me. Same reason Dobson writes how its the ugly nerdy store owner's fault he walked into his closed store, he's writing a little reality where he wasn't embarassed for making a simple mistake

What is "compulsive heterosexuality"? How is it a state policy? How does it increase the number of workers and soldiers? How does it promote racial supremacy?

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Its true that promotion of heterosexuality builds societies, and Sophie hates that so is reducing society to mere work and war so she can insist heterosexuality cant be worth it

So, basically
>Heterosexual majority is a social construct, it's not natural.
>But don't we need a heterosexual majority in order to have population growth? Heck, don't we need it simply to prevent the population from shrinking?

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>How does it increase the number of workers and soldiers?
More heterosexuality means more penises going into vaginas, which means more babies that would become workers or soldiers. Less heterosexuality means less babbies.

Im going to say it:
Short of assault and actual crimes, transexual anxiety is self-knowledge you are not passing. Being that gender dysphoria is a self-image issue, it is not uncommon for the afflicted to project these anxieties on to society and acvuse them of being the source of any self-image attack. Best of luck, you guys are great, we believe in you and you're always welcome. Get it together.

>mods autosage the stonetoss thread and now this one
as it should be

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Can we have a 'questionable mental health in comics' thread?

how about no politics at all and no threads that will turn into political discussion for a change

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This thread is mostly psychological and specifically about Sophie. Whatever though.

or more accurately
> I want the basic amount of human decency i.e, not wanting the removal of my existence by alt-right american retards.

sure bud

Sophie is Canadian, but the issue of how bad that issue is, is always seems to be a matter of perspective. Im not denying its real but what is the proper amout of worry over it? Like how likely is it

Can you really say Sophie is a healthy person of reasonable perspective? Not because of the trans thing, but in thinking and behavior?