
Diamond Authority
>Noble gems
Hessonites, emeralds. They usually act as high military commanders and one step above of the court gems.
>Court gems
Things we've seen in 4th era ballroom and Garnet's flashback when encountering with Rose Quartz at the first time. Sapphires and pearls are also included in this list.
>Administrative gems
Blue Agates, zircons and aquamarines.
>infrastructural gems
Peridots, lapises and bismuths.
>Solider gems
Amethysts, jaspers, quartzes, nephrites, rubies, topazes. They provde the military force of Gempire.

This is the most accurate information regarding the gem hierarchy. Feel free to ask anything.

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>nephrites are soldiers
>chair force
That's funny.

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Seems about right to me. Topazes are stated to be pretty high up though so they're not just soldiers, more like enforcers or bodyguards. There are Topazes guarding Yellow Diamond's room for example.

Also, there are other non classified gems such as pebbles, misshapens we've seen in Lars in Space and sentient ornaments. I'm not sure if slave or laborer gems do exist in gem hierarchy, but I don't suppose any.

The court gems (the ones in skirts) are Jades. Lemon Jade is the fusion.

The military is a lot more than just "soldiers". Topazes would have a pretty high rank in either their air force or their navy.

They're also the same gems we've seen in Garnet's flashback. You're right.

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No one cares, just post more cute Peridot or leave

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This except Lapis.

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Sorry, but we don't speak Italian here.

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Each gem class also have it's own inner hierarchy. For example a nephrite is higher than an amethyst, but they both belong to the soldier caste. Same can also be applied to lapises who're probably the highest ranking infastructural gems in their own caste. But still she's considered lower in hierarchy than an administrative gem.

Do fighter pilots count as soldiers?

Aren't pearls really low? Peridot sure commanded CG Pearl like she was a slave

in many ways, gem society is akin to that of modron society in DnD. for those unaware, modrons are the " 100% logical stupid" race, and are organised into spheres of varying intelligence up to 4 commanders and the "primus"
I am inclined to believe that whatever MADE the gems could be thought of as their primus. but what made the gems?

They're servant class, so probably off to the side of the hierarchy rather than up or down.

>I'm not sure if slave or laborer gems do exist in gem hierarchy, but I don't suppose any.
In my headcanon, I think Lapis was orignally an "infrastructural gem" but then punished for some reason and become a laborer or something similar to that way before war on Earth began and she was being poofed and put in the mirror. Her dress and attire seem to be completely different than other gems. All gems that we've seen so far either wore a some sort of evening dress or had a space suit/uniform according to their hierarchy.

On the contrary, pearls have the privilege of standing with the diamonds or even can act as representatives. They're "slaves" only in terms of being useful. They're like expensive porcelain dolls.

More like Peridots think much too highly of themselves and need to be constantly put in their place. The moment you show them empathy and kindness like Steven did it goes to their head and they start getting delusions of grandeur, becoming insufferable little shits. YD was right to shoot her down immediately. If Peridots aren't forced to go through the proper channels and up the chain of command they end up thinking they're the ones in charge despite all evidence to the contrary.

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This, the Ruby squad that showed up on Earth to come and find the leader of her mission were looking for Jasper and didn't give a fuck about Peridot.

Peridot was just jealous at that time. they're way higher than peridots in the real hierarchy. As an example, yellow pearl just treated her like shit.

>All gems that we've seen so far either wore a some sort of evening dress or had a space suit/uniform according to their hierarchy.
Worth noticing. But we've haven't seen a laborer or a slave gem so far except for assumed pearls.

>I'm not sure if slave or laborer gems do exist in gem hierarchy, but I don't suppose any.
What? Did you stop watching the show after season 1 or something? There was an entire two-parter devoted to addressing the issue of the Diamond's Authority dependence and strict enforcement of a rigid caste order with servile laborer gems at the bottom supporting an "upper crust" of higher ranked gems at the top.

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>rigid caste order with servile laborer gems at the bottom supporting an "upper crust" of higher ranked gems at the top
Just show me a single laborer gem in the entire show. People only think Lapis was an outcast or a punished gem because of her simple attire. But that's just an assumption.

Lapises are important, remember that she was in Blue diamond court and Sugar said it herself

that was yellow diamonds pearl, i highly doubt a pearl belonging to a ruby or quartz is on the same level of authority.

>infrastructural gems
>Peridots, lapises and bismuths.
don't forget there are literal infrastructural gems (living architecture).

the show is poorly written schlock

I highly doubt a ruby or a quartz can own a pearl. Pearls, because of their hierarchy as court gems, can only be afforded by higher gems by noble caste gems or diamonds themselves.
Being important is different than being in higher hierarchy. Lapis was only important as her duties in terraforming was essential for Homeworld. Blue Diamonds court, what I think, is an allegorical term, meaning that she belonged to Blue Diamond as she was under in her authority. Aquamarine and Blue Agate too, belonged of her court. There was only a gem resembling Lapis in Garnet's flashback, but it's not entirely confirmed.

eyeball talked about getting a pearl when she got back to homeworld for capturing rose quartz after steven healed her.

Lapis wears a dress, something we've only seen high class nobility wear on Homeworld.

This classification makes more sense than Sugar's shitty off the record podcast explanations. she says Lapis was an important gem but doesn't care to explain why did they treat her as a common criminal the whole time. Either Sugar's thoughts and show contradicts with each other or there's no actual authority except for Diamonds and Homeworld is literally governed like NK.

>" Lapis was an important gem but doesn't care to explain why did they treat her as a common criminal the whole time."
Lapis came back from Earth after 5,000 years, when every gem down there was supposed to be dead from the diamond blast. They thought she was a rebel who survived it.

But Lapis' dress is more like a common servant girl's dress than the ballroom fashion we've seen in other noble gems. It's completely different than Sapphire or Jade.

>Lapis came back from Earth after 5,000 years, when every gem down there was supposed to be dead from the diamond blast. They thought she was a rebel who survived it.
I actually meant the time when she was first found in the mirror by Homeworld gems.

Its still a dress, why would a laborer wear something as impractical as a flowing dress? If she wasnt in the nobility she wouldn't be wearing a dress, she would wear a jumpsuit like all the other non nobility gems.

well, sapphire did join the crystal gems, so its not like high class gems defecting was a thing that never happened. I would imagine they just operated on the assumption that any gem they found poofed is a rebel. Homeworld doesn't exactly seem like the type to really investigate if its true or not, they could always make new gems.

Homeworld completely ignoring Lapis when she was mirrored has nothing to do with her nobility and simply just bad writing for her part. There's no need to argue about it.
Nigga she's dressing like a roman slave girl. I'm not saying that she's a laborer but it's obviously completely different than what other court gems wear.

Is there a race of metal men in SU?

>"Nigga she's dressing like a roman slave girl. I'm not saying that she's a laborer but it's obviously completely different than what other court gems wear."
Pearls are the definitive slave class and they dont dress like that. And this screenshothas a gem in blue diamonds court that looks exactly like Lapis. she isnt low raanking, she doesnt dress like any other low ranking gem. Your only issue is her dress style, when the fact she wears a dress at all heavily implies shes a high ranking gem.

I'm not saying she's not noble, it's just that her assumed duty and her assumed class just doesn't match with each other. Her job is technically on par with peridots and bismuths, terraforming and maintaining kindergartens. Whatever you say, Rebecca asusming lapis in a noble position just makes no sense in the structural hierarchy on Homeworld. It's just shitty writing.
>but she can drain waters and stuff
Again, shitty writing.

Screenshots or gem shapes don't prove anything as seen with diamonds. That could be a completely different gem.

>Pearls are the definitive slave class and they dont dress like that.
You don't say.

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Her powers do have much more destructive capability than a Peridots or Bismuths, so it wouldnt be to much of a stretch to assume that means Lapis's also have more authority. But yea, sugar is a complete hack, everything surrounding lapis is a complete cluster fuck. There's no way they had everything planned out in advance like she says they did. If that was true, then all this shit shouldn't be such a mess. Becky just sucks at writing a coherent story.

Thats not the point. The point is that that court gem is wearing the same style of dress as lapis.
that is much different than what the gem inis wearing, nice try.

Yeah, I assume trying to guess which caste a gem is in according to her dress might be misleading. But like this user says, Lapis being in nobility just doesn't make sense. She obviously belongs to the same class as peridots and bismuths as been hinted in the movie.

The reply from wasn't talking about the screenshot, it was disproving your point that slaves and laborers can't wear dresses by showing one of the slaves in a dress.

>"She obviously belongs to the same class as peridots and bismuths as been hinted in the movie."
where does that get hinted? I'd still say its a bit of a stretch to say she in the same caste as Peridot, since she seems to be very low ranking in some dialogue. she has to be higher ranked than other laborer gems at least, though possibly not to the degree of a sapphire.

>"it was disproving your point that slaves and laborers can't wear dresses by showing one of the slaves in a dress."
No, we still haven't seen a single laborer gem that wears a dress, thats a pearl that belonged to a diamond, shes going to be more special than other pearls for just that reason.

>we still haven't seen a single laborer gem
That's because there's no such thing as a laborer gem.

what are Bismuths then? or low ranking military like rubies?

Peridot isn't a laborer gem as there are no laborer/drudgery gems in homeworld hierarchy that we've seen yet.

Just goes to show how the Diamonds may tout uniformity but are far more inconsistent than they would like to admit. If they so choose, a slave can wear a dress. If they so choose, your rank can be revoked and they'll put you into an object to power it. Blue Diamond having her terraform labor force wear dresses on a whim really isn't that far out there.

In Infrastructure caste like peridots.
Solider/guardian gems like topazes or amethysts.

Gem hierarchy is just accorded through a separation of duties, there isn't a gem-specific caste.

Peridot is an engineer who keeps technology functional and operates kindergardans. Most people would call that a laborer.

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I just did you absolute pebble-brain. Bismuth explicitly said she and her kind were made to be sentient construction units for the better gems.

>"In Infrastructure caste like peridots."

noun: infrastructure; plural noun: infrastructures
the basic physical and organizational structures and facilities (e.g. buildings, roads, power supplies) needed for the operation of a society or enterprise.
"the social and economic infrastructure of a country"
thats shit that laborers do.

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>Most people would call that a laborer.
Those two are entrely different things. Labor is just menial work that requires no talent. Peridots, bismuths and lapises all have technical and innate abilities which makes them way above simple labor work. If you still assume peridots as laborer, then that would make lapises and bismuths, who operate at the same level as would mean maintaining things like preparation of kindergartens or terraforming as labor gems too which completely conradicting with your previous posts.

I would like to see more quartz gems

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>Bismuth explicitly said she and her kind were made to be sentient construction units for the better gems
This is the singlehandedly most retarded thing I've ever heard in any SU discussion.

>" Labor is just menial work that requires no talent."
Bismuth is a construction worker. construction is considered manual labor. You literally have to ignore reality and the shows canon to say that "laborer gems dont exist".


>Implying the Diamonds acknowledge the innate talents of any gem.
All the gems are above menial labor user. None of them get to live their own lives and live up to their potential. Terraforming is a laborer's job, so those assigned to this job are laborers.

>"people paid to operate machinery aren't laborers

Laborer gems don't exist in the way like idiots like or assume. They exist as in the way of infrastructural gems like in OP's post. There's not a specific laborer gem caste.

>Steven: What exactly do you do here?
>Bismuth: Homeworld used us (the Bismuths) to erect spires for the gem elites to enjoy, but Rose taught me that my life was my own! [liberte elagite fraternite intensifies]
Commit sudoku and finish the job the plumber who delivered you was too cowardly to do.


>Terraforming is a laborer's job, so those assigned to this job are laborers.
So, that would entirely contradict with lapis is nobility theory like this user says.

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I would like to know what your hyper-specific autistic definition of labor is, because you clearly have never worked a day in your life, nor have you ever had a thought or conversation that wasn't a tragic waste of calories and oxygen.

>"There's not a specific laborer gem caste."
>infrastructural gems
>Peridots, lapises and bismuths.
infrastructural gems are the labor caste you dumbass, what do you think "maintaining Infrastructure" entails?

You're just showing your idiocy by being excessively rude in this thread. Go be a faggot somewhere else.

Sugar is a shit writer, it would hardly be the first contradiction in her story. Lapis dresses like nobility, Yellow diamonds names lapis's specifically in her song to blue, which would also indicate that they are of some importance.

I'm convinced he's either trolling, or is too stubborn to admit he's goofed so he's doubling down on being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian, so he won't lose face to an anonymous group of mineralsexual deviants on a Bolivian geology and paramilitary right-wing anime board. Either way let's ignore him and get down to the real business of who the best waifu is and why it's Pearl

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>m-muh fee-fees

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thats a funny way to spell Peridot

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t. Pearl

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>infrastructural gems are the labor caste
That would be completely simplifyling the job description of peridots, bismuts, and lapises.

>I'm convinced he's either trolling, or is too stubborn to admit
More like there is only one autist who assumes peridot's engineering job as a simple labor work and insults anyone who disagrees with him.

>"maintaining Infrastructure doesn't include manual labor"

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>I'm not the autist you're the autist
It's an airtight rebuttal. How will user ever recover?

Are you dense?



lol nope

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>says lapis is a labor caste
>hurr shut up retard she wears a dress and called by blue diamond
>says lapis is noble
>hurr shut up retard whe just a simple terraformer like bismuth

More like none of the anons in this thread have a solid idea about anything at all, how surprising.

>how paint works

>"today i found out every one on Yea Forums isnt the same person"

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>i painted out three (yous) and cropped the image in one minute on my potato of a computer
again, see

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Whats the hierarchy of admantium?

not even him but your samefagging is pretty obvious.

>no rebuttal
>"y-your just a samefag!"
again see my post

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go back to your capeshit threads

now this is some next level samefaggotry

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it's okay to stop at some point.

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i accept your concession of not having a leg to stand on.

all you're doing is just shitposting through images in this thread /pol/faggot. why do you expect an argument?

I've seen you post the same fucking argumentative samefagging bullshit with the same trite reaction images all week.
Are you okay user? Do you need someone to talk to?

I don't even go to /pol/, why should i do anything more than shitpost on an user with no argument? He's not gonna try any more, why should I

>still accusing people of samefagging
Nigger you already got shot down a long ass time agoNot everyone who disagrees with you is the same person.

I'm not that user but the way I see you behave on /sug/ and Yea Forums SU related threads makes me think you're not beyond using a VPN or phoneposting.

>why should i do anything more than shitpost on an user with no argument
only argument we're currently having right now is just what kind of autist you are.

Even a 5 year old kid can use a paint bucket and delete few (you)'in an a screenshot. What are you even trying to prove? You're just here to derail the thread with your autistic argument bullshit.

>your just phoneposting/ using a VPN
you are mental if you think multiple people disagreeing with you automatically means samefag.

No, this niggais the one derailing shit.i already proved there was no samefagging going on, your just in denial that people think your a complete retard.

>Blue Diamond having her terraform labor force wear dresses on a whim really isn't that far out there
It's like as if all diamonds have a different dressing code.

You're still derailing the thread not for ignoirng and moving on instead of shitposting to prove you're not samefagging.
How come Lapis is a laborer?

Which diamond has the BEST dress code though? My moneys on Yellow

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You should really try using different reaction images. Or at least stop using the ones from that gay muscle anime you love so much.

They make the kindergartens, unless you mean literally why in which case I dunno. The only thing I know about LL's IRL is that they have gold flecks.

i shitpost for the fuck of it, its fun to make fun of a paranoid retard who thinks everyone is some shadow of the same individual. Not saying your the same user mind you, just saying i like shitting on people like him.

i never denied posting in /sug/, this is a SU thread, is it that of much of a shock for people from the general to post here?

>"How can a filthy lapis can be present in our court?"
>"Shh, Blue Diamond might hear!"
I imagine Blue, as being the emotional crybaby she is needs to see her all subjects in front of her in order to feel comfort.

>Not saying your the same user mind you, just saying i like shitting on people like him
Wow, such a figher of justice. You sure did show him big boy.

Anyone else feel like the shows humor really nose dived after season 1? The jokes there were actually pretty funny, after that though they just fall flat.

There are currently 17 posters in this thread. You're either samefagging or being trolled by the same person.

ok,nevermind. you are the same user. no need to be so ass blasted man.

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Do you have to engage in pointless derailing flamewars everywhere you go?

No? SU was never laugh out loud funny. It's always been sensible chuckle-tier and I laugh about as much now as I did back in S1. I guess maybe there was more toilet humor back in the first season because of Ian but that's about it.

Why is this not surprising?

I chuckled at the post season 1 jokes a lot less. I found stuff like garnet diving out of the van when greg starts playing his CD pretty funny, it seems like we got less jokes like that as the series went on.

>Not saying your the same user mind you, just saying i like shitting on people like him
>I'll just shit up OP's thread for the sake of it
You're such a selfish piece of shit user.

Oh physical humor? Yeah there was less of that and more wordplay or quips. I can take it or leave it, but stuff like Kevin Party was hilarious and probably the funniest episode of the show next to Rising Tides/Crashing Skies.

More like Rebecca planned SU to be a dark humor/fantasy in the first season and then turned it into a semi light hearted adventure cartoon. Just check the pilot if you want to see the difference.

What do you made Rebecca change her plan like that? It seems like a pretty sudden change in tone.

I guess she became less cynical over time. Even the theme song drops the good vs evil thing by the time CYM rolls around.

Why does the every argument in this show revolve around Lapis?
>was Lapis tortured in Homeworld?
>was Lapis a punished gem?
>was Lapis raped Jasper?
>how does Lapis' pussy taste like?
For fuck's sake.

Which was obviously intentional, didn't mean it was a result of Rebecca beginning to like escapist media more and more.

She was under the impression of AT. Eventually show has found it's own direction.


shes a very controversial gem with a lot of fuck ups in her writing and story.

>"how does Lapis' pussy taste like?"
like sea water, obviously.

The story is fine as she just runs away from problems instead of facing them. That's consistent. Otherwise she doesn't really have enough character to be ruined, so hopefully they actually do something with her in S6 onwards.

CG's feel just bland and saturated at this point, I mean we've seen everything about them. Peridot is an irredeemable meme goblin/butt monkey of the show and rest of the characters have no interesting traits at all. Lapis and Jasper are the only genuinely interesting characters in the show, but especially Lapis as her design and personality is completely different than other gems.

>"Otherwise she doesn't really have enough character to be ruined"
Thats one of the biggest problems people have though. Shes been around so long and barley has a character aside from "run away at the first sign of danger". The fact its taken them this long to do something with her is why so many people are really sour over her.

The discussion (to use that term very, VERY loosely) was quite on topic actually. If you want a hugbox to validate your autism reddit is that way.

Its really a shame they did Peridot so dirty, she eclipsed everyone else in the show during her hay day.

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Lapisfags love to see their waifu as a Sophoclean tragedy character. that's why most of the theories are revolved around her (a punished gem, noble fell out of favor, etc.). Since the show has contributed Lapis pretty much nothing, it's a lawless zone.

shut up.

Lapis is perfect fanficiton matieral for dramafags. I mean,

>an unknown past
>trapped in mirror for millenia
>misunderstood by both of the sides
>alleged torture by Jasper
>she turning from abused to abuser
>her unhealthy relationship with eveyone which is completely show's out of the style

I only hope they won't peridotize her with the S6.

Watch your potty mouth you fucking shit.

Be the change you want to see. I'll start. How can you stop Steven's Talk no Jutsu?

It could be stopped by writing a villain that refuses to be talked down, it aint hard.

That's an extradiagetic solution. I want a intradiagetic workaround to the ultimate technique of the School of Mudercock.

You mean make a great and likable character? Because that's current Peridot. The barn hasn't been a thing for a long time, and being used for jokes isn't the same thing as being a joke character.

Pearl still has her full backstory to tell, Amethyst has the Famethyst and her brother/sister relationship with Steven and Garnet...

Peridot is such a great character.

I agree, she should get more episodes dedicated to her.

ahh shit man, i didnt study for this. Ok, fuck.I guess we could have a villain who whole heartedly believes they are in the write. Then any attempts to talk them down are useless, cause they already know in their mind that they are the hero. Leaving the main cast no choice but to imprison them.

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Terrible idea.

Right, god damnit i meant right not write.

whats your proposal then? cause i aint got shit.

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Garnets, Emeralds
Sapphires, Aquamarines, Jades other than Nephirte
Topaz's, Agates
Quartz's, Nephrites
Zircon (confirmed to be a mid tier gem)
Bismuth, Peridots, Lapis

in that order

Sounds good user.

There's no reason to separate between enforcers and soldiers.

they stated Topaz's are a level above Quartz didn't they? and Agates clearly have authority over them as well.

Both rubies, topazes and quartzes are in the same fighting class. Also administrator caste is pretty much useless.


Topazes are personal bodyguards, there's a reason one went with Aquamarine to Earth and why there's a couple guarding Yellow's room.

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Hessonites, Emeralds
Sapphires, Jades
Topaz's, Agates, Quartz's, Nephrites
Zircon, Blue Agate, Aquamarine
Bismuth, Peridots, Lapises
Pearls, Lapis Lazuli was demoted as a punishment in Era 1.


Can someone remind me what pebbles even do?

They're just accidental creations caused by Pink crying over her makeup table.

Topaz's are higher, that's just how the show works

"It just works"

that isnt how the system works

Nephrites are pilots. Centi was the captain of a ship.

>rubies: fights for Homeworld
>topazes: fights for Homeworld
>quartzes: fights for Homeworld
I see no difference.

Keep garnets instead of specifying Hessonite, Blue Diamond lumped Hessonite, Dementoid, and Pyropes in the same category

Do you consider a footballer and a comedian the same thing? They both entertain people.

You have no idea how military's work do you?

Yea, but there is no difference between a field marshal and a regular private. Both are soldiers. Topaz might be in higger hierarchy than a quartz, but they all belong to the same caste.

>Lapis Lazuli was demoted as a punishment in Era 1.

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>"there is no difference between a field marshal and a regular private. Both are soldiers."
No, the responsibilities and duties of a field marshal and a private are very different. Just cause their both soldiers doesn't mean they have the same job.


Topaz and quartz also don't have the same job. Just change it military/security caste instead of solider then.

Because you keep bringing her up and asking stupid questions that the show already gives you the answers to
>not outside of the mirror
>she raped jasper
>your mom
Also she's a bad character and gets criticism because of it

Show didn't give any answers to Lapis as that's the exact reason why we're keeping discussing her you idiot.

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People forget a lot of shit during the hiatuses.

You just asked why "every argument in the show revolves around lapis" when that isn't true, but when you keep pushing autistic headcanons like "lapis was tortured on homeworld and by jasper/peridot offscreen" as canon you're going to be told why you're wrong

I’m not even the one who’s pushing those theories. They just randomly appear in these threads.

Are you denying the harrowing truth Jasperfag?


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A headcanon with no evidence or implications supporting it in-show or out-of show can not be canon and you're mentally ill for still trying to make it out as such

>headcanon with no evidence
What is a better evidence than the conscience of the people?

Lapis being an outcast/slave before the gem war and also being tortured on Homeworld are both solid theories. They just lack evidence.

How can a theory be good if it lacks any evidence

Because it's plausible both backed with Lapis' passionate character and her tragic backstory.

a lot of stuf is "plausible" by that standard.

> Homeworld completely ignoring Lapis when she was mirrored has nothing to do with her nobility and simply just bad writing for her part. There's no need to argue about it.
I would argue about it. HW forces who put Lapis in the mirror were lead by Pink Diamond. They didn't ignore her, they most likely had very specific instructions about her.

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They sound like just excuses for what she's done

God I miss this artist.

lapis is an important gem not a worker. she looks like aquamarine and sapphire and wears a dress.

also nephrite should have been a trapiche emerald. literally why waste the most famous gem on some dumb drag queen s5 celeb cameo when centibitch appeared in the very first episode

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what happened to him?

God I miss this artist.

Pearl are as high as the ones who owns them.
for example, yellow pearl was being kinda mean to peridot when she called, and peridot was being mean to Pearl because pearl didnt belong to anyone, hence didnt outrank her.

a Pearl represents their owner, and so, have in a way, the same rank as them as long as they are allowed, or "same rank -1"