Green Lantern Recommendations

I just started reading Moz’s GL and I like it a lot. What other GL should I read.

I heard Johns’ run is also popular but I hate the rainbow shit.

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Johns is the only person who ever wrote GL worth shit.

Hard Traveling Heroes
Emerald Dawn
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps
The New Frontier

The DC by Alan Moore collection has a few classic Lantern stories.

Was Hal’s time as Paralax worth a read?

Alan Moore's Tales of the GLC
Green Lantern: Mosaic

Throwing Acrion figures together doesn't make anything worth shit.

>I just started reading Moz’s GL and I like it a lot
No you don't. It's crap you don't have to pretend you like it to fit in user.

Johns is the one who made GL worth a thing. You can be contrarian all you want, but it won't change facts.

The Kyle Rayner Run is pretty great and Guy Gardner Warrior

Why do people dislike the "rainbow shit"?

Because/co/umblr told me to.

I thought they were pretty poorly developed. I liked Saint Walker, Atrocitus and Larfleeze but... Johns didnt do much with them, other writers even less. Larfleeze had a cool 12 issue series though.

Weird, Yea Forumsmblr told me Green Lantern isn't worth reading until Johns started writing.

Because it's a pretty cool concept but is wasted in most scenarios. It also makes GLs a little less unique, piling on to the "too many GLs" problem.
I don't think it'd be too bad if there's maybe one of each like Larfleeze but everyone being a Corps feels like way too much.
Also the popularity of the concept has made other writers think it's a good idea to apply to fucking everything like the current Flash run with its Strength Force, Still Force and Sage Force, which IMO simplies what could be diverse origins of powers into a single "force" concept that users dip into.

If each individual force/corps was expanded more it could be interesting world building but at the moment they're all so surface level that it ends up just diluting the original, core concept

Their introductions were great but no one really did much with them. Also they were over used far to fast. They should have left the GL alone to do their own thing for awhile before bringing them back for every single arc.

Fair point, I admit I only read the Blackest Night tie-ins with them, so I didn't get that oversaturation.

read all of silver age and bronze age GL, then skip to Parallax and Spectre Hal

OP here. Dude you don’t have to do this every thread about Morrison. If you hate him don’t fucking read him you faggot.

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It makes the universe seems much smaller than it is. During his run nothing exists other than rainbow bullshit.
Cool ideas like how the guardians eliminated magic from the universe by purging everything like the Empire of Tears got fucking tied to Red Lantern bullshit rather than be let develop on its own. Or how the Orange Lantern battery just coincidentally exists in the Vega sector rather than having the Spider Guild running a protection ring in it like it supposed to be.
Morrison got the right idea when he let more than a Corp of a few thousand people patrolling the universe. Every planets should have their own superhero teams dealing with shit and when things got out of hand call the GL.

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Wait but I thought Yea Forums liked Spectre Hal.

People that read it generally do. Most thought the idea was simply dumb and in their mind idea>execution.

I do like Spectre Hal! I said skip TO it and read it, not skip it.

Because it's bad
The only corps with any development were the SC, the RLs (who are really shallow), and the BLs (who are also shallow). Larfleeze went from scary to comedy jobber. The Indigos were never interesting. The White Enitity was stupid.

It will be the first time Yea Forumsumblr is right about something.

I liked Paul Cornell's Action Comics. It has Lex dealing with Blackest Night.

I like the idea of the Spectre being a once Spirit of Vengeance turn Spirit of Redemption and that's why through Hal and Spctre bonding can they learn to get redemption. Estranger said Jim Corrigan was too hot-headed so Spectre needed Hal. Just my dumb head cannon.

Gerard Jones is the essential Green Lantern writer.

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I feel your pain.

Geoff Johns run is some hack shit

It was cool, until the night ended.

all colors is most retarded, especially when they gave Sinestro yellow suit, thing with him is that his ring is charges from external feelings, not from inside.

Also don't know what to think about yellow color weakness for GLs. On one side it's his kryptonite against anything that GL can imagine and will it, on the other hand it leads to retarderness like in GL tie-in with Reign of Supermen when Hal apparently couldn't do jackshit to Mongul because his skin was yellow, although he is wrapped in clothes of non-yellow color.

Also if yellow is GL's weakness then Superman shouldn't be able to burn things with lead in them because pic related

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In addition to the usuals, I would add:
Legacy - The Last Will and Testament of Hal Jordan
Parallax Emerald Night
Ion : Guardian of the Universe

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Is Will World worth reading?
Also i'm looking for more Guy Gardner stuff to read.

GLC Recharge and the run that follows got me into comics

3 big bads also in the book.

Willworld is really fucking good

it hasn't led to a single good story

Guy as Warrior > any Green Lantern faggot


are these from issue 10?


>Ion : Guardian of the Universe
this is really fucking bad

What's up with Grant and his obssession with tiny beings?

At least it’s not as bad as his obsession with Space Vampires.

Good concept that's been overused to death since its inception.