How big of a shitstorm would the Lion King/Kimba thing have been if the internet were as big as it is now in 1994?

How big of a shitstorm would the Lion King/Kimba thing have been if the internet were as big as it is now in 1994?

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Disney wouldn't have done it

Disney would almost certainly have either been sued or bought the entire company so they could have the rights and call it an 'adaptation'

Hard question. Tezuka had a huge boner for Disney, and worked with the company closely in the past. Was his own self-respect, or love for Disney more precious to him?

They wouldn't have been able to use the "we've never seen Kimba" argument.

I think there would've been a court case.

The latter, disney shill.

>acknowledging Osamu having liked Disney is being a shill

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He'd been dead for 5 years when Lion King came out.

>hmm these isolated shots in Kimba are suspiciously similar to other isolated shots in Lion King in different contexts
>even though the designs and story are completely different, I'm inclined to say Lion King is a total ripoff of Kimba because I think with my raging boner for all things japan instead of my brain

Man, Lion King is one of my favorites but you'd be a fool to deny how much it swiped from Kimba.

Best post right here.

Almost all of Japan is filled with Disney shills by that logic

It certainly would've been much more exposed in the age of the Internet. Literally every news outlet would be absolutely ravenous for this kind of story and would push it to hell and back. That said, I doubt things would've played out much differently. Disney would probably take a dent in their PR but there wouldn't be many consequences outside of long-term contempt and distrust.

You mean how much Tesuka stole from Disney so much people got confused?

This but unironically. 95% of people that actually delegitimize the work put into the Lion King or just to sound like a intellectual by using Kimba never would've even noticed if the internet had even put it out for them.

I'm sure it would've impacted Disney somewhat.
Keep in mind that in 1993 not only they were still trying to recover from the dark ages, but also weren't as big as they are since 2010.

None because Kimba doesn't have a Hamlet plot and didn't invent Lions, Standing on Rocks, Pretty looking rocks and all the million other things you're going to post because of your tenuous understanding of copyright law.

How was the story completely different? I've only seen how they use all the same characters and sequentially dozens of scenes look exactly the same. That enough justifies ripoff desu

Wanna know how I can tell you have never sat down to watch Kimba? You made this thread

>Tezuka you owe us for Steam Boat Willie !

Not OP but have you watched the series, and can you discuss it in more detail? I'm familiar with the manga and the movie (which are nothing like The Lion King), but so far the animated episodes that I've seen appear to give enough reason for questions.

Tezuka never denied being influenced by Disney
Tezuka's family even said that they only want him to be credited instead of the whole "we never even seen Kimba" stuff Disney tried to pull


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I know, disney apologists are pretty pathetic

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>Be dumb teenager
>Hear someone say LK is a complete ripoff of Kimba
>Parrot this over and over so I can pretend to know shit about animation and the industry that it's utilized in
Anyone under 25 needs to be gassed.

I honestly can't tell if people defending Disney ITT are baiting or just merely pretending

There are a few scenes that do look like they where lifted yes, but beyond those cherry picked moments there isn’t a whole lot of overlap in terms of animation and even then there are small differences that show that even if they lifted framing and visual ideas they still made their own thing. Storywise they both follow a basic pattern that at its core is the same so as a result they feel similar in tone. After watching both I got the feeling that they where both trying to tell the same kind of story about moving on into adulthood and confronting the things that are difficult to confront. It’s like when you give a bunch of people the same kind of writing prompt your bound to see stories that are very similar, this doesn’t mean that they copied off one another tho. The visual of a lion has always been associated with that of a ruler, and the parallel between how a lion grows its mane as it gets older and becomes a badass and how a young adult grows and matured into an adult isn’t exactly new ground for either of those two. Did it help that Disney doesn’t give any credit to anyone ever? No. Does that mean that they intentionally stole a storyboard because their lazy hacks? No, that’s literally what all the Disney classics are.
Also probably doesn’t help that Kimba feels kinda Disney but at the same time doesn’t so as a result their gonna get compared and yaddayada.

who is the most cute, kimba or simba?

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Tezuka's style is top tier cute
which made the softcore lewds he drew even better

i think the theory that lion king was originally going to be a straight-up kimba adaption is the most feasible

>How big of a shitstorm would the Lion King/Kimba thing have been if the internet were as big as it is now in 1994?

It was pretty big even then. Google "lion on a rock" threads in the old readnews groups.

kimba plagiarized hamlet

More importantly
Who would top

Does anybody know where I can get the 1989 series? Subbed or raw, doesn't matter. Got into it on YouTube and it stops at episode 23. All I can find is dead torrents now.

>Kimba never even met his father
>Kimba's mother is dead
>Kimba never ran away, he swam back to Africa from the ship he and his mother were on when it sank
>Kimba is forced into a lead role when all the animals expect him to pick up where his father left off and Kimba is fine with that.
>Kimba fights off/befriends humans, sorts out disagreements with other animals
>When Kimba seeks guidance from his father's spirit his animal buddies give it to him by stealing his father's lion rug skin from the poacher who had him killed and give advice Weekend at Bernie's style

Totally a Lion King ripoff

Internet Archive has the Japanese version without subs. Video quality isn't great, but I think all the episodes are included. Search for "Jungle emperor" rather than "Kimba".

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fuck tezuka

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Kimba looks like a stuff animal.

How big of a shitstorm would there be in the internet were this big in 1599 and William Shakespeare could see they both ripped off Hamlet?

Even if the plot was different why didn't disney just acknowledge that they were inspired by Tezuka at the time? And why send him a 'cease and desist' order if they didn't find his property to be threatening to their reputation?

Kimba might was well be a girl.

Thanks user. I'm a fucking idiot, I had looked there and managed to miss that it had all the episodes somehow.

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