I don’t get why this caused such a stir

I don’t get why this caused such a stir.

Attached: 41AC45DA-4924-40C8-90D2-CE9C94C9058C.jpg (640x595, 99K)

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I dont get it. He's blushing?

Why would you feel compelled to like, retweet, and screen cap this tweet as if anybody here gives a shit?

It's someone seemingly admitting to being a pervert. Not the best look when you work in ANYTHING related to children because people can just preemptively cancel you with no argument.

that was just a joke betwen her and another cartoonist and you know it damn well and you're just playing retarded

the child porn goalpost is travelling through space at the speed of light while TOR cheese pizza forums are alive and well and full of vile content

twitter trannies just need to get outraged at something, they're experts at making up bullshit in an instant and the idea spreads like wildfire thanks to anti alt-right algorithms that promotes views that are exact opposite to common sense

>twitter trannies

How do you know they’re troons? If anything trannies seem to like sexualizing little girls.

something broke a while ago in you're average tumblr/twitter persons brain and you have people seriously saying "if you are over 30 you shouldn't date anyone under 23." and "if you ever even seen porn you shouldn't be within 100 meters of a child, much less child's cartoons."

I wish the weebs worked harder making our culture more in line with them.

Yeah, it's clearly a joke. Doesn't change what I said dipshit

Virtue Signaling is addictive as fuck. Like pringles.

if you bother to look at anyone outraged at bullshit you can notice they always list their pronouns in profile

It was heteroerotic. If it was lesbians, it would be okay.

I don't understand? What is so offensive abotu that drawing? No nudity of any kind or anything.

then stop bringing it up you fucking faggot

i'm so sick of this place being spammed with bullshit twitter drama

the same people will see the same things happening between two girls and the thought "Perversion" doesn't cross their mind

It's offensive because they decided that it is, and because they need it to be.

This whole debacle unironically made me start watching the show
Good choice

Attached: Screenshot_20190801-032535~01.jpg (1920x1080, 162K)

So people are afraid of the love that can blossom between a woman and a toad.

I don't understand. What is the problem. Why they are angry at it.

because you posted it there and recruited professional victims to smear it online.

I loved this whole farce because it just shows that people on Twitter will get mad/triggered at/by literally anything.

>the love that can blossom between a woman and a toad
Toad's are hot for CARS not WHORES, user. This is known:

Folks were SO EAGER to jump to the "omg they're drawing child porn" conclusion, wanting to get mad at shit that hasn't happened

Attached: Screenshot_20190724-130121__01.jpg (1080x871, 166K)

but it's literally just the frog man, fully clothed, holding a girl Superman style, and she is fully clothed?

What the fuck is happening?

They're blushing so that means love between a preteen girl and a frog man. THINK OF THE CHILDREN.

In her comments she admits "well it hasn't happened yet but we're dangerously close to it being a reality."
Which is the same kind of backpedaling as folks who fall for The Onion articles and go "uh well the fact that I couldn't tell it was fake means there's something wrong"

I am convinced that 99% of the tumblr faggots that get hired by CN are all pedophiles, which is why they keep making their main characters preteen girls. They WANT there to be porn of their characters, even if they have to make it themselves.

Look at Yea Forums, all it does is circlejerk about these characters regardless of how completely shit the show is. It's all about fapping to children and nothing else.

>all these years of buttering down Yea Forums to tumblr levels and they still fucking pretend it's an evil cesspool of men

>folks who fall for The Onion articles
That physically hurt to read.

They DO realise that people like Doug Tenapel would qualify by their insane standards, and they hate him?

Don't forget "short people are minor-coded" and "height differences in relationships are power imbalanced"

Why don't they just admit that it's heterosexuality that they hate? THAT's WHAT IT'S ABOUT.

If they were both girls, they wouldn't GIVE A SINGLE FUCKING SHIT.


Please somebody. Just tell me what's the problem here?

And/ co/ keep going "But but Tumblr and Twitter aren't the REAL EVIL> It's the Cis White men of Alt Right!"


>"height differences in relationships are power imbalanced"
This can't be a real talking point, can it?
Literally nothing. Just Tumblr and Twitter trash looking for their next outrage fix.

I won't lie and say it's a widespread belief but I've seen it before

Double standards are fucking insane. You can make a joke about a little boy's anal cavity and it's "haha thats so gross haha" but you're dead if you change it to a girl's.

You know looking at this just makes one support straight shipping JUST to fuck with them.

Of course the flipside is supporting shipping bullshit to begin with.

Cancel cultures and antis are so fucking retarded it's ridiculous

>anti alt-right algorithms

Toad is an adult, girl is a minor.

He's got a point. It's not in effect if you're outside America or the UK.

What's the age difference? Did they fuck yet? Did they do anything sexual? Did they even say they like each other?

To be fair she's right in that it probably will happen, in fact it already has.

Animators are adults working a pretty intense job, they're 100% going to make raunchy or dark jokes with the material they're slaving away from.
If it turns up on twitter somethings gone wrong, though I'd hardly say OP's image qualifies.


Please please keep your stupid conspiracy theories to /pol/. No one cares.

So do these people have sway or not? Do do need to be afraid of people like this? The tumblr types i mean

Only if they actually have a job in the industry. Most are just nobodies though.

Sadly that show got a really bad fandom

>Noel Stevenson and Kate Leith have their own shows coming up.

Well, it was a good run.

What show doesn't at this point?

Toad just caught the girl after she fell off a tower. Chivalry (meaning males doing anything for females) is problematic in current year, you see.

Just waiting for next season to show Grime being a sweet and awesome character, but soon gets killed off because toads=bad guy and frogs=good guys kind of thing.

I don't get it.
Aren't these the people saying that schools should teach 5 years old about condoms and blowjobs?