Requested by an user in the Rocko thread. This comic is a fucking mess thanks to none other than Anthony Burch. It's such a shame, too because it didn't have to be this way. I like the art, there's a few decent jokes here and there, and this storyline could have worked if the writing hadn't been all Burch'd up, but this is what we got. Brace yourselves for cringe, folks.
Rocko's Modern Afterlife Storytime
The sloth on this page is from an earlier comic series. If this goes well maybe I'll storytime that one later.
Yay thanks user
To be honest I could absolutely see Heffer doing this.
I can see Rocko having a caveman phone too.
>this thing has snake
i see
Oh shit
At least I really like the expressions in this
One issue down, three to go. The first issue is honestly not that bad for Burch, but unfortunately he just can't help himself later on. I'll start working on issue 2 now.
Same, they’re off model just enough to be interesting
That sunglasses animal doesn't even look like a Rocko character. Pretty much that Boys Club guy.
It feels like the artist snuck in a friend's fursona
>anthony "my wife took the wii u" burch
you have my interest OP
And here we fucking go. I gave this comic the benefit of the doubt, hoping maybe the editor might tell Burch to tone down his usual bullshit because this is based on a kids' cartoon, but nope. We're going full Burch now.
>Anthony Burch
How do low IQ shitheads like him keep finding work?
Okay I admit I chuckled at this.
For some reason none of the Rocko comics acknowledge Filburt's marriage to Dr. Hutchison. It's disappointing because I think he's much more interesting that way.
>it’s a trilby
Oh my fucking god
Rocko is a good friend.
Agreeing with the industry beliefs or something.
Two down, two to go. I really hate what was done to Filburt in this issue and it only gets worse from here.
I can’t believe this is a real comic and not a parody written by someone on Yea Forums
>beta boy
OP, thanks again. If nothing else, I'm loving the art.
I really do like the art a lot. It's just a shame it was wasted on Burch's writing.
Something similar to this happened with most of the Regular Show comics, which cut deep because I loved RS for being a modern show that wasn't that bad when it came to this kind of writing. Between Mordechai and Rigby holding hands, carving M and R into a tree, Tumblr OC chicks, oppression, and a large battle being halted because a female got hit by a rock, I never wanted to read comics again.
fuck me
OP here. My net went down and I have to post this on my phone. If it goes back up soon I will keep going. If it takes too long though I'm just going to go to bed and finish this in the morning.
Oh, it looks like we're already back! Hopefully that won't happen again.
No problem man, thanks for uploading as much as you have.
That was terrible, even if I didn't know Burch wrote this I'd still rate the writing just as poorly. Seemed more like somebody out there just wanted to do their own thing (and failing to put something good out there) instead of fashioning a comic story in the same vein as the original show.
saw that coming
Burch don't drag detectives into this.
Okay I kinda like that joke in the first panel.
oh god fandom shit too, this is hitting every cancerous aspect
Never expect modern writers to understand older characters. A great example is Daria.
God damn it, Burch.
It's alright sometimes but not every fucking expression needs to make them look on drugs, even the more casual ones are overdone.
I could fill this entire thread just talking about everything I hate about Filburt's portrayal in this chapter.
>>>>what do
For fucks sake.
I like that you care enough about the original to be annoyed at this new portrayal. I really hope none of this happens whatsoever in the new movie but I expect the often cringey writing like all the internet and tech talk earlier.
I hate greedy billionaires as much as the next guy but even for Rocko this is so on the nose that it just becomes pure cringe.
>fake news
I'm leaving.
One more to go and thank god because I'm actually mad at how terrible this is. Rocko is one of my favorite cartoons of all time. Why did they give it to Anthony fucking Burch?
But they were married
I actually thought that first issue with Filbert was pretty in character, but the m'lady stuff is obnoxious.
Overall I don't think it's THAT bad and the idea and art is a lot of fun.
Man Butch really hates Jews huh
Filbert wanting to be a man and being kind of stupid about it would work, him being online on essentially what sounds like Yea Forums and all this Men's Rights fedora m'lady shit all combines to pure cancer. I can see the annoyance OP has. It's sad.
Oh definitely. It starts out totally in character but they spread it on SO thick.
Plus we all know Heffer is more likely to browse Yea Forums than Filbert.
The eyes remind me of Zim, that's what I was trying to figure out this whole time.
Man, I'm REALLY not a fan of Ian McGinty's original stuff, but those covers are really cool.
Rocko is cute, especially in the framed photo.
>if the internet is creating zombies how do we stop it
dont tell me they go with the default "shut down the internet" route?
I wish Burch was dead.
It’s just so unnecessary and irrelevant to the plot. I get that the whole comic is supposed to be a commentary on being radicalized by the internet but it’s so tacked on and OTT. I love a good incel joke as much as the next person but this is too much.
I also hate that Filburt isn’t married to Hutchinson anymore
I wish this entire fucking cancer was dead. It's gotten so many people Burch wouldn't make a dent.
It's alright, i never watched the show, so i'm probably not seeing all the shit they're getting wrong about the characters, but it's alright, a 5/10
>I love a good incel joke as much as the next person
Don't worry, you don't have to pretend. Everyone who posts that shit is 12.
He probably wishes he was dead too desu
Is his pupil missing? From the angle of the other one it doesn't make sense to be behind his mouth.
why did the crew girl become a zombie?
I guess they uh, read her the article or something? Man this comic's dumb.
Rugrats also did this dumb smartphone shit in its new comic series.
I fucking hate cheeky website references so much.
I dunno, honestly none of this feels that far off from Rocko.
Filburt being corrupted into an incel, Heffer a games streamer, and Rocko just wants nothing to do with it all.
I think they laid it on TOO thick with Filburt, but I honestly think the concepts are there.
I also think they're relying a little TO much on silly wacky faces with Heffer? Like at times when it's not needed.
I can't stand that these words are coming out of Rocko's mouth.
This looks like early Rebecca Sugar shit.
I get the joke, but, like... why would the internet LOOK racist?
Yeah Rocko’s always been a satire on...modern life but there’s so much going on here, it’s a mess
I mean i haven't even watched the show and this feels way out of character, why would a dude who never uses the internet and still has a nokia brick have any opinion on if it was racist, like as a quick gag you might have something there but this is just stupid.
When has Rocko EVER whined about racism, and why would he think a machine could be racist even if he did?
Ok I legitimately can not believe this is a real comic.
All these jokes are just the worst to me, sure I can see Heffer being a streamer too, but it's done in such an annoying way, everything is. Only Rocko wanting to avoid it is working but they still use that for the whole "internet and tech is bad" shtick going on.
This is a direct assault to the IP.
I hate Anthony Burch so much.
Man this thing really took a fucking head dive into the kids pool near the end
The internet IS bad, because it's where Anthony Burch lives.
>mansplaining reference
what the fuck
hit too close too home?
It sucks since I DO think this is a great idea that could really work, but it's just done in this weird way. Little out of character or obnoxious things that bog down a story that I think could really work.
Rocko destroying the entire internet COULD be a good story.
This is why I don't bother with most modern stuff anymore and I sure as hell don't read comics. The writing makes me fucking hurt.
This part actually does feel in character for Rocko, at least.
They're really ruining these classic jokes.
I accept everything else, but this.
Rocko shouldn't know most of these things about the internet, I guess its writer's tunnel vision.
Isn't Bev in her 50s? Why in the world would she ever say Puppo?
Burch is a truly disgusting person and probably the shittiest writer on the face of the planet.
And we're finally done. You can practically taste Burch's bitterness when he takes jabs at the internet through his writing. You can virtue signal all you want, Burch, but it won't get you your Wii U back. The good news is that there are other Rocko comics without his writing that aren't half-bad. Tihis was fun despite how much I hate this comic so maybe I'll storytime those sometime.
Well the writing is Fucking awful
I mean what a disconnect between the character and the dialogue, its almost lile he doesnt care at all
Really had to shoehorn in that racism bit even if it didn't make sense, when he could have at least used it before and had in make sense in-universe.
Are... those meme arrows? I know everyone uses them outside of Yea Forums now but jesus.
It bums me out since if someone came in and completely rewrote the dialogue, I think it'd be great.
Is “Wallabies started the zombpocalypse” the new “Jews did 9/11”?
Thanks for the storytime OP!
Good art, writing that while not great did get a few chuckles out of me before the last issue, yeah, 6/10, not great, probably won't read it again.
Great... Now i fear for static cling
This was awful, god bless you user for storytiming this and suffering
I don't think Burch is on board for static cling, hope things stay that way.
Why? He didn't write it.
So the end moral is that "everyone should be nicer on the internet".
When it's a known fact that few people are as eternally butthurt, vitriolic and hateful as Anthony Burch is online.
In fact, every SJW like him does nothing online but spew bile, spread manufactured outrage and try to label people this and that to get others to hate them.
So how the fuck, I ask you, is this a reasonable moral when cooked up by Burch, that dumb fucking cuck, who wouldn't know what "being nice" means outside the context of letting your wife fuck whoever she wants?
OP is just a butthurt incel. the comic is hilarious.
no wonder because he fixates on Filburt so much.
How will you know it's her if she doesn't say "'kay"
Totally different people involved
Anthony, PLEASE kill yourself already.
>expecting modern writers to be good
>even after the LGBT shit has been so important to the movie apparently that they had to have representatives of the community stay during the entire production
Thanks a lot for this, man.
Imagine being a tranny, you can earn big bucks by simply existing by being a "community consultant" on projects like that.
Completely insane.
I can't be the only one reading every line in their voice.
Goddamn why do progressives hate the free expression of ideas so much.
If you aren't radically far left your a toxic evil zombie to these people.
I tried but it was difficult with the way things were phrased. Not even just the terms, the structure of their dialogue being like "I am SO not ready for this!" feels wrong.
>every butthurt user in this thread
That's what gets me. I can see how this concept would have worked if it just had a different writer at the helm but as it stands there are just too many out-of-character moments that take me out of it. Filburt and Hutchison's relationship was also one of my favorite things about the show so it bugs me that the comic split them up and turned Fil into an incel when he was always shown to be a loving husband.
They even had kids together, why, why, why, why
kizukeba I came too far
Never let woke people write anything
The only funny thing about this is that Anthony Burch is the definition of an incel.
Involuntary celibate for decades because his wife didn't ever want to sleep with him, couldn't even get laid after he went gay, then bi.
Fucking tragic how he has to take out his incel frustrations on the industry like this.
Even nonincels write the same thing.
He needs one to solve the case of his missing balls
everything about this is abhorrent and burch should be ashamed
Heffer would totally be on reddit all that Reading the same Picture with another caption thoudands of times
>a Fucking resident evil reference
You dont get to burch
>oh yes ha ha ha isnt that funny
Heffer shoving his phone right up in Rocko's eye.
man that top panel looks so fucking nice
I disagree
this joke is very similar to the jokes in the original, the show often make fun of megacorps... Chummer
>eat the brains, brush your teeth
Alright, that got a smile out of me.
I think he was talking about “turn the page, wash your hands”.
I know someone storytimed one of the newer comics a while back, but I can’t seem to find it on Desuarchive.
Oh, okay.
I don't thing just ANY tranny can be there
I bet you must be an active member of the community to get proposed as a community consultant. I hate the people that hang around the LGBT scene even though I'm gay, so to me it sounds like a lot bullshit just to be noticed
I think co can fix this since the dialogue is the main problem. We should redo it ourselves.
>they flanderized, retconned and used my girl as a mouthpiece
I can't believe I almost bought this when it come out. You're doing your community a great service OP.
Didn’t they turn high five ghosts GF into a political mouthpiece as well?
It wasn't that bad.
I mean, it wasn't that good either, but...
Isn't the guy who created Rocko's Modern Life a raging leftist too?
Yes, always has been and there's nothing wrong with that. Mind you, he would've written a better comic than this.
I bet he'd love this shit.
I think so, I remember not liking how they wrote her at all. Fucked over Fives by giving her such a shitty characterization that wasn't even in the series despite the hipster hairstyle.
Wow this was bad, and I never even watched Rocko.
That is really odd because that was a pretty big plot point on multiple occasions after the first season or so.
Jesus Christ this is bad. Why would you even hire burch?
something just feels so fucking wrong with this comic and i can't put my finger on it.
OP here. Would anyone like to see a storytime of the other Rocko comic? It's 8 issues long and I figured I could do two issues a day leading up to the movie's eventual release on the 9th if people are interested. The art isn't quite as good as this, but it's still serviceable and there's no Burch so the writing feels much closer to the characters.
Dude, what if your childhood cartoons were dark?
>tfw you're not Anthony Burch
I'd like that, OP, sorry I didn't answer quicker, I was asleep
Left leaner? Yes. Raging? No.