Downtown premiered 20 Years ago Today.
Downtown 20th Anniversary
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Jesus. I remember sitting up to watch it too. I caught every episode on tv, except for the last one that they aired only once or some shit. Such a good show.
20th anniversary, huh?
Might have to draw something if anyone has any requests.
Jen and Serena mooning on the subway like Chaka and Mecca did, only Jen's butt is so big it's starting to crack the glass.
There's an episode where Chaka and Serena go to a restaurant to eat snails. It's supposed to be a date for Alex but he never showed.
My request is Serena kissing Chaka at the end of the date.
This thread isn't gettng much love, but I'd love to try this. Big idea so no sure if I'll finish it before the thread dies.
I didn't have MTV channel when this was on. Basically my whole life without knowing this existed. Somebody on Yea Forums recommended it.
Just at that time I got in to do the New York Marathon. I watched MTV Downtown to pump me up for New York. Each episode I kept thinking, yeah I'm going over there. Unfortunately the time this was made and the time I went to NY was heavily impacted by time. It did do it's job to pump me up, but wasn't the NY I visited.
It still seemed close enough when I went. A lot lot LOT more people, though.
I still want to go back.
Also personal favorite episode is graffiti. Now if you do a Graffiti episode basically a Banksy parody.
How can she be so amazing?
I got into this show backwards, I really dig megas XLR and always heard about downtown but didn't check it out until a few years ago. It's probably one of my favourite cartoons, despite being a slice of life essentially. The characters were actually strong enough to carry it and by the end I was sad to see it go.
Do you think you could draw Alex and Coop waiting in line at the comic shop?
My god she's THICC
The voice actors we're great too, who were essentially just picked up on the street randomly.
weren't they all amateur actors in new York and friends of the crew ?
Goat was a friend
I think Matt was based and voiced in the staff
I think mecca VA was somebody they interviewed on the street. She had a crazy story about going to go club and ending up in a crack house running out scared.
Btw Mecca was underaged during the interview
>ywn be as cool as goat
I always wondered what the Downtown-esque Motorcity would've been like.
I barely watched any of it because it aired at weird times in my country, but it still managed to give me a thing for goth girls and urban living.
How is motor City?
she can't, so they settled with how she is, obese
Did anyone else notice Goat in metalocalypse doomstar requiem?
This show was so comfy. Wish it didn't get the can. Jen is best girl, wish I had a friend like her.
It's a shame the voice actors didn't really do anything after the show, I thought they were all great.
Nice catch
I'd like to see a reboot. Where the characters age real time since the show got cancelled and all the VA returned
Why'd it get canned anyway?
Same as always, low ratings.
Jen is, like, my absolute favorite cartoon girl.
Requesting Jen and Chaka holding up a liquor store with stocking masks.
Actually, replace Jen with Leah and maybe add a very nervous, reluctant Serena.
He was in the first episode as well.
its not the best or the worst, but mission hill is way better than this
Hope I'm not too late but can you draw Jen like the
Whatever request you do your based for doing so.
I'd say Mission Hill is funnier, but Downtown has a more chill feel to it.
Both are great and going for their own thing.
This is beautiful. Got a site?
Just a DA gallery. I mean, be warned, it's got fetish shit in it, but it DOES have both uncensored Jen pics.
I heard that one of the reasons it looked so good was because they saved on music costs by using MTV's archive, even though most of the music is only used for very short clips.
The original music was still really good though
Thank ya.
Full episodes are on YT. Or some I think. They've been there for a while.
Wow, since 2014. Either no one's reported it or MTV doesn't care.
Likely the latter.
MTV don't care. Even more you go to the creator blog you can get the DVD for.the price of shipping.
Got a link? I have a few spare bucks.
The whole thing is on YouTube anyway.
sweet, i've been looking for a way to watch this.
Who watched this when it aired?
I didn't
Y that girl green?
DVD has features. And again the price is the bare minimum.
Mecca is black. You can blame it on the quality of the picture, she's the same color as Fruity (the black guy) when you watch the show
Me. I'm fucking old.
No prob dude. I bought a copy a long ass time ago, it's pretty decent quality. Got a few extras too.
>motor city
Its good. It really could have used a higher age rating though. Tons of action and cool cars and stories, but too childish in tone for the setting. Its a dystopian world where the people living in a huge high tech opressive city are trying to basically kill all the people who want to live free and away from the city.
Mark Hamil badguy. Brendan Small doing some music for it. Crazy good Titmouse animation. It was great for what it was.
Its really too bad it got shitcanned after only 1 season though. it was probably way to expensive to keep making and I dont think it was bringing in big numbers for veiwers.
Did they ever actually use the word "kill"? Or anything like it?
Favorite episode of this short-lived series?
Probably The Con.
That's a good one.
I already said graffiti was my favorite. A runner up is where they race on subway to Coney island
I liked the one where the two dudes are in the abandoned subway parts.
If this thread dies, could you put whatever you do upon the booru if it's not too much trouble?
grafitti in the underground. those scenes in spiderverse reminded of a lot of that ep.
Damn. I still remember setting my VCR to record episodes of this since it came on at the exact time I had to leave out for work. Now I feel old.
Always thought the MC was a colossal fag for not getting with her.
The con episode
Furry booth
Goth girl is into robot porn
Orgy room upstairs
Fucking Undertaker body slamming grown men dressed as sailor Moon.
He was, but I think there was a segment where they both say that's a bad idea.
MTV had to make way for more reality shows.
Take the good with the bad I guess. It sucks this show got cancelled but he carried that into Megas XLR
Okay, but catgirl right there is hot
Real Talk, I'd fuck a girl in a fursuit and I'd get in a fursuit to do it if she asked
I remember seeing those sexy robot books as a kid, and I never remembered who drew them. Then that shit showed up in Downtown too. Then I discovered Sorayama's art years later and I finally knew who did that damn art.
Did this show air at, or near, the same time as Aeon Flux?
Because I specifically remember this was one of the shows I'd watch with the volume down to almost 0 and my finger constantly on the "previous channel" button.
>Because I specifically remember this was one of the shows I'd watch with the volume down to almost 0 and my finger constantly on the "previous channel" button.
Me with adult swim. My sister busted threw my door at an adult swim bumper "kids get out of the water" gave me a dirty look like she caught me looking at porn. I felt very ashamed
>tfw i had a qt chubby south asian gf who loved board games but lost her
I wanna die bros. But Downtown is great, sad it got cancelled but kinda happy it wasn't run into the ground. It's a perfect time capsule
My condolences. What happeend?
The drawfag isn't coming is he?
Different wants, ideas of the future, family issues, etc. We didn't hate each other just realized we couldn't last
We'll just have to wait and see.
That's unfortunate, I'm sorry to hear that.
I'll try and post pictures I have. But most are nsfw
Thanks user, it happens. No idea how to move forward though
Well there's imgur.
Just curious which did you decide on?
I'm not the artist
There was really only one joke I vividly remember from the show and will repeat on the rare occasion I get the chance. They're going on a trip somewhere and any time someone gets in the car they comment that the engine check light is on, the driver, I think it was Alex, says to ignore it because it's always on. They drive out onto some dirt path into the woods or something, and someone freaks, saying the check light turned off, the hood pops open and smoke starts pouring out and they scream.
What other shows have this feel? Maybe Mission Hill?
That was the cropsy episode. Pretty good, a little glimpse into horror for downtown.
Horror in non horror cartoons is pretty nice.
I recently finished watching this last week and loved how comfy it was
Any more shows about people just hanging out and chilling over mundane shit?
love that one too and thought the same when i saw spiderverse
Jen’s feet plz.
Just the feet. I'm not the artist but that seems kinda vague.
Where to meet a Jen?
A diverse area? Liberal arts college?
Sorry, a mix of struggling to get it drawn right and a busy day, I'll try to get a rough draft to share.
Rough drafts are fine. If the thread dies, then it would be good enough. Not the OR of thew request you're working on I think btw.
Probably very few others out there who thought that.
Exactly what I thought of too.
Never heard of this, getting that Nelson Mandela effect feeling going on
I recall skimming through it on YouTube a few years ago. Not watching it when it aired, though.
The aesthetic makes me think of the video game "Urban Chaos" for some reason.
Can you link that? I'm curious about what it is and I can't find it.
From what I've seen, you can get away with a lot more than that on sub trains.
For those who don't know.
Kinda long but all I could find
Wasn't expecting old people. So, it could have been worse.
>Clone High
>Mission Hill
Why did the early 2000s have so many slice-of-life shows about young adults that got cancelled in their first season?
Kids can't get into them I'm guessing?
everyone always forgets the runt of the litter: 3-South
True. I think my sister was just super judgemental
Not sure if it's from the show. Just found it in Google images, and it seemed fitting regardless.
It's not, but I like it anyway.
> 1999
> not hooking up with a hermaphrodite in her roommate’s apartment
Wastes opportunity, Alex.
Looking back. Think she just had a big clit. But yeah Alex pussy out a lot
Are there still any of those being made?
They were on MTV
>not wrecking the muppet fangirl asshole all day every day
he was clearly gay
I'm actually kinda pissed at that. That girl was pretty cute, you could ignore her kink at least put up with it a couple months or something. Don't just "Nope" her out the gate
What was her kink? The one with the abnormally sized clitoris?
>not wanting a girl to put her giant clit up your butt.
Why would you pass on that? That's the least gay way to try taking it up the butt.
My bad I was talking about the girl with the sesame Street fetish
Ok, that's a hard pass.
At least she could make me laugh. Wouldn't mind having as an acquaintance.
What board would she browse?
Is it just me, or does Chaka sound a little teenaged?
Jen too in a more "quiet" or "breathy" kind of way.
Seems to be quite a few acid trip sequences in this show.
What ideas did you have for additional seasons? Or whatever you would have liked to happen anyway.
Chris Prynoski, the creator, animated the trip sequence in Beavis & Butt-Head Do America and his company Titmouse is known for having a pretty "anything goes" attitude and being managed by a bunch of pot-smoking gen X'ers
So I'd say it's fair to guess the inspiration comes from personal experience.
Makes sense
Off the dome
Right after Halloween Alex is now with the chick. Turns out the girl is an airhead who Jen hates.
An episode with the comic book staff following the boss to an official WWE try out
Jen recruits Serena to get Alex off ilhis annoying gf
Matt is tagging and either almost hit by a train/shot/ beat up a rival paint crew. Either way gives up painting
Chaka and Mecca date the same guy at the same time
It should have ended with Alex fucking Jen. Literally. In real-time. The full 30 seconds Alex would last.
Made a poll to gauge the most liked characters if anyone wishes to join. Multiple answers are accepted.
There's an obscure Canadian one called Station X
The art style made me feel a little queasy when I first saw it.
Alex would be on /r9k/ posting about pointy elbows would not bang if this show was set today.
That's what Halloween was about. Alex getting over his hangs up of putting a pussy on a pedestal
Could Downtown be called a cult classic? It seems too obscure for even that.
Cult following maybe. 13 episode is to small for it really to be considered a classic. It's more like a rare gem most people aren't aware of.
"Hidden gem" more like, seems like only big western animation nerds know about it. Clone High can be called a cult classic but it's much more well-known.
Doubt it will ever be officially released to streaming either because I'm sure the licensed music rights would be a real bitch to sort out. Luckily we have good copies because Prynoski was brave enough to not give a fuck and release the "not for commercial use promo DVD" (which clearly has a lot of work put into the menus and presence of commentary so I doubt anyone bought that was the actual intention)
At least it didn't stay tapped in airings.
I always hoped that Alex got some pussy from that, even so.
Or maybe some puppet stimulation.
Could anyone confidently say they knew anyone like anyone in this show? Since it is slice of life.
I can relate to my sister being like Chaka, party animal wise. My older brother being like Alex except for thick Asian bestie.
I've seen plenty of people downtown that can fit for Goat.
Sounds like a laid back downtown.
>tfw you pretty much the goat of your friend group
Feels good
Is that his chin?
ive become such a degenerate that even this is still in acceptable parameters.
Holy shit wait is that the fucking dude from Megas!? The fucking dude who owns the scrapyard!?
This girl is literally all I want in life. And shes from a show with one season.
hes also in metalocolypse, Id like goat to show up in more shows.
Shit, I remember that episode of metalocolypse too did not realize it was the same guy. I've never seen downtown is it worth watching?
The only problem with fucking a girl like that is you have no idea how deep the crazy goes. You might fuck her once and find yourself with a psycho-stalker. The sex would probably be fucking amazing though.
I kinda don't recommend it cuz I got way to mad that it was over and no more will ever be made. Shit was comfy as fuck
I've known plenty of Goat-like people. Hell, in some ways, I'm Goat-like myself.
I mean I own mission hill, I'm fairly used to shows not getting the endings they deserve at this point.
I remember when Motorcity came out I thought Jacob was Goat, since he looks just like him, but has the voice of Captain K'nuckles.
So, some of you have Downtown/Metalpocalypse headcanons?
Pretty much mine is goats life goes from him in his late 20's in downtown, early 30's in megas XLR, and probably ends up dead some where in his late 30s' 40s in metalocalypse
I remember, from the DVD, one of the females in charge actually got mad at the episode where Chaka shaves crotch and loses the photo she took of her fresh shaved front.
The V.A read the script and ran to the director and demanded how they knew. How that exact same thing happened to her
Maybe someone gossiped or someone had some sort of prophetic vision.
Got any personal endings for other characters?
The puppets may get in the way though. If not them, then her voice impersonations.
This show is really well animated
Why can't we get that again? Does every show need MTV money
For its time maybe.
Kickstarter money?
IMO the biggest plus to this show’s artstyle and feel is that it’s analog animation with real ink and paint, and it’s literally impossible to do that nowadays
With studio backing at least?
No, they do not make the correct paint for that purpose anymore nor the proper type of cels - Ed Edd n’ Eddy used the traditional method until they were logistically unable to do so and they had to switch all the way back in 2005.
It seems like they’ve figured out a way to simulate the look of classic 40s cel cartoons for the new Looney Tunes shorts but that’s not the same thing as a late 90s grungy alt cartoon. Mission Hill wouldn’t have felt the same if it were made a few years later, and especially not now
The ink is out of production? I wonder what you could make with how much of whatever is left.
Either the underground graffiti episode, or the one where they tell each other urban legends. The Jersey Devil scene at the end was amazing.
God I wanna go back
Richard Williams has stockpiled tons of the necessary materials and has been using it on his (presumed final) feature Lysistrata but even the people who work for him have acknowledged it’s still very limited resources overall and that every frame counts considering the increasing rarity of the materials.
Most traditionally animated cartoons are still hand-inked as far as their black outlines though (in fact OK K.O. is rare among Korean outsourced cartoons in that they don’t traditionally ink it and they use the pencil-on-paper line all the way down the pipeline) and generally drawn on paper, but drawing on cels and doing the color physically on there is a lost art. It’s simply easier and cheaper now to do it on normal paper, scan it in, and do coloring digitally.
Undergrads and Station X. But the latter is extremely obscure, I don't think most of the show made it to the internet.
>the one where they tell each other urban legends. The Jersey Devil scene at the end was amazing.
Which one was that
Any chance someone makes the materials again?
Cropsey Clanners
Station X videos on Youtube have 10 minutes of content with music videos in between. Most of them from the same channel anyway.
>Megas and Metalocalypse are in the same universe
I know I've definitely seen Jen before, but I don't remember ever watching this show. It looks interesting enough to pick up one of these days
It's all on YouTube.
Only 1 season was made. 13 episodes.
I don't even remember this show. I stopped with beavis and butthead, aeon flux, and the maxx
Can't someone just pay a company to make more? It's ink and cells. It's not titanium limbs.
Alex doesn't get with Jen and ends up with a basic chick from jersey in the burbs.
Charka I can see getting in to heavy drugs in her mid 20's and becoming that methed out sister we've all had.
Fruity ends up with Matt and pretty much stay the same. They all eventually just get killed by the gloft probably.
The problem was Disney had no idea what to do with Disney XD and they kept rearanging the show without telling anyone, finally setteling on putting it in timeslot hell with the rest of their action shows or 9th grade ninja and TRON uprising.
Because MTV and many other stations where going through a transision period where being an angsty punk rock and roller wasn't cool anymore and being either an emo bitch or a spoiled ghetto princesse bitch was more profitable.
IT's weird when you think about it, being a free roaming reble wasn't rebeliouse anymore, but doing everything to fit in and look like a rich prom queen replaced it as being rebelious.
It's a fun slice-of-life show. If you're old enough to remember the 90's or early 2000's, it might feel more bittersweet or nostalgic to you.
> Rebel against what MTV promotes
Alex decides against it or Jen decides against it?
it probably be more like real life, nobody decided they just drifted apart like many people do in there 20's.
I miss you rachel
Explains why the Megas XLR pilot seemed to have such a hate-boner for MTV.
Flex Mentallo shows up.
they fucked with pop tv through out the whole series.
Stoop kids afraid to leave the stoop
I hate it. All of it
well im not a writer, im a engineer, sue me.
Want them to stay together?
It seems a bit dramatic. Particularly during the "tripping" parts.
So, Jen was hot for Goat?
Her primary focus was Alex, but she would flirt with Goat because he would respond and he would get just as gross and just as over-the-top as she would.
It was a very long time since I watched Megas. Was this an episode-by episode occurrence?
They definitely did it while they exchange clothes on Halloween.
Speaking of which.
What were the other ships here other than Alex x Jen, Alex x Serena and (A little bit?) Alex x Goat?
Chaka x Fruity
It starts off in the subway episode. But Fruity fucked it up, when Chaka pretended to be his gf.
I'm sure if the series kept going.the would've had a drunken episode where they made out or fucked.
Or a drugged out episode.
That would have been trippy.
Jen feet are not fat enough.
I can understand why he decided not to go for it. He probably wasn't a huge fan of how Jen kept trying to keep him down and just didnt want to try an deal with that.
If she's controlling with his relationship with Serena, what else would she be controlling with?
Maybe she walks a lot?
Draw Jen dominating her hot roommate!
No. More. Empty. Milk. Carton. In. The. Fridge
Thanks for the chuckle.
That show is a gem.
Dropping in to say Jen is made to be pumped and dumped. I'd breed the shit outta that bitch.
Recommended episodes?
Quite a dark show. Colour and shading wise I mean.
It's been awhile so I don't remember any specifics, but I remember season 2 having a lot more hits than misses.
Drawanon still around?
Rewatched the whole thing the last few days.
20 years later it's still great
Not a single bad episode?
There were only 13. It never got the chance to overstay its welcome.
Yeah. Though if it did, at least you could have more of what made it great while avoiding whatever may have come after.
Not sure if the drawanon's coming back, but if he is: I'll leave this here.
Normally, I'd suggest Booru, but it seems registration is closed.
How many seasons could it have gone before the shark would get close, you think?
Oh, forgot to add: please include tags.
You don't owe anyone anything here. Just including these because of the thread's close calls.
The September 11th attacks would have killed the show probably. It would have changed the whole tone.
This it's unfortunate. But NY wasn't the same after that. Actually now that I a think about, did they die in 9/11?
>did they die in 9/11?
No, I can't imagine they did. None of them would've worked close to it either, to my knowledge, or would've had a reason to be near there.
Even if they weren't impacted directly, they would probably have to have at least one episode devoted to it and it would change the atmosphere of the city afterwards.
Oh sure, they absolutely wou;d've had to had one. I lived in NY at the time and there was nothing - nothing that didn't reference or address 9/11 after it happened. A show taking place there would've had to. I guess the question would've been how they'd try to make it funny, or if it would even try.