The great debate

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Debate over


Joker is a villain because he’s cuh-ray-zee
Thanos is a villain because he failed economics in college

I doubt there are going to be replies better than this.

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I haven't seen the new movie. But I have been watching the Batman cartoon.

Joker is an absolutely amazing villian, and he can represent and say so much, while also being a Joke.

Thanos is just a simple guy with a simple idea that is "good". But also really dumb.
Why not double the universe and it's resources?

Joker had better dialogue and scenes, to me
Thanos is the quintessential big bombastic action villain however

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Joker has phycology behind him. It's one of the main points in the show.

Plus there is a Joke within his plans, and his plots are normally enjoyable.

>I haven't seen the new movie
No one has it's not out yet

And even when it is out no one will have seen it

i was already getting sick of the stupid "bad guy is going to kill us all to save us!" trope before Thanos

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>Joker has phycology behind him
I can assure you, crazy people don't act like this.
Joker is a stereotype, he has no depth behind him besides "being crazy". The Nolan version is no different.

Infinity War > The Dark Knight > End Game.

>A comical exaggeration is how people act
I know. Also your wrong, because I do know crazy people who act like the joker.

You do understand the Joker is a crazy person unfit for society (those are real.) And that the people you know are probably a different kind of crazy?

Joker was an actual actor, thanos was just a pink cgi monster so I’ll go joker in this one

>"bad guy is going to kill us all to save us!" trope
That's not even a common trope.

Yes it is, variations of this "trope" has existed forever

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Though pick really. Both of them are great, though Joker is definitely more entertaining

Joker isn't crazy he's just a goofy asshole who sometimes pretends to have a dark and depressing backstory to fuck with people.

It's a real shame they completely skipped the whole lady death thing and Thanos courting death.

>And that the people you know are probably a different kind of crazy
I have seen it all, and i find hard to believe you have seen crazy people who act like the Joker, unless they have some other problem or believe themselves to be some sort of copycats.

When someone has schizophrenia it can go multiple ways, it all depends on the individual's history. Paranoia could be his main thought, he can be either cathatonic or hyperactive, he most likely suffer from bipolarism but that doesn't mean he has a personality disorder etc.

"Crazy people" live in their own reality, that doesn't mean they work to change it. Most of the times they are just obsessed with one thought and they shape their reality around it.
The cases aggression are actually very rare and happen only in the ones with the more severe disease. And still they always act in self-defence, at least from their point of view.

The idea of someone constantly laughing, who does the most unexpected thing because "he is crazy" is a terribly outdated schizophrenia.

Wtf, there's a man behind Thanos as well, a great actor that carry a movie on his own for a good portion of it

Nolan's Joker isn't crazy, or at least he's stable enough to make all those plans and pretend he doesn't follow rules.


>thanos was just a pink cgi monster
negative IQ post

>I do know crazy people who act like the joker.
Do you happen to be a gamer?

It's very common actually. They basically made Thanos into Space Ozymandias

>he thinks there's no artistic merit in josh brolin's performance because "muh cgi"
way to out yourself as a pseud and a pleb

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no one honestly thinks Thanos.

There are no boring scenes with the Joker.

There are a lot of boring scenes with Thanos.

So, there's that.

For you

Most scenes with Thanos involve him walking slowly towards the camera, with his mouth open slightly, then stopping to say something about being sad.

What is the debate? They are both great.

Not even close Fuckboi.

To be fair, Infinity war over a dozen movies backing its lore.

Nicholson's Joker > Ledger's Joker
There,I said it.

Thanos, he will be more likely to destroy the society in which we live

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Nicholson Joker was actually funny while remaining a legitimate threat, also, his henches actually enjoyed working with him.

Based and thanospilled

it was kinda refreshing since the comics focus so much on it.

i was sad at first but ended up liking this aproach more. Thanos as a concept has a lot of ground to work with, his main thing is actually that he is actually empty inside.

Joker is impressive until TDKR comes out and you realize Nolan cannot write for shit and just has his villains do random bullshit that makes no sense and he just got lucky that this happens to fit the Jokers character as "well he just did it on a whim because its funny"

Thanos is pretty bad, he's literally a more shallow and stupid version of Ozymandias.

He's literally unironically stupid, he's not hearing voices, he's not facing mental breakdowns, there is no traumas not allowing him to think straight, he just literally an idiot. That's it his entire character. He's less complex than a fucking Nick Jr villain. Russos are just hacks.


What if we just wiped out half of society?

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Apples and Oranges.

Also Endgame makes things even worse by him simply dropping the idea of balance to just try another retarded idea. It clearly show how he's not even obsessed with anything, he's just an idiot with stupid ideas.


>he's just an idiot with stupid ideas

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Ledger joker is overrated. If he didn't overdose like a junkie. Then people would be more critical of his performance.

Thanos wanted to convert people to his ideology. When he saw his success failed to make the universe uniformly happy. He decided to remove free will from the equation.

It wasn't simply him killing half of the people. The survivors had to accept that population control was necessary.

His plan of saving people was completelly replaced by killing everyone else and then rebuilding it to make everyone obey him. That's a completelly different plan and just show how he's not stuck with one single idea, he's just a fool that do whatever he feels like.

Not obey. Just the new universe wouldn't remember what they lost. Since they would be remade.

A disinterested hands off god at most.


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They pussied out of making the film more complex, when Steve started talking about how the planet was getting better after the snap I had hopes they'd try solve the philosophical conflict, but instead just turned Thanos crazier.

Why kill everybody instead of just making them forget? He's too fucking focused on genocide.

Look I can enjoy Dark Knight and Heaths Joker but here are the facts
>Jack Nicolson is a way better Joker then Heath end of debate
>I'd rather watch Infinity War and Endgame back to back then Dark Knight once
>Thanos is fucking rad and if you like Joker more then chances are you have never touched a pussy

Dark Knight is over rated as hell, its a decent crime thriller at best. Horrible Batman movie at worst. If you like a Batman who can barely fight and always looks winded then pick up a fucking comic book.

>He's too fucking stupid

The Joker from Dark Knight is not actually a very well written character, it's just that Ledger's performance is so good that that's easy to overlook. I don't think the whole anarchist terrorist angle is all that compelling.

Thanos is also a pretty shallow character held up by a really good performance but I think his whole saviour complex makes him a somewhat more interesting example of the evil alien conqueror.

>"but here are the facts"
>Post opinions

Facts faggot, fight me.

Thanos is a crazy person using crazy person logic. It's like Hitler thinking that killing all jews would somehow make the world a better place. The idea might sound retarded to any sane person hearing it, but the reasoning is completely sound for the crazy person that came up with it.

That's good writing because this is a realistic interpretation of a crazy person. Crazy people aren't simply "dogs chasing cars". There are plenty of crazy people that are people obsessed with a crazy idea (killing all jews, killing the bourgeoisie, killing their classmates, killing all infidels, etc, etc), trying to go through with it.

Thanos really didn't change his objective that much in the second film. His primary objective is to use the Infinity Stones to kill a bunch of people and bring "universal balance". The only thing that changes after he learned about the failure of his future self is the number of people that he would kill.

That's a pretty spicy way to start your post...

Don't start with me boy, I'll ruin you for marriage.


The only mistake Thanos made is not deleting the universe for the first try.

>It's like Hitler thinking that killing all jews would somehow make the world a better place.
But if Hitler was right... then Thanos was right too

I may remember wrong but he wants to destroy the universe because he knows living beings are petty and they would always try to find a way to undo his work. Just as now when people breed like animals and arrogantly think the planet can sustain it forever.

You're welcome


Joker is a villain underwritten on purpose and put wholly in the service of the film's story and themes to catalyze the development of Batman, Dent and Gordon. Ledger's performace is also one of the rare ones that lives to the hype.

Thanos is a nonsensical villain and the movie unfortunately tries to act as if he's understandable. It's not a problem to have a fanatical bad guy with screwed up worldview (hell, the Joker is one), but the movie then should put in effort to contend with it instead of the heroes just going "no u" and punching him real hard. Brolin's performance and the presence and impact Thanos makes help carry the character through Infinity War, however in Endgame, everything falls apart as the 2014 version is just Steppenwolf: Marvel Edition.

Overall, the Joker was in a far superior film and the character left behind a far stronger legacy than Thanos will, as it was never undermined by an inferior second outing, therefore he's the better character.

The masked man?

>Crazy people aren't simply "dogs chasing cars".
Neither was the Joker. He straight up lays out his philosophy and the real goal to the camera in the final talk he has with Batman after he gets caught on the construction site, even if you are too dumb not to catch on it as he's acting them out through the entire movie.

You are retarded.

>Ledger wasn't funny

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>you think you can just walk in here and threaten us and get away with it?
This scene always gets a chuckle out of me.