What’s his worst work?
What’s his worst work?
This question would require him to have made something good at any point to be answered.
The ending to League of Extraordinary Gentlemen was hot, hot garbage.
Based, and moorepilled
He is the greatest comic writer ever. Who cares what his material worst is?
I've enjoyed pretty much everything I've read by him so I guess I'd go with whatever I enjoyed the least. Technically speaking that'd be V for Vendetta because it wasn't as gripping for me as Watchmen and From Hell were (and the anarchism proselytizing is very on-the-nose), but it's still a very compelling comic I thought.
I have not read Swamp Thing or Lost Girls so I can't comment on the quality of either work.
LoEG::Tempest was a close second but at least Moore had some passion for the source material.
the fish rape one.
Violator vs Badrock
lost girls
I tend to find that people find whatever the first thing they read after Watchmen disappointing
I haven't read Lost Girls, but Swamp Thing is probably my favorite thing that he's ever worked on.
The Killing Joke.
Parts of Cinema Purgatorial are Jack-chick tier.
like what?
>4+ Alan Moore threads
When will you faggots fucking stop?
its actually Voodoo but that's still better than anything Grant Morrison's ever done
I don't understand the rivalry. I've liked things that both of them have done.
Like the sequence in the morgue, and how much he distorts history in general.
Which volume?
The last one was pretty bad.
His facial hair.
Whatever happened to the Man of Tomorrow? Superman turns into a jackass who stops superheroing because he was forced to kill a bloodlusted deranged Mxy
The russian revolution didn't pan out so well.
I can definitely agree that he weakened V for Vendetta a lot by making it preachy first and a story second.
But that was an imaginary story. Plus he stopped superheroing because most other enemies were also dead
isnt that charles manson
What's with all the Moore threads lately
It's real good to have him here from time to time. Anons have pretty good discussions of his work.
>Alan Moore wrote 6 issues of a Crossed spin-off
Morrison likes to pick on Moore and Moore has no patience on corporative shills
That was Moore saying "not muh supes". It was really about COIE and DC erasing all those crazy Silver Age shenanigans in favor of a more grounded new universe. Not sure if Moore is aware of it but he's a huge nostalgiafag. Basically the Superman from his childhood saw how cape comics were becoming grim and grittier and he quit. Moore would do the same some years later
Personally, I thought Kill 'Em All was the worst of his three.
and its pretty good, though mostly about language
One or a handful of autists keep spamming them
It's not really that bad, just mediocre; he was sleepwalking to cash his check for this one.
He just retired.
It's a good time to talk about his body of work.
He's "retired" a bunch of times but then he comes back with something when he gets bored. It's like when KISS or the Rolling Stones or the Eagles announce that it's going to be their "final tour."
Well he did wrote Supreme as a love letter to silver age Superman and also as change of phase after too many cynical and edgy stories. Supreme is still to this day the most positive, sincere and idealistic book Moore has ever wrote, and he literally made it just by taking a forgoten Rob Liefeld's Superman pastiche.
I stopped reading after Century, and in hindsight I should have skipped Black Dosier too. It seems like after volume 2 they just keep getting worse. It's a real shame-- I would have loved to have actually seen some of the adventures Black Dosier just describes, with Robur and Fantomas.
>tfw alan moore has enough creed to be able to write western loli and not getting hate for that
Fish Thing getting jerked off by that woman
Yeah, people tend to forget that Moore made quite a few things for '90s Image, and they were generally very bad. It's kind of forgiven I guess because after his experience with DC Moore really believed in what the Image guys were doing in terms of trying to get away from the old models of the publisher owning everything.
I vaguely remember him doing a comic around the Violator clown that while dumb and edgy at least managed to give the characters some genuinely funny dialogue.
As far as his original work I'd say that Lost Girls is definitely his worst.
>no one has posted Watchmen yet
You're disappointing me every day Yea Forums
The board seems to move a lot faster nowadays. If you try to storytime something now, unless kindly anons give you bumps, it's on page 10 before you can finish it.
>league of extraordinaty gentlemen
Dont know if he knows, but he produced mostly nostalgia series. Everybook could be found with Charlton Comics.
Hellblazer, Swampthing are classic horror comics. Watchmen is Capes with spy. LoeG is classic spy with horror/literature.
>1266 pages
fuck that shit
>low iq Superfag
Eh, the future-speak from a break down in education is a cool concept but executed absolutely appallingly. You don't need to be a Tolkien or Burgess level linguist to make some convincing slang, but that obscure and bizarre phrases such as opsied replacing saw or audied meaning hear, words that don't have a clear reason to become the dominant tongue nor quicker to say means that whilst the future speak might entertain some readers it's as much suspension of belief as the murder psychos themselves.
Not to mention how retarded the 'merge' plot was, but by crossed standards it was still better than the standard so props to Moore.
Lost Girls. He even ignored that one of the main characters is not in the public domain when writing it.
Burguess developed some funny slang imitating HUxley even Moore did it a 100 times better
but you can't compare that shit to Tolkien who created realistic looking language tokens wich is really fucking hard, you fucking newfag
I thought this was a felix thread for a second
Either Neonomicon or Lost Girls. Both are just Moore indulging his fetishes.
Because its his fapfiction. Fapfiction most is cringy because the author might get lost in his fetish.
Thats because Watchem is his magnum opus.
Too bad Erik Larsen ruined Supreme the moment he took it from Moore's hands.
>But that was an imaginary story
Aren't they all?
Because Larsen can write coherent stories. He can only write parodies and slapstick.
What's the least bad?
Does Moore have anything to do with this project?
I didn't even know this project existed until yesterday. (I'm a cartoon user.)
LOEG past vol 2. It's just him wanking over shit he grew up with and literally everything results and has to do with sex. Though I am enjoying the Nemo trilogy. Nothing great but much better than BS and Vol 3. Not sure If I'll pick up vol. 4.
Neonomicon comes close but at least there was a purpose with the whole fish rape thing since he wanted to show what Lovecraft was always uncomfortable with but he did it in the most trashiest way, it comes off as a parody.
No. Its Johns trying to leech on Watchmen.
>Does Moore have anything to do with this project?
Yes, I believe he contributed multiple cease and desist notices
I was gross out with all the child sex though. It wasn't sexy, just gross. At least the schoolgirls from hentai don't look like actual schoolgirls but pornstars.
The one where a female charcaters get unnecessarily oversexulized, raped and abused
Lost girls, aside from being kind of gross, has inconsistent art, (sometimes it looks okay, most of thje time it's bad) a meandering story, bad dialogue and is just a slog to read beginning to end. Most of the art is painted, and it looks bad, the sex scenes sometimes use other mediums and in turn look much better, but it doesn't save the book.
I haven't read Prometheus, I have no idea what that's like, I generally love all his other works though.
I don't remember being particularly impressed by A SMALL KILLING.
The hair
That logic doesn't even make sense, you stupid fucking contrarian.
his Lovecraft stuff is straight up shit like basically all Lovecraft adaptations
and Lost Girls is just fucking gross uncomfortable porn
The fish rape one.
>opsied replacing saw or audied meaning hear, words that don't have a clear reason to become the dominant tongue
there is a reason, latin ethimology.
Lindledorf or whoever making the new Watchmen show said "Fuck you" to Moore.
no it wouldn't
>Burguess developed some funny slang imitating HUxley even Moore did it a 100 times better
Burgess was a linguist who lectured in phonetics, Nadsat wasn't just funny slang it was a fusion of Russian and English suffix. Moore was the one clearly spitballing phrases by some swapping and hazing, jump off his cock he's talented just not a linguist.
>but you can't compare that shit to Tolkien who created realistic looking language tokens wich is really fucking hard, you fucking newfag
Seems both reading and spelling is hard for you. Post says you didn't need to be Tolkien or have his qualifications to try make a fictional language, but Moore's butchery of English for his future speak is a really shit attempt even as an amateur.
How are the protagonists reading past books without any difficulties? One century is how many generations of human, how could fuck become brown? If it's a matter of isolation, how come the different settlements have all come down with a case of Moore-speak? This isn't poking at ant-hills, if Moore wants me to suffer his future speak it has to have some thought put into it.
>there is a reason, latin ethimology.
You'll have to elaborate user.