Should she be the Big Bad in the sequel?

Should she be the Big Bad in the sequel?
> In a deleted scene, Octavius was shown jumping into the dimensional portal declaring, "The power of the Multiverse in the palm of my hand." before it closed and combusted.

Attached: Doctor_Octopus.jpg (1361x783, 162K)

She should be the love interest

>In a deleted scene, Octavius was shown jumping into the dimensional portal declaring, "The power of the Multiverse in the palm of my hand." before it closed and combusted
this is 2 kino to be real

only if Spock is around

Why not a team of them? The Ock-Spidey rivalry represented in infinite.

For Gwen

>movie starts with the characters before forming a team to combat the multiversal Ock guys
>they universe hop saving Spider-Men who are getting attacked by different Ocks
>one of the main Spider-Men is SpOck
>3rd act SpOck reveals that he's actually Ock and switches to The Octopus costume

"I'm different from all of these inferior models, Parker."

"I'm the Octavius that WON."

It's in the "Alternate Universe Mode" cut of the movie apparently.

What actually did happen to her? I can't remember.

Yeah. She was the driving force behind the dimensional collider and knew a lot more than Kingpin or his lackeys. I highly doubt she was killed by that semi.

Got run over by a truck. Then survived it (Somehow) and jumped into the multiverse portal. If the deleted scene is to be believed.
If not, then she just got run over by a truck.

I both want and don't want more of her in the sequel

he was my favourite part of the movie, but im scared they will find a way to ruin her


fucking damnit, im gonna summon scout posters by accident

Scout posters?

Sure, that'd be a lot of fun. Especially if she brought her wacky henchmen with her. The Alchemax scientists are almost as memorable and charming as their boss, and it's a shame we don't really get to see her interact with them.

I have no memory of that. A good excuse to rewatch it I suppose.

Doc Ock is one of the major Spidey villains and she's already established so why not? I'd definitely like to see more of her.

What's on the docket for the Spider-Verse-verse of films anyways? I know a direct sequel is planned, but didn't they announce solo spinoffs for Peni, Gwen and/or Spider-Ham?

>The power of the reich, in the palm of my hand
Why did they let Raimi near the script again?

I thought she died

supposedly the lizard is gonna be the big bad for some reason, but I don't see why they can't have a bunch of guys in it again

Since it was a deleted scene, no obviously

spider ham show and an all female movie last I heard


Nah, gotta give Peter that love.