What are your expectations for Absolute Carnage Yea Forums?

What are your expectations for Absolute Carnage Yea Forums?

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Fun crazy schlock

All Carnage minis must have a minimum required amount of Shriek tiddies

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I'd like to see side stories of other symbiotes like the Separation Anxiety guys, Toxin and Hybrid.

Low. My only hopes are that Andi isn't killed or character assassinated and that they don't spit on Flash's grave. Pretty much everything else is a lost cause at this point.

Absolute carnage

She survived the first assasination attempt, i think she'll make it.
Hopefully we can get Pat and Flash back.

I hope Pat comes back somehow

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Him to job for muh Knull

Absolute Garbage

Cant be worst than Minimun Garbage.


You haven't been actually following this trash, have you? I was bored tears until I dropped and still bored to tears when I passively follow other fan updates of what's been going on. Venom hasn't been an actual thing for almost a year and all Eddie has been doing is bitching and moaning (except for when Bunn had him in the War of Realms. Thanks Bunn, you made this loser author insert do something. In a boring and pointless event that added nothing but...it was something).

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100 dollars worth of comics that maybe 4 of them will have some sort of lasting effect on continuity

>tfw ywn have both a qt yandere symbiote gf and a qt goth girl gf
why even live bros
maybe cletus was right and life truly is meaningless

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A huge chunk of shit that rounds out an Omnibus.

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>waaaah I want my eddiexsymbiote ship nowww
Fuck you, more solo Eddie with Son is great

>have both a qt yandere symbiote gf and a qt goth girl gf

Is there any porn of their threesome or no? For research purposes of course.

>Fuck you, whining self insert with a victim complex and God of War son clone is worth burning my earned money over


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Edgy garbage just like everything related to Carnage, who is a relic of the worst parts of the 90s that should have been left in the 90s where he belongs.

I expect a minimum of 6 major character deaths and a massive erection for the duration of the event

Andi dies. Lee Price becomes Maniac again full time.

isnt she hellspawn now? if she dies she'll definitely be back soon

Carnage killed him already. Price was the first death of the event

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Carnage "dies" once again

Why don't Venom and his new friend Miles just call the Avengers about the cosmic horror thats lurking in the city

They tried before

And i'll buy it too, like I have all the other Carnage books out there.

So what are the odds of them reaching out to Poison's for help?

Because last time that happened, Carnage infected Thing, Cap, Wolverine and all the rest of the Avengers and turned them into his meat puppets. Before that, Spidey sought out Stark's help and Carnage managed to infect the Tony's bleeding edge armour. He's even infected the Surfer before

They tend to keep the major players off the table because they hinder more than they help.

yeah, and Carnage is going to be going after all of them because they've been infected before
a heads-up about the army of homeless people hunting them might be nice

They are all ded. There's only like one left and he's bound to Jimmy Hudson (and no one knows where he is)

Is Cates writing it?

It's going to somehow be dumber and more destructive to the franchise than Cullen Bunn or Bendis ever was.

Poison the creatures or the Peter Parker from the what if?

Flash is absolutely getting character assassinated. It's the cornerstone of modern Venom, alongside Eddie not even wearing the fucking thing

Relevance is necessary for resurrection.
Waifubait dies all the time.

>the creatures shown to make mincemeat out of symbiotes or another evil symbiote from another dimension?

he's coming back right

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Anyone got any actual story predictions?
>"shocking revelation" in Carnage's origin/early years
>Anne Weying will come back for movie synergy
>Retcon that will probably shit on Flash Thompson
>Dylan Brock will get his own symbiote (either temporarily or permanently)

Jeff Parker should write it instead

>>"shocking revelation" in Carnage's origin/early years

Literally already happened in the prelude to the event. Retconned Clete's entire past and tied his whole life to Knull.

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Are there any good stories involving spidey, venom and carnage? Not a huge comic reader :^)

Hey, sometimes a little downtime makes the action all the better.

Okay I got some:
>Eddie will be bonded to the Carnage symbiote and the Venom symbiote at the same time, and at the end of the event he will dump the Venom symbiote and flee with the Carnage. He will also become the most wanted man in America
>Dylan will be revealed to be a literal half-human half-symbiote hybrid
>Maker will reveal what Project Oversight really is (probably Life Foundation 2.0 with Carlton Drake funding the shit)
>Hawkeye, Andi and Alejandra will be killed

Carnage USA was good.

>What are your expectations
Cates? Precisely zero or that is to say Jason Aaron tier expectations.

>Doppelganger will make it out alive to hang out with Carnage another day
>Flash will comeback as Agent Anti Carnage or some bullshit like that
>The Life Foundation symbiotes will merge into Hybrid again
>Scorpion will get his shit pushed

I dont know when Cates became Bendis/Aaron tier on Yea Forums, i dont remember ppl shitting on him during his first few Venom issues.
You guys make me think he's the next Tom King or something.

I bet you’re the kind of faggot who loved Bendis’ Klytnar garbage

Venom's been distinctly average, but when Cates gets on an event I know he's gonna shit the bed.

But user, all events have been shit years.

To varying degrees, I liked Secret Wars personally.

No. That was trash too, although I think Knull and "LOL Symbiotes are actually swords to kill Celestial behemoths" is next level fan fiction trash.
I didn't know of Cates before this run, thus gave him a shot. The run looked like it had potential at first and then started falling a part after the 6th issue. There were small nagging red flags during those initial issues, but it didn't become tiresome until the endless stream of retcons. Didn't help that they're toting this as a "Carnage" event when both sides of Carnage are dead. It was off putting when he killed off the Red Symbiote--now that he stated that Cletus was just a piloted corpse. What the hell is even the point?

>a little downtime
A little? How long until it stops being a little? That stupid dragon has been toasted since issue 6 and even then except for Miles being chucked at it, that fight was also a bore fest. Cates' version of Eddie has to be the most passive character I've seen in a long time, it's baffling how much he's dragged along and told what to do. Couldn't even conceive his own son so he remains a passive victim.

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It boils down to a few things
>not Muh Venom
>Cates posts on Twitter, often with jokes
>there are photos of Cates with dyed hair
>the current Venom run is popular, and therefore it’s bad
Honestly Cates’ run thus far has been a fucking blast, easily the best Venom has been since Bendis’ forced Agent Venom to be canceled so that he could add him to the GotG book

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knull fully poesses cletus . cletus dies Knull gets defeated.

The Carnage symboite runs away and bonds to someone close to peter I.E Black Cat for the lols to finish up Black cats Mini . eddie also reunites with the venom symboite and dylan is important somehow . The Maker also does something awesome

Reminder that Cletus has a movie coming next year that's a sequel to an $800m blockbuster. Any death Cletus/Carnage has is getting retconned to fuck in less than a year so that sweet synergy.

Anne will be revealed to have been alive this entire time after faking her death.

Also Wizard is kill.

Celtus can come back and respark Knull stuff then black cats mini will be over then

Anne is already alive shes dylans mom

I just want Carnage to have a decent story.

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Cletus impersonated Eddie and made him look insane and murderous so that no one believe anything that he has to say.

The last thing that I remember Jeff Parker writing was an anti-gun screed disguised as a crossover between Jason Blood and the Funky Phantom.

he'll come out as gender fluid

Why did nebdis want venom on the team? His solo was pretty good and I liked his rapport with valkyrie in secret avengers

Because at the time Venom was a popular character, and despite having a movie and Ironman on the team, Bendis’ GotG sold like trash beyond issue 1. He figured Venom would give him a sales boost.

Me too user.
>tfw you own 8 Spider-Man omnis

What the fuck is this shit? The Carnage-Man rendition of his backstory was so much better, beaten to the point of not even remembering who beat him and not even being able to bring himself to care

And nothing of value was lost.

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About as soon as Dreadface or that symbiote that was in a team with one of Gladiator's people.

What's this from?

it's the only Deadpool comics I'm going to get for two months
I know Skottie's run wasn't popular but not having Deadpool comics is a stupid move, he's the only Marvel character I like to read besides Moon Knight and Punisher

Absolute carnage