Do you ship it?

Attached: 52551D9A-7D09-4492-95FD-C78AC3A2E8EF.jpg (1360x680, 289K)

is that Gandalf on the left?

Now I do

Alan Moore but boy does he look like Gandaf.


I like the idea of him being a Gandalf-like mentor to Rebecca like says. She regains her confidence and optimism over the course of a journey and he stays the same but every so often SU will pop up on his television and a smile will pass his lips.

yeah in an animal crate

Alan would. That degenerate

Why does alan look like he has a cybernetic hand

Imagine the smell


delete this.
Alan is pure!

Attached: Alan_Moore.jpg (950x1550, 781K)

Alan Moore isn't into dudes

Rebecca, how do you deconstruct comics?
>I write them as a positive, aspirational lesson about humanity's dark tendencies and positive potentials.
Wrong! You have to make a grim dystopia in which the fight for humanity is lost!
>No, I will not, cannot do such a horrid thing! I will teach them to be better!
Then you have learned all that I can teach you. Go now, write your show to teach the world!

Why do people want Andy Samberg and Gandalf to bone?

Make sure not to have he crate be too big, they might fuck in it.

doesn't matter they're heading to the glue factory

Andy Samberg is a very handsome woman

Attached: Hall_Of_Fame_FL088.jpg (300x423, 22K)

a face not even a jewish mother could not hate

Sugar thinks everyone should be a lesbian, that includes males.

He likes rings I guess

that sounds so nice

Attached: YellowDaimond&YellowPearl.png (1280x1554, 2.35M)

Might as well bone before you die.

-ly to lewd

Fan Art when?