Kelly does it again

Kelly does it again.

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Yea Forums hates Kelly now.


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What, no crying statue of liberty?

The husband should start seeing the statue of liberty, since his wife is a bitch.

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Nah, she's already taken

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yeah I hope they force Zuck to step down from the chair position, just sayin

cuz Yea Forums is full of tumblr migrants now

Lmao US farmers are the ultimate welfare queens. People need to stop bundling these parasites together with factory workers.

Kelly threads were the biggest casualties of 2016 election.

Because they realized it was a parody strip and Kelly actually has the opposite opinion of what he writes.

Because somebody started posting his non-joke comics and they are bad but not in a funny way.

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What the fuck? How many negative IQ’s does it take to not see the blatant satire in Kelly?

Because everyone and their mother believes themselves to be a political savant of some sort and no one can handle jokes anymore without sperging out
The 2016 election turned americans into partisan bulldogs and now there's nowhere to escape it

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Wont tumblr immigrants love these comics as it is obvious satire?

/pol/drones shitpost about how the comics are unironically right, Tumblrtrannies shitpost about how the comics are satire, they both argue for which side they support and the cycle continues

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It's not merely "Kelly is actually liberal in real life".
He has full on TDS.

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Speak for yourself.

It’s the GOP faglords’ fault. Nobody in that “tough guy’s party” has the balls to say no to an orange nigger who wants to turn nonpartisan institutions into political tools. It’s less about the retard in the executive office and more about the party elite like Moscow Mitch who’d rather see the country fall apart than see his party lose power.

>yeah I hope they force Zuck to step down from the chair position

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you have a whole country living rent free in there, holy shit

This is the least self-aware post I've seen in awhile.

Truth hurts, alt right tranny.
Fuck off and dilate.

None of that even makes sense.
Trannies are leftists, just look at /leftypol/.

What if the real Kelly is just a radical centrist and those comics are satire as well?

Poltards are more similar to SJW's then they want to admit

Ignore the 'b-b-but it's satire!' morons. Post Kelly.

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Look where? /leftypol/ is just your imaginary scapegoat full of false flag bullshit to pretend that there's an opposite to everything, that your disgusting brand of autism is valid because 'everyone does it'. You're a fucking disease. You don't belong here.

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>Sized for a midget or a child
Who is that meant for?

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Ungrateful offspring, obviously.

How have I been such a digi-brainlet that I never considered ZUCKERNERD

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>crying lady liberty wolfing down food under the table like an animal

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Wait. Levar Burton's not dead!

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0 C O L L I S I O N

>Cold War 2.0
>this time Lefties are the ones wanting to kill Russkies
Weird Timeline, desu famalam.

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mega-farms are. largely due to cold war era policy that stuck.
Not the actual farmers who deal with multiple types of insurence, private and governmental, zoning laws, and land fuckery
Im so fucking sick of people lumping the two together.


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America was by and large united both left and right against Russia. They had a better understanding of national pride at the time. Country over party, etc.
Unless you're trying to do the thing where you try to lump literally every person vaguely to the left of McConnel as a full blown communist in which case fuck off you god damn drooling retard.

Was this DIL's breaking point?

It's the timeline where Donald Trump, real estate mogul and reality TV star is our president. Things are only going to get stranger from here.

By the end of the century, the laws of physics will be completely rewritten and we'll be living on floating spires at the center of the Earth.

Based Jesus appreciates Capekino

God is also a Trekkie.

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>God is Mike Stoklasa

She doesn't break into houses user. She's not a criminal.

Somehow I cannot dispute that.

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You got the one about his BAC being too high on Christmas?

Damn trump broke so many people, its insane.
Can't help but respect the guy for that fact alone.

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>Damn stalin broke so many people, its insane. Can't help but respect the guy for that fact alone.
>Damn mussolini broke so many people, its insane. Can't help but respect the guy for that fact alone.
>Damn david schwimmer broke so many people, its insane. Can't help but respect the guy for that fact alone.
>Damn hitler broke so many people, its insane. Can't help but respect the guy for that fact alone.

>kevin costner
It's always the little things.

Even better is when Kelly is a hypocrite.

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Never fails. You forgot best boy by the way.

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Although maybe Kelly just hates DVD's, while VHS and BluRays are fine.

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>not pointing out the most dangerous criminal of all
Seems like you're the one who is obsessed with comparisons to Hitler and Stalin, user. All I did was illustrate how much of a sociopath you sound like. I'm not the one who idolizes people for simply being a horrible enough person that everyone else notices because of all the lives they've ruined like Schwimmer.

That's not really a fair comparison, user

Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin didn't shield pedophiles and human traffickers

don't you lot ever feel like wild comparisons hurt your point

statue of liberty a cute

>heartland banana farmers

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bustin' makes me feel good~

On one hand I hate the left for being trannies and faggots, but /pol/tards and kiwiniggers and altrighters cheered when sadpanda looked like it was dying, so they're on my permanent shitlist and can get fucked.