Why do you guys hate SMWW so much?

Why do you guys hate SMWW so much?

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It's boring.

I hate all hetero ships

It reduces Wonder Woman from a standalone character to supporting cast for Superman, often pulling the whole "you shouldn't be human, Kal-el." characterization for her to portray him as grounded and human in comparison as he rejects her ideas and helps her becoming more human (or just goes full evil like in Injustice).

Because lois is for superman

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Too predictable.

Because there has never been a good example of it
There has never been a good WonderBat example either
Hell, there are better SuperBat examples than either WW pairing

WW shouldn't be the psychically weaker one in a relationship.

I don’t know why, I thought they were pretty cute during Justice League Action.

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No, they were horrible. Wonder Woman behaved like she was Talia al Ghul and fucked up throughout the entire episode causing all the problems trying to help, problems that Superman didn't her help to fix and problems that Superman fixed entirely by himself despite her adding to it. It was pure self insert for nerds that see themselves as Superman.

This characterization of Wonder Woman also acted as if she was a mere barbarian, constantly trying to show off her strength, saying that villains should be killed off, and demeaning others. The only plus was that for all her shitty behavior thinking she was hot shit she would constantly be caught in her own lasso.

>There has never been a good WonderBat example either
Justice League Unlimited and Joe Kelley's JLA prove you wrong.

No idea why it is hated since I didn't read it. I am guessing the writers were sabotaging Lois in the process of making this happen.

Because this happens to Wonder Woman whenever it happens.


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Not only did they sabotage Lois for it to happen, displaying her as a huge cunt. They also sabotaged Wonder Woman for it.


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Reminder that this is, somehow, meant to be their first impression of each as well they first moments of "flirting".


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I like it when DC teases Wonder Bats. I love how there's sexual tension that neither one of them will ever act on.

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It’s trash and shits on both Lois and Steve

Horrible, horrible characterization meant for Superman to be shown as the better person and hero, not to mention show him as a more manly and strong character.


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For some reason she always start to behave like Maxima, so why not use Maxima in the first place?
Hell, during the New 52 Maxima was treated with more respect in the pages of SUPERGIRL than Wonder Woman was.

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They usually kill off most of Superman's supporting cast to accomplish this too, changing him from an essentially ordinary guy balancing his desire for a normal life with a his godlike abilities into normie edition J'onn J'onzz.

It was shit even decades back. Here's Wonder Woman in her own book. Look at what she says to the Greek God Hermes, who's trying to woe her. She tells him that she's no better than the mortals bellow, despite their many flaws. She doesn't see herself as any better or being above them.


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Now this is still Wonder Woman book, but now editorial is vested into pushing the SMWW pairing. It's even the same writer and everything. But see how differently she behaves. It's as if she was Hermes here. Saying to Superman that they're meant to be above and showing surprise when he tells her almost the same thing she told Hermes before.

It has always, ALWAYS been this shit with the pairing. Always the whole Lady Macbeth thing God Kings Edition. If they portrayed them as cute or relatable i would never anything bad about it, but they always tend to be portrayed as villains one step from conquering the world.

This is why it sucks.


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I do like it in sense they're the most generic, bland characters possible and it's kind of amazing how they make such a generic and bland power couple.

And while i'm at it i've to confess that the current Trinity concept sucks. The Trinity originally were Superman, Batman, and Robin. That's why when Dick took up the mantle he chose something related to Superman's kryptonian culture. Because Nightwing was meant to be a legacy hero tied both to Batman AND Superman.

The new Trinity concept with Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman is only ever used to push Superman development further. Batman and Wonder Woman are mere plot devices in it. Batman the good little angel on Superman's shoulders that calls him Clark and constantly reminds him of his Smallville upbringing in an attempt to humble Superman, and Wonder Woman the bad little devil on Superman's shoulders that calls him Kal and constantly reminds him of his kryptonian heritage in an attempt to corrupt Superman. You also have Batman and Wonder Woman at each other's throats as they're striking a battle for Superman's soul.
We can thank Kingdom Come for that.

It fucking sucks. Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman only really work when you've Superman and Batman together, or Wonder Woman and Superman together. Because the dumb editors and writes can't help themselves but pull always the same stupid characterization with Superman and Wonder Woman.

Attached: Superman-Wonder Woman 008 (2014) (2 covers - weird order) (1988px) (digital-Empire).cbr-Superman-Won (1987x1091, 627K)

>or Wonder Woman and Batman together

>implying steve even matters anymore

To be fair, she was partly based on the N52 WW, so it was enviable that some of her worst aspects got transferred over.
Plus the current trend of Strong action girl=Blood thirsty sociopath. But aside from that when she got to actually chill out and hang out with sups and the gang she was quite nice.