"Our nation's capital was founded some 200 years ago on a stagnant swamp. And in some ways, very little has changed...

"Our nation's capital was founded some 200 years ago on a stagnant swamp. And in some ways, very little has changed. It stank then and it stinks now. Only now it is the fetid stench of corruption that hangs in the air!"

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Episode goes on to show the government actually pull together and end the senator's corruption with a Republican as president.
You know if this episode was made today the episode wouldn't have ended this way.

Dammnit, when did it become wrong to love our country?

When liberals wanted open borders and accepted communism

Shut up, Lisa.

Communism and open borders don't....exactly blend well.

I didn’t say they were smart

The wealthy have made the decision that maybe we should all give this fascism thing another try. They will accept literally any political system except one in which they may be held responsible for their crimes.

It does when there is nowhere sane left to run away too.

>My back is spineless
>My belly is yellow
>I am the American non-voter

It never has. "Why is it wrong to love my country" is a falacious question build to dflect riticism.

Liberals love their countries and its precisely why they don't want it to fall in the hands of corporation. they also love their neighboors and this is why they want them to enjoy the same country they love so much.

>Liberals love their countries and its precisely why they don't want it to fall in the hands of corporation. they also love their neighboors and this is why they want them to enjoy the same country they love so much.

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What's so funny, Marge? Oh, grow up.

>they love the same neighbors that are trying to change the nation to fit them better


Then why do they want to support illegals from Mexico, further the nations debt, bump up drug traffic, and essentially spit in the face of every REAL immigrant who got citizenship the right way? I’ve worked with two very intelligent women who earned citizenship (one from India, the other from the Philippines) and both are disgusted by what’s happening at the border with Mexicans getting a free ride

There was a time when the Simpsons would actually poke fun at both sides of the political spectrum. Sure, they still mostly laughed at conservatives, see Bob for Mayor, but at least those jokes were in good fun.

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Wasn't this one intended as a satire of how sitcoms have to wrap up the plot in 22 minutes?

John Swartzwelder was the major right wing voice on the staff back then, but he stopped actually coming into the studio or pitching episode ideas after Season 6, he worked from home and just wrote plots they assigned him.

>Liberals love their countries

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1. The whole point of a democracy is that you can change the way your country is if you think it can be improved
2. Capitalism change a country too.
3. Other don't always want to change it, just live in it.
4. the whole point of the USA is to nbea nation of the free where anyone who seeks freedom can obtain it here.

None of the democratic candidate, NONE, support open borders. it's in none of their program. What they ask is to treat people with a modicum amount of respect.
>I’ve worked with two very intelligent women who earned citizenship (one from India, the other from the Philippines) and both are disgusted by what’s happening at the border with Mexicans getting a free ride
then they are intelligent enough to get that what they are doing at the border is legal and that being a refugee is a legal way to enter. And they still need to prove it.

I notice that none of it are ready to admit being incorrect thinking liberal think you are wrong for loving your country. This is one of the most disenginuous argulent in the book.

>liberals want open borders
>it's majorly Republican corporations that benefit from illegal immigrant labour

both sides are guilty you putz.

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Is it me or does very little of this thread have anything to do with comics and cartoons?

They do. You have just felt into one of the oldest, yet stupidest conservative lies.

And that's why we go to plan C. The green party.

The idea that it's OUR country is xenophobic man. Everyone belongs here. Borders are a social construct meant to oppress us and alienate minorities. Diversity is our strength!!

...Imagine actually believing any of that.

None of the democratic liberals are for open borders.

It's okay to love your country, but that means you love the people that make it up, your differences, and your ability to come together in a crisis and put aside differences. You don't get to cherry pick and only love parts of your country that cater to your every whim. You have to love too that some people can be different and disagree with you because that's one of the few true "freedoms" we can agree is truly "free".

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>None of the democratic candidate, NONE, support open borders. it's in none of their program. What they ask is to treat people with a modicum amount of respect.

>Of the candidates on stage, which of your healthcare plans would extend to illegal immigrants?

Attached: DemocratsAgreeToGiveFreeHealthCareToIllegalImmigrants.jpg (1160x773, 337K)

if you love something, you want to make it better
keeping something the same forever isn't love, it's obsession

I see you haven't disproven my point that none of them are for open borders. Having illegals being treated decently up until they are sent home isn't really something you can blame them for.

>mexicans get a free ride
Yeah people just love to start a life in a new country with no job, house, and work from the ground up day and night so their kids might have a better future than them.

America was literally founded by illegal immigrants trying to work with the established indigenous peoples to have a social harmony.

Grow up.

Yea Forums is the politics board. i miss the days when we only had 3 or 4 politics generals
and despite cries of Yea Forumsmblr you'll find more right-wing posts than anything else

Extending a healthcare plan to illegals makes sense though, unless you like people spreading disease because they can't get medical treatment.

Not like americans need any help lately with measles and polio making a comeback. How sad is it the illegal immigrants probably have a better respect for the medical industry than your own citizens?

They're not very bright

>Extending a healthcare plan to illegals makes sense though, unless you like people spreading disease because they can't get medical treatment.
You know how you could stop the spread of disease from illegal immigration? Build a fucking wall and keep them out, or at the very least fucking deport them.

You have to go back

Pioneers building a community and civilization from the ground up =/= freeloaders trying to mooch off of existing civilization

So you thinks okay to allow these people to vote, get free insurance and other benefits like food stamps, and insult real immigrants who worked hard to become American citizens? Well I guess I can go to any other country and demand the same since it’s okay.

Get out of your fantasy land. No one is entitled to anything in life

>so their kids might have a better future than them
Well not anymore.

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>native Americans are displaced and nearly wiped out by mass immigration
Where are you going with this?

>a place where kids of illegal immigrants can grow up by hard work fending for themselves
Genius. Now when they hit 18 and become citizens, they'll already be hard workers.


Stop it with the fake news.

Trump why are you on Yea Forums when you have a country to run?

About the same time Republicans embraced corruption as a viable political platform.

Elitist detected.

user don't call someone out for fallacies if you're just going to do the same thing, it makes you look like a hypocritical retard

The left wants Mexicans to dominate the US because the age of consent in Mexico is 12.

I can't take this much retardation


Got a single source for that mate?Indians could let off three arrows with deadly accuracy in the same time it took an Englishman to load and fire a single musket that would be just as likely to explode in his hands as reach its target.

They WERE the freeloaders.

>Liberals love their countries and its precisely why they don't want it to fall in the hands of corporation.
>but corporations shouldn't be held liable for their actions, AND they should be able to ban people for wrongthink

And this is supposed to be a bad thing because?

WTF I love the left now.

You clearly missed the last 5 years my dude

their sediments have always been Democrats are incompetent, but Republicans are evil

>Ever acting against big business

Nothing changed then
except you were racist if you said democrats were incompetent during Obama years

I always have a hard time telling which posts in these threads are trolling and which actually drank the Trumpade.

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Did you just woke up from a coma?

Funny considering that corporations flourish under Liberals with all of the bailouts, tax loopholes, and government contracts they receive.

Don’t believe me? It’s all in the numbers. For a hundred years, there’s been a conspiracy of plutocrats against ordinary people.

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kelly never fails.

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Wow, only the Republicans? Naive.

Deus ex was right again!

Where were you niggas when Obama was doing this shit? I never heard a peep from you people back then.
Obama was known as the deporter-in-chief among hispanic journalists for a reason.

S-shut up

Wait, so you're saying leftist Hispanics, a key part of the Democratic base, were also complaining back then?
Doesn't that answer your question?

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Why are you assuming they were leftists?
Just because they're hispanics?

>Republicans mobilizing against deportations of Hispanic immigrants
You can't be serious.

>Liberals love their countries and its precisely why they don't want it to fall in the hands of corporation

Then why are states where you ideals are put into practice so socioeconomically disparate?

Face it. Your beliefs are just a pseudo religion custom built to benefit the wealthy by making it a moral obligation to hold positions that allow them a saturated labour market, unfeasible barriers to entry for potential competition and the means to eliminate dissent (or "hateful comments" as you refer to them).

Never once have you questioned why every single multinational corp is pushing your shit? Fucking "die hard socialists" telling you you just HAVE to go see the new flick by multinational giant Disney because oh it features a female lead. Nike, Google, ALL of them. All of them push your message. All of them are on your side. THEN WHO THE FUCK IS YOUR ENEMY?
What the FUCK sort of world exists in your head, where the noble megacorps are desperately fighting with you, the brave warriors of justice, in order to finally defeat those insiduous common folk and take down those pesky megacorps, bringing socioeconomic equity to all the land.

Perfect consumers. Perfect fucking consumers. You'll hear google is working to "censor wrongthink", working to control the information you're exposed to, and you'll fucking cheer. Cheer as Google brings you one step closer to your paradise.

What the fuck are you even talking about

>republican hispanics mobilizing against deportations of their own brothers by the hands of democrats
Unbelievable uh?

>4. the whole point of the USA is to nbea nation of the free where anyone who seeks freedom can obtain it here.
No it isn't. What fucking headcanon are you working from? The Founding Fathers specified exactly who was entitled to citizenship.

Actually, yes. Do you have evidence of a Republican group ever doing that?

Weren't we talking about hispanic journalists criticizing Obama?

>Liberals love their countries and its precisely why they don't want it to fall in the hands of corporation.
>he says as he sucks the dick of Google and Twitter for censoring his political opponents

Yes it is you fucking brainlet.

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Criticizing Obama for being too tough on immigration is attacking him from the left, yes.
The reasoning for his deportation was to try to win over Republicans. It would make no sense to attack him from the right for that.

>Criticizing Obama for being too tough on immigration is attacking him from the left, yes.
But what if you're on the right while doing that?

Yeah because disease just stops at borders and respects a wall. not like airborne illness is a thing or it spreads through animals...

>"All I'm saying is that we're the richest, most influential country in the world, yet our citizens have far lower living standards than several totally irrelevant shitholes! Why should anyone living here care about the well-being of the nation if they know they will see little to no benefit from it? Ruthless propaganda on how good things are here and how terrible things are elsewhere will only convince so many."

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Republican hispanics care about immigrants about as much as Republican whites care about white trash.
Outside of pandering for votes, not at all.
Have you noticed that a substantial part of the Border Patrol is Hispanic?

Why would a conservative criticize Obama for doing something consistent with the conservative position?

Congratulations, you're still arguing for a left-wing view.

>criticism of the country you live in means you don't love it
Stop it. Stop it now.

Go back to school

Because they don't actually hate Obama, they hate what they are told he represented. Because most americans are so news and scientifically illiterate that they will believe anything you tell them without looking into it.

And this is both sides, but the right has shown it's hand a few times to be especially nonsensical in relation to scientific literacy especially.

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Leftist shitlibs don't criticize the country, they demonize political opponents and violently censor anything that doesn't fit their narrative

>Conservatives taking a left wing position to criticize obama on the issue of deportations.
You actually are retarded aren't you?

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A disdain for science, experts and basically everything that forces people to use their brains isn't exactly exclusive to americans in this day and age. And it's supremely annoying.

As a species, we've reached our limit. The lizard brain is telling us to ignore all this sciency hocus pocus and go kill "those other guys". It's all downhill from here.

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That depends, are you attacking him out of genuine concern for the plight of the immigrant, or is it just because it was Obama who did it while you're perfectly fine with Trump doing worse?

>republican hispanics mobilizing in favor of their own brothers
>in any shape or form

I'm on my phone but even then I don't have a proper reaction image for this

Depends on how capable you think unarmed illegal immigrants are of forcing Americans to leave their homes so Mexican settlers can take the best land for themselves. Assuming of course Mexico (like Andrew Jackson) defies an order from the SCOTUS equivalent in Mexico asking them to not wholesale slaughter people and to respect previously signed treaties by Mexico promising to not invade or displace American citizens.

Because conservatives have no genuine values anymore. They only care about power, even if they get it through whiny crocodile tears. When Obama is in office, it is more important to disqualify him than to stick to their so-called principles, so they will say whatever they want as long as it makes Obama look bad.
Don't forget how McConnel forced a terrible bill through despite Obama trying to block it, and then complained about Obama not blocking the bill when the consequences of the bill came to light. Reality doesn't matter. Just the narrative.

Population replacement is a slow process but pretty well in place in California and Texas

>their own brothers
Some fucking sudaca trying to cross the border illegally with a rented child isn't my brother.
I'm not even Republican but I really feel the need to chime in and vent a little.

And conservative mouthbreathers would rather plug their ears and sing shows than acknowledge criticism on how the country is broken in certain areas.

Strangely is seems especially pervasive in the Anglo-Saxon speaking community lately.

Once again confirming my bias that Charlemagne was right and the only good Saxon is a dead Saxon.


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Clearly the solution is breaking it even further

Lisa's feet

Well shit certainly isn't getting fixed.

You have to understand they are a religion. The only thing that keeps them going is rigourously applied shame based stimulus. There is no room for logic.
Take Black Panther, or even the assumed in-group preference of Hispanics present in present discussion. Ethnocentric ideals that SHOULD fill a logically consistent humanitarian mind with anger, or at least sadness. But they don't work on principles. They simply haven't been conditioned to find ingroup preference obscene, they have been conditioned to find white preference obscene. Everything else is just common sense. OI course Blacks and Hispanics would work for their respective common goals, that's the most obvious thing in the world.
That's why their social media is filled with virtue signalling. The same way Catholics would need to prove their devotion, they need to let everyone know that they are a true believer and not a heretic.
That's why they can criticise a comparably mild religion like Christianity for hours while deifying a much more discriminative and violent religion like Islam.
That's also why the left can't meme. You'll see all sorts of self deprecating "humour" spewing from /pol/, but asking a lib to look at his beliefs in a negative light is like asking a devout Christian to joke about the whole "God" thing being a bunch of bullshit. Reflection simply doesn't fly with the conditioned mind. Conditioning leads to stimulus causing a subconsciou reaction. In any context, to even question their beliefs causes them discomfort. If you don't believe me then simply ASK something "wrong", if racial IQ or behavioural differences could be genetic. No matter how politely you question it, you will not get a level headed answer. Look up what James Watson said on the matter to get himself thrown out of the scientific community. His words were well intentioned, and factually correct, but heresy is heresy, whether to the 17th century Pope or the current religion.

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Kind of like liberals and the whole Baltimore shitshow?

Well it is fiction after all. If it was more true to real life she'd just get shot. Or perhaps even be shot prior to this.

If so it's probably because they're ahead of us.

>if you're just going to do the same thing
I haven't.

So you attack the left by comparing them negatively to Christians, which form the majority of the conservative base?

Wanna know why they're making a comeback?
Because fucking diseased illegals from shithole countries hopped the fence you daft cunt.

Remember when Mexico was going to pay for the wall?

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>>he says as he sucks the dick of Google and Twitter for censoring his political opponents
Never said I was for censoring.

Do you think I would be on Yea Forums if I was?

I'd like to see any airborne disease survive ungodly desert heat and fly up a 50 foot wall.
and the wall is supposed to keep the animals out you idiot.

>'Republican corporations'
>implying most corporations have any principles and don't just donate to both sides

When your "scientists" are more concerned on how best to turn a penis into a vagina you kind of lose faith in those sorts of things.

First of look up what a dichotomy is and try to figure out why you are an imbecile.
Secondly refer to my comments about the mildness of Christianty. Then think of the dichotomies again.

Remember when Lindsey Graham was supporting Ted Cruz because "literally anyone is better than Trump?" Well, it was a long time ago I guess.


Its dem gursh darn illegals ahyuck!

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If you think one side is better than the other than you're an idiot. But the left are kind of going off the deep end. They might know they can't win 2020 so they're trying to get the sjw on their side.
The democrats are like the comicbook industry. They know they're dying and cling to the sjw hoping the free press will save them.

Someone did something in an unrelated field that bothers you so you came to distrust all science? Moron.

I dunno man,Trump's biggest achievement in 4 years is the longest government shutdown in US history. Dude has been a pretty lousy president unless you vote for people based on their ability to trigger libtards.

You do know there is intersex corrective surgery right? It's the foundation for genital plastic surgery in general (on top of fixing up war vets). It's not all just about guys wanting to be girls.

So you immediately sidestep all his points, just to tip your fedora?
Say what you will, I'd take a christian over a communist any day.

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Ah, you know. These 4 years of MAGApede ramblings made me forget how obnoxious democrats are when they get on their high horse and pontificate about corruption, when their own party suppresses their own maverick candidates and prop up the establishment ones. Wouldn't surprise me if we got a Kamala ticket, even though she got destroyed by pretty much anyone important.

Yes, master Lisa...

I'm not a hispanic republican journalist, but I can see one criticizing Obama
because of genuine concern as well as the fact he's a democrat

But he's still more likable than the left right now. People are becoming fed up with sjw wile the democrats try to get the sjw on their side.
The dems are killing themselves. They either don't care or are to blind to see what's happening.

>tell someone to look up a word you then don't use in proper context yourself

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Between the nazis and sjws you sure are quick to pick a side.

Have you ever considered not associating with idiots? Or do you feel at home there?

Its an example.
Blindly trusting someone with a degree and spouting bullshit because it'll keep him employed but you have no qualms with it because it sounds about right to your feelings?
The vast majority are male to female """corrective""" surgeries and why should I give a fuck about an anomaly that is a percentage of a percentage?

user didn't you know that all "undocumented migrants" get free health care in California now?

>the left are going off the deep end by asking people to consider larger groups of people's feelings
>the Right in charge have torn up the nuclear agreements that ended the cold war and talked about stationing nuclear missiles in Europe again

Attached: Screenshot 2019-07-21 10.33.12.png (584x483, 406K)

Calling everyone not an sjw a nazi is one of the reasons the left is losing. Stop attacking the fucking center.

She's right you know.

No shit hes more likeable. He's a reality TV star that mugged for the cameras for a decade.


>le first americans were illegal immigrants meme
Its not fucking illegal if the goddamn indians barely had a concept of fucking land ownership or even anything resembling a national government you fucking idiot.

Are you saying we should make America great again?

>But he's still more likable than the left right now.
The guy who is getting shit on for telling every brown person he cant to shut up and go back to their countries? Yeah, among his base, sure. What are his approval numbers right now?

So you didn't mind me calling you an idiot then?

An example of what? Unrelated nonsense?

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>left is a cultural wasteland devoid of value or power
>right is willing to turn all who oppose them into a nuclear wasteland
Gee Bill, wonder who I should give a fuck about.

>trying to work with the established indigenous peoples to have a social harmony
What kind of history books have you been reading?

>The vast majority are male to female """corrective""" surgeries
Got a source for that claim? Sounds like a generalization or opinion, not a fact.
>why should I give a fuck about an anomaly that is a percentage of a percentage?
You won't until it's your kid who needs the surgery to have a normal life and not have to explain to all her boyfriends why she has a dick. even though I know 90% of you out there love dickgirls like me

This is delusion, the man has a lower approval rating than all four of the Democratic front runners.

As entertaining as these threads are I feels like we are having too many lately

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Gee I wonder

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An example that you shallow cocksuckers that claim to love !!!SCIENCE!!! are just as stupid as the strawman christians you shitpost about on twitter.

He has less than 1% chance if winning ya know

>A facebook group
I truly can't wait until all the boomers die out.

>Donald's numbers are great
>any poll that shows Donald losing is fake news
>also remember Huffington Post? lol he's gonna win anyways
This is how every Trumptard talks about daddy.

>But he's still more likable than the left right now. People are becoming fed up with sjw
51% of voters think Trump is racist. That's a pretty SJW position for the majority to take.

You;d probably be on Yea Forums though. It's the most left-wing board.

>Got a source for that claim? Sounds like a generalization or opinion, not a fact.
I'm going to admit I'm too lazy to search for a source that you're most likely going to bitch about not being "good" enough, which always happens when people ask for sauce.
>You won't until it's your kid who needs the surgery to have a normal life and not have to explain to all her boyfriends why she has a dick. even though I know 90% of you out there love dickgirls like me
I'll just do as the greeks did and throw it off a cliff and try, try, try again.

How can you have an opinion on science? It's just reality. You dumb fuck.

>master Lisa
>hypnotized by Lisa
That's scary...

How terrible to give medicine to people who are sick.


>I will be ever vigilant in aiding in the general welfare of the community

I thought it was pretty obvious at this point that Kamala is going to be the nominee.

>if you want to read good porn you have to also support our other nonsense!
I'm willing to take the risk of losing gook porn

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Hahahaha no

How terrible that the politicians of California prioritize non-citizens over their own suffering constituents.
If California already actually took care of their own people, then I don't think this would be an issue, but they don't, so it is.

I want to mating press lisa simpson while she gives long liberal rants

user you realize the president is an anti-vaxxer, right?

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Science is the closest objective measure of reality we have as subjective, emotional animals.
Reality is fucking subjective you goddamn idiot. Try asking the schizo in the padded cell what reality is and the transexual on twitter the same question and you'll get different answers.
For a plebbit-tier "I love Science xD" shirt wearing faggot you're a god damn moron.

Because if you actually point that out you get called a racist.

>illegal parasites deserve treatment for merely existing

Who else could it possibly be? It's not going to be the 80-year-old white guys with dementia.

yeah, orange man bad, I agree
You know I'm a libtard, right?
I think healthcare is a human right, but I think it's disgusting that they are leaving their constituents to suffer while chasing the niche voter market of undocumented.

What about all studies that show us that multiculturalism benefits nobody? It's common sense. People like people like themselves. That's so fucking obvious the amount of doublethink you would need to argue against it is collosal. Give me a logical answer as to the benefit of diversity and I will either show you one of the many studies disproving it, or else tell you that your great point falls apart when you realise people who aren't Mexican can still make tacos.
People wnat people with the same values for obvious reasons. If you see a guy molesting a girl and act astounded, and the person you're with considers it fair play, are you really going to find yourself glad? With how much they bitch about the other aisle and people who don't hold their values you'd THINK this one would break through the conditioning but like I said, logic doesn't come into it.
Have you ever, EVER been happy to hear that someone has different interests than you? Ever professed your love of a certain activity and been delighted when the other person says they hate it, and would rather do an activity you have no interest in? Ever wanted to watch a movie of a certain genre and been ectastic when your company wants to put on something you hate instead?
"Oh but what if it turns out you like that activity/film/song". Great, diversity works when the ends result is it doesn't actually exist in the first place and you're actually the same. GREAT observation my man open my borders UP.
I can refer to Bowling Alone and such to show this in certain terms but it boggles my mind.
And again I refer to Watson, along with many other scientists. It's easy to have science on your side when you subvert it. It's easy to say science supports you when you ruin any scientists who dares question you. By your logic any heliocentric scholar post Galileo rescinding his theory due to threat was "anti-science"

I mean, I've seen democrats taking right wing positions to criticize Trump

Because it'd be the death of the party. I really don't think the democrats are that stupid.

Because they aren't taking the position "deportations are bad", they are taking the position "Obama is a hypocrite". How dense are you? Anyways he changed the definition to make him look better so it's a moot point.

>indians barely had a concept of fucking land ownership
Not true. They repeatedly established that if Americans crossed into their territorial boundaries they would be persecuted unless they had permission. Americans and Indigenous people were very aware of these boundaries. Frequently Americans would use over-ambitious settlers breaking these laws and squatting in rightful treaty territory to justify war with tribes who rightly tried to remove "illegal immigrants".

>anything resembling a national government
The Iroqouis Confederacy was considered such a model government that the founding Fathers took some inspiration from the Treaty of Five Nations that was the constitution of the Iroquois Confederacy.


This is literally the same nation foundation story as The Piasts founding Poland, Carolingians founding the Holy Roman Empire, and Arpads founding Hungary. Conflict = treaty = laws = traditions = nation.

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Because Obama is a democrat and when it comes to criticize him, anything goes for republicans.

Given how many blacks and Mexicans he gainfully employed in his businesses, I doubt you can accuse the man of that.

Hmm, yes of course. That's why Twitter felt the need to suppress Gabbard after she pummeled her with her prosecutor record.

>Dude Trump isnt racist he hired niggers and spics

The kind where colonies that survived relied on indigenous people for trade and knowledge of the land. The entire purpose of colonizing North America was to buy the furs and other goods Indigenous people offered for trade. The colonists didn't do the beaver hunting, they let the Indians do it and bought the pelts off them.

-tan suit
-dijon mustard
but my absolute favorite
-"terrorist fist-jab"

C'mon GOP, just say you hate nigs and get it over with.

I truly can't wait until ALL boomers die out.

Well then fucknuts elaborate on your point? I attack the left by comparing them negatively to Christians? What of it?

Considering racism literally just means "believes there are differences between races" that doesn't necessarily mean the majority thinks its bad.

It is definitely racist to tell brown US citizens to go back to their country.

How so?

>America was literally founded by illegal immigrants trying to work with the established indigenous peoples to have a social harmony.
Yeah and look how that worked out for the prior inhabitants you fucking oaf.

>she's a woman
>she's a person of color
>she's young
>she has charisma
Seems like a perfect fit for them

An actual, informative post, I like it. Good work user I got btfo.

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That's not what it means but nice try

Have you considered that not everyone considers racism a bad thing? As far as I'm concerned current science STRONGLY suggests that it is the truth.

>she has charisma

Attached: risitas.gif (238x178, 634K)

Is it just because they're brown?
Sounds kinda racist my dude.

>you're most likely going to bitch about not being "good" enough, which always happens when people ask for sauce.
So you admit you basically find sources that most people can debunk in a few seconds. Either way it's kind of unfair to make a claim like that without something to confirm it reasonably beyond being just an opinion.
>I'll just do as the greeks did and throw it off a cliff and try, try, try again.
Until Child Services puts you away for infanticide and being an edgelord.

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Don't forget about the Central Park Five.

If you've spent any time around the average indian you'd realize they're pretty fucking awful people.
Literally just niggers living among the trees.
Go look up the definition you cuck

For people who want to defend America and American values so badly you sure hate the oath all your doctors take when it doesn't align with your political beliefs.

>dude why is it racist to tell brown people to go back to their countries when they criticize America
I like that every trumptard forgot that Trump's whole campaign was saying America sucked now.

So are you saying that the statement "I believe black people are in general more aggressive and have lower IQ than other peoples" isn't a racist statement? Is that really what you think lad? You wouldn't consider that one tiny iota?
lmaoing at lyf, you're a disgusting liar.


>So you admit you basically find sources that most people can debunk in a few seconds. Either way it's kind of unfair to make a claim like that without something to confirm it reasonably beyond being just an opinion.
No, I'm admitting I'm a lazy fuck. if this means so much to you, prove me wrong.
>Until Child Services puts you away for infanticide and being an edgelord.
Always funny the left is ok with killing kids in most other instances.

>b-but statistics!
nice one gamer

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One wants day laborers and union disruption and the other wants to stratify genetic skittles and negroes.
I agree with Republicans hard on this, and the one thing I'm 100% with Trump on is send back the Somalis and Mexicans en masse, no matter what.

america sucks because its full of awful parasites that are usually shit colored begging to be taken care of and more than happily catered to by kikes that want to use them as human cattle.
Why is it racist to tell someone thats not a citizen of your country to fuck off back to their own if they don't like it?

The people he told that to were citizens of the US, though. Shitposter-chan, keep up.

What the actual fuck are you talking about? What does that even have to do with my post? Did you quote the wrong post or are you legit mentally challenged?

>During the Albany congress of July 1754, Benjamin Franklin said of the Iroquois confederacy: "It would be a strange thing... if six nations of "ignorant savages" should be capable of forming such a union, and yet it has subsisted for ages and appears indissolvable, and yet a like union should be impractical for 10 or a dozen English colonies."

Goddamn Benjamin, could you drop that mic any harder.

Attached: ben-franklin-enemies-faults.jpg (1200x630, 425K)

If they want to LARP as mexicans why don't they go the fuck back to mexico?
is it because... mexico is a fucking shithole? possibly because its run by... mexicans?

Gets my melon a swellin

>None of the democratic candidate, NONE, support open borders. it's in none of their program. What they ask is to treat people with a modicum amount of respect.
They just want to decriminalize it and have illegally entering the country have a civil penalty, however dirty poor illegal aliens typically aren't known for having money to pay fines. They're just obfuscating there actual intentions



^This. You're 8, go play with Malibu Stacey instead.

>people that come to America without permission form people living there are illegal immigrants
>unless it happens to do with yoru foundation narrative establishing that you were white saviours
>by literally just exiting in north America kill out over 50% of the native population because you haven't learned to fuckign shower yet
>mock native people for being savage because they bathe nude with others

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Wow thanks Goalcast for highlighting 1/3 of the quote so I knew which of the words were important

>Lisa becomes insufferable
>Hayley gets her insufferable side toned down to play up the waster angle

AD is better than the Simpsons all in all now.

>Always funny the left is ok with killing kids in most other instances.
Hey, blood ritual sacrifices are traditional European culture and I won't have you talking shit about my beliefs you heathen.

And what does that have to do with what I said fuckwit?

I guess he never heard of how most of the remaining Pleistocene megafauna in the Americas were killed off by Amerindians.

Nah, it's the other way around.
Powerful individuals always used a "superior" entity to justify their positions, leadership and the pursue of their will. Knowledge of the supernatural, divine birthright, religion; anything that was deemed "enough" to influence and control large groups of people, making them less likely to object.

It clearly couldn't work forever as religion started losing influence in the western world; a sostitute was needed, and it was found within science.
Too bad you got multiple generations of people that grew up with subversive concepts such as "don't let large organizations tell you what to think when you aren't familiar with the source of their knowledge", which worked so well when it comes to depopularize religion
too bad it was a double edged sword, as people stopped listening to science

>Melania Trump obtained her citizenship in 2006. According to media reports she sponsored her parents, Viktor and Amalija Knavs, who went through the immigration process using "chain migration", a route that the president has repeatedly criticized. Speaking for his immigration agenda in January 2019, he called the lottery and chain immigration laws "sick and demented" and referring to Mexican immigrants said, "Do you think the country is giving us their finest? No, they're not. No, they're not. They're giving us the opposite of their finest."

Talking about "science" as an entity is the most buttfuck stupid thing you can do while trying to sound smart.

Less than 10 posts ITT have anything to do with the Simpsons or cartoons and comics.

And people have pointed out this is a flawed comparison because a comparable time period in Europe saw 300% more species extinct by comparison.

What are you, new?

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What does any of this have to do with the immigration being disasterous to the existing population?

America is already great.

Europe had a higher extinction rate because of geography--the Alps and Pyrenees prevented the southward movement of plants and animals from the ice sheets, so species that could not survive the cold were wiped out.

>man uses a loophole to get his hot slavic whore into the country and then works to close it to keep smelly hispanics out
What a fucking chad

So it doesn't need to change?

>The reasoning for his deportation was to try to win over Republicans.
Why would he piss off his supporters and risk fracturing his base to win over Republicans who openly stated they weren't going to support him? The claim that everything bad about the Obama administration was the result of him trying to win over Republicans hinges on the assumption that Obama was an idiot. The more reasonable, and correct, assumption is that outside a few positions Obama was actually a fairly centrist politician (one could even argue that he was close to being a neo-con in many respects). Furthermore, the silence from the majority of his base in regards to immigration would be more reasonably explained by them not actually caring about what happens to illegal immigrants, only the party affiliation of who is in charge at the moment.

>272 posts left before this reaches the bump limit

Obama was an idiot in his first year. No fucking clue how he thought the teaparty would ever try to deal with him fairly.

It's now perceived as such.
It unknowingly acts a religion for many (ironically unable to realize it, as they despise the concept itself) and a mere instrument of control by others.
Needless to say, it's actual nature is obviously understood by scientists themselves (mostly physicists in my experience, never met a mathematician philosophically making a big deal out of his job)

Most people outside of the field are either stuck with a classical early-900s conception of science, or disregard it altogether as bullshit/propaganda.

You sound more like a communistthan the user you are responding to.

>anecdotal evidence and feelings
Very sciency.

>Offers to show studies

This should be good.

I would also like to point out that the Iroqouis successfully genocided the Erie over trade rights.

I think it's clear at this point you're looking to stir the pot and not arguing in good faith.

>No fucking clue how he thought the teaparty would ever try to deal with him fairly.
The man was of the mind that he had to give his political opponents a chance. He thought he was operating in a safe, working democracy where a healthy exchange of ideas can lead to productive outcomes. The Republicans spent nearly a decade being "The bad guys in power" under Bush, so throwing them under the bus would have been seen as petty and an abuse of recently gained power, too - you would have heard the rhetoric of, "Just because you won the election doesn't mean you're allowed to ignore us!" and that would be valid. Except of course when Republicans win the election, it's all pipe bombs to liberals and cars into counter protestors.

>Look up what James Watson said on the matter to get himself thrown out of the scientific community.
No he wasn't. He was striped of *honorary titles* by a former employee 20 years after he made his comments.
> His words were well intentioned, and factually correct, but heresy is heresy, whether to the 17th century Pope or the current religion.
Well intentioned maybe but factually correct most certainly not. He had no rigorous scientific basis for his claims. He was posited a personal hypothesis without any apparent knowledge of the current work in this field. If you make a controversial claim then you damn well better have the research to back /it up in science. If he'd said pulsars are the guide waves of an alien death ray he'd lose credibility much faster.

That's because only a single person in the government was corrupt rather then the entire government.

I can't accuse Trump of having put gay pride colors on the White House anyway.

Attached: 170627-allen-white-house-lgbt-tease_vvnh4d.jpg (1566x881, 135K)

As a British person, its adorable to watch America throw shifts whenever people point out their shortcomings.

"Awww. Its adorable watch our rebellious little son making all of the same mistakes we made back when we were an empire."

Or the actual reason is that he needed to shore up support within his own party. Obamacare wasn't gutted because of Republicans, it was gutted because of Joe Lieberman.

It was also gutted because of Republicans, in addition to Lieberman.

Fucking alt-right nazi incel Trumper, who does she think she is, criticizing our hardworking politicians?

The decline of the British Empire was the result of changing economics that made colonial holdings unprofitable, coupled with two World Wars that crippled their economies and demographics for years. Also you're the last people, except for maybe the Italians, who should say anything about another nation's politics.

>implying this rubbish heap has any better politicians
>implying they're not all posh elitist cunts who think the working class are simply pawns they can use to expand the size of their Swiss bank accounts with

>Because they don't actually hate Obama

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>As a British person,
Oi you got loicense to be postin that mate?

>Also you're the last people, except for maybe the Italians, who should say anything about another nation's politics.
Right, it's not like British institutions were the envy of the world for centuries or anything you stupid fucking zoomer who's utterly unaware of anything that happened more than a decade ago.

>Because they don't actually hate Obama, they hate what they are told he represented.
Right, they didn't hate him because they genuinely believed he was a Kenyan Muslim sent to herald the end of times as the literal Anti-Christ, they hated him because he represented a Kenyan Muslim sent to herald the end of times as the literal Anti-Christ, I see that now you insidious god damn moron I'd slap you if I thought you had a chin strong enough to survive the impact.

Do you?

Attached: land of the free my arse.jpg (2674x2798, 2.01M)

When you were an Empire, you didn't have to turn in your knife

Damn, Yea Forums is really embarrassing when it tries to have serious political discussion

>repeatedly probed a man's anus
See, this is what gay privilege looks like.

>try to google half of these headlines, even try to include author name when included
Why did you compile a bunch of fake screenshots.

Lol no,their countries usually have more stringent vaccination requirement than clapistan. Its all antivaxxers, bro.

Oh, you are entirely right and everyone in Britain will agree with you. That is the difference between us. British people join in on the criticism of their country. Americans deflect criticism by accusing it of treason.

It never fails to amaze me that Americans say that "Criticising your government should be a crime and is totally unAmerican." But also idolize people like George Washington, who's key, defining achievement was criticising the government and fighting to change it. This one has always confused me, can someone explain it?

You see, Washington actually put his money where his mouth his. The rest just whine on a forum while three posts before everyone was jacking off to trap cat girl porn.

>We don't need the Republicans to pass the bills
>But we do need all the Democrats on board to pass the bills
>So I'm going to gut the bills to bring in all the Democrats
>It's all the Republicans fault I gutted the bills
Democrats controlled 255 House seats at the time, and 59 Senate seats, the vote for the final bill was 56 votes in the Senate and 220 in the House. Changes to the ACA were entirely to bring in more Dem support.

>It never fails to amaze me that Americans say that "Criticising your government should be a crime and is totally unAmerican."
Uh...nobody ever said that.

self-hate is all the rage nowadays

That's not what the French say.

Fuck, the French.

>British people join in on the criticism of their country.
No they don't, they just bitch and moan. You guys bitched non-stop about Thatcher and the Tories but kept them in power for 20 years.

I think Brexit is a bigger shitfest than Trump

At least Trump will be gone sooner or later. You're giving up all your EU benefits and privileges and power over other countries for... nothing.

Liberal here, I actually hate this country, don't speak for me, thanks.

user here, I'm you and I can tell I'm writing a false flag because I'm a deranged conservacuck, don't speak for me, thanks.

Bowling alone, as I already said. Shows that social capital falls in diverse societies. Notable for the fact that the author was one of you dipshits trying to prove the opposite, but at least he had a bit of integrity.

Study showing, as any reasonable person would assume, that ethnocentric behaviour wins over others in terms of genetic propogation. It's common sense really, if you take from everyone but only give to your own you end up with more than someone who gives to everyone and only gets given to from subsets.

Added to this, ants from different colonies (same species) will attack "foreign" ants placed into that colony. I can't find the specific study I read but if you google it you'll find a wealth of evidence, the one I'm thinking of had the scientists spray the foreign ant with the specific chemical the ants used to identify themselves.
There's no reason they would do this (Or we would, anyways) if intraspecies competition didn't have some evolutionary advantage this would not happen.

To think that humans are above evolutionary behaviours is absolute nonsense. If that were the case we would eat nutritious tasteless gruel, have sex only for procreation, have children only for labour, and socialise only for useful information. When your ideology relies on an ideal human population to work then congrats, you've created an ideology completely inapplicable to reality. To come back to what I just said, if you believe humans can comprehensively and indefinitely supress that part of evolutionary behaviour, why not the rest? Can you go without socialisation, sexual thought and urges, entertainment, etc.? If not then why is this one specific behaviour that just so happens to be destructive to your ideology one that can be supressed?

>power over other countries for.
Power over our own country.

>and cars into counter protestors.
Nah bro she totally had a heart attack when she rushed his car to beat that poor man to death.


user here, I'm also you and I can tell I'm really a seething whitefag upset that not everyone ascribes to my toothless idea of "liberalism."

In regards to my point about people liking like minded people, this article contains many links to studies.

Again you honestly shouldn't even need a source on this. Just think of how your blood boils when you hear someone has a different opinion, and how your little face lights up when you hear a validating reference on a show.
Think about how leftists are whining nonstop about how characters in shows aren't "relatable" to them. Do you know what that word means? It means they're bitching that the characters aren't like them.

>British people join in on the criticism of their country.
Didn't an old woman get arrested for questioning police about some Muslims?

Oh, you're talking about genetic multiculturalism? Yeah, look up the monoculture effect. Monocultures are far less fit than multiculture populations. This is a well established scientific fact.
I guess this is what happens when you only look for propaganda that supports your worldview. Your philosophy is looking more like the religious one here

>Just think of how your blood boils when you hear someone has a different opinion, and how your little face lights up when you hear a validating reference on a show.
It doesn't because I'm not insane. Generally if you respond to a different opinion with blind rage that means you are just insecure in your own position. Your opinions, for instance, evoke no emotional response, and I'm more amused that you're trying to justify them when there's a mountain of scientific evidence, and basic logic, to the contrary.

Read the culture of critique.



>To think that humans are above evolutionary behaviours is absolute nonsense. If that were the case we would eat nutritious tasteless gruel, have sex only for procreation, have children only for labour, and socialise only for useful information
Sorry, but you conclusion here is complete non-sequiture. There is no connection betwween humans being above evolutionary behaviors and eating tasteless gruel.

Subsaharan blacks are genetically dumber and more prone to hyper-emotionality / impulsivity. Stop pretending you don't fucking see it.

There are genes that directly influence intelligence. They are lacking, severely, in them while whites and Asians have them in higher abundance.

Fucking Bigot, don't you know that women can have dicks too? Maybe you should go out and learn more about the science before you start spouting off with your transphobia.

>Study showing, as any reasonable person would assume, that ethnocentric behaviour wins over others in terms of genetic propogation.
Except a lack of genetic diversity is dangerous oofr the species in term of global survival. you fail to make a point.

Furthermore, you delude yourself in thinking your genes will be better preserved in an homogenous group. After a few generations, Your descendant carry very little of what made your DNA.

>even though I know 90% of you out there love dickgirls like me
Sorry, I'm not white enough to be a closet faggot on Yea Forums.

that we tends to prefer people similar to us doesn't mean that there are better non-intuitive advantages to a more diverse group.

>Subsaharan blacks are genetically dumber and more prone to hyper-emotionality / impulsivity. Stop pretending you don't fucking see it.
Too much of a disparity within a group for the average to be relevant. Expecially if you go for a society of individual rights. In this case it's simply a contradiction to judge someone based on someone else, even if it's his twin brother.

>Subsaharan blacks are genetically dumber and more prone to hyper-emotionality / impulsivity. Stop pretending you don't fucking see it.
Much science. Very experiment. Wow.
>There are genes that directly influence intelligence. They are lacking, severely, in them while whites and Asians have them in higher abundance.
That would be a claim that you can prove through an empirical study of gene sequences. But you don't proof because you're talking out of your ass.

>muh lefty violent censorship
hey, did you know that antifa hasn't been responsible for any deaths since this poltiical shift, and that the vast majority of extremist violence is committed by right-wingers and neo-nazis?
didn't bernie sanders say on the debate stage that he would provide strong border protections, and that the way to end the border crisis was to rebuild south american infrastructure ala marshell plan?
>communist libtard meme
go back where you came from, braincel faggot.
>imagine believing something that i can't even muster a coherent argument against
Yes; too bad Trump threw us back into the muck. Not that Obama was much better.
Your country just elected Boris Johnson, go fuck yourself britbong.

>There are genes that directly influence intelligence.
The environment also affect it. You can't pretend it doesn't matter.

>They are lacking, severely, in them while whites and Asians have them in higher abundance.
Irrelevant, you don't judge someone in function of the group you associate them with. you judge them for their own value.

Tribes committed actual genocide on others, or did their damndest.

Then there's the Comanche. Bloodthirsty, rape-happy savages, reviled by redskins as much as Whitestone for centuries.

Rape convictions in Sweden from 2012-2017 reveal a weird and interesting pattern. 84% of rape is by people of non-European descent.
>2/3 of all rapes are committed by asylumseekers or people with a residence permit
>95.6% of all assault rapes are committed by people of non-European descent
>90% of all group rapes are committed by people of non-European descent
>85% of all group rapes against men are committed by Afghans

>because one group of humans are prone to genocide, our genocide of those humans is justified
thanks for justifying how we should've turned the world into a glass crater, user

>and that the vast majority of extremist violence is committed by right-wingers and neo-nazis?
Antifa needs to step their game up, I want to laugh at you niggers killing each other in the streets like the dogs you are.

Open your borders and the USA will vanish. Look, as a latin america: stop being such a fucking stupid asshole. Nobody down here does it, and if you did everyone and their mothers would jump to your country. And guess what, we'd take our culture and past with us, specifically, the culture and past that makes us create institutionally decadent poor shitholes.
Control your fucking borders.

That was a joke though.

You could also hang toddlers for stealing a wheel of cheese.

Or send them to a penal colony where they would become the ancestor to almost the entire white population.

He told them to go AND COME BACK to "show us how it's done, then."

Ilhan Omar is being investigates for tax / campaign fund / immigration fraud... She also said white men should be "FEARED MORE" because we're more likely to be mass shooters. Which is a lie. 5 killed/ injured = mass shooting. Blacka and Hispanics top us just by shooting up schools / house parties over gang bullshit.

>Open your borders and the USA will vanish
Good thing none of the candidate advocate for open-borders.

But they do shill for Mexicans however.
And only rich white people and Mexicans like Mexicans.
Personally, I've never met another black person who wasn't just a coon who felt the need to shill for illegals.

Brits didn’t elect Boris.
The conservative politicians who were elected did.

The public hates him.

Its like if Mitch Mcconnell appointed Pharmabro Shkrelli president.

Gang wars aren't classified as mass shooting.Well tried.

Read the post I was replying to romanticizing illegal immigration.
Additionally: your party is being shaped by extremists like AoC who HAS defended open borders, the overton window on democratic policies is shifting left and pretending its not happening is disingenuous as fuck.

>we don't want open borders
>everybody has the right to enter the united states and live here as long as they have a good enough sob story
pick one

Power to do the same thing anyway because your economy will die without adhering to their rules anyway.

>But they do shill for Mexicans however.
Advocating to treat people is not shilling. also,that's beside the point. It still doesn't change they don't advocate for open borders.

>Ilhan Omar is being investigates for tax / campaign fund / immigration fraud
She isn't.

There was no 'genocide' you retarded mongrel.

90% died from accidental exposure to ALL our diaeases. Small Pox blankets were a MYTH, as any Native historian will freely tell you.

Sounds like Yea Forums needs a new waifu.

Political Ideology Catgirls counts as a webcomic, right?

Attached: Alunya Nice.jpg (385x700, 44K)

I also advocate that they be treated.
Treated to a one-way ticket back to Mexico.

>>everybody has the right to enter the united states and live here as long as they have a good enough sob story
Is the position of none of the dem candidate. Sob story and getting a refugee status at a court isn't the same thing.

>Additionally: your party is being shaped by extremists like AoC
It's very cute that you're hyping up a fucking freshman with no power as an extremist for promoting policies that would have been seen as centrist just a few decades ago. You're off the fucking deep end with the conservacuck mindset, man. At least "Trump Derangement Syndrome" concerns the man in the highest office in the country, what's your fucking excuse for your "AoC Derangement Syndrome"? Are you even in her district for fuck's sake?

>your party is being shaped by extremists like AoC
You do'nt know what an extremist is, because she definitely isn't one.

Only 190 posts until the bump limit.

Antifa literally just tried to bomb an Ive center, gave an innocent Asian journalist BRAIN DAMAGE and have been throwing "cement milkshakes" at people.

Then there's Eric Clanton... Attempted spree-killer, walking free.

>AoC who HAS defended open borders
She hasn't.

The founding fathers didn't get billions in free shit from the Native Americans, at least not willingly. There is no comparison.

>and then everyone clap

That's the problem. Since Trump became president, the trolls are as loud as the actual trumplets

What is this post even trying to convey? That you need a sob story not to be considered a criminal to be treated like a caged animal? You had a perfectly functional system that decreased illegal immigration under Obama, you fucked it up for no reason whatsoever.

Meant for

>the overton window on democratic policies is shifting left and pretending its not happening is disingenuous as fuck.
No it isn't. This is directly contradicted by the other posters saying democrats are pro big corporations. Are they more pro big business or more left wing? It can't be both.

You can't spree-kill with a bike lock idiot.

>It can't be both.
Yes, it can.
It's called hypocrisy.

Holy shit the amount of dipshit retarded liberals on Yea Forums is disgusting. Shit you commies make /lgbt/ look like /pol/ no wonder we can't have any fucking threads without them devolving into political squabbles because you faggots are so insecure with your shitty ideologies.

>The environment also affect it
Not as much as you wish. Even with top of the line schools / families, blacks still underperform and 'snap' at disturbing rates.

3.5% of the population (Subsaharan black males 13 - 30) cause over 50% of violence, no matter where they reside.

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>the vast majority of extremist violence is committed by...
Black people, who tend to be democratsm

Funny you should mention twins...There's some very interesting studies on just that.

>Not as much as you wish.
Don't say that when it is still not established.
> Even with top of the line schools / families, blacks still underperform
Again with generalisation. fucking useless data whereas a case by case based on merit system make the distinction of race irrelevant.

Hypocrisy isn't a political position.

that does establish some things on the genetic level, but not on the race level, because there is no actual genetic definition of race for the human species. you will find no consensus among geneticist.

Obey Lisa...


Nice digits.

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Now the UK is too fragile to let unlicensed memes go unpoliced. How soft the great England has become.

Hating your government != hating your country

He gave people cracked skulls and concussions and yes you fucking can, wretch.

You can kill someone with a head punch.

I don't agree with them, but there's a viewpoint:
The major democrats are still big business friendly just like the republican plutocrats, the smaller ones push shit that might benefit big business but their ideological rethoric and many of their other ideas are running quickly towards the left.
Personally, I don't see the democrats as necessarily serving the interests of big business as much as them allying with big business to push their own interests when they're shared, if that makes sense? Much like Republicans do.

I'm not even in the USA, I'm in one of the net exporters of people to the US. You're free to guess which.
Saboting any efforts at border control and defending sanctuary cities, classifying all economic migrants as asylum seekers like a braindead retard, and finally finding N ways to legitimize illegal immigration is, at its core, defending open borders.
But hey I'll gladly take you flags allowing a few million people to go vote and live in your elections and help you guys fit in with the rest of the american nations. I'm sure it won't end with you idiots makings of yourselves into the exact shitholes we're living in.

>Hypocrisy isn't a political position.
It's actually most political positions.

I wasn't speaking from personal standpoint I was speaking from the position of the MANY bitching lefties at people who don't follow their dogma, show me a portion of that mountain scientific evidence, I gave a few sources in support of my case.

>Saboting any efforts at border control
She does not do that.
> defending sanctuary cities,
With the current way immigrants are treated, that is understandable
> classifying all economic migrants as asylum seekers like a braindead retard
Seh doens not do that.
>nd finally finding N ways to legitimize illegal immigration
She does not do that

Holly christ. I don't know where you get your info, but it's fucked up deep. You fail to make a point.

Okay then give some examples? I already said I will provide sources against any example that isn't "but food tho".

>But hey I'll gladly take you flags allowing a few million people to go vote and live in your elections
Legal immigrants don't get to vote either. you need to acquire US citizenship, first.

>With the current way immigrants are treated, that is understandable
Your right it's disgusting that legal immigrants are treated like dog shit and are often provided a shit ton of red tape to run through. But fuck them we have illegal aliens we need to provide free fucking healthcare for.

>I already said I will provide sources against any example that isn't "but food tho".
>except for thing that already prove me wrong, try to prove me wrong
You already admitted defeat, there.

> liberals in this thread
>trumptards in this thread

Yikes. Imagine not suscribing to the immortal ideology of Karl Marx.

Kill the nation state
Rid yourself of the capitalist hegemony

Murder the gods and topple their thrones

Attached: DwKEe4KUUAAfhpN.jpg (1000x1286, 177K)

Not only is she not alone in all of those sentiments, but practically every single Democratic presidential nominee says the same things.
It's fucking embarrassing. It's like the entire democratic party forgot which country they're running to be president in. Absolutely nothing they've been saying actually appeals to normal Americans. They couldn't even use the basic healthcare talking point without completely fucking it up by, once again, using it to cater to illegals, which most Americans absolutely hate the shit out of.

Obama put "kids in cages" too, fucknut.

The original pictures originated from his time in office.

Advantages like these?

I can make my own fucking tacos.

So, is this an admission of your complete stupidity? What kind of brain manage to mkae complete sentence, but yet somehow come to the conclusion that only illegal immigrants that will be here only temporary will get to have health-care, but not legal one?

how stupid must you be to even come to the conclusion healthcare wouldn't also be provided to legal ones?

And how stupid are you to imagine that ilegal immigrant do'nt even even more red-tapes to get over than legal one.

Did you really think you were making a good point, there?

Huh, it has been a long time since I have seen someone use the word cuck. lol what a fucking faggot.

>I wasn't speaking from personal standpoint
You explicitly were.
>Again you honestly shouldn't even need a source on this. Just think of how your blood boils when you hear someone has a different opinion, and how your little face lights up when you hear a validating reference on a show.
>show me a portion of that mountain scientific evidence, I gave a few sources in support of my case.
Again, monoculture effect.


>Legal immigrants don't get to vote either. you need to acquire US citizenship, first.
Depends on the state. If you live in a blue state all you have to do is show up and you can vote.

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Again my source for that is "You don't have to be Mexican to make a taco" which I can verify myself. I can also tell you that Mexicans do not have innate +2 to tacocraft. If that really IS your only argument then anyone who isn't delusional won't buy your nonsense and I don't see any point in arguing.

>Not only is she not alone in all of those sentiments
Your dense brain seems unable to comprehend SHE DO NOT HAVE THOSE SENTIMENTS

>but practically every single Democratic presidential nominee says the same things.

You fail completely to make a point.

>illegal immigrants that will be here only temporary
There are over 22million.

When are they leaving?

>And how stupid are you to imagine that ilegal immigrant do'nt even even more red-tapes to get over than legal one.
Its programming is screwing up again.

Attached: NPC-18-media-CNN-panel.jpg (707x414, 43K)

>Obama put "kids in cages" too, fucknut.
And this is a reason to keep doing it in an even worst way how?

I heard that his doughnut is getting beaten to death in prison now by giant dicks.

Hey retard guess who would be paying for the healthcare through taxes and who wouldnt. Spoiler alert, it isn't the criminals that are illegally occupying the country. Why do you liberal sacks of shit hate legal immigrants so much?

She does, and they are for open borders.

>th-this country is racist. down with wipipo!

>you can leave. you know that right?

>fuck that those non white countries are shit and Asian countries dont let minorities in.

Failing to make a point I see.

>And this is a reason to keep doing it in an even worst way how?
We should just harvest their organs to regain the money they cost us.

>And this is a reason to keep doing it in an even worst way how?
Why were you okay with caging kids 4 years ago you hypocritical piece of shit?

>Hey retard guess who would be paying for the healthcare through taxes and who wouldnt.
Illegal Immigrants also pay taxes.

>and they are for open borders.
This has already been established to be false. you keep having nothing.

I wasn't 4 years ago, I still am not.

And that is why we need to change the age of consent right?
How bout we keep things the same.

Immigrant still can't votes in those states, even legal ones. Most investigations indicate they don't.

>Depends on the state. If you live in a blue state all you have to do is show up and you can vote.

>You explicitly were.
It's my style of writing. And anyways pretend I'm someone who doesn't then, it's not like attacking me attacks the argument. Believe I was if you want, argue against someone who thought you were above semantical pilpul.

>Again, monoculture effect.
The monocultural effect only matters in genetically depressed populations. If what you were saying is true then heavily mixed countries like South America would be vastly healthier than European populations purely from genetic but that isn't the case. Unless things have changed since I last looked, Japan is still world leader in lifespan so explain how such a comparatively uniform population beats out such genetically diverse competition? You clearly only have a surface knowledge of the concept because that was all you need to support your worldview.

We're dealing with dumb underages who think John Oliver is the end-all be-all of politics, be nice

>I wasn't 4 years ago, I still am not.
So why did you only start protesting this now you child hating faggot?

>>you can leave. you know that right?
Or you know, you can vote an take part in the democratic process to make the change you consider needed. You know, like in a democracy.

Only 131 posts until the bump limit.

>democrats don't support open borders
>they just don't want to stop them from coming in
>and also don't want them deported when they do
Merely saying they're for "open borders" is being generous. They went a step beyond that insanity, and are literally offering them free shit for illegally coming here.

The only demographic who average net budget revenue over their lifetime are white males sweetie. Every other demographic is a net drain.

>So why did you only start protesting
You don't know who I am nor what I did.

Also, just because the media were huge asshole who didn't cover it doesn't mean everyone act the same.

>paper doesn't identify specific genes or discuss race at all
>screencap is not from that source

Yea hear ya, like imagine grouping liberals and commies together. Youd have to be pretty politically illliterate.

Or we could stop giving taxes break to the 1%, you know.

>countries like South America
Like those in South America*

Think people would have grasped that but apparently I should clarify.


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American normie politics is fucking retarded lmao.
Ever since reagan there have been basically no mainstream left wing politicians.
Yet people call center right Neo-liberals like Hillary or Obama Communists lmao.

Even now with the pendulum finally swinging back, there are only a few tepid social democrats, even still boomers are fucking freaking out.

>no dreamworks face

I know you're a fucking faggot who sat on your ass for years while children were in cages and did nothing about it but now pretends they've always been fighting for human rights. You're the epitome of a cunt that pretends they're some sort of civil rights activist when the reality is you're a fucking lazy bitch that lives with their parents and plays pretend on the internet to save the poor of the world when youve never done anything to Better your fellow man except rely on others to do it for you.

When we weren't constantly driven to feel unconditional l love due to constant war, poverty or other hardships. It's really easy to love your country when there's a sense of solidarity. If there's nothing to fight against we all just fight amongst ourselves.

So... your cool with children in cages or what? Because people didn't protest sooner they shouldnt do it now is a pretty retarded argument ngl.

>babbys first solipsism
You call them incorrect.
Reality doesn't give a shit about what they believe, because it isn't subjective.

Cant wait for american lenin. He will probably he from kansas. That would be so awesome.

>So... your cool with children in cages or what?
Not that guy, but I'm not cool with it.
They shouldn't be here at all, in cages or otherwise.

He's just a moron. His entire worldview is shaped by the media. He tacitly admitted it in his last post. If the media doesn't cover it how could I know it happened?

There is no such thing as objective media. You can have objective reporting, but not objective news, because with dunces like our guy here only what they report is happening. So what the media chooses to report/not report shapes the reality of our dunce and his many compatriats. You shouldn't waste your keystrokes.

>I know you're a fucking faggot who sat on your ass for years while children were in cages and did nothing about it but now pretends they've always been fighting for human rights.
You don't know who I am. But it's easier for you to mke assumption I see.

It's also practical for you to think that if something wrong used to be done by someone else, then it's okay for it being done now. fun fact:: that's not how it work.

all you have done is make deflect rather than admit that yeah, it is shitty. It's easier for you to call out other than make any change. even simply acknowledging the current management of the situation is awful is too much of a pain for you.

You must deflect deflect and deflect, but never admit the current fuckery.

congratulation, you are a coward.

>implying "american lenin" wouldn't be some antifa tranny from Seattle who fails to win a single vote


That's cute.

>tranny uprising
>40% are dead before "the revolution" even starts

>His entire worldview is shaped by the media. He tacitly admitted it in his last post.
I didn't.

> If the media doesn't cover it how could I know it happened?
I knew. But you are blaming the mass for not acting sooner when the mass has been actively blinded and you think calling them hypocrites for not knowing is enough to remain inactive now that more know.

Just so things are clear, no it isn't a valid attitude.

Ingorance might be a poor excuse, but knowing and still approving, that is not excused by previous ignorance.

>>they just don't want to stop them from coming in
>>and also don't want them deported when they do

You fail to make a point.

Both of those are objectively true, and you are still wrong.

But what change are you asking for?

Despite all your caterwauling, the President is NOT a tyrant or a fascist, and he has to follow the rules.
What the other guy is asking is why is the blame for this falling on the current President when he isn't the one responsible for the situation? Don't play dumb you know that's how it's being spun.

>libs are excusable for being fooled and not knowing

>but us actively not caring about the issue is excusable because the libs didn't knew

You are not even starting to make a point.

>I knew. But you are blaming the mass for not acting sooner when the mass has been actively blinded and you think calling them hypocrites for not knowing is enough to remain inactive now that more know.
Blinded by who? Are you saying the media is to blame for this then? Who are you blaming?

>Both of those are objectively true
They aren't. Again, none of the candidates are for Open borders.

Well, what is the difference?

I welcome my brothers and sisters of all walks of life againt the oligarchy of amerikkka. Bootlickers need not apply.

>It's my style of writing. And anyways pretend I'm someone who doesn't then, it's not like attacking me attacks the argument. Believe I was if you want, argue against someone who thought you were above semantical pilpul.
Spare me your disingenuous high road crap. I never attacked you personally and part of your argument was built around appealing to personal experience, and now that you got called out on how shallow and stupid that is you want me to ignore that. You want a personal attack: your semantic shell games are pathetic.
>The monocultural effect only matters in genetically depressed populations. If what you were saying is true then heavily mixed countries like South America would be vastly healthier than European populations purely from genetic but that isn't the case. Unless things have changed since I last looked, Japan is still world leader in lifespan so explain how such a comparatively uniform population beats out such genetically diverse competition? You clearly only have a surface knowledge of the concept because that was all you need to support your worldview.
Japan is literally dying of old age because they couldn't adapt to changes in the socioeconomic environment. Which is the problem with monocultures, they can't readily adapt to environmental changes, new diseases, etc. Meanwhile, South America has no underpopulation problems whatsoever.

A lot of religions have book loads of complex text, so does that mean they're automatically right?

>Again, none of the candidates are for Open borders.
All of the Democratic candidates so far in these primaries have been for open borders. I don't see how any of them will possibly be able to live it down in the general election, since it comes up in every single debate.

>But what change are you asking for?
-no separations of families
-proper treatment and conditions of living (i.e. not treating them as animals)
-protections and informations of their legal rights.

> and he has to follow the rules.
None of the rules force him to separate or treat them like shit. it's something he allow to happens.

>when he isn't the one responsible for the situation?
He is directly responsible for the current conditions. He is the one in position to improve those condition and treat those people like human, he is therefore the one currently responsible.

>underpopulation problem
>cheap housing, plentiful jobs, excessive government benefits just for knocking someone up
Sounds like a regular nightmare, sounds like they could use a few million third worlders to fix that disgustingly high standard of living.

>He is the one in position to improve those condition
then why did the democrats block funding to the centers?

>Are you saying the media is to blame for this then?
The media is to blame for the lack of coverage during the obama era. they definitely should be hold responsible for not doing it. Yes, someone who don't do the job he is supposed to do is to be hold responsible. Fuck, not eve Fox did it. what the actual fuck?

Liberals like to pretend corporations are their friends everytime they are paid libservice trough some "woke" marketing. They still believe in capitalism as a principle. And have a fondness for the nationstate in some shape or size despite their imagined objections.

This is just the differences of the top of my head but there are peobably more.

Liberals are an irritating bunch all in all really.

>voting for Lenin

Attached: 8e6.jpg (742x560, 79K)

Yes because the fact that liberals didn't care about the issue until now shows that they DON'T.
They care about it politically. Not morally. Nobody said SHIT until there was political capital on the line so I'm going to go out on a limb and say the political capital is what they care about because that's what the evidence shows.

You, or whatever poster, implied that the assumption that you were doing nothing until it "became news" was errounous. Elaborate on what you were doing, and what you are doing now? Why didn't YOU spread the word if you're such a moral paragon? Empty words and bitching into a void morally absolves you? This is a great tragedy of our time but like, I got things to do man someone will sort it out?

>All of the Democratic candidates so far in these primaries have been for open borders.
Factually wrong. NONE of them.

Just provide me one part of their programs stating they are for open border. Just admit you have been misinformed.

>then why did the democrats block funding to the centers?
They didn't, it passed in the House.

I don't think you actually grasp the problem.
The conditions aren't bad because we somehow lost the same detention facilities we've been using for decades; they're bad because """ASYLUM SEEKERS""", aka those who have zero chance of actually obtaining asylum (which is a strong majority of them) have been bum-rushing our border for years. They know they won't get asylum, have no legitimate claim to asylum, but hope they can either not get caught or slip through the cracks for economic gain.
These assholes are what is causing the overcrowding, not because the US doesn't throw an even more excessive amount of money processing these utter dickbags.

Because the aim is POLITICAL CAPITAL. Again, the children are just a tool in this, a tool being used to send "fuck drumpf" propaganda to the masses. And as you can see, it works it's magic because hey, if the media didn't report on it, well it must not have happened.

These people eat propaganda willingly. As I said at the beginning, they are the perfect consumers.

Please explain to me what a "sanctuary city" is.
I would love to see your insane mental gymnastics at work beyond you spamming "nuh uh".

>Yes because the fact that liberals didn't care about the issue until now shows that they DON'T.
Other acting like shit doesn't excuse you acting like shit.

>Sounds like a regular nightmare, sounds like they could use a few million third worlders to fix that disgustingly high standard of living.
I guess that's why they work till they die alone without ever pursuing a family or even friendship or they just kill themselves.

It's a city that does not help or limit their cooperation with the enforcement of immigration laws. Seeing how immigrant are trated inhumanly, you can easily understand their existence.

Their existence doesn't support in any way that the dem candidates are for open borders. Especially as their power would exist on the federal level, not on the municipal one.

Sorry, bit none of the dem candidates support open borders.

seeYou are wrong, the funding passed the house.

2/10 bait

>These assholes are what is causing the overcrowding,
Those people are fleeing for their live. Many fleeing awful condition that were often caused by US foreign policies in the first place.

>Those people are fleeing for their live
Why didn't they ever seek asylum in the first nation they made it too?

Not a bait.

People who as "why is it wrong to love my country" are people who act in bad faith and try to deflect criticism by acting like being the victim of an accusation that is false.

Because those. actions are equally unstable or worse.

The US is less affected by US foreign policies.

>Their existence doesn't support in any way that the dem candidates are for open borders.
It literally does.
Whatever power they have they use to undermine our immigration laws, because they all want open borders.
This is also why all of these dem candidates are going to lose the next election.
All Trump has to do is just ask them about immigration, and he wins.

You can love your country and hate your government.
As a libertarian I do this everyday

Attached: 63D16A07-1EF0-41ED-BC1B-05FDD0D23AAC.png (303x308, 138K)

Aw shit, a pre-Heisenberg time traveler.
How's life in the early 20s my dude?

>Those people are fleeing for their live.
They literally aren't.
Calling every single illegal shitstain an "asylum seeker" doesn't actually make them refugees.
72% of asylum claims are denied, because they're not actually "fleeing for their lives".

That's weird because from the sound of this thread the US is a far worse place to end up considering the cages and shit.

>Whatever power they have they use to undermine our immigration laws, because they all want open borders.
Again, false.


This is a fact that you will be unable to prove false.

>72% of asylum claims are denied, because they're not actually "fleeing for their lives".
And then they are send home.

None of that justify treating them like shit or separating them from their kids.

aLso, literally seeking better way of living is not enough to warrant being called a shitstain.

Then what are their positions on immigration?
not by the way

I wish the democrats actually were for open borders like trumptards want to believe.

I disagree with that, really. It's very American to effortlessly separate ourselves from our State and Federal level decisions when those decisions, at least in purity, are based on our and our countrymen's needs and desires. The United States government did not just drop out of the sky one day and a third of a billion people said "okay you guys run things".

We can beat our chest and say we disagree 99% but there's at least 1% that wants a large, unstoppable military, so we can conquer other regimes and countries, we want cheap natural resources and retail items, so we encourage outsourcing to countries with shittier environmental and human rights, we want social programs but our greed and incompetence makes them large, lumbering headaches (has a major city ever successfully cut back on their social program spending or do they just keep getting bigger and bigger)?

If you want to say "hey I hate how the government is ran" I can understand that, but "hating the government" is deflecting that you want things provided to you and not think about the consequences of it.

>And then they are send home.
After costing us untold amounts of money, and overcrowding our detention facilities meant for -actual- refugees.
>None of that justify treating them like shit or separating them from their kids.
Yes it does, and many of them are victims of trafficing, so also, yes it does.
Or, at least it would, but we're not the ones "treating them like shit", their conditions are shitty due to fake asylum seekers (which is the vast majority of "asylum seekers")
>literally seeking better way of living is not enough to warrant being called a shitstain.
Really? Because just a second ago you were calling them "asylum seekers". Are you willing to admit that the vast majority are nothing but economic migrants shitting all over our immigration laws and good will just for money?

>That's weird because from the sound of this thread the US is a far worse place to end up considering the cages and shit.
Cartels aren't going to murder you in those cages, at least.

>Calling every single illegal shitstain an "asylum seeker"
Yeah, nobody does that.

Yes, you do.
It's just the next in a long list of retarded democrat word games to try and do everything they can to avoid calling illegal immigrants what they actually are.

>our detention facilities meant for -actual- refugees.
>detention facilities
>meant for actual refugees
>putting actual refugees in prisons
So this is conservative "values"
>Really? Because just a second ago you were calling them "asylum seekers".
Just because you see all brown people as the same doesn't mean they are. There's a distinct difference between migrant workers, immigrants, and asylum seekers.

Could be worse - our capital could have been Philly.

>Yes, you do.
No, I can honestly say I have never referred to all illegal immigrants as asylum seekers and I'm pretty sure no one else has either.
>It's just the next in a long list of retarded democrat word games to try and do everything they can to avoid calling illegal immigrants what they actually are.
Nah, you're just retarded.


Attached: tenor (1).gif (498x466, 796K)


>Liberals love their countries

Yes the few parts of it that already align with the desired communist version that still exists almost entirely in their fantasy.


Sorry, was any part of that supposed to be a rebuttal?

Europeans and Asians are subject to more recent evolution than Africans.
There was minimal gene flow between archaic Europeans and Asians.
Over 2000 genes have been subject to recent (post out-of-Africa) evolution.
Human evolution is unceasing and continues to this day.


racial differences regarding combat stress

Race, Wealth, and Economic Freedom in North and South America

Categorization of humans in biomedical research: genes, race and disease

Genetics and intelligence differences: five special findings

What Do IQ Tests Test?: Interview with Psychologist W. Joel Schneider

Attached: 1385775657573.png (400x410, 144K)

>illegal immigrants
>"undocumented migrants"
>"asylum seekers"
Who knows what you dumb fucks will try next.

Government only legit purposes is stated in the constitution preamble. Anything outside of that is wrong and a breach of individual liberty. Most Americans and people in general in the world are disenfranchised from State decision making so I think it’s easy to separate people from there tyrannical central authority. Also matters of free trade don’t require an oversized military

Anyone watching Simpsons on FXX right now?
I love these transitional episodes.

Chimpanzee IQ of 80 or 90 points is in comparison to human children. The development of the human brain does not cease in childhood - it continues to the age of 25. The development of the chimpanzee brain, on the other hand, ends quickly. Since then, the human-chimp gap widens and widens.

A similar things happens to blacks. Their early childhood scores are more similar to those of whites (see the Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study), later they widen, and in adults the gap reaches 20 points. Also, the average black African IQ is not really 60 or 70 points. If you reject the samples which included e.g. children with a history of malaria or malnourished ones, samples tested with instruments which have known cultural biases etc. and focus only on the representative adult samples that use decent methodology, you'll find out that the real average IQ of an adult sub-Saharan black African is roughly 80 points… Which is still not something to be happy about:

Moreover, an average IQ of 80 points suggests an entirely genetic origin of the gap: African Americans score 85 points on average, while whites of European origin - 100 points. African Americans are roughly 1/4th white - and score 5 points higher than their pure African counterparts (5 points = 1/4th of the 20-point white European - black African gap):

What I've just written is the greatest taboo of modern science: whites and blacks do differ in their average cognitive abilities, and the reason for the difference lies in their genes rather than in the environment.

As it stands, the current argument against racism is pointing to the top 2% ofblacksand using that as evidence of them being the same as whites. There are definitely black people that are far more intelligent than most whites, and mathematically there are likely to be as many intelligentblacks(130+ IQ) as there are intelligent whites. However, due to the AVERAGE black having lower cognitive abilities and their general disposition to violence/shunning when faced with reasoning and logic, these people will never be able to fix their countries. There are simply too many people to look after, too many people looking to get ahead at the slightest provocation and not enough reasoning capacity among the lowintelligencein their racial group.

Another problem is widespread cognitive dissonance when it comes to human evolution and natural selection. There is an almost complete consensus among the scientific community about the way in which natural selection and evolution works in animals. By the same token, these people consider humans to be animals, which is a fact. However, the rule of natural selection which applies to all animals, namely; Survival of the fittestgenesbased on how well they survive in an environment. Is completely disregarded when it comes to different subspecies of human living in different regions of the world. The natural selection here takes both physical and mental form in that,blackshave distinctly less forward planning on average and capacity for empathy than whites due to no environmental need, as the African continent is abundant in resources, excluding northern Africa due to its water shortages.

Would it kill you to stay on topic ffs?


That's nonsense. "Mindset" isn't generational and it's not like adoption studies haven't been done which explicitly disprove your nonsense. Every single speck of science points towards one thing, the only thing that states otherwise is your dogma but you choose to believe the dogma.

>Europeans and Asians are subject to more recent evolution than Africans.
>Human evolution is unceasing and continues to this day.
You realize these two sentences directly contradict one another, right?
>A bunch of links to unrelated topics
The only one that directly supports your position is a wordpress blog. Nice job.

France's IQ drops 4 points per decade because of African immigration

I'm sorry. CRISPR might be the only solution, but that still involves acknowledging a dehumanizing, enraging truth.

Yeah, each of those refers to distinct groups. Illegal immigrants are people who bypass legal immigration procedures to come to the US to live. Undocumented migrants, as the name implies, are here temporarily to work but lack proper documentation. Dreamers are, iirc, kids who came here illegally but who were made legal by the DREAM act. And asylum seekers are, again, people seeking asylum. These catagories may overlap at times but they are nonetheless distinct. I know this is harder than classifying every brown person as a taco nigger, but most functional adults have no problem with it.

>these two sentences directly contradict
No. Read the article. Stop playing semantics.


Sesardic, N. 2010. "Race: A social destruction of a biological concept”

CAT scores in US

brain scan predics race
t dot co/uyKNIDWwyA?amp=1

Top 10 Replicated Findings from Behavioral Genetics

The Wilson Effect: the increase in heritability of IQ with age.

Attached: 1561040225636.jpg (437x586, 69K)

Answer the question

Anyone with half a brain could figure out evolution would kick into overdrive when you involve conscious thought and abstract thinking, until you get to the point we're at.
Evolution is a response to environmental pressures. For most species pressures are meandering, slow and drawn out because they're extrinsic. Bar a few absolutely cataclysmic events, the environment is pretty stable. Human societies on the other hand are the most volatile environmemts you could imagine. Forget a period of draught, a plague, a flood etc, the pressures which effect all populations, abstract thought has allowed humans in many cases to be both the environment and the system. Human behaviour drives human evolution because from one population to the next, even if you were to assume genetic and natural environment parity, abstraction could still lead to those two populations living in vastly different environments. Governmental system, culture, religion, international relations. All of these constitute pressures no other being could fathom, and pressures more volatile than anything in nature. We are the environment, probably more of an environment than the natural one for many periods. Evolution is a response to pressures and long term we are the most pressured species to ever exist.
Most people with experience with them who aren't indoctrinated into equality have noted abstract thought seems to be the area Africans are deficient in compared to other populations so that would explain why they didn't undergo as many changes.

Unfortunately most effective mutations are dysgenic, which is a ticking bomb when you consider that the modern world and all its luxuries allows a much wider range of selection, because it means that we're probably going to degrade due to having beaten nature into submission, not that that is a bad thing.
Fortunately reaching this point will allow technology to pick up the slack.

>You realize these two sentences directly contradict one another, right?
Were you dropped on the head as a child? "Evolution" is not a constant. It's a rate, measured in expressed mutations. Rates can differ.

wow its almost like nobody is seriously campaigning on open borders and communism except virtue signalling republicans who is to hide that trump didnt deliver

Neither does socialism and open borders or even mass immigration, especially when automation and climate change are two of your most purported threats but what they say and what they want are two different things.

>Brexit AND Boris
You have us beat, mate

>It never fails to amaze me that Americans say that "Criticising your government should be a crime and is totally unAmerican."
Its only okay for whites to criticize America (See: Trump's "MAGA" and saying we were on our way to being a third world country), only niggos aren't allowed to do it.

Just like it's only okay for nonwhites to cheer as their demographic increases in population percentage, or complain that there's too much of the demographic that let them in in the first place around.
At least nobody is ever going to make the mistake you made once this collapses.

IQ testing isnt an exact science.
Also for what its worth could u show me the iq scores distributed across income?

remember all those rallies to increase hispanic birthrates

>white man beats yo ass
>"fucking white people are stupid, fuck their technology and medicine"

we can't give away the game, comrade

>Native Americans made a complete nonfactor in their own country due to disasterous immigration policy
>Liberals use it as an example of what to emulate

Truly the party of the thinking man.

>wipe out the native population by sending in waves of people,
Liberals know what they're doing.

remember when native americans voted to end their child prison camps along the border and then white people came in through immigrating and took all the native jobs

I know they do but I was talking about the voters.

>child prison camps
didn't Obama do that

I think this was already covered, yes but it's not his fault.

Then why is it Trumps fault?

i mean yeah trump has just continued obama's legacy, no doubt. im dont support capitalism so why would I be a democrat if im not a republican? youre the left and right wing of a rich man's party, not the working class.

When (((they))) got too much power

We'll stomp your shit in like a cockroach under bootheel.
Really? Jesus fuck, that's awful. Sorry, ignorant American here, ignore me. My political purview has been somewhat distracted by the mafia goomba raping our country up the ass for profit.
>andy ngo
That fucked little gook plant is a well known doxxer of anti-fascist activists, and got what he deserved.
>falling for the cement milkshakes meme
You're a joke and a moron.
>hey look at this commonly cited fake statistic that has been debunked on both a social and numerical basis dozens of times over
He got us guys, pack it up. The left will never recover from this towering magnate of pure fucking intellect.

According to my research, without getting too scientific, orange man bad, black man not so bad.

>Really? Jesus fuck, that's awful. Sorry, ignorant American here, ignore me. My political purview has been somewhat distracted by the mafia goomba raping our country up the ass for profit.
Again. How to you marry your views that you're the party who "fights for the poor against the 1%" yet the 1% places more of its influence, as well uses more of its influence espousing your views? Are the poor Hollywood underdogs and unfairly maligned megacorps your friends in this vital fight against the rich?

well obviously the democratic party is largely compromised by the same bourgeois elites who run the republican party and stole it away from it's working class, populist, marxian roots. but there's a recent revival of leftism in the party, so supporting the actual left within it while it ousts the right wing fakesters isnt a bad idea.

less obamas, bidens and clintons. more sanders, warren and aoc.

I am drunk and bored, and often i feel like the struggle isn't worth it in this neoliberal hellscape we call the world. Well, at least not without a bit of ruckus once in a while.

most people in the US don't want socialism
it doesn't have the best track record

Fucking Christ, what is this word salad? Alright, let me see if I can divine meaning form the retard babble:
>do you align yourself with the people you're fighting against because they donated to a political party that supports their interests
No; here put it pretty well. Classical democrats are filth; even Sanders and Warren and AOC aren't as far as we need to go, but at least they're not actively destructive.
Keep telling yourself that, pal.

they do just not by that name, too much propaganda. public healthcare, education, sanitation, environmental protection; these are widely popular things among the working class. its mostly rich freaks getting triggered over socialist policies.

So your master plan is to give the party controlled by the 1% all the political power of socialist policy to go along with their current economical dominance and THEN, THEN you're going to clean it up.

A mastermind. A prodigy unappreciated in his time. Can't wait till you and your comrades put such a grand and bulletproof plan into action. I see absolutely no downsides to this stroke of genius because there simply couldn't be one.

They do if you just work the proles to death comrade.

oh no not *the* party, the republicans and democrats are both bought and paid for. I'm suggesting we elect the minority that isn't paid off by big business and is instead funded by grassroots donations; like sanders. that way we can control then and get good public works going like healthcare.

Wheb people decided they didn't wanna be faggot cucks? Your country doesn't give a flying fuck about you, retard

>a-antifa dindu nuffin

>Fucking "die hard socialists" telling you you just HAVE to go see the new flick by multinational giant Disney...

who are you talking about here? specifically who are you talking about? some nobody on twitter? some blue-check-mark?

they don't sound like a socialist to me.

I'm 85% sure he's just a shitposter being retarded on purpose.

yeah that sounds straight retarded, probably spoke to a radlib once and it just stuck with him. more likely it never even happened lol. rent free

Is this bait, or do you genuinely think you’re tough? You’d probably get your chin spun if you went out and tried to fight anyone, maybe duct taped to a wall afterwards.

They can be genuine, though. I argued an antifa supporting far-lefty and they actually try defending regimes that killed tens of millions of people, yet they argue it’s all for a ‘greater good’ or it’s with a ‘good heart’.

>those evil antifas are throwing MILKSHAKES AT US, oh the humanity
>hahaha, did you hear of that guy who shot up a mosque while playing memes? WHAT A GREAT DUDE

>knocking over trashcans and throwing fists is the same as shooting up a mosque or a church.

interesting, notice that the most active left-wing terrorists (even if they're fucking failures) at the very least attempt to go after harder targets than right-wingers, who typically just resort to spree-killing people who have essentially nothing to do with whatever their particular grudge is.

We did it, Yea Forums. We made 500 posts. Boo-yeah!

>public healthcare
Not enough people know what this even is. They just want it because they think they'll have free insurance.
Our education has gotten worse with socialist policies.
I think this is done by the state
>environmental protection
We have a fuck ton of wilderness still. We're doing a better job than most people think
>these are widely popular things among the working class
They care a lot more about jobs right now.
>its mostly rich freaks getting triggered over socialist policies.
The government has been corrupted by companies and other things. Giving more power to the government to stop these people makes no sense.

>remember the 100 gorillion people karl marx personally killed with his bare hands.

sure they do its got overwhelming support and its been made clear itll save everyone money in the long term

i like public schooling, youd have to be a cuck to only want the rich to be educated. we should expand and complete the public education project

it is lol and it should continue be done so, socialism is great

bitch wilderness doesnt protect against ecological collapse especially if the agency protecting it is stripped of all funding by a yuppie New York elite like trump

yeah minimum wage increase, good thinking. too many people working shitty gig jobs, you know real wages havent gone up in decades? fucking astounding the things those rich fucks think we'll put up with

>The government has been corrupted by companies
Great so let's take back the government and expand democracy so we can strip corporations of their power

and iiiiii helped

Condemning the actions of a violent far-left mob does not mean I laugh or support anyone being shot up. Your entire worldview is US VS THEM and centered in extremes.
Antifa is a violent group of commie-loving domestic terrorists that burn buildings and assault people. Right-wing extremists being really evil doesn’t suddenly make the others the good guys. You collectivist idealogues should be taken out for the good of this nation.

>Not enough people know what this even is. They just want it because they think they'll have free insurance.

>what does public health care mean for canadians, and Brits?
>being able to walk into a hospital and not having to go through the headaches and nightmares of "insurance premiums" and copays and the like
>not feeling trapped in a shitty job because they've got a good healthcare plan.
>being able to spend union resources on getting stuff like wage increases instead of constantly fighting protracted battles over healthcare plans.
>small businesses being more able to compete with large companies for top-talent thanks to not having to personally pay for benefits.

however you do seem to put a lot of effort into shouting about antifa when they're basically football hooligans.

Neither did Friedrich List or Arthur de Gobineau.

Likewise, you get very defensive about these same hooligans.

not being defensive, think it's a waste of time to worry about football hooligans knocking over trashcans when there's a bunch of "redpilled" psycho's convinced that a family fleeing Honduras is some kind of existential threat to their civilization and/or way of life.

They both subscribe to very dangerous mindsets and it’d be best to cut that kind of shit from the root, you can nail two birds with one stone. Condemn all.

>on the internet
Keep jumping through hoops, I'm sure it'll save you when you're white supremacist buddies turn tail and run at the first sight of trouble. See you at the next rally!

Sure, one minute. Can't believe this thread is still up to be honest.

Attached: 1408385724624.jpg (1024x430, 75K)

>commies unironically have a 24/7 nazi war going on in their heads
Lmao take the cock out of your mouth you measly little fraggle

95% sure now and for their sake I hope I'm right.

Clanton could've killed multiple people, said he wanted to, and walked.

>See you at the next rally!
Will you just cower inside and call the cops again? That's hardly fun.

It's no use. Socialists want to build the system for their reality where equality is a reality and not an ideal. Of course actual reality doesn't agree but that's just a detail. They'll keep on trying to force the square block through the triangle hole because the block is triangle in their mind. When it breaks they'll blame the block for being wrong.

I mean the information in that chart requires an exceptional amount of delusion to ignore, especially when you realise that the Fig.14 metric is also correlated with the other two somewhat, meaning the effects of Fig 15. and 16. are overstated in it, they will still point to 15. and 16. as the reasons. Over and over. Because when reality disagrees with ideology, reality is the one that is wrong.

>poverty and population density

What the fuck are you talking about?

Found it.

Attached: 1542231095004.jpg (911x690, 86K)

Clearly shows a correlation between income and crime. Once we have socialism the gap will obviously close as wealth gets distributed fairly.

My usual method is just tossing up relevant graphs but yeah, this thread reminded my why that was.

Ah well. Here, have some socialist repellent for the road fren.

Attached: 1562294940450.jpg (1024x854, 247K)

>"please please, I was only following orders"

Attached: PartisanPls.jpg (166x250, 7K)